“Do good and it will return to you”: meaning, meaning, origin - where is they used?

“Do good and it will return to you”: meaning, meaning, origin - where is they used?

Having given his “good” to the continuation and development of the human race, the Creator simultaneously established a certain balance of good and evil. After all, evil, along with good, existed from the beginning of time - it is enough to recall the biblical Cain and Abel.

Thanks to the media, it seems that now this balance has been violated, because reports of crises, disasters, accidents, killings and sophisticated mockery are constantly flashing on the pages of newspapers and TV screens. And very rarely, in the breaks between all these “bloody” stories, a kind of bright, good news suddenly flickens. Good did not disappear from our lives. An hour came to remind of its existence, until our hearts still completely outlined under the influence of negative life situations.

Where did the proverb “Do good - and it will return to you”: Example

  • The full version of this expression is concluded in the Bulgarian proverb "Do good and throw it into the water. It will not be lost - it will return to you with good ". Her deep meaning is such, did a good deed and forget about him, do not expect retaliatory services from a person to whom you helped, do not a trumpet of the whole world about your merits. And the good, as if the divine wheel of all things, having made a complete revolution, will certainly return to you at the right moment.
Remember this
Remember this
  • By the way, this is now the definition of “good” bears the usual semantic meaning. But in ancient times, “good” meant wealth. The fat man was called “good” - if he has excess weight, then he eats well, that is, he is a rich man. Later, the “good” was defined as a counterweight “thin”. After centuries, all these concepts have been transformed, and to this day the word “good” has reached a brilliant halo of good deeds and thoughts. It was not without the help of religion here, it was the churchmen who launched such a concept as virtue, charity.

One parable tells how one man, deciding to devote himself to God and charitable deeds, handed out his wealth, left the light, cut his hair in the monks and began to live in a monastery. He vowed to be virtuous, not to wish anyone evil and often remind people: "Do good - and good will return to you good." There was a different attitude from people to the monk - from some he had to endure ridicule, others, on the contrary, advised him about his affairs, and the others did not even pay any attention to him. The monk had to walk around the yards, collecting the alms for the needs of the monastery. He went into the courtyard to the widow, who had three sons, but at that time they were hunting. The widow had hatred of the monk for his unbending will and extreme piety, therefore, in the form of alms, she gave him poisoned cakes. The monk bowed to her, thanked her for his kindness and told her his usual phrase: "Do good, and good will return to you good." The monk was used to sharing everything that he has with people, therefore, having met three tired hungry hunters on the forest path, he gave them cakes and went to another village. Three men - and they were, as you probably guessed, the sons of the evil widow - quenched hunger with their mother with their mother’s cakes and died in terrible torment.

  • And so it happens in life, good turns good, and evil is evil to you. This is an axiom. This is such a kind of boomerang.

The meaning of the expression "do good - and it will return to you"

  • Creating good deeds for someone, each of us helps, first of all, to ourselves. The understanding that you were able to provide someone’s necessary service to someone in his own eyes, n his life is the meaning and significance. But this is also a kind of bonus, you have already forgotten to think about the good deeds you committed, and after some time when you already need help, it will certainly be provided to you.
  • And it’s not necessarily precisely those people who you once helped. It simply exists in nature a certain “cycle of good deeds” - large and not very significant, and, it would seem, completely insignificant. The "good deed" may mean a certain summary of charity, and a bag of apples, from a pure heart donated by a lonely old woman, and a couple of good encouraging words spoken to a person who is in a depth, and a fed stray dog, and a sincere friendly smile.
  • The list of good deeds is endless. Therefore, there is always such an opportunity-to do good, and someday someone will definitely substitute your friendly shoulder-do good and it will return to you.
Kindness should not run out in our world
Kindness should not run out in our world
  • The need to create good is laid down in every person, because we are all social creatures. Altruism, kindness and generosity are not atavism at all and not signs of human weakness.
  • Some psychologists generally believe that kindness is not acquired quality, but a certain instinctwho once allowed mankind to survive in this complete dangers of the world. And if the desire to do good deeds lives in our blood, then you should not restrain the "souls of beautiful impulses."
  • It is necessary to do good for the sake of good, not demanding anything and not expecting in return. Over time, “the reward itself will find its hero,” returning the story to the person who has committed a good deed. And if each of us will do good deeds with an open heart and pure thoughts, using at least part of our capabilities, then the boundaries of good will gain their infinity like the universe.

Where can the expression “do good - and it will return to you”?

  • The present good has no desire to get some benefits as soon as possible. This is like a impulse of the soul, the life need of man.
Do good at the call of the heart
Do good at the call of the heart
  • Let us give an example: One family had a misfortune - their house burned to the ground. Of course, there were people who remained indifferent to someone else's grief, but the bulk of the fellow villagers came to the guide to the aid. Whoever helped: they allowed to live for a while to live in an empty house, demolished clothes, furniture, conservation, dumped with money. After a while, the village council, relatives and fellow villagers helped the disadvantaged family rebuild again, their life entered the same rut.
  • And, apparently, their gratitude to these kind people was so great that the Higher Forces did not leave the fellow villagers Pogorelis without their patronage. The child recovered in one family, the son entered the university without any problems, the third family gathered an unprecedented crop from his garden, and in the fourth - ninety -year -old long -sick old man got out of bed.
Remember the boomerang of good and evil
Remember the boomerang of good and evil
  • It would seem that this is just a chain of happy accidents, and nothing more. But this is not so at all, everything in this world is interconnected, as they say in this peculiar postulate: “Do good - and it will return to you”!

We will also introduce you to expressions:

Video: Good boomerang

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