“One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd”: the meaning of the proverb, examples from life

“One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd”: the meaning of the proverb, examples from life

From this article you will learn the meaning of the proverb "One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd."

Proverbs play a large role in our being. With their help, children learn to live. With the help of a proverb, we can answer a person to some question, act or resentment. Each statement has an author and it is always interesting to know who said certain words.

Many proverbs understand the school in the lessons of the Russian language or literature. For example, "One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd" - Who said these words? Below you will find the answer to the question, as well as examples from life and literature.

“One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd”: whose words, who said this?

“One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd” - the words of the yellow emperor from China
“One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd” - the words of the yellow emperor from China

You need to know proverbs because it can be useful in life. With their help, you can answer a person so that it will be in a stupor and will not be able to tell you anything in response. Who said the words " One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd "?

The authorship of proverbs attribute Yellow emperor, the first ruler China. The situation in which he uttered these words is also important:

  • It was about 4,000 years ago.
  • The emperor arrived out of town in order to visit his friend.
  • On the way, he met a little shepherd who looked after a herd of horses.
  • Vladyka asked the boy if he knew the one where his friend’s house was.
  • The shepherd answered in the affirmative.
  • Realizing that he was dealing with a smart child, the ruler asked if he knew how to rule the country.
  • The boy was not at a loss. He replied that monitoring of horses and government is not much different. And, if you save the herd of wild animals, it is likely that all problems will be solved by themselves.
  • "And true ... The lousy sheep spoils the whole herd ..." - thought Vladyka. So it happened.

“One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd”: the meaning of the proverb, examples from life

"One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd"

This proverb "One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd", can be interpreted differently. Its meaning and examples from life are indicated below. Read further.

Association of a herd of sheep (or horses) with the state, you can come to a specific conclusion:

  • For a successful leadership, it is necessary to calculate all traitors and conspirators.
  • Exclude them from the retinue.
  • Deprive access to state affairs.
  • Do not give them any manifestations of power.

On the other hand, free ideas in this case are like ailments - a lousy sheep is able to “infect” everyone else. In this case, only mora and debauchery will begin. The board will be doomed to collapse. In order to comply with order, it is necessary to save society or a team of “lousy sheep”, which contribute to their decomposition and “pull back”.

Although it is possible to abstract from politics:

  • The “lousy sheep” is sometimes called any representative of the team, who in some indicators stands out from the total mass, but, alas, not by success, but rather lags behind and discredit the rest.
  • Often, a person who uses the phrase, as if hints that if not for this “weak link” would be perfect.
  • We can say that the proverb is somewhat similar to the stable expression "in the family not without a freak."

However, there is a more tolerant branch “with a lousy sheep of at least wool Klok” - indicating that no one makes increased requirements to the “weak link”. That is, no one expects such a person that he will grab the star from the sky-it is enough for him to have at least some benefit.

Examples from life:

Now I'm thinking of stopping my connection with this terrible bank:

  • However, folk wisdom says - "One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd".
  • I believe that the bank management is interested in the successful work of the organization and its customers. Accordingly, the issue of the release of the institution from such a overall “brake” will be resolved.
  • We are talking about an unscrupulous manager who works poorly and all the bank customers “run away” who are where.

11 - A - good class:

  • Several potential medalists, many good ones.
  • Only Saprykin is a triacass.
  • God forbid that he will pass the final exams at least “satisfactory”. That's really - "the lousy sheep spoils the whole herd."

The musicians in this group are good:

  • If they still invited a more professional and experienced vocalist, they would probably have achieved much greater success.
  • And so the vocalist of the group pulls it back - "the lousy sheep spoils the whole herd."

With these examples, it is clearly seen that in our daily life, such a proverb lives next to us. If many people thought about it, then perhaps it would be easier for others to live.

"One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd": examples from literature

"One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd": examples from literature

In the literature, many writers used this proverb to give the text brightness and greater meaning. Here are examples from literature by words "One lousy sheep spoils the whole herd":

“When someone is looking at one rebel and conspirator between his servants, this must be sent, because from one sheep of the lousy all herd can suffer”:

  • These words from the work Leskova N.S.  "Home servants."
  • Previously, against the gentlemen, they acted with the help of conspiracies.
  • And therefore, gentlemen, they tried to remove the servants who could be made a rebellion.

“You will disgrace us with your stinginess! Rotten apple injures its neighbors":

  • From the work of A. Ostrovsky "K.Z. Minin ".
  • If everything around is not greedy, but one thing comes across, and everyone may have problems from this.

“That is, according to a well -known saying,“ lousy sheep spoils the whole herd ”:

  • From the work of a modern writer V. S. Bushin "Makhinators. Who is waiting for Kolyma? ".
  • He expressed this to one well -known policy of accusing the writer of his infidels in his publications.

Examples from life and from literature prove that such a saying lived in the ancient times of our ancestors, and is also often used in the modern world. We can say with the confidence that each person, if he thinks well, then even at the moment he will be able to find application - so this proverb life.

Video: Proverbs and sayings 3

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