“Good word and a cat is pleasant”: meaning, meaning, origin of the proverb. “Good word and a cat is pleasant”: how to make a short story on this topic?

“Good word and a cat is pleasant”: meaning, meaning, origin of the proverb. “Good word and a cat is pleasant”: how to make a short story on this topic?

The meaning of the saying: “Good word and cat is pleasant” much deeper than it seems at first glance. Let's look at it in more detail.

A good word and a cat is pleasant, and people are simply necessary for life. If each of us begins to pronounce more kind words, then the world and the surrounding people will become kinder. In compliments, in words of kindness and politeness, every person needs. Even strong and self -sufficient personalities need support words.

"Good word and a cat is pleasant": meaning, meaning, origin

“Good word and a cat is pleasant” - where did this phrase come from and what meaning does it mean? This wise proverb refers to phraseological units. One version of its origin is associated with a participant in the Battle of Sevastopol, nicknamed a cat. During the hostilities, his lightning -fast reaction helped to save the life of the famous admiral of the Russian fleet Kornilov. For his act, the admiral sincerely thanked the Savior. The cat followed from the cat in the form of the phrase: “Even as rootless as a cat, your gratitude is very pleasant.” The shortened version of this phrase looks like: "Good word and a cat is nice."

According to another version, the proverb is part of a more complete expression - "A good word and a cat is pleasant, and even more so to a person." Many proverbs are reduced over time to the main keywords. Perhaps some words are synonyms of the original expression. At the same time, they do not change the meaning of the expression.


The latest version of the origin of the proverb is a borrowing of a winged English expression: "A Ward Warmly Said Gives Comfort Even To a Cat". The literal translation means that the word is warm, gives comfort even to the cat. The Russian proverb is stated in a more understandable form for us. The scientific fact is interesting that if you do not praise a cat, then it is likely that it will deaf. It turns out that good words are needed not only by people, but also to animals.

We perceive most of the events taking place in our lives with the help of words. Information from outside comes through verbal communication. The one said word causes many associations and emotions. Choosing the right words, we have the opportunity to control our feelings and influence others. The spoken compliments have enthusiastic power.

Good words addressed to an unpleasant person can encourage the interlocutor to change. The outgoing positive has an infectious effect. Words of hope give the sick person forces to recovery. The creative personality of the word support gives inspiration. Gratitude to his wife for the prepared dinner strengthens family relationships.

Do not skimp on kind words and in the difficult moment of your life you will not be left without attention. Everyone would like to hear praise in his address. The compliment has a magical effect - causes a smile and increases self -esteem. Sincere words should not be common or template. Standard phrases are very often unnoticed. If you want to impress and raise the mood to the interlocutor, then the praise should be directed - to emphasize the merits of a particular person. Consider unique qualities in a person. Your attentiveness will give him great joy and push him to new achievements.

And the cat is nice
And the cat is nice

Fake flattery has nothing to do with compliments and causes the opposite effect. This is rather a tool for manipulating people.

Any work done involves a monetary reward or praise. Many people prefer the first option, since praise causes them timidity and constraint. Everyone wants to hear kind words addressed to him, while he is often shy about praising anyone. No need to be afraid to express your admiration or sympathy. Get according to the saying: "Treat others the way you want to treat you."

It is important to be kinder
It is important to be kinder

You can express gratitude and your attention to a person with the help of polite words. In the short word "thank you" there may be endless gratitude for someone's care. If you have done a good deed and did not get gratitude, then you feel uneasy. They did not show elementary politeness to you. If you say the word “please” in a timely manner, then the attachment and respect of the interlocutors will strengthen.

Each insignificant event can be reinforced with love and tenderness with the help of one word. After all, if you start the day with the words: “Good morning”, then in the morning you will receive a positive charge of energy. A simple phrase: “Be healthy” characterizes you as a kind and tactful person.

A simple phrase: “pleasant appetite” can create a cozy atmosphere at dinner. To use a polite word, you do not need to wait for a heroic act. Say thanks for the delicious dinner, for a cup of coffee, for any care shown. Words of politeness can become the beginning of future strong relationships.

“Good word and a cat is pleasant”: how to make a short story on this topic?

To convey the meaning of the phrase: “A good word and a cat is pleasant” with the help of a story from everyday life. Every day there are many events with us that clearly demonstrate the power of the word.

We praise our children for achievements in studying, and thereby cause a desire to learn even better. The child is in a hurry to learn a verse or draw a picture in order to quickly show parents and get a cherished kind word.

We say a compliment to a woman and set her a great mood for the whole day. She has a desire to be even more beautiful, the desire to work on herself. Verbal encouragement inspires and develops a person, encourages action.

And if you mark aloud a well -chosen tie from a passerby, then our praise will be taken with tension and caution. The stranger will immediately have the idea that we need something from him. In the modern world, it is difficult for people to believe in the sincerity of kind words from unfamiliar people. They will believe in a negative attitude. For a stream of our own problems, we have become closed and selfish. To any manifestation of anger, we answer with the same coin. But sometimes words have a destructive effect. A careless phrase can leave a deep mark in human memory. Try to answer evil with good. With the help of a good word, you can give a person a chance to open from the best side.

In the story of Gaydar “Hot stone"The author, on the example of an old man and a boy, clearly shows what meaning the word can have. The boy climbed into a strange garden and when he was discovered, he expected a stream of negative statements. Instead, the old man released the thief, thereby aroused in him a conscience and a desire to do good. But one negative word could have irreversible consequences for the boy. The saying is appropriate here: "Where a good word will affect, there will be good."


Vladimir Soloukhin says the poem “The Word of Words”, which describes the value of everything that we say. Each word is endowed with a certain force, carries a special energy. Before saying anything, you should think about what emotion will follow. A person will be delighted or disappointed - "Think about how to not hurt the one who listens to you."

The power of a word
The power of a word

A kind word may not sound eloquent. It is enough to speak with an open soul and the desire to reach the heart of the interlocutor. Only pure thoughts and sincere feelings provide mutual understanding. Simple words of the human soul are able to arouse mercy and generosity.

Video: a kind word and a cat is pleasant

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