“Mal Soldier, but roads”: meaning and explanation of the proverb

“Mal Soldier, but roads”: meaning and explanation of the proverb

The proverb “Small spool, but roads”: origin, meaning, composition.

In this article, we propose to analyze in detail the origin and significance of the Russian folk proverb “Mal Soldier, but dear”.

The proverb "Mal Soldier, but roads" - origin

Russian speech is unique, because it contains Slavic wisdom, the roots of which go far into the past. And, despite the fact that part of the words we unjustly forgot or have replaced by foreign words, new concepts, we carry the energy and wisdom of generations in the proverbs. How often do you hear or pronounce the proverb “Mal Soldier, but dear”? What is the value in this phrase you invest? We offer to deal with this with the best philologists in the Russian language.

So, four words are used in this proverb, one of which is not used at present. And, therefore, young people can incorrectly understand him. Therefore, let's look at the Explanatory Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the meaning of the word spool. As indicated in the dictionary, this is a measure of weight that was used during the time of the Russian Empire. Its specific gravity is 1/96 pound, also equivalent to 4.26 modern grams.

Mal Soldier, but roads - proverbs go through the roots for centuries
Mal Soldier, but roads - proverbs go through the roots of

This unit of weight was actively used to weigh precious metals and stones with jewelers, as well as to determine the weight of valuable seasonings, etc. That is, the spool was related to the specific gravity of expensive things.

Over time, the Russian people gave subsequent generations a proverb, in which "small spool, but dear."

The proverb "Mal Soldier, but roads" - meaning

Today, hearing the proverb “Small spool, but dear,” everyone regards it in his own way. But the original meaning of the proverb carried such wisdom into the people. Even if it seems to you something tiny and not very significant, take a closer look-perhaps there is great value in it.

This proverb is applicable to both living creatures and an inanimate object:

  • We can say to the baby - “small spool, but roads”, as the assertion that, despite age, defenselessness and no usefulness, but only care, the baby is still most valuable and more expensive in the world;
  • The phrase “small spool, but roads” applicable to a loved one if you want to emphasize that a loved one is important and roads despite all the failures and difficulties that he is experiencing;
  • The proverb “Mal Soldier, but roads” can also be tried on to the pet, emphasizing its significance for the family;
  • And “small spool, but roads” can be said on an inanimate object, for example, on the phone. It is small, but for many it is important as air.

As you can see, this proverb has been widely used, and therefore is actively used in the modern rhythm of communication. Now having dealt with the meaning of this proverb, we offer a sketch of a school essay on the origin and meaning of the proverb “Mal Soldier, but dear”.

Composition on the topic: As I understand it, the proverb “Mal Soldier, but dear”?

  • Composition on the topic "Mal Soldier, but roads"

Last summer, my family and I went fishing. There was heat on the street, despite the fact that it was before the morning. Approaching the river, we decided to swim, and then eat up with breakfast. My father and I went to fish, and my mother and sister decided to see the surroundings.

In less than five minutes, the sister came running and called me and my father to help. It turns out the chick fell out of the nest and if they had not gone for a walk, then predators would eat it. It would be a mistake to take such a baby home, since we did not know how to watch him correctly, and how then to accustom to the wild world?

In Russia they knew - the spool may be small, but very valuable!
In Russia they knew - the spool may be small, but very valuable!

Dad stood near the tree and planted me on him, and my mother handed me a chick, and we put him in a nest. In the turmoil, we did not think at all about whether the mother-mother would fly to him. But when the chick was already screaming from the nest, the parents suggested continuing the fishing, but we decided to wait for the bird-mother with his sister.

What can I say, we met dinner under a tree. And then on the horizon, spreading the wings widely, the bird appeared. Our joy knew no bounds! But we lurked so as not to frighten her. As soon as she saw us, she rushed to the nest with a bullet and as soon as she reached it, she covered the chick with wings.

Mom said slowly to move away from the tree so as not to frighten off the nurse of our found, and we saw already from afar how the bird feeds its baby and answers him with a smoking. We were surprised for a long time that the bird was not afraid of us, so large, and was ready to sacrifice her safety for the sake of the chick. And my mother told us, “Mal Soldier, but dear,” as I love you, the bird loves her offspring. And then we realized that a large child or small, tearful or obedient, good or falls into troubles, does not matter, he still ensures the absolute love of mom and dad! After all, "small spool, but dear!"

Video: Proverbs and sayings in pictures

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