Cauliflower. How to cook cauliflower? Core cabbage dishes ideas

Cauliflower. How to cook cauliflower? Core cabbage dishes ideas

Color cabbage is appreciated not only for its taste, but also for the benefit that it gives to our body. The simplest dish from this vegetable is boiled inflorescences seasoned with egg sauce or oil. You can initially boil these heads, and only then simmer with meat or other vegetables. Colored cabbage can be fried, salt and even canned. In soups, this vegetable can replace even chicken in nutritional qualities.

How to boil colored cabbage?

Today, buying cauliflower will not be difficult. In each supermarket, this vegetable is represented by several varieties. But, the greatest value is cauliflower with white heads. But the gray and green heads have a more gross taste and even bitterness.

After buying such a variety of cabbage, it is necessary to separate the green leaves from the head of the head and immerse it for half an hour in salted water. This is necessary in order to clean the cauliflower of possible pests.

After such processing, colored cabbage can be eaten raw. But, most often this vegetable is undergoing heat treatment. Kochan is cooked entirely or divided into inflorescences and prepared separately. The most common process of preparing this vegetable is boiling.

Boiled inflorescences
Boiled inflorescences

You can boil raw or frozen cauliflower. But, such a process sharply reduces the amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances that remain in cabbage after cooking. In order to reduce such losses, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • Inflorescences must be laid in a pan with already boiling water
  • The water level should be small. She should only cover vegetables
  • Cook without closing the pan with a lid. Two or three minutes over high heat, then reduce the level and bring to readiness
  • Frozen cauliflower before cooking to defrost unnecessary
  • It is best to lay vegetables in already salted water

Aluminum and copper utensils badly affect the quality and taste of this vegetable. It is best to cook colored cabbage or use firewater dishes. The beneficial substances in clay pots are very well preserved.

Colored cabbage is very tasty if it is slightly not to finish it. In finished form, it must maintain its elasticity and crunch in the mouth. If this vegetable is digested, then it will not only lose more useful substances, but will also not become so tasty.

In general, this type of cabbage is cooked quickly. Therefore, in order not to digest it, it is necessary to periodically check readiness, piercing a fork or tasting.

Important: if you replace water with milk when cooking colored cabbage, then inflorescences will not only retain their snow -white color, but will also become much tastier.

Fried cauliflower. How to delightly fry colored cabbage in a pan?

Fried cauliflower is a great independent dish or a very tasty side dish. There are no special secrets in the frying of this vegetable. The most important thing is to properly prepare products. To do this, clean the inflorescences from the upper leaves and proceed to frying.


  • It is best to fry colored cabbage with garlic and spicy herbs. With their help, the dish turns out to be very fragrant and tasty. But, when frying this vegetable, it is necessary to ensure that the inflorescences do not burn. This can significantly worsen their taste
  • Clean the garlic from the husk. We need 2-3 cloves. We press them with a knife and fry them in a pan in vegetable oil. The readiness of garlic is determined by a light golden color, which it will cover in the process of frying
  • Now the turn of cauliflower has come. Its (700 g) must be divided into inflorescences and put in a pan in which garlic reaches. It is strictly not added to water. Otherwise the cabbage is not fried, but boiled
  • Fry the vegetables for 10 minutes, then add thyme. After 5 minutes, you can add a little water (about 100 ml). At this stage, it is no longer terrible. Moreover, water will make fried cauliflower more juicy and tasty
  • Reduce fire and add lemon zest. It needs to be prepared from a quarter of the lemon. Then you need to add bay leaf and lemon juice to the pan with cabbage. We also make it from a quarter of the fruit. Before removing the pan from the stove, add black pepper and dill to it

Such fried colored cabbage can be served with fried sausages or beef.

You can fry this vegetable in batter.

  • To do this, you need to take crackers for breading (75 g) and cauliflower (350 g). Also, to prepare this dish, you will need salt, egg and vegetable oil
  • Before frying cauliflower, it must be boiled in salted water for 10 minutes. It is advisable to cook it entirely, and already before the hot divide it into inflorescences
  • Cook the batter. In a small bowl, you need to beat the egg with a little salt with a fork. Then you need to add crackers and mix everything again
  • Put the pan on the stove and warm it well. We collapse the cauliflower in batter from all sides and send it to the pan. Pour the remaining panic on top of the inflorescences. As soon as the vegetables are incurred, you can remove the pan from the stove and serve the table on the table

Beef recipe with cauliflower

The meat goes very well with cauliflower. It is best to use young beef to prepare this dish. This meat contains some calories, so it can be safely called dietary.

With beef
With beef
  • This recipe came to us from Asian cuisine. Therefore, a special role in its preparation is assigned to pickle meat in soy sauce. This will make the meat very tender and tasty
  • Cut the beef (400 g) into small pieces. Mix soy sauce (3 tbsp. Tablespoons), sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon), rice vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon) and starch (1 tbsp. Spoon). We pick up meat for about half an hour
  • Cut the garlic (1 clove). Fry it in oil and add cauliflower (400 g). Fry for about a minute. Pour a little water into the pan and stew for five minutes
  • Fry ginger (half a teaspoon) on high heat. Add the marinated meat to the pan. We connect the beef and cabbage and bring to readiness

How to cook soup puree from colored cabbage with cream?

Soups-puree in our country are not as popular as in the West. But, this does not mean that they need to be abandoned. Moreover, cauliflower makes such soups an excellent source of many nutrients and vitamins.

Puree soup
Puree soup
  • Mix butter (40 g) in a saucepan. Add flour to it (40 g) and mix. After a few minutes, add chicken broth boiled in advance to this mixture (150 ml)
  • It should turn out a thick sauce. Remove it from the fire and cool it. We heat chicken broth (1.3 ml) and pour it into the previously cooked thick sauce. Mix until smooth and add boiled cabbage (small heads), eggs (2 pcs.), Pepper, salt and cream (300 ml) whipped in a blender. For taste, you can add a pinch of nutmeg
  • This puree soup is well complemented by bilia. For them, it is necessary to mix the bread crumb (75 g), oil (10 g), milk, egg, salt and pepper together. From the resulting "dough" we make small balls and add them to the finished soup
  • Before serving, such soup should be decorated with herbs and sprinkled with grated cheese

How to make soup from frozen cauliflower?

  • Frozen cabbage is good for two reasons. Firstly, it can be bought all year round. And, secondly, when freezing, almost all useful substances are preserved in it. The dish proposed below can hardly be called a masterpiece of cooking. But everyone can cook it. And it will take very little time
  • Cut the onion (1 pc.) And potatoes (2-3 pcs.) Cubes. Fry them in a deep pan in vegetable oil until the moment they are incurred
  • Add frozen cabbage (500 g) to the pan and pour the broth (1 l). Cook for about half an hour
  • Cool the soup and pour it into the blender. Add cream (100 ml), spices and mix the ingredients. Pour the resulting mashed potatoes into a pan and boil for 1 minute. Pour on plates and add ground red pepper

Tasty borsch with colored cabbage, recipe for cooking

Borsch is one of the most popular dishes of all Slavic peoples. There are a great many of its recipes. You can cook borscht from cauliflower. This vegetable will make borsch incredibly tasty and healthy.

  • Cooking the broth. Put the breast (400 g) in the pan of beef, fill it with water and put it on the fire. Remove the scale after boiling. Add carrots (2 pcs.) And onions (2 pcs.). The broth should be cooked for about 2 hours. Then the vegetables are removed from the pan. The meat is removed from the bones and fits back into the broth. There you need to add bay leaf and salt there
  • We prepare a gas station for borsch. We warm the oil in a pan (50 g). Fry on it chopped onions. Readiness is determined by golden color. Add the carrots grated on a fine grater. Passing it with onions for about 3 minutes
  • Add grated tomatoes to the pan (2 pcs.) And beets (2 pcs.). Mix the ingredients. We cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Then add half a glass of water and simmer for another 5 minutes
  • We clean the potatoes (3 pcs.) And cut it with small cubes. Add them to the broth. We share cabbage (1 head of heads) into inflorescences. And also put in the broth 5 minutes after adding potatoes
  • Cut the greens (celery, dill, garlic) and add it to the broth. After 5 minutes, pour the roasts into the broth. Mix and turn off the fire

Vegetable stew with colored cabbage, recipe

If you are on a diet, you can hardly be satisfied with your diet. But, according to experts, it is the meager diet during a diet that is often the barrier that many cannot overcome. You can diversify your diet during a diet using vegetable stews, the basis of which is cauliflower.

Vegetable stew
Vegetable stew
  • Gently share colored cabbage (quarter of a head of head) into inflorescences and rinse. We pour water and salt into the pan. Cook the cabbage for 7-8 minutes. We extract it from the pan and transfer it into a bowl
  • Cut the peeled onions (1 pc.) And carrots (1 pc.). My zucchini (1 pc.) And cut it into cubes. We heat the pan and pour oil into it. Fry onions and carrots
  • We clean the sweet pepper (1 pc.) From seeds. We cut it in large parts and add to onions and carrots. When the onions are browned add chopped zucchini to the pan. Add salt and mix
  • My eggplant (2 pcs.) And cut them into cubes. Add them and cauliflower to other vegetables. Salt and mix again. We cut tomatoes (2-3 pcs.) Add to large cubes to the pan. Add greens
  • Add a little water, salt if we need it and simmer until cooked. The stew can be served with sour cream or mayonnaise. True, then the stew will not become dietary

Mushroom -coat recipe

Mushrooms and cauliflower are excellent protein sources for our body. Especially if they are mixed in one dish. Mushrooms and cauliflower not only go well, but also perfectly complement each other.

With mushrooms
C mushrooms
  • Colored cabbage (1 head of heads) must be cleaned of green leaves and boil in salted water
  • We clean the mushrooms (champignons are best suited for this recipe) and cut them into thin plates
  • Fry finely cut garlic in olive oil (2 cloves), add chopped champignons to the pan (150 g). Spray them with lemon juice. This is to prevent their blackening in the preparation process. Add salt and pepper to taste
  • Now you need to prepare the famous Beshamel sauce. To do this, add flour (20 g) to the melted butter and fry it. Pour the milk with a thin stream (0.5 l). Mix until the milk boils
  • Add salt, nutmeg and pepper. Cook for 4-5 minutes and remove from the stove
  • In heat -resistant dishes, we put fried champignons. We lay boiled cauliflower on top. Pour everything with sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cook for 10-15 minutes and serve to the table

Omlet with colored cabbage - a delicious protein dish, recipe!

The thin aroma of cauliflower, complemented by the taste of butter and eggs. What could be better than a summer morning? Omlet with cauliflower in its consistency is very tender and tasty. And at the same time, its preparation is as simple as the preparation of ordinary fried eggs.

  • Rinse cauliflower (300 g) under running water. We clean it from green leaves and divide it into inflorescences. Boil in salt water for 5-10 minutes. We remove the cabbage from the pan at the moment when its inflorescences become soft
  • Beat eggs (1-2 pcs.) Using a blender or mixer. Add salt and pour milk (3/4 glasses). Mix until smooth. Carefully add flour (1.5 tbsp. Tablespoons). The formation of lumps must be excluded
  • Cut colored cabbage into small pieces. We heat the pan and place the cabbage there. Fry over medium heat until a rosy crust is obtained. Pour the eggs in the pan and fry omelet on both sides

Serve the dish to the table with fresh vegetables and herbs.

How to prepare delicious cauliflower: tips and reviews

Inga. I cook the omelet faster. To do this, I fill the boiled inflorescences with eggs with grated cheese. The omelet is very tasty. And the cheese adds notes of piquancy.

As for the soups-puree, I do not use a blender for their preparation. I just boil cabbage and other vegetables and rub them through the grater. Add greens and cheese. Yes, I do not perceive cauliflower without it. I cook a little and serve to the table.

Natalia. In the summer, I will definitely cook colored cabbage salads once a week. The ingredients can be added any. The basic salad is prepared from boiled inflorescences of cabbage, greens and olive oil.

Video: Colored cabbage under milk sauce

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  1. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    Mistresses are increasingly paying attention to these round curly forks consisting of many inflorescences. And it is not in vain, because cauliflower is much more useful than the usual white.

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