What are the siropes of herbion from coughing? How do they act? How to take herbion from dry and wet cough: instructions for use. How do herbion syrups interact with other drugs? What are the contraindications, side effects, analogues of Gabion syrup from dry and wet coughing?

What are the siropes of herbion from coughing? How do they act? How to take herbion from dry and wet cough: instructions for use. How do herbion syrups interact with other drugs? What are the contraindications, side effects, analogues of Gabion syrup from dry and wet coughing?

In this article, we will consider the instructions for the use of syrups from various coughing the company Herbion.

A cough is a protective function of the body, which not only signals the beginning of the disease, but also helps to fight the virus that penetrates the body. It is known that stagnation of sputum in bronchi and lungs is the first step towards inflammation and development of pneumonia. The situation is especially aggravated when a child begins to hurt, the body of which does not allow you to take strong drugs. Therefore, we bring to your attention the current syrup, which is made exclusively from herbs - herbion from any type of cough. And how to take it correctly, we will consider in this material.

Syrup from cough herbion: species

When the cough begins, you need to act immediately. Especially when he appears in a child. And the first to rush to the rescue is mom. After all, the timely remark of the disease and the use of drugs in the very initial stage will not only speed up recovery, but also protect him from complications. The right syrup of herbion will help soften dry cough and improve the expectorant of wet.

Important: never take syrups for other purposes. Indeed, each of them has its own components, which have a certain effect on sputum in the lungs. If you drink inappropriate syrup, you can get a complication and even pneumonia!

  • Syrup for dry coughing herbion includes plantain.
  • But wet cough syrup is produced in two types:
    • based on ivy;
    • and with a primrose.
  • But I would like to note their general description - this is a pleasant herbal taste, which has sufficient sweetness. Therefore, children will be happy to drink such a syrup.
All herbion syrups have a tidbit with light herbal notes
All syrups have a tidbit with light herbal notes

How do Siropes Herbion act from coughing?

Naturally, the composition of the syrup will affect the principle of operation of the components themselves, and will also change its impact on the necessary systems. Therefore, we offer to look at each type of syrup separately.

Plantainer for the treatment of dry cough

  • The name itself already speaks for itself - the hood from the leaves of plantain is based on the basis. He was originally famous for the healing character. But this is not all - this is the first defender of immunity. By the way, they use not only leaves, but also seeds, and even the root.
  • As additional components, mallow extract, as well as ascorbic acid, is used.
  • Herbion syrup is used from dry and exhausting cough, which sometimes tears the mucous membrane from the inside. It perfectly removes any inflammation and destroys the foci of microbes in all respiratory tract.
  • Clayrot forms a thin protective layer in the oral cavity. Ascorbic acid has an immunostimulating effect and activates the body faster to fight viruses and bacteria that cause a cough. Syrup is suitable for adults and for children from two years old.
Plantain - number one among assistants in the fight against dry cough
Plantain - number one among assistants in the fight against dry cough

Important: this syrup is recommended to be taken by avid smokers to cleanse the lungs. After all, they often have bouts of dry cough. And the protective natural layer is so weak that it cannot at all resist external negative factors.

The primrose will become protection against adhesive sputum

  • It is indispensable for the type of cough, the mucus of which is too tenacious. Therefore, it is heavily excreted in the body. The main components are the root of primrose and thyme.
  • And they are distinguished by a softening, expectorant and mucolytic effect. Moreover, the components also prevent the penetration of mucus into more distant places. Glycosides not only dilute sputum, but also soothe the mucous membrane of the lungs.
  • The auxiliary substance is menthol, which activates the work of the bronchi and improves breathing. Also do not forget about its antibacterial properties. But it is precisely because of this component that it is allowed to accept children only over 2 years old. Although such syrup helps well with complicated forms of bronchitis.

Syrup with ivy from wet cough

  • This drug is suitable for small patients from 1 year. Syrup will help not only reduce the viscosity, strengthen its release, but also remove the coughing and calm the mucous membrane. As well as its additional components will increase immunity than contribute to the speedy recovery.

Important: sometimes it is prescribed to infants from two weeks. But only with a reduced dosage and under the strictest supervision of a doctor.

The primrose dilutes even viscous sputum
The primrose dilutes even viscous sputum

Herbion syrup from dry and wet coughing: Instructions for use

The dosage of any syrup depends on the age and weight category of the patient. We remind you that each type of syrup has various components, which affect a number of contraindications, and even the permissible dosage.

  • "Plantain" It has the following dosage with a slightly reduced scheme to 3 times a day:
    • from 2 to 7 years, syrup is prescribed for 1 tsp. or 5 ml. By the way, small children can sometimes reduce syrup intake to 1 time if it comes to relieve the symptom of the disease;
    • for patients from 7 to 14, the dosage increases to 2 tsp. Sometimes it can also decrease, but in volume, depending on the condition of the patient;
    • over 14 years old - 10 ml or 2 tsp. But the use of the drug increases up to 5 times a day. On the 2-3 days of the disease, the scheme is reduced to a generally accepted norm.

IMPORTANT: SROPS Herbion from dry cough should be washed down with warm water. Sometimes tea is allowed, but it is water that improves the absorption of the drug.

You can drink syrup with a small amount of warm water
You can drink syrup with a small amount of warm water
  • "Primrose" Assign according to the following scheme with the norm up to 3 times:
    • the dosage for an adult and a child from 16 years old is 1 tbsp. l. But they can slightly increase the course to 4 times;
    • 10 ml or 2 tsp are prescribed from 10 to 14 years old;
    • starting from 5 years, only 1 tsp is allowed;
    • the smallest children from 2 to 5 years old - 0.5 tsp. after meal.
  • Herbion with ivy It has about the same instruction for use:
    • only allow it to give it after 1 year of life for 0.5 hours. l.;
    • after 6 years, the dosage increases to 1 tsp.;
    • after 10 years and adults, syrup is allowed to take in the amount of 7.5-10 ml.

Important: do not take the medicine for more than 7 days. And then, the last 2 days are spent on eliminating the remaining symptoms of the disease.

Herbion Syrup from cough: What are the contraindications for use?

Any medical medicine has its own restrictions. Even if natural herbs are included in its composition. By the way, traditional medicine also has a number of contraindications. After all, even therapeutic grass can harm the body with improper use or if the established norm is exceeded.

  • Syrope herbion with plantain - The main contraindications are intolerance or allergic sensitivity to some component. But you can’t use syrup:
    • with urolithiasis;
    • if there is gastritis or stomach ulcer;
    • with high acidity;
    • with a duodenal ulcer.
Herbion syrups also have a number of contraindications
Herbion syrups also have a number of contraindications

Important: during pregnancy and lactation, any option from drugs cannot be used due to insufficiency of information on the effects of medicine during this period. But doctors, with the advantage of the benefits for the health of mom and baby, allow taking Syrup Gerbion.

  • Herbion with ivy Among the contraindications, only an allergic reaction to the family of Aralia herbs and children's age up to one year has.
  • SIROP Herbion based on primrose Contraindicated up to 2 years. It also cannot be prescribed to children, which was previously transferred to laryngitis in acute form. The following contraindications are also distinguished:
    • bronchial asthma;
    • intolerance to lactose and fructose;
    • diabetes;
    • congenital malabsorption syndrome glucose-galactose.

Gerbion Syrup from coughing: side effects

It is worth highlighting that these symptoms can be expressed immediately in one composition. But one of them can be observed in case of an overdose or as a result of a long -term administration of the drug.

Can be observed:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • urticaria or allergic red rash in the form of small bubbles;
  • it may be accompanied by itching;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • disruption of the liver, which often gives signals through the skin;
  • diarrhea;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • swelling or swelling of the place of the rash;
  • and the blood glucose level may even change.

Herbion Syrup from cough: interaction with other drugs

There is one rule that it is originally used in the treatment of a cough of any kind - this is the selection of funds for its intended purpose!

  • If the fees act on inhibition of coughing attacks, that is, drugs based on plantain, then they cannot be combined with the intake of expectorants. By the way, do not forget to periodically alternate the use of familiar medicines. Since addictive to the components.
  • But syrups based on primrose and ivy should in no case contact the components of drugs such as Sinecod or Codeine. In general, with those medicines that muffle the cough.
Syrups should be taken strictly by the type of cough, so that there are no complications
Syrups should be taken strictly by the type of cough, so that there are no complications
  • But for maintaining and raising immunity, any vitamins or drugs with syrup herbion will only work hard. Recall that they are made on the basis of herbs, so they help not only the respiratory system in the event of a disease, but also contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

Syrup from cough herbion: What are the analogues of the medicine?

Again there is a separation of active substances, which set the main work of the drug.

  • The following substitutes are suitable for plantain syrup:
    • Mucaltin;
    • Bronchoton;
    • altea syrup;
    • Pektolvan Fito.
  • But for syrup based on ivy and primrose, other analogues are distinguished:
    • ACC;
    • Lazolvan;
    • Plunging;
    • Ambroxol (by the way, it suits small children);
    • Plunging;
    • Flavamed.

All syrups are stored for no more than 2 years. But do not forget to check the expiration date even in the pharmacy still near the counter! If you have already opened the bottle, then you can store it only in the refrigerator, on the door. And no more than 3 months. If we talk about the price category, then it occupies average positions - about 250 rubles. Of course, in each pharmacy it can vary from 205 to 290 rubles.

Video: How to take SIROP Herbion depending on the type of cough?

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