Statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words, wise thoughts about life with meaning short, cool, beautiful that touch the depths of the soul, smart, sad to tears, interesting, cheerful, strong, winged: the best selection

Statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words, wise thoughts about life with meaning short, cool, beautiful that touch the depths of the soul, smart, sad to tears, interesting, cheerful, strong, winged: the best selection

The article contains statements and quotes of famous people about life values \u200b\u200band feelings.

Beautiful statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life that touch the depths of the soul

Many people know that if a person reads a lot, he develops his thinking and improves his soul, instilling new features into it. It is very useful to read in order to “think and speak beautifully”, but not everyone loves to do it, by virtue of their employment or laziness.

In such cases, a phrase separately torn from the context with various important semantic meanings come to the rescue. Such phrases, depending on the words and their quantity, are called “quotes”, “statuses” or “aphorisms”. They can be taken as a basis for life, decorate them with your daily motto, or just write them out in order to remember and “feel”.

Some words are written so good that they can touch the most secret depths of the soul, bring to tears and thoughts. Such lines must be remembered in order to understand some life values \u200b\u200band come to something in terms of philosophical understanding of their meaning of life.

Beautiful quotes about life:

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Real devils are those that live in our hearts and should fight them every moment in life. M. Gandhi
2. For others, you make rules, for yourself, exceptions. S. Lemel
3. In life, friendship should only be with a smart person, because you never know what to expect from a fool. Rumi
4. It was necessary to live so that old age was not ashamed of meaningless years. M. Gorky
5. We are losers, if only because everything once will die. Fauls
6. A useless life should be afraid of much more than death. Brecht
7. You can survive everything, but death is impossible O. WALD
Beautiful quotes about life

Short statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases about life with meaning

Great people who became famous for their successes and achievements have repeatedly spoke about life and its sense. Trust such people should no doubt, because they, like no one, saw all the shortcomings and advantages of human life.

Quotes and aphorisms:

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. A man should never torment himself with the question of whether the life of life is worth. This is the task of the fetus in the womb. S. Johnson
2. Once I was asked: "Does life have a meaning?" And I replied: "Looking when!" D. Samoilov
3. If you have not endowed life with value, it will not have it. I. Bergman
4. Do not love the meaning of life as much as life itself. F. Dostoevsky
5. I can safely say: "If you started looking for the meaning of life - you are sick!" Z. Freud
6. If life asks you a question, wait only for an answer at the end. E. Short
7. If you lead a dialogue with life, not questions are important, but answers. M. Tsvetaeva
8. Do not have a goal in life is like having a head to a person. Assyr
9. Having seen people, I can definitely say that a person lives in this world in order to become rich, and not happy. Sildal
10. The most unbearable feeling is to live and make no sense. N. Karamzin
Quotes about the meaning of life

Cool statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases about life

In some cases, life should be treated with a small share of humor and positive. So you can give yourself a good mood and enjoy every day lived.

Quotes and aphorisms:

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Sometimes it seems to me that my whole life is a cheerful carnival, because everyone enters it in their mask. Unknown
2. All our lives we have been trying to accumulate funds for a “happy” old age, but if you still can’t do this, probably, you should postpone old age and remain young. Unknown
3. If a person is really kind, then a feeling of guilt and shame bites him even in front of a dog. A. Chekhov
4. “Hinging” to a person, we can only do two actions: to raise it or pull down, it is not given otherwise. Washington
5. Life is nothing more than work and you must finish it with dignity. Toquil
6. If life is fun, you should not lose its meaning. Juvenal
7. Only a pregnant woman can hide the secret meaning of life. Nemov
8. A man does three important things in life: a tree sits, builds a house and concerts a son. However, no one says that after that he must "water, repair and feed all his life." Unknown
9. Unfortunately, all the best in life leads to obesity. Unknown
10. You should not look at life with pessimistic, more pessimistic than it looks at you. Unknown
Life statements

Smart statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Set the goals in life, because the goals are a dream that is realized by the specified period. H. McKay
2. Anyone who lives only for himself, unfortunately, is dead for others. Polesie Sir
3. The meaning of life is very simple to understand - this is just your path to happiness. Dovgan
4. If in your life you helped a friend at least once, you have already lived life for good reason. Schell
5. Finding the meaning of life can be very difficult, but building with your own hands is easy. Frankl
6. Unity and consent are a happy existence. Seneca
7. If you understand your meaning in life, you realized your dignity. L. Tolstoy
8. The main care of a person is to fulfill his duty. I. Turgenyev
9. You cannot strive for a great goal and not think about yourself. I. Turgenyev
10. We live only to act. I. Fichte
Quotes about life

Statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life sad to tears

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. I have not surrendered yet, but I was already looking for the strength to fight. E. Remarck
2. For myself, I understood one thing: I can no longer become, neither a soft romantic, nor a good melancholic, but a good alcoholic - quite. F. Begbeder
3. Our world consists of such fragile things that literally everything breaks: life, dreams, hearts. N. Gaiman
4. A person is not able to change at all. Yes, when he is put on the shoulder blades, he promises anything, but it is worth breathing freely, as he will immediately become the same. E. Remarck
5. The irony of life is hidden that it is not the one you consider to be an enemy, but the one who promised you to give you happiness yesterday. O. Roy
6. My life is a train. At its best moments - I am a passenger looking out the window. In the worst - lying on the rails. Unknown
7. If you ask if I love you, I will answer yes. But I will say anything that I love you stronger than yesterday and I will definitely not say that tomorrow I will love you less than today. ” P. Coelho
8. What is so beautiful alone? “It is good that no one can leave you.” E. Remarck
9. At a certain moment, you invariably understand that everything in this life is sure to end. Bret Egon Ellis
10. Life is a deep river and you are drowning in it not because you do not know how to swim, but because just standing on the shore is not carried out. S. Lukyanenko
Sad words about the meaning of life

Interesting statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Sometimes a person can love less than balloons. This is strange, because the ball inside is empty, and a person inside is an infinite number of feelings. Unknown
2. Worst of all, wait for good luck and not wait. Then you just turn back to look at your life and see how much time you spent in vain, and to move late. E. Grishkovets
3. Life is so amazing and contrast that people are ready to boldly plunge into a rotting swamp only because several green bills will swim on the surface in it. P. Sellers
4. It's a shame that people lose interest in life. They refuse to fight, and life refuses them. P. Coelho
5. The biggest human mistake is that most of his life he thinks that he is still ahead. Alice Freindlich
6. Throughout life, a person is played by two toys: his fate and other people's feelings. Unknown
7. If you have found in life what you love, it will kill you later. Ch. Bukovsky
8. It will become easier to live if you learn not to lie about your feelings. E. Lepikhova
9. Think, decide, act. Every minute your life does not become longer. Unknown
10. A little patience, feelings of humor and comfort and everyone will be able to find their place on this planet. S. Maem
Interesting quotes about life

Fun statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. In life, everything is good at first, then very good, and then so good that it is bad. Unknown
2. Climbing the tree of "life", you should very carefully avoid woodpeckers in your path. Unknown
3. The main thing is not to find your place in life, but to find it on time so that it is not busy. Unknown
4. If you often torment yourself with bad thoughts, in the end, they will begin to let the roots inside you. M. Proust
5. Happiness in life is very simple, happiness is a favorite job that you want to go in the morning and a cozy house, which you want to return after work. E. Leonov
6. Do not be discouraged if people speak behind your back. This means that either you are ahead, or they do not have time for you. Unknown
7. Do not be upset because of the mistakes of the past, in the end, they are the wisdom of the future. Unknown
8. Poor old age is better than stupid youth. E. Lepikhova
9. For your happiness, you are responsible only you and no one else. Unknown
10. Turning face to the past, you automatically turn your back to the future. Unknown
Statuses about life, cool and funny quotes, aphorisms

Strong statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. What is life? Nothing more than an illusion. B. Pascal
2. Even if a person is not too good, his life is always worthy of salvation. D. B. Show
3. You can change life only by complete modification of thoughts. D. Carnegie
4. What is life made of? 10% of your thoughts and 90% of your perception. S. Maem
5. Life must be loved much more than its meaning. F. Dostoevsky
6. If you put off life “for later”, it will pass by. Seneca
7. I love life to indecent! S. Dali
8. The more you risk in life, the more you are alive! Osho
9. Life is short, and the memories of well -lived years are eternal! M. Cicero
10. Life, which is well lived, gives pleasure. Leonardo da Vinci
Strong statements about the life of famous personalities

Winged statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements, phrases, words about life

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. If something does not “glue” in life, you need to urgently switch to nails! Unknown
2. Life boils behind the boundaries of the permitted! I. Karpov
3. I don’t understand, will I rush life, or life rushes me? I. Sivolob
4. If happiness happens in our life, all the remaining days we live by its moments. A.V. Ivanov
5. If you torment yourself with questions about the meaning of life for a very long time, life may end. A. Rakhmatov
6. Life is nothing more than self -expression! A. Rakhmatov
7. Life is a fire that lights good luck! G. Aleksandrov
8. If there were no enemies in my life, it would not be joyful. R. Nixon
9. If you have time, think better about the meaning of life before death. Unknown
Beautiful statuses about life

Positive statuses, quotes, aphorisms, statements - motivators

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Life is such a problem that no one else was solved without errors! Unknown
2. The smarter a person, the less he understands the meaning of life. L. N. Tolstoy
3. In life, you should not share their problems with anyone, because many are completely indifferent to them, while others are glad that you have them. Unknown
4. Hatred has no place in life, the life that is full of hatred is short. Unknown
5. Time can cure absolutely everything, give only time time. Unknown
6. Do not have time - that’s the worst thing in life! Unknown
7. You can only once make a first impression, make it a second time it will not work! A. Piz
8. Life is short and therefore you should have time to say everything that is not allowed! Pocelo
9. Every day it can be good, it is only important to remember the good in every day. E. M. Earl
10. Our life is created from what other people make us feel. O. Balzac
Statements about the meaning of life

Statuses about life for girls and women

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. In order for the woman to be happy, it is enough for her to have a black skirt and a sweater, as well as a man who will lead her hand. Yves Saint Laurent
2. If people tell you that you have chosen the wrong path, then you are going right. A. Jolie
3. A happy woman should not spend her life on diets, bad mood and greedy men. F. Ranevskaya
4. The main thing is to understand that life should not be convenient. D. Rowling
5. If you want to be happy, you should not only do everything in spite of enemies, but also contrary to friends! D. Rowling
6. No matter how quickly you run, you cannot run away from yourself. D. Pikolt
7. There are two types of women: some are afraid of rain, others enjoy them. B. Marley
8. If a woman appreciates herself low, life will not offer her anything more expensive. S. Helen
9. In the world, nothing is mistaken, even broken aces can show the right time twice a day. P. Coelho
10. Only a rare person lives “today”, while others always make plans for “tomorrow”. D. Swift
Aphorisms about life and women

Statuses about happiness in a woman’s life, about family life

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Family is not a ball of thread, but a whole web consisting of patterns and different colors, nodes and loops. D. Setterfield
2. A truly happy woman has two names: “Mom” and “Wife”. Unknown
3. Family happiness is when it is pleasant for a man to come home, and a woman is pleased to meet a man at home. Unknown
4. Absolutely everything can be found in this life, but the family cannot. P. Escobar
5. You do not need to create a lot of mind to create a family, but you need to learn how to save. This requires great patience, humility and forgiveness. Mother Teresa
6. In the family, the main value is patience, because love is not enough. A. Chekhov
7. Family is the most important thing a person has in life. If you have no family, consider you have nothing. D. Depp
8. When a person perceives his family as a value, his marriage will be strong and strong. P. Gumerov
9. A good marriage would have been found more often if the spouses did not live together. F. Nietzsche
10. To achieve the world, it is enough to quit all things and go home to love the family. Mother Teresa
Smart statements about life

Statuses about the life of Omar Hayama, statements, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. The lower the soul of a person, the higher his nose is hung. Omar Hayam
2. If you can’t make a woman happy, you should not seek her. Omar Hayam
3. When you love a person, you also love all its shortcomings. Omar Hayam
4. Anyone who has lost heart dies before everyone else. Omar Hayam
5. A man who has a beloved woman cannot be seduced. Omar Hayam
6. If you offend a friend, you will make your enemy at a moment, but if you hug the enemy, you can find a friend. Omar Hayam
7. Wisdom needs to be used, and not hurt other people. Omar Hayam
8. Only one who is even worse can think about a person. Omar Hayam
9. You should not envy the one who is richer than you, because at dawn there is always a sunset. Omar Hayam
10. Fear not the poverty of material, but the poverty of the soul. Omar Hayam
Quotes Omar Khayyam

Statuses about happy life and love

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. If a person loves, he sees his soul mate exactly what God created her. F. Dostoevsky
2. Only another heart can reach the heart. Moskvin
3. You need to learn to love from an early age, being a child. F. Nietzsche
4. Love does not require and does not ask, true love has the power to trust. Hesse
5. You can solve any problem only with the help of love. K. Carey
6. A jealous person loves himself more than his soul mate. Laroshfuko
7. Only then does love make sense when mutual. L.F. Buskalya
8. The woman was not created to be understood, but to be loved. O. Wilde
9. Anyone who forgets about himself loves deeply. J. Rousseau
10. Love is stronger than death. I. Turgenyev
Beautiful statements about love

Statuses about life for guys and men: quotes, aphorisms

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. A single man knows much more about women than married. G. Menken
2. A real man always achieves female desires. Unknown
3. With some men I want to spend an eternity, but definitely not life. K. Norris
4. The power of a woman in the weakness of a man. Voltaire
5. If you want to establish a relationship with a man, learn to play with his inner child. F. Nietzsche

Statuses about time, moments: quotes, aphorisms

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. A person does not manage anything so skillfully as time. Horace
2. Just like the river, it quickly pours into the ocean, so time flows in the years. G. Derzhavin
3. Only one who does nothing has a lot of time. A. Chekhov
4. The child has a much longer hour than the old man. Schopenhauer
5. Time makes love weaker, and friendship is stronger. Labryuer
Quotes about time

Statuses about the goal in life: aphorisms, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. You can be happy only when your goal is happiness. Unknown
2. Life for a goal is the purpose of life. Unknown
3. It is enough for a person to give a goal in life and he will be able to give all his best in any situation. I. Gette
4. A person who has a goal in life can live a hundred years. A person who has no goal in life cannot open the eye. Unknown
5. Striving forward is the main goal of life. M. Gorky

Statuses about patience in life: aphorisms, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Marriage is patience. Each of the spouses is sure that it is he who suffers the most. Unknown
2. Patience helps to wait until the mud is in the muddy water. Then you can make the right decision. Unknown
3. Patience is a noble feeling, but now it’s impossible to live all your life. Unknown
4. There is nothing more magnificent than patience. Buddha
5. Sometimes, in order to get something better in life, you should tolerate a little. Unknown
Quotes about patience

Statuses about errors in life: aphorisms, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. If you do not forgive the mistake, you will make it yourself. Unknown
2. Let the mistakes teach you the experience. The great dawn is coming for sunset. Sh. Chinma
3. Other people's mistakes need to be taken into account, and not study on them. Unknown
4. Nobody can be insured from mistakes. If you commit them, you always have a chance to fix them. Unknown
5. The main mistake is not to listen to your heart. Yu. Kolchak

Statuses about boomerang in life: aphorisms, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. The life of a continuous “boomerang”: what do you give, then get it. O. Gavrilyuk
2. Evil returns with a neglected boomerang. N. Rozbitskaya
3. Some boomerangs do not return just because they choose freedom. S. Yezhilets
4. Many people should learn from the boomerang: you are launched, and you come back and hit your face. F. Begbeder
5. The “right” man can return like a boomerang. G. Stein

Statuses about people who climb into someone else's life: aphorisms, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. People who have no their lives always climb into someone else's. M. Levchenko
2. Trust is similar to nerve cells and just like them cannot be restored. S. Muradyan
3. If someone prevents you from living: hold your head above, and the middle finger is more confident in front of you. S. Muradyan
4. It is necessary to appreciate those people who are forgotten for pride for you. Unknown

Statuses about changes in life for the better: aphorisms, quotes

The text of the quote The author of the quote
1. Changes in life are interesting, necessary and simply pleasant. Unknown
2. If you do not try to change yourself, you cannot change the world. E. Lepikhova
3. If the changes come unexpectedly, this is not an accident. A. Green
4. In one day, life, death, love, disappointment happen. Changes can occur in one day. G. Forman

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  1. I am not a dog, if you will turn away, I will not stay but leave.

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