What does SHIPMENT-CANCELLED order status mean on Aliexpress, how to translate it into Russian? SHIPMENT-CANCELLLED order status on Aliexpress: what to do, is it necessary and how to open a dispute?

What does SHIPMENT-CANCELLED order status mean on Aliexpress, how to translate it into Russian? SHIPMENT-CANCELLLED order status on Aliexpress: what to do, is it necessary and how to open a dispute?

In this article we will learn what the status of the order "means" sHIPMENT-CANCELLLED" on the Aliexpress. And we will also tell you what to do in such a situation.

Over the past few years, a well -known Chinese site called AliacpressWhere you can order absolutely everything. Really anything, any size and in any quantity. But there are many nuances in it that must be delved into, especially, beginner customers.

How to translate the SHIPMENT-CANCELLED order status into Russian to Aliexpress?

The main trump card Aliexpress - This is a relatively low price, which is significantly inferior to indicators in stores. The only criterion is that you need to gain patience and wait from two weeks to two months.

  • And so that you can trace, at what stage and where your order is, each parcel has its own track number, with which it can be traced over the Internet. And you will see a transport path, in whatever corner of the world it is.
  • But sometimes unforeseen and, to be honest, very unpleasant situations happen. For example, the goods you ordered instead of the track-number and tracking status have a different, completely unfamiliar position- "Shipment-Cancelled".
  • If you literally translate this phrase, then it denotes "The package is canceled". You can also understand how the transportation is closed.
  • There are immediately a lot of questions in my head, how this happened if you did not change anything. And, even more so, if initially everything was fine, and the goods were sent. Fear even more covers your consciousness when payment for the goods has already been made.
  • Immediately remove the important “first thoughts”:
    • do not wait for the package to return to the seller, and he will cross it again to the buyer. These are not problems with mail, unfortunately;
    • it is also not the merit of customs that I decided to find fault with your package;
    • often there is an opinion that this is the abolition of the order Aliexpress for unknown reasons. Definitely not, and it cannot even be. And the seller did not decide to return the order back to himself.
SHIPMENT-CANCELLLED order status on Aliexpress
SHIPMENT-CANCELLLED order status on Aliexpress

Let's see a little deeper: what is it really?

The fact is that the seller also has no benefit from this. After all, this is his money. Do not forget the policy Aliexpress, what "Protection is always on the side of the buyer". Anyway, "Buyer or client is always right".

  • There is a version that the seller just did not transfer the parcel to the carrier. Again, he himself will be in the red, because he will not receive his money. But the fact is that the Chinese could not have time to send an order, but sent you the left number. This happens when a lot of orders gathered.

Important: in China, barcodes are sold, like our mail brands. Therefore, often the package can “hang” on the spot, being sent. And the movement can only be after 7-10 days. Agree that at least one package happened to you. But until this time, he must send an order. Otherwise, this assigned number is canceled.

  • There is another option that extremely dishonest and outrageous even, but still better than the previous one. Due to the above cause Aliexpress I forbade sending linden or non -tracked numbers. But unscrupulous sellers continue to use them.
  • Moreover, paying for such a number is much less, and fines can be avoided completely. And then the Chinese sends you a parcel under a different number that it will not be tracked. To save your own money. And this number is closed.
  • But we immediately want to reassure you. There is a chance that the package will come to you. You just cannot trace it. This option gives at least some hope of receiving your purchase.
Product status, which is sent, but not track
Product status, which is sent, but not track

SHIPMENT-CANCELLLED order status on Aliexpress: what to do, do you need to open a dispute?

Below, under this phrase there is always a date and time when exactly the order was canceled. After the cancellation, you can no longer track the goods. We have already come to the conclusion that, most likely, you came across an unscrupulous seller who simply decided to deceive you.

Important: If the parcel has such an inscription, then this says only one thing - that there was no parcel and will not! Therefore, you can’t track, nor you can’t get it. And be attentive to the end of the protection period.

  • As soon as you see that with the order of the problem, immediately write to your seller. If he is nevertheless involved in the problems with sending, he is simply obliged to notify you of a second shipment or that he sent it in another way. What exactly - you should also know about this.
  • We remind you that in order to communicate with the seller, you need to go to ” My Aliexpress"And go to the section "My orders". And, as below, there are always the seller’s contacts and the possibility of sending a message.
How to write a message to the seller
How to write a message to the seller
  • In any case, you need to strictly observe three simple rules:
    • do not panic;
    • do not lose precious time in anticipation that the problem will be solved by itself;
    • do everything yourself.
  • Do not rush to open the dispute right away. It is possible that the seller simply did not have time to send you an order for a number of reasons, as we already said. Or even such an option is possible that the order is sent by a service with tracks that cannot be tracked.
  • Therefore, from the very beginning, try to monitor the goods using information on your page. There is a separate such item - "Order Protection Dates". It is not possible not to notice this record, it is opposite each current order. This information can also be seen if you go to the order page and press the inscription " Read more«.
Button Read more on Aliexpress
Button "Read more" on Aliexpress
Where to watch the deadline for protection for aliexpress?
Where to watch the deadline for protection for aliexpress?
  • Date on Aliexpress It is written on the contrary - at the beginning of the year, then a month, then a day. If you see that time is already running out, you can calmly open a dispute with the seller, arguing that the time has almost expired, but there is no order.
  • Do not delay with the opening of the dispute, otherwise you can stay not only without the desired product, but also without money. Ideally, it must be opened in 3-5 days. But we recommend that you still do not hesitate. Since time is also necessary for consideration.
  • If the seller never got in touch with you, then unconditionally open the dispute. But be a little tolerant, you need to wait for about 3-5 days. On the page with orders, where there is a connection with the seller and the end of the defense, there is a blue inscription about the possibility of opening a dispute. You can go to the order page, there it is even more striking.
How to open a dispute
How to open a dispute
  • Press the inscription "open dispute" And choose "Problems with delivery". Next, clarify the reason how "No tracking by number".
  • It may even be that you missed the defense period. By the way, be careful, because even in the correspondence, polite Chinese constantly begging to postpone the dispute and wait a bit. Uvil you not to prolong the defense more than 2 times. Most likely, you will not get your parcel.
  • But it happens that you extended the protection, and then flew out of your head. In general, the reasons can be different. Do not panic - you have another 15 days. The reason also needs to be indicated "Problem with delivery". True, choose already "The order was never delivered".
  • The main thing is do not close the dispute. Even if the seller rejects your request, then wait for the administration to decide Aliexpress.
You can open a dispute even 2 weeks after the end of the defense
You can open a dispute even 2 weeks after the end of the defense

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress?

In order to open a dispute, you do not need special skills, skills and excellent knowledge of a foreign language. The main thing is compliance with step -by -step instructions. Sometimes a translator may be required. But on the site Aliexpress The page is translated automatically. Or change it in the Language settings.

  • No need to “run” into the seller from the threshold, not knowing the true reasons for the abolition of sending. First, just write to him and ask him to explain the situation that has created. In addition, you have every right to ask him for a new number to track the parcel.
  • Further, three options for the development of events are possible:
    • the seller accepts your dispute;
    • he does not respond to your messages. In this case, the dispute is closed in your favor and money for the goods not received is sent to you to the card;
    • he will hear you and offer a different scenario. More precisely, zero compensation for moral damage and a little of your patience to wait. But even after the seller’s promises, do not rush to cancel the dispute, otherwise you will stay with a broken trough.
  • If the first two options allow you to quickly return your money, then with the last option you will have to wait longer. And if once again the seller will feed you promises and requests to wait, then feel free to click “reject” and contact the site administration.

Important: the main thing is not to be afraid, because the truth is on your side! The main confirmation of your words will be the screenshots of your correspondence with the seller, which are best done just in case.

Video: What does the Shipment-Cancelled statute mean on Aliexpress and how to be in such a situation?

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