What does rational thinking mean and how to develop it: examples, types, process, errors

What does rational thinking mean and how to develop it: examples, types, process, errors

From this article you will learn what is rational thinking, what features it has and how to develop it correctly.

Rational thinking is one of the psychological terms that reflect the most abstract level of human thinking. It is also called logic. However, people have many questions about what it is in general and what features have. Let's understand.

What does rational thinking mean?

Rational thinking
Rational thinking

Rational thinking is the most general concept of formal logic, which is a structural element of any reasoning. This term reflects a phenomenon or process in an abstract form.

The basis of rational thinking is the real facts for reflection and logical arguments that allow us to make decisions. This makes it possible to see things in a real light, to explain everything that is not clear, and also show a short path to your goal.

As a rule, a rational way of thinking is associated with the exact sciences, but they also have to use in everyday life. It helps in quarry promotion, accumulations and even vacation planning.

Signs of rational thinking - how to recognize?

Rational thinking in humans can be determined by some signs. They are as follows:

  • A person sensibly evaluates the reality surrounding him and does not build air locks
  • Real achieved goals are set for itself
  • An adequate reaction to criticism is shown
  • A person listens to the opinion of others and takes into account him
  • Draws conclusions and reinforces them with facts
  • Is prudent and pragmatic
  • Soberly evaluates the capabilities of both his own

As a rule, such people themselves want and know how to make plans for the future. It is much easier for them to achieve the plan, unlike others, because they always think what consequences can be, punctual and can predict how events will develop, at least possible options.

When a person is guided by rational thoughts, he will not do something thoughtlessly and spontaneously. This allows him to protect himself from unpleasant surprises. It is a calm view of the situation that goes to gather in the most difficult moments and act quickly and efficiently.

Examples of rational thinking: Features

Rationality and irrationality
Rationality and irrationality

Depending on what kind of thinking prevails in a person, actions will also be determined. So, if you were washed, then a person will do the same. Irrationality, which is the opposite of rational thinking, is able to give rise to panic, which owns all thoughts. Accordingly, a person is already obeying fear, and not existing facts.

For example, a person has a well -made speech, diction is developed, he looks great, knows how to perform in public, but he is very afraid to turn his foot out at the exit. Although before he did not happen to him, and the situation itself does not imply anything. So, this is irrational thinking.

How does it turn out that one is successful, and the other is constantly accompanied by failure, even in the smallest matters? You may be surprised, but the secret lies just in thinking.

For example, it is important for a businessman to think rationally. In addition, chaotic actions and fears will not help in promoting the career ladder. Only with the help of clear planning, observation, you can go above.

When a person is able to work concentrated, evaluate the problem and evaluate possible risks in advance, his business will be successful and protected from many accidents. They simply will not have a chance, because the person calculated everything in advance.

Types of rational thinking: forms, methods

The form of rational thinking
The form of rational thinking

In general, two types or even a way of rational thinking are distinguished - this, of course, is rational and irrational.

The first is based on logic and mind. It is always based on proven facts with which no one argues. Such thinking indicates the rationality and adequacy of a person. Moreover, it is purposeful.

As for irrational thinking, it cannot be expressed by logical concepts and judgments. It in itself does not have any analytical base and is not criticized. In fact, people with such thinking make distorted conclusions that have nothing to do with the reality and significance of facts. In addition, they are able to draw conclusions for life, even content with only an insignificant event.

How is the process of rational thinking?

Rational thinking has a certain process. It allows you to think about your own solutions. At the same time, it has a clear structure of several elements:

  • Concept. In this case, it means the name of an object or phenomenon with which you have to work or take out your opinion about it. At this stage, only an indication of a specific process or subject is used in order to accept it for further analysis or designation of the problem.
  • Judgment. Further, several objects of the concept are connected or there is a connection between actions and objects. As a rule, building a relationship is like an explanation or expansion of data on the subject. As a result, a person draws certain conclusions.
  • Inference. It is conclusions that are obtained during the analysis.

These three foundations allow solving problems regardless of their complexity. They will be effective even in everyday life, when to solve the problem it is necessary to use logic, and all emotions are required to remove. Such abstraction requires training, because it is difficult to turn off emotions and not let them influence the overall picture. However, even after years of training, people cannot get rid of emotions on the machine, because they are usually stronger.

How to check the degree of development of rational thinking in yourself?

The role of thinking in cognition
The role of thinking in cognition

Usually, checking how developed rational thinking is easy. There is no particular need to check it, but this will allow you to get a more accurate and reliable result. You can go through several tests yourself. For this, standard surveys from Aichenka, Ravena, according to Vanderlik for development and others are suitable.

There are several more specific methods.

  • Determination of objects. Any real objects are suitable for the method. For example, even a pen. That is what comes to mind. Further it is evaluated which of the properties more accurately characterize the subject and distinguish from others. Highlight all the main, and exclude the secondary. You should get a single system. After the classification, make a full concept and check it according to the dictionary. If your result is without difficulties, then you are definitely well developed by rational thinking.
  • Logical tests. There are a huge number of them. In addition, you can solve logic problems. There are not very few of them either. It is best, of course, to do it all under the control of a specialist. A great way to diagnose is a conversation in which you need to argue your own opinion. You can differently approach the question and write an essay.

How to develop rational thinking: methods

How to develop rational thinking?
How to develop rational thinking?

Psychologists have created many ways to develop rational thinking. They are very simple and everyone can perform them. So if you decide to develop this particular thinking, then use the following recommendations:

  • Determine for yourself the problem that you want to think over and set yourself several goals and objectives.
  • Write notes. Be sure to write everything on paper. So you comprehensively study the problem and delve into its essence. Instead of paper, it is allowed to use a phone or other device. In any case, you will see all your mistakes or incorrect conclusions.
  • Write down all your ideas on the recorder so as not to forget about them. It happens that the best comes unexpectedly and at the same time a person simply forgets his idea.
  • Write the numbers from 1 to 20, and try to make notes in front of all points about a specific situation. This may be an assessment, a solution method or some kind of characteristic. So you will cover the situation as much as possible. After completing, study the list and analyze it. This will help to find the right solution.
  • Learn to look for several solutions for one problem at once. Later, you will already learn to compare them and remove those that are not suitable for you, leaving only what is effective.
  • If you do not get any facts, recognize them. Make the wrong decisions, based only on what is - the biggest mistake. Be sure to interview everyone who is aware of the problem and request additional documents. If it is scary to seem stupid - ask Google. The network has a huge amount of information that will help solve your problems.

There are even a few exercises that will make the consciousness more flexible and learn to find ways to solve difficulties:

  • Meditation. These are not only spiritual practices. Thanks to meditation, a person becomes more concentrated, and this is important, because it is concentration that allows you to quickly and effectively solve any issues, without being distracted from the main ones.
  • Thanks to walking walks, blood receives more oxygen. From this, the brain works more productive. Try to think about important matters in nature.
  • Return home, changing the usual routes. For example, do not go through the park, but along the lane, go to the stop earlier and walk. The fact is that the brain does not look through the same situations. We begin to react only to changes. When changing the route, the brain becomes more vigorous and is included in the work.

So, rational thinking is a tool with which we can achieve the tasks and solve any issues.

How to motivate an adult to rational thinking?

How to make a person think rationally?
How to make a person think rationally?

Quite often, a situation is found when a person’s rational thinking prevails to a lesser extent and constant chaos in his life can create many problems. I would like to somehow push him to changes. In this case, try to talk to him. Ask him a number of important questions regarding his life. For example, whether everything suits him why this is happening. At the very end, of course, you should ask if he wants to change something. If so, suggest starting to train with the above methods. Gradually, a person will come to rational thinking, he will disappear, he will be more collected and logical in his actions.

Methods of rational thinking: basic errors

Rational thinking is of course good. Here are just some people make mistakes. To prevent them, we must study them. That's just about them we will tell you now.

  • A fundamental attribution error. This is a person’s tendency to give an explanation for the actions and behavior of others, based on their personal characteristics, and by their own - due to external circumstances. In other words, we do not make any concessions to someone, but we are looking for the reason for our behavior somewhere outside. This error appears because when something happens to us, we know how it was. But when in such a situation it turns out to be different, the label is hung on it, because it is so faster. It is easier to choose those versions that require less energy.
  • Planning error. People do not always correctly assess the amount of time that they may need to solve problems. So it turns out due to the fact that people often choose the most optimistic scenario and do not think about possible difficulties, or take what they want for real. Perhaps such a task was already fulfilled in the past, but at the same time a person forgot how much time he needed.
Mistakes of rational thinking
Mistakes of rational thinking
  • Systemic bias. This is a tendency to maintain one side and give preference to specific results. For example, a person invented a system, believed in it and did not even try to refute. This is found in both scientists and ordinary people, and it must be avoided in every possible way. If you have any system, then try to refute it.
  • The effect of a witness. This is such an effect when people are witnessing an emergency, but do not try to help the victims. The more people are near, the more likely they will do nothing. This is called distortion. Without the help of others, rational thinking is impossible.
  • Getting rid of cognitive dissonance. This is psychological discomfort when two opposite opinions are faced inside a person. Everyone is engaged in such a self -deception, and this is a direct path to improper thinking. Start watching yourself and do not try to save yourself from dissonance. You will immediately understand that this is well affected by your decisions.

Video: Lecture 1.1: Intuitive and rational thinking

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