How the word acclimatization is written correctly: rules, morphemic analysis

How the word acclimatization is written correctly: rules, morphemic analysis

Words of foreign origin are often doubtful in their spelling. This is precisely the word “acclimatization”, which means the adaptation of a living organism to one or another conditions of existence.

It is impossible to check the correctness of its spelling by selecting a single -rooted word, and therefore the word belongs to the vocabulary group requiring memorization.

Morphemal analysis of the word acclimatization

  • The parsing of it will help to understand the tricks of writing this word. The root in this case is determined unambiguously - “ climate».
  • Then the syllable of the AK preceding him is a prefix. We we have two suffixes at once: “From” and “Aci”, and the ending is the syllable “I”.

Correct spelling of the word acclimatization

  • The main difficulty for many is writing two letters "K" at the beginning this word. This doubling came to us along with the word itself from the French language, in which it is also written with two K.
  • Therefore, in the dictionary of the Russian language it entered precisely in this form. It is necessary simply remember this doublingLike any other vocabulary.
  • Another question may arise with the spelling of the suffix, because we clearly hear "Y" after the letter "c", So why, in the letter, we reproduce the letter “and”?
How to write?
How to write?
  • The answer to this question is given by the rules of the Russian language, which say that the letter “s” after the solid sound “c” (and it is always such) is used only in some cases. In the words ending on “Tsia”, the letter “and” is always used.

How is the word acclimatization spelled correctly?

  • So we found out that the word "acclimatization" It is borrowed from another language, has no words for verification and belongs to the category of vocabulary.
  • Therefore, it must be remembered that it is written with two “k” and with the end of “tion”: acclimatization.

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