Failure or not execution - how is it written together or separately?

Failure or not execution - how is it written together or separately?

In this article, we will talk about how the word “failure” is written correctly.

We have repeatedly talked about the correctness of writing words and now we decided to deal with the word “failure”, how to write it correctly? Let's find out.

How to write correctly or failure to write correctly?

Non -fulfillment or non -implementation
Non -fulfillment or non -implementation

In fact, both options are correct, only the final spelling will depend on the context of use. Let's analyze the word and find out how it is still written correctly?

If a noun can be changed to a synonym without a particle and it will become the opposite meaning, then it will be used together.

- For failure to fulfill the terms of the contract, he was punished.

- Failure to fulfill the plan adjusted him to work faster.

- Learn said that for failure to fulfill their homework would put a deuce.

At the same time, a word can be used separately, if there is a contrast or when it is meant:

- Friendship allows us to work together, and not the implementation of the contract.

- Not fulfilling the task, but the sinking helped him avoid dismissal.

- He was sure that not the performance of the work, but the wedding with the daughter of the boss could return the position to him.

Among other things, separate spelling can be used in interrogative sentences if the denial is emphasized.

Didn't the implementation of the plan leave you without work?

- Why didn't you immediately say about the non -fulfillment?

- Is the transaction conditions a guarantee of successful cooperation?

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to understand the spelling of the word we consider, the main thing is to remember a few simple rules.

Video: repetition of spelling. Spelling not with different parts of speech

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