Smas-lifting is the essence of the method: the principle of action, pros and cons, indications and contraindications. SMAS facial-lifting-How is it done: Procedure procedure

Smas-lifting is the essence of the method: the principle of action, pros and cons, indications and contraindications. SMAS facial-lifting-How is it done: Procedure procedure

In this article, we will talk about such a procedure as SMAS facial-lifting-when it can be carried out, as well as how the procedure is carried out and what are the features.

Every woman is afraid of old age and never wants to look at her age. This is a completely explained phenomenon and at the same time, it is quite possible to achieve the necessary results. The most effective and cardinal way is surgical intervention and today there are a huge number of techniques that allow you to quickly get rid of wrinkles. These include SMAS facial-lifting. It gives an excellent effect and age -related changes do not bother for a very long time.

Smas-lifting-the essence of the method: principle of action


In general, all women know what is the lifting. This is a skin tightening using chemical or mechanical methods. The face-lifting usually penetrates deeply and its action is directed to the deep layer of the skin, which is connected to muscle fibers.

The essence of the methodology is quite understandable, but only in order to understand it you must first determine how the aging mechanisms occur. First of all, it can be genetics and lifestyle. However, there are other reasons. For example, with age, a system that serves as a frame weakens and does not hold the skin so well in the previous position. Signing arises from this, small wrinkles appear and so on.

Smas-lifting applies not only to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, but also to the lower muscle-aponeurotic layer. Previously, the procedure was carried out using a scalpel, but since the patients were restored for a long time, the doctors were looking for new methods. So the ultrasound procedure appeared, which is not so traumatic. It allows you to heat the tissues at the desired depth, which is why the cells begin to actively produce elastin and collagen. Moreover, the fibers are reduced and the skin is restored.

By the way, the effect is visible immediately, but only fabrics take several months to return to the previous form.

Smas facial-lifting-benefits and harm: pros and cons of

SMAS lifting
SMAS lifting

The face-lifting of the face has certain advantages over other similar rejuvenation procedures. In this case, the restoration of the previous oval of the face is not carried out with the help of mechanical tension, but simply by increasing the frame for the muscles. The procedure allows you to smooth out any folds, even the deepest. In addition, the effect persists for many years and perhaps it will take only a couple of procedures in your life.

Needless to say, such a procedure is characterized by rapid recovery, and when it is carried out, minimal discomfort is felt.

There are certain shortcomings, in particular, the procedure is very expensive, but in any case it justifies itself. Moreover, in some women, due to the characteristics of the body, there may be no effect. This happens in 15% of cases.

SMAS face lifting: Indications and contraindications

In general, the face-lifting of the face is not required in every case. That is, if the first age -related changes have appeared, then do not run faster to the doctor and conduct the procedure. Experts advise doing it no earlier than 40-45 years old.

So, the main indications for the procedure are sagging of the skin and the appearance of deep wrinkles. When there are only small wrinkles, such a lifting will be effective, but it makes no sense to conduct it. It is better to do it in other ways.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications that must also be taken into account:

  • Epilepsy and other neurological diseases
  • Skin damage, including the presence of acne rash
  • If there are synthetic fillers in the fabrics
  • The presence of a pacemaker
  • Oncological diseases
  • A tendency to the appearance of scars or scars
  • Diabetes
  • The presence of piercings and dentures
  • Autimonic diseases of the connective tissue
  • Take of blood thinning drugs

Plus, the procedure is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

SMAS facial-lifting-How is it done: Procedure procedure

How is SMAS lifting carried out?
How is SMAS lifting carried out?

Smas facial-lifting is of several types. So, distinguish classic, endoscopic and ultrasonic. Each of them is carried out in different ways. Let's discuss each of them.

Classic Smas face lifting

This method is considered the most traumatic. Accordingly, it was used the very first, but it is still applied in practice. Before performing the operation, careful preparation is needed. The procedure itself takes about two to three hours and is carried out under general anesthesia. After the completion of the lifelon, the patient undergoes rehabilitation. The advantage is that the effect persists for a long time and even when it seems to be subsided, the patient still looks younger than his age.

The procedure is carried out in the following way:

  • To begin with, a specialist behind his ear, in the temple, makes an incision and leads him along the ear shell in front of the face and ends with a zone behind the ear. This is done to remove the upper layer of the skin
  • After that, the SMAS system is pulled up
  • Everything that remains superfluous is removed, and in some cases doctors additionally do liposuction
  • Now that the upper layer of the skin is given in the right place, it must be fixed
  • Lastly, the seams are applied. Their location is carried out through the hair growth line

After the operation is completed, the recovery period occurs. The patient is observed in the hospital for two days. At the same time, a bandage is applied for several days, which will support the contour of the face. The seams are removed only after two weeks.

In general, rehabilitation takes 1.5-2 months. During this period, recovery takes place after the procedure. At this time, it is important to use cooling compresses, and the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics so that there is no inflammation. By the way, it is not recommended to bend below the waist level to prevent edema.

The procedure itself has an excellent effect, but it also has some disadvantages. First of all, this is a long recovery during which infection can penetrate the seams, and nerve fibers can also be injured. At the same time, age -related changes will still occur.

The cost of the procedure is approximately 300 thousand rubles.

Endoscopic faces lifting

SMAS lifting results
SMAS lifting results

This method is carried out without such a cardinal intervention and incisions are not made. This made it possible to minimize injuries compared to the previous way. The operation itself is carried out as much in time, but already under general anesthesia. At the same time, the result is not for so long, about five years. So until 40 years old it is not worth it. Although the cost of the procedure is much lower.

The procedure is performed through small punctures in the temple. This is done in places where the hair grows. All procedures are carried out using an endoscope, at the end of which a video camera is fixed.

The rehabilitation period is also 1.5-2 months.

The advantage of the intervention is that after penetration into the fabric of the endoscope, almost inconspicuous traces remain and no seams are superimposed. In addition, bruises and swelling are not formed, and other consequences do not arise. In addition, since the effect of the effect is not so large, the procedure is allowed to carry out several times.

Ultrasonic Smas-lifting of the face

This method is the most gentle of all presented. In this case, ultrasonic waves are used for rejuvenation, and local anesthetic for pain relief. The whole procedure lasts about 1.5 hours. By the way, everything that the doctor does can be viewed on the screen that hangs in front of the patient.

Before carrying out the procedure, the skin is marked with lines along which a specialist will work, and a gel -like texture will be applied from above. Then, using the apparatus, the cosmetologist acts on the patient's face.

There are no pain during the procedure. As a rule, patients note small tingling.

Thanks to this method of exposure, the skin actively begins to produce collagen and elastin, but only the results do not appear immediately, but about a week later. The procedure reaches the maximum effect only after three months. Only it is preserved the least-about 1.5-2 years. After that, it is allowed to carry out the procedure again.

By the way, the procedure is not inferior to the endoscopic procedure for the price. So you should think about whether it is worth paying for such a short result. That is why patients often remain disappointed.

Nevertheless, the procedure has a sufficient number of advantages. First of all, it is carried out without pain and after it there are no scars left. But the main thing is that no rehabilitation is required, and therefore immediately after the procedure you can return to your usual lifestyle.

SMAS Ultrasound Eye Lifting: Features of the Procedure

SMAS Eye Lifting
SMAS Eye Lifting

In addition to the fact that there is a SMAS facial-lifting, there is a separate procedure for the eyelids. Before its conduct, the doctor must examine and finds out whether there are contraindications. It is carried out on an extremely delicate area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, and therefore only one session is required to make all the necessary manipulations.

There are certain advice on preparing for the intervention. First of all, a week before the procedure, extended eyelashes are removed if a woman wears them. Moreover, in three days you need to abandon any creams, especially with acids.

Before starting exposure, the specialist cleanses the skin and applies an antiseptic. Means are necessarily selected taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin. So, if they are too sensitive, then hypoallergenic agents are applied. Immediately after disinfection, an analgesic gel is applied. It allows you not to feel any discomfort.

After the gel is absorbed, disinfection is once again done. Well, only after that areas are marked for work.

Further, the specialist again applies the gel and is already starting to work with an ultrasound apparatus, processing each site. It independently regulates speed and intensity. The doctor helps the doctor to perform the operation, which shows all manipulations on the monitor. The total duration of the session is about half an hour. After it, goose legs disappear from the eyes and the skin rejuvenates.

SMAS lifting of an intimate zone: Features of the procedure

By the way, it is not necessary to carry out a SMAS facial-lifting, you can even make a tightening of an intimate area. This procedure is not shown to all women. As a rule, it is carried out after childbirth and due to age -related changes. The fact is that the vagina can stretch, which leads to the absence of a closure of the sexual slit. So, it increases in size, and the walls drop. The same can cause urinary incontinence.

In any case, with such a problem it is difficult to lead a full -fledged sex life. She stops bringing its former pleasure. Sometimes women experience pain, and maybe other unpleasant sensations. If the procedure is not carried out in time, then the risk of infections will increase significantly.

Manipulation is carried out with a laser. So, it acts warmly on the walls of the vagina. The submucosal layer and fascia of the pelvic floor, in which the most collagen are located, warms up.

SMAS lifting Ultrasound procedure-can you use creams?

Cream after SMAS lifting
Cream after SMAS lifting

Some are interested in whether it is possible to use the creams after SMAS lifting of the face. In general, immediately after the procedure, this is not worth it. First of all, it is worth highlighting an ultrasound. After it, as we have already said, the skin is not required and you can lead a familiar lifestyle, respectively, it is also allowed to use creams. In the case of other procedures, this will not work.

In the first days after them, the skin is treated with chlorhexidine, and you can also wash with warm water using hypoallergenic agents. In addition, in the first week, lotions of a special solution made from furatsillin and pharmacy chamomile are allowed. It is enough to carry out the procedure three times a day for 20-30 minutes.

Rehabilitation after SMAS Lifting Faces: Features

Since the ultrasonic SMAS lifting of the face does not imply long rehabilitation, experts do not give any special advice. Although, for some time it is still worth being more accurate and not to affect the skin too aggressively so as not to harm it.

As for other procedures, everything is much more complicated with them. First of all, the patient must awaken from anesthesia. In principle, no special actions are required, but still it is not so simple to wake up, and it takes time for this. After a few hours, the first pain appear. They are eliminated using anelgetics.

For several days after the operation, the patient is applied. When it is removed, swelling, hematomas and bruises may appear. To eliminate them, the doctor prescribes special procedures. If you do not want to face undesirable consequences, then it is necessary to visit them. Thanks to them, healing is carried out faster.

SMAS face lifting-is it painful or not?

Many girls are interested in whether it hurts to do SMAS facial-lifting? In fact, this is not such a painful procedure, especially with regard to ultrasound. The rest, of course, are more painful. The intervention itself is carried out under anesthesia and, in principle, nothing is felt, but after a few hours pains that are removed with painkillers.

SMAS face lifting-how much does it hold?

How much SMAS lifting lasts
How much SMAS lifting lasts

The question is no less important about how much SMAS lifting of the face lasts? As we have already said, after the classical procedure, the effect will delight the eye of 10-15 years, but you just need to understand that this is surgery. Endoscopic lifting is slightly less effective, its properties are preserved for about five years, but still the method is not so traumatic. The very last - ultrasonic, passes faster than the rest and lasts about 1.5 years.

Smas-lifting of the face of ultrasonic-how much does it cost?

The ultrasound Smas-lifting of the face has the cost significantly lower, unlike other methods, but at the same time it is not considered cheap. In fact, if you do a completely person, then the price will be about 110 thousand rubles. At the same time, it is allowed to expose in certain areas of the face.

SMAS facial-lifting-how many procedures do you need?

In general, the person is carried out in one procedure. This does not require any courses. So, intervention is carried out within three hours and no more. After that, it remains only to undergo rehabilitation and enjoy the result.

Complications after ultrasound, classical, endoscopic Smas-lifting of the face: Features

Smas facial-lifting classic and endoscopic is surgical intervention. Of course, complications and side effects can occur after it. They can be as follows:

  • Swelling and hematomas. Usually they are absorbed in a week or two. But sometimes blood can leak inside if the vessels were damaged. In such a situation, blood vessels are dressed and accumulated fluid. As for swelling, it may not pass within one to two months. As a rule, they pass on 10-12 days. To speed up the healing process, use cool compresses. Try not to tilt your head so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • Redness. Basically, this complication manifests itself due to the subtlety of the skin. Usually, if the procedure is successful, then redness disappears already on the second day.
  • Pain. This reaction is normal because the operation was done. Pain can manifest itself systematically or only when affecting the skin. Usually all the symptoms themselves pass in four weeks. At the same time, the skin can lose a little sensitivity that was before.
  • Partial nerve paralysis. It is considered an unexpressed consequence. In this case, additional intervention or use of medicines may even be required. This can happen if the doctor accidentally injures the nerve during the operation. This complication happens very rarely and speaks of unprofessionalism of the doctor.
  • Fabric necrosis. In places of cuts, suppuration and destruction of the skin may appear. It may occur as a result of improper care of wounds after surgery.

Smas facial-lifting: photo before and after the procedure

Many women are interested in how Smas facial-lifting looks already in the finished form, that is, how a woman looked before the procedure and what happened after. We offer you to see several women who conducted the procedure.

Before and after 1
Before and after 1
Before and after 2
Before and after 2
Before and after 3
Before and after 3
Before and after 4
Before and after 4
Before and after 5
Before and after 5

Ultrasonic Smas Facial Lifting: Reviews, Forum

When women make a person, they are sure to share their reviews on the Internet. They share their impressions of the procedure and tell whether it is worth doing it. This is what women say about this type of lifting:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: SMAS pulling with ultrasound. How it works? Is it worth your money?

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