What does butterflies in the stomach mean? Where did the expression “butterfly in the stomach” come from? "Butterflies in the stomach" is love?

What does butterflies in the stomach mean? Where did the expression “butterfly in the stomach” come from?

If the heart suddenly hid in the chest, and some invisible threads in the lower abdomen suddenly began to interwove up with a ball, sweetly tickling you from the inside, then this means that these same “butterflies” came to you, which we will talk about in the article.

Many representatives of the fair sex (about 90%) are able to feel their delicate wings inside themselves, but the men can not keep up with them - only half of them at least once in their lives were visited by these fluttering insects. But the waves of their wings act equally - both men and women. An extraordinary ease appears in the body, and a person is in a state of euphoria, bliss and bliss seemed to "infuriate to the clouds."

Where did the expression "butterfly in the stomach" come from?

  • This is a stable expression - “butterflies in the stomach” - first arose at the turn XX-XXI centuries in one of the love novelswho at that time appeared in innumerable quantities. There was a demand for this - respectively, a proposal.
  • Unusable then with good literature, reading the audience with rapture “swallowed” more and more Kitchi novels in soft covers, which very soon literally collapsed in their hands. Therefore, probably, neither the name of this literary work, nor the name of the author, have not been preserved in the memory of people.
  • And shortly after entering the screen of the fifth season of the movie series "Sex and the City", Suddenly, everyone spoke about these very “butterflies”, which was mentioned by one of his main heroines Kerry Bedshaw, Thus describing his passion for a man.
Initially, an expression from books, then from films went
Initially, an expression from books, then from films went
  • Further, the mention of fluttering insects is found in the movie "Diary of Bridget Jones". They soon sang butterflies in the abdomen Katya Lel, Natalie Imbrulya, Glucose and other performers of popular songs.
  • Their image (as they see them) was captured by artists on their canvases.
  • In the Internet space appeared lyrical poems on this subject.
  • Even Love-Story photo shoots managed to do with these very butterflies.

What does the expression of a butterfly in the abdomen mean in terms of medicine and biochemistry?

  • How are butterflies felt in the stomach? If an object of your sighing suddenly appears in the field of view, then excitation as sweaty palms, caught breathing, flashing cheeks, or vice versa, a pale face, heart rate and butterflies fluttering in the stomach It can tell not only your chosen one, but everyone around you about your sympathy. Often with all these feelings it is difficult to cope, because they arise due to the surge of uncontrollable hormones.
  • Not so long ago, the media replicated the sensation that the World Health Organization of all sorts love experiences was given the status of a real obsessive disease.

As the professor of psychiatry Mikhail Vinogradov put it, love is a “altered state of consciousness”. And when do they usually say that? When they mean a person introduced into a hypnotic trance, or when he is under the influence of narcotic drugs or alcohol.

  • If you use medical terminology, then speaking of love, you can call it an acute pathology, and about love to say that this is a chronic form of the disease.
  • Bioenergy and chemistry give such a scientific justification of love, and, therefore, the appearance of “butterflies in the stomach”, and each person is inherent in his own, different from others, bioenergopol, and everyone has a different frequency of oscillations.
People coincide in energy field
People coincide in energy field
  • If two people met Aura is something similar to each other, then as a result of their resonance they can fall in love with each other - This is the interpretation of bioenergy. Chemistry, on the other hand, considers the love and accompanying “butterflies” in the form of a complex of bioprocesses, filling the body of a person in love with a special substance - phenylethylamine.
  • By the way, both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Internal Affairs put it on a par with mild drugs. Exactly drug euphoria can be called love feelings - peculiar "inclusion" of the centers of the brain that are responsible for the pleasures and the emergence of "butterflies".
  • And when the body is addictive, “butterflies” usually disappear in an unknown direction, and violent love either completely evaporates, and in this case partnerships are torn, or it enters into a new stage that fills the person calm and satisfaction, and all this is provided by other substances - endorphins.

Why do butterflies appear in the stomach?

  • Love does not arise at all in the heart, and not in the soul, which the lyrics are used to saying with Pyatit. It's all about here in feromonomwho let us know which partners suit us and which are not suitable. This happens at the level of the sense of smell, and a person usually does not even suspect that all “love stories” are formed due to the smell coming from the representative of the opposite sex.
  • And if individual genetic sets of men and women approach each other, then in this case and Mutual attraction arises, and "butterflies in the abdomen begin to flutter."

If a person is in a state of love, then endorphins are often thrown into his blood-hormones of happiness, which even help to fight diseases, especially cardiovascular. Scientists have proven that sexual relations with the object of passion far increase the level of endorphins in the body.

From love
From love

How many butterflies in the abdomen live?

  • Not only in his youth and youth, but also at 40, 50, and even at 60, I still want to feel the sweetness of love, from which "butterflies in the stomach would tremble with their wings." And if she still suddenly comes up again, try to keep them in herself as long as possible, because it is “butterflies in the stomach” that are best associated with tender feelings and trepidable excitement, with air lightness and bright colors, as if you are soaring where -The high in the sky.
  • Usually live "butterflies in the stomach" (stage of love) 3-6 months. And then they can develop into true strong love, or completely disappear. Their first enemy is the lack of a desire to recognize them and accept as a kind of given from above. This can be called "grinding" in the first year of life together.
  • A sense of jealousy is the second enemy, and the third is banal greed, when at first for its second half it becomes a pity for money, and then - even emotions, manifestations of care and attention. This is the main reason for the decay of steam, and the “butterflies in the stomach” do not live inside the loners for a long time.
Butterflies fly to replace love
Butterflies fly to replace love

So, as we understood, the set of certain components of the psyche is meant by falling in love, when he constantly pulls to be close to the object of his passion, touch him, speak with him, or at least just look at him. It is from all this that “butterflies” arise in the stomach. But love is already something else. When falling in love begins to compact over time, at the same time pouring bright, bright and pure feelings, then this state of mind will be called so - love, which in no case stops after flying “butterflies”.

From our articles you will find out where the expression came from:

Video: What causes butterflies in the stomach?

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