“Everything that is done is all for the better”: how to write in Russian correctly, where did this expression come from, how is it written for a tattoo in English and Latin?

“Everything that is done is all for the better”: how to write in Russian correctly, where did this expression come from, how is it written for a tattoo in English and Latin?

The analysis of the spelling of the saying “everything that is done is all for the better”, an overview of its origin and meaning, as well as translation into English and Latin.

Proverb " Everything that is done is all for the better»You can rightfully consider one of the most common in the world. It is found in many languages \u200b\u200band is used by people as a comfort in the incident of grief or as an excuse for their failures. However, even the majority of optimists for whom this proverb serves as an unofficial motto have no idea about the origin of this expression and do not know how to write it correctly in Russian. Not to mention English, Latin and D.R. In this article you will find answers to these questions.

Image 1. Parsing of spelling and origin of the saying everything that is done is all for the better.
Image 1. Parsing of spelling and origin saying "everything that is done is all for the better."

How is the expression “everything that is done is written correctly - everything for the better” in Russian?

Despite the fact that this expression is short and does not contain any extremely complex words, some people manage to make mistakes in it. As a rule, these errors are associated with punctuation and ignorance, in what cases the particle is used " neither", And in which" not". Let's analyze this expression in more detail:

Everything that is done is all for the better.

1. Phrase « whatever is done» In this expression, it is an appendage (explanatory) proposal, and therefore it stands out on both sides with commas;
Next is a new simple sentence (all goes to good) With an appropriate predicate (made). Since the predicate is lowered, a dash is placed instead;

2. In our expression there is no denial, which should be indicated by a particle " not". The particle present in it " neither»Designed to strengthen the affirmative meaning. It can be omitted or replaced by a union " and"Or word" even».

Image 2. The spelling of particles is not and with different parts of speech.
Image 2. The spelling of the particles is “not” and “nor” with various parts of speech.
  • Everything that is done (someone) is all for the better;
  • And everything that is done is all for the better;
  • Even everything that is done is all for the better;

If instead of " neither"Use a particle" not”, Then the meaning of the expression will become completely opposite (if nothing is done at all, then this is for the better).

Where did the expression “everything that is done - everything for the better” came from?

  • It is impossible to say with complete confidence where the expression came from " Everything that is not done is all for the better", Since there are many interpretations of this saying among different peoples and in different languages.
Image 3. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
Image 3. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
  • Some scientists believe that the saying takes its roots from biblical scriptures and is an interpretation of the expression " Everything promotes good to those who love God". Others argue that this saying is the paraphrase of the statement of the famous German mathematician and philosopher G.V. Leibnizfirst written by him in the entry to the treatise " Theodricia's experiments about the goodness of God, the freedom of man and the root cause of Evil". Fame gave her fame Voltairewho ridiculed her in his work " Candide", After which she turned into a winged expression" Everything for the best in this best world».
  • However, there were similar sayings among the peoples who did not hear about the Bible or about Voltaire. For example, there is one African parable that explains the origin of this expression and its meaning:

One African king had a very close friend with whom they grew together. His friend was a real optimist in any situation, whether she is positive or negative, always said the phrase: ““ This is good!»

One fine day, the king and his friend went hunting. A friend often helped the king prepare and charge guns. However, on this day, in the process of preparing one gun, a friend made an error and, when shooting, the king was torn off his index finger on his hand. Despite the incident friend, as always, said his favorite phrase: "" This is good!"The king was seriously angry, cried out that there was nothing good in his torn finger and ordered to throw his best friend into prison.

Two years later, the king, as usual, went hunting in one of the areas that seemed safe to him. However, he did not know that in this area the tribe of cannibals lived, who captured him, took him to their settlement along with other participants in the hunt and tied them to the pillars. When they approached the king to breed a fire at his feet, they noticed that his index finger was missing on his hand. Since these cannibals were extremely superstitious and never ate people with physical defects, they untied the king and let him go home.

Image 4. Illustration for parables.
Image 4. Illustration for parables.

When the king returned to his palace, he remembered that case on the hunt, when his finger was torn off and how he did with his best friend. Trending from remorse, he ordered to bring his friend to him.

“You were absolutely right,” the king said, “it really was good that that day I lost my finger.”
And he told a friend his story from beginning to end.
“I'm very sorry that I threw you into prison.” For my part, it was an incredibly bad act. I'm sorry.
“No,” said the friend, “it was good too!”
- How can you say that? - the king was surprised, - that the good thing is that I kept in imprisonment of my best friend for two whole years?
“If you hadn't threw me into prison, then I would be on this hunt with you.”

How is the expression “everything that is done is written - everything for the better” in English and Latin for a tattoo?

It is generally accepted that the expression " Everything that is done is all for the better"Says that even from the largest grief you can get something good. However, this is not just a phrase to calm. It lies in a deeper meaning. She calls on a person to understand and accept what happened grief for further spiritual growth. It is this meaning that is the reason why people fill tattoos with this winged phrase.

Today, as a rule, most people prefer to make themselves tattoos in the form of inscriptions in English or Latin. The Cyrillic alphabet is used less willingly for these purposes. Therefore, before applying a tattoo, it is extremely important to correctly translate the phrase into the desired language. In Latin, she will sound literally as " Omne Quod Est Factum - Omnes Melius". But with translation into English, things are a little more complicated. There are several English -language versions of this saying:

  • EVERYTHING HAPPens for the Best - everything happens for the better (literal translation);
  • EVERYTHING THAT IS DONE IS DONE For The Best - everything that happens happens for the better (another option of literal translation);
  • It’s for the best - this is for the better (the most commonly used option in unpleasant circumstances);
  • Behind EVERY CLOUD the IS A Silver Lining - the sun always looks behind the clouds (one of the analogues of the Russian version);
  • Never a Failure Always a Lesson - Never failure, always a lesson (another analogue of a Russian proverb);
Image 5. An example of the Never a Failure Always a Lesson (never a failure, always a lesson).
Image 5. An example of the tattoo “Never a Failure Always a Lesson” (never a failure, always a lesson).

Of these options, the last two are most often applied in the form of tattoos, the rest are less often. However, the article presents only a few options for the translation and interpretations of expression " Everything that is done is all for the better". In fact, there are much more of them and everything will be difficult to list.

If you decide to fill yourself with a tattoo with one of these options, then you can doubt that the translations are unreliable or grammatically incorrect. And if you still have suspicions, you can dispel them by asking one of the native speakers.

Video: "Everything that is done is all for the better." One of the parables

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Comments K. article

  1. Well done, an interesting article (however, I doubt the tattoo). But why allow such funny typos: “You cannot say with complete confidence where the expression“ everything that is not done came from - everything is for the better ””;););

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