“You won’t enter one river twice”: where did this expression come from, what is its meaning?

“You won’t enter one river twice”: where did this expression come from, what is its meaning?

The origin and meaning of the thesis "You will not enter one river twice."

The winged expression “you won’t enter one river” is so common in Russian literature that many are perceived as a folk Russian proverb. In this article we will talk about the history of the phase, and about its true meaning.

The history of the origin of the phrase "You will not enter one river twice"

Historically, the physical originals of the majority of the “dark” philosopher Heraclitus have not reached this day. But they were so strong and cheeky that quotes from them have survived to this day. Indirect sources in the form of the works of the philosopher Plato, Aristotle and Plutarch are talking about the speeches of Heraclitus.

As it turned out, the phrase “You won’t enter the same river” - ancient phraseologism, the gloomy and harsh philosopher of Heraclitus. In one of his works, Heraclitus wrote - «δὶς ἐς τὸν αὐτὸν ποταμὸν οὐκ ἂν ἐμβαίης», And he made him think about this phrase not only of opponents, but the whole world. Later, Plato, in the famous heavy dialogue, “Truil” will talk about the course of being, referring to a multi -awaited Heraclitus.

It is this recorded dialogue of Plato that is considered the primary source, since the dialogue of Heraclitus was never found anywhere. The literal translation of the phrase "You can not enter the same river twice." In Russian literature, phraseologism was rephrase to a more harmonious, according to Russian writers, the thesis "You will not enter the same river twice."

The artistic representation of Heraclitus in the process of creating philosophical dialogs
The artistic representation of Heraclitus in the process of creating philosophical dialogs

As sources indicate, Herciting meant this thesis the constant movement of human life and a every second change in external factors. He called for the need to live now, right at that moment. Since tomorrow it will be impossible to live today, you can’t return the past, no matter how a person regrets the deed of action or an abandoned phrase.

Heraclitus was harsh, categorical and first raised very “heavy” topics of philosophy. He did not try to veil the problems of human being with beautiful speeches, but conveyed his thoughts with simple eloquent phrases that were understandable to every person, regardless of status and education.

It is believed that the thesis “one cannot enter the same river twice” hit the consciousness of the compatriots of Heraclitus and forced him to reconsider his views on life, releasing feelings and desires from under the shackles of duties.

The meaning of phraseology "You will not enter one river twice"

Phraseologism “You won’t enter one river twice” today is relevant more than ever. We again forgot how to live “today”, trying, at all costs, to improve our social and financial situation. Replaced true desires, false material values. We decided that the family and children should be later, and first for several decades of manifestations of egocentrism. Therefore, we discard the side of friendship, relationships and even the presence of home.

The centuries -old wisdom “You won’t enter the same river” draws attention to the fact that the lost moment today cannot be returned at will tomorrow. Refuse someone or something today, think about whether it will be tomorrow? Can you return the time to back and create one, then goes into your hands today?

One of the interpretations of the thesis in one river will not enter twice
One of the interpretations of the thesis "You will not enter the same river"

Millions of men and women at old age regret that they did not go to travel young. Thousands of people regret that they have not taken advantage of a proposal for study or career growth, believing that this can be achieved later. And the same number of people around the world repent of the fact that they did not save love, did not marry their loved ones, were proud and self -confident, and now they live every day of their life, recalling lost love.

Also, wisdom “you will not enter the same river” states that you should not play with trust. If you deceive a person, shaking faith in yourself, betray and disappear at the most difficult moment - do not look after atonement, he will not be. Even if a person says that he forgave, a feeling of distrust and doubt will forever remain inside him.

The phrase "You won’t enter one river twice" - a call to conscious decision -making every day of your life, as well as a reminder from the oldest source about what it is worth living today and now. You will not have a chance to live this minute again, remember this every day of your life!

Heraclitus urged not to make mistakes, but to think before each of his act, before every word that is pronounced aloud, since the world changes with lightning speed, and we influence the changes in the same way as the solar system.

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a philosophical cartoon about how quick and changeable life is.

Video: Everything is changing. Philosophical films

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