What is Trishkin caftan: the meaning of phraseology. Where did the expression "Trishkin caftan" come from?

What is Trishkin caftan: the meaning of phraseology. Where did the expression

Trishkin caftan is a well -known expression, but not everyone knows what it means. Let's figure out this issue.

You probably have heard more than once about Trishkin caftan? And for some reason this phrase is pronounced with irony? Let's find out what kind of expression is this and where did it come from?

Trishkin caftan - what does it mean?

Trishkin caftan
Trishkin caftan

Trishkin Kactan is one of the ways to solve the problem in which new difficulties appear. It turns out that trouble does not go anywhere, but simply changes to another. But then the appearance of a successful state of affairs is created.

With Trishkin Kaftan, a comparable incorrect distribution of family expenses. For example, today the family chose to take a walk in the park, and then it turned out that the child had nothing to pay for dinners at school. Thus, you have to save on other things, for example, on drugs for mom from colds. Therefore, mom will have to endure all the hardships of temperatures and a runny nose, but the children will be full.

That is, behind one complexity, which, it would seem, has already been resolved, another follows. They say about such families - “Their budget is like“ Trishkin caftan ”: at least how much sew up, and the holes will appear anyway”.

Sometimes they recall about Trishkin Kaftan on the road that was only made, but new pits quickly appeared. In such cases, they say - "Roof road -what" Trishkin caftan "to fit".

Where did the expression "Trishkin caftan" come from: the history of origin

Trishkin caftan - origin
Trishkin caftan - origin

As you know, each phraseology has its own history or they come from literary works. The presented expression came to us from literature. Mentioned I.A. Krylov in his fable with the corresponding name and the phrase quickly began to be used in everyday life.

The hero of the fable all the time tried to fix the clothes so that it was not noticeable that he was poor. Tail of the elbows, Trishka still does not lose heart - he cut them and sewed the patches. He is not at all embarrassed by the appearance of an outfit, which has already rubbed and became kutsy. It seems to a simple man that he corrected the situation and is ready to overcome the caftan as much as you like, but we understand that this will not help.

The fabulist wrote this fable for wasteful nobles, who gave their estates to the bookmark in order to get large loans. This phenomenon was widely distributed in the 18-19 centuries and became for many a real disaster. The fact is that the nobles did not pay debts and therefore lost their estates, and from the house they were sold at auctions. So they lost everything they had. Reporting the house many times, the nobleman seemed an entrepreneurial, but at the same time unlucky Trishka.

The Trishkin Kactan fable is not studied in schools. Despite this, its meaning is more relevant today than ever. That is why, this phraseology can be used for different situations. If you are faced with difficulties in life, then do not rush into them with your head, better think through your actions first. Otherwise, you will remain in Trishkin Kaftan.

Video: Reading country - Basnya I.A. Krylova "Trishkin caftan"

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