What I want to do in the new year: plans for points

What I want to do in the new year: plans for points

On the eve of the New Year holidays, it is customary to write a list of cases for the coming year. This should be done thoroughly, carefully considering everything.

Read more about what to do for, and how to make a list will be told in this article.

Why do you need to draw up plans for the New Year?

  • Each person draws up a plan for the New Year to live it much happier. The list of things will help you go on the path of a happy life. You can improve your skills, and expand the capabilities.
  • With the help of a plan for next year, you can structure your own development. In case of stopping, you will receive an additional impetus in the back. Often the goals that they want to achieve are included in the list. It is quite difficult to keep all the necessary goals in the head, so it is advisable to write them out on a piece of paper and keep them in a prominent place.
  • Drawing up a plan helps expand freedomIn order not to be within the framework of the goals that are imposed by society. Now you can work not on other people's goals, but on a change in your life.

How to make a list of plans for the New Year: Technique "Balance Wheel"

To make a list of plans for the New Year, it is advisable to use the technique "Balance Wheel." More about this will be described later.

Determination of important life areas

  • First of all, you need to understand what goals in life is a priority for you. Consider "Balance Wheel"where all spheres are spelled out.

The following areas are often prescribed:

  • health;
  • work;
  • financial well -being;
  • creation;
  • self-development;
  • relaxation;
  • a family;
  • love and relationship.

Opposite each sphere, you need to prescribe the indicators in percent, how much it satisfies you now. Maximum - 10 points.

Highlight the priority for yourself
Highlight the priority for yourself

Write the goals by analyzing the results

  • First of all, look at goals that do not satisfy you now. They need to be developed in the first place. If a smaller percentage is opposite health and love relationships, it is these spheres that need to be developed more in the coming year.
  • In each area that causes problems, you need to prescribe the desired goals. For example, get married. To achieve the goal, you need to register “Record to build relationships”, or “Work with a psychologist who will help communicate with the opposite sex”.
  • Opposite the sphere of finance, you can prescribe "Earn n the amount of money". In the field of rest, write down: “Rest on the island” or “Trip at sea”. The main condition is that all spheres of the target should be distributed evenly.
  • If you leave most of the tasks in the last months of the year, then completing them will be problematic. Try to break goals evenly by all 12 months so that progress is observed. Can be opposite each goal write for what time you plan to achieve it.

Recording long -term goals

  • As you know, there are goals that are quite difficult to achieve in 1 year. Therefore, you can use prospective planning technique.
  • There are plans that need to be prescribed for several years. At the same time, it is important to consider intermediate goals that will bring you closer to success.

Specific steps to success

After the goals are set, you can divide them into certain points. If you plan to lose weight in the coming year by 10-15 kg, you can break the task into steps:

  1. Since January, I have been charging daily in the morning.
  2. Since February I will drink 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Since March, I refuse to eat after 18:00, etc.
Speak specifically
Speak specifically

Recommendations for setting goals

If you make a list of plans for the New Year, adhere to such recommendations:

  1. The goal should be significant for you, not for a loved one.
  2. PREARE CONSIVE FROM SCRECTIONS. Write the exact number of kilograms that you plan to lose. If the issue concerns finance, write the exact amount you want to earn.
  3. Set real goals. It is almost impossible to earn 10 times more than you received this year. Therefore, start small-increasing profitability by 50-80%.
  4. Constantly re -read the recorded plans. If necessary, you can adjust them.
  5. Adhere to it sequences. First of all, they should fulfill goals that are most important to you.
  6. Write out ways and means that will help to achieve what you want. Keep everything under control.
  7. Find motivation.

What I want to do in the new year: a list of universal plans

There are certain plans for the New Year that are suitable for everyone and everyone. More about them will be described later.

Daily study of the new

  • Today you can find a huge amount literature, which allows you to expand the horizons. It can be printed books, free services and smart gadgets. You can also sign up for online courses, and study what you like. It can be astrology, makeup, style courses, etc.
  • Every day study one new foreign word. During the year you can learn a new language. You can also read about historical facts daily to pull up history. The study will take a little time, however, will give you the opportunity to increase intelligence.


  • It is not necessary that it be a girlish diary that is painted with bright stickers. Use the diary as therapy. Write down new ideas, experiences and plans for the future.
  • Such actions, according to psychologists, will help to unload the brain. So it will be easier for you to deal with stress. The main thing is to make notes daily.

To live an active lifestyle

  • As you know, a person should do every day 10 thousand steps. Thanks to this, the body will remain in good shape. In addition, walking helps to improve brain function.
  • According to studies, an active lifestyle helps to strengthen the immune system, and normalize the level of hormones. Memory will also improve, and you can prevent heart and blood disease.

Perform the bar

  • This exercise is quite simple. It helps to keep the muscles of the press, buttocks, arms and legs in good shape. It will take only 0.5-1 min to perform the exercise.
  • This will require a little free space in the room and willpower. By the end of the year, you will see an improvement in physical shape.

Develop self -confidence

  • In the past few years, many have been suffering from low self -esteem. Therefore, in the new year, try to be distracted so as not to peck yourself for past mistakes. Learn to keep your dignity. Remember that you are worthy of the best in this life.
  • Every day, looking in the mirror, say to yourself compliments. Psychologists are convinced that such a technique helps to become higher in the eyes of others. They will perceive you the way you feel.

Reading books

  • With the development of modern technology, people began to read less books. All free time is spent watching films or social networks. For general development, promise yourself to read 12 books for 1 year. This will help you relax and increase the vocabulary. In addition, reading books helps to improve colloquial speech. It will be easier for you to make up offers, and not to be stammered.
  • Start small. At first you can give everything 10 minutes a day reading a book. Over time, you will like it, and you will spend hours reading.


  • Everyone dreams of studying the world. However, everyone has their own reasons to abandon the dream. It can be lack of money, time or possibilities.
  • Promise yourself that next year you will change the approach to life. In the first months, you can get out for the weekend at different points of the country. You can in the future go on vacation to Europe or other continents.

Take charity

  • It is not necessary to spend a lot of funds every day on charity. Start small. You can assemble a package of food or toys, and give it to the needy. It can be an orphanage or a nursing home. If your city has veterans of the Second World War, you can collect a list of the necessary products, and take it.
  • You can also make small contributions to charity funds from each wage. Remember that there are many people who need your help. Your help will return to you by a story.

To refuse from bad habits

  • This item is found in most people. If you smoke, try to smoke several more cigarettes every week. By the end of the year you will get rid of this bad habit. If you like to go to the bar on Fridays, reduce the number of trips to one per month.
  • To get rid of dependence on fast food, try to go around the tents with hot dogs and shawarma. If the desire to use fast food is too large, prepare it yourself. Believe me, so there will be much less harm.
  • First of all, you must understand emotional component. Find the reason why you are leading an unhealthy lifestyle, and try to get rid of it.

Undergo a medical examination

  • Today, many people find hundreds of reasonsso as not to undergo a medical examination. It is not only expensive, but also over time.
  • However, it is important to remember that it is better to prevent the disease than to do treatment after. Otherwise, you will have to spend more time and money, and you will feel powerless in the face of the disease.

Update the wardrobe

  • As you know, a person is greeted by clothing. The most attracted attention to girls who dress in a fashionable. Before you start updating the wardrobe, study the combination of shades and the most fashionable accessories.
  • Also disassemble your wardrobe and throw it out things that you have not wear for a long time. Try not to store wardrobe items that are not in size, or have gone out of fashion. As soon as you update the wardrobe, you will immediately experience internal changes.

Do sport

  • Almost all people write this point on the list of goals. It is not necessary to purchase expensive subscriptions to the gym. You can go to yoga, pilates or dancing. Paul dance is especially popular.
  • To make classes not only benefits, but also pleasure, get yourself a beautiful sports form. Buy new convenient sneakers.

Improve the financial component

  • In the modern world, it is impossible to do without money. If you want to travel, or learn new languages, you will have work more. If you are not satisfied with the financial sphere of life, try to abandon some plans, or work more.
  • To begin with, study the features of budget planning and saving funds. So it will be easier for you to save money for "expensive" plans.

Adhere to proper nutrition

  • Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to cope with a sense of hunger. It will take a lot of time and willpower. If you will be eat properly, you can get rid of excess weight, and feel light.
  • First you need to abandon fatty, sweet and flour food. After that, salted and fried foods should be excluded from the diet. Try to focus on vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and legumes.

Tighten language skills

  • You can learn a new language or tighten already mastered. They will help you with this online lectures, applications and lessons with carriers on video communications.
  • Before starting to study, decide which country you plan to go to. If you want to enjoy beautiful views from the Eiffel Tower, sign up for French courses. To talk with local residents of colorful Barcelona, \u200b\u200blearn Spanish. You can also improve English, which is considered universal and is useful in many countries.
Learn languages
Learn languages

Pay attention to appearance

  • Every woman knows about the need regular face and body care. However, it is important to study the subtleties with which interval to make face masks, as well as decide on the choice of scrub. Next year you can begin to care for the face correctly.
  • To begin with, select cosmetics based on the type of skin. After prescribing the beauty plan for care. So you definitely will not miss the care points.

Devote time to loved ones

  • Unfortunately, because of work or other circumstances, young people are less and less communicate with parents and grandmothers. If you do not have the opportunity to go to your family every weekend, try to at least call them every day.
  • If you devote several minutes a day to your family, you can cause a grandmother’s smile, and please your parents. Do not forget about cousins \u200b\u200band sisters. Family bonds are the most important in life.

As you can see, when drawing up a plan for the New Year, each person must take into account the features of his life. Decide which areas you want to improve, and do not stop until you achieve your goals.

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