What is the descent, saying and ending in a fairy tale? Types of lackers in fairy tales: Examples

What is the descent, saying and ending in a fairy tale? Types of lackers in fairy tales: Examples

A detailed analysis, what is the descent, upright and ending in a fairy tale with examples.

A fairy tale is a small world that is sure to carry a lesson. Thanks to fairy tales, children learn to understand what good and evil are, what precautions should be taken, and also learn deep centuries -old wisdom, which is completely absorbed in adulthood. In this article, we will teach you how to understand what there is a descent, a saying and an ending in a fairy tale, as well as about what kind of ideas there are, and what types of them are, and how to understand what the future narrative is about one way.

What is the descent in a fairy tale and why is it used?

Tales are a unique experience that stretches from generation to generation. Many scientists of philologists are sure that two meanings are laid down in fairy tales. The one on the surface, and the meaning of fairy tales that opens with a deeper study. For example, a tale of bun is possible not only about a household life situation, but also about space. And the habitable chicken is a hazel -free chicken - about the value of life, not jewelry. You also want to easily learn to plunge into the meaning of fairy tales from the first words, first find out what is the descent, saying and ending in the fairy tale, you should clearly understand why this or that part of the fairy tale narrative is used. So, Office is the rooted beginning of the legend, which sets the mood of the work and from the first words it is clear what it will be about. For example:

  • “Once upon a time”-the traditional beginning of Russian fairy tales about household situations, as well as ways of their resolution. This is a bun that goes through its unique life path, and the hobby of pink salmon, etc.;
  • The background “in a certain kingdom, in some state” instantly dips the listener in the Middle Ages, closer to the cities and the most royal palace. A lot of fairy tales begins in this way, from which little girls are crazy;
  • The more hidden instruction “How in the city it was yes in Murom ...” the name of the settlement may change, and the temporary framework, names and characters of the characters can also be indicated. It is most often used in whiten fairy tales, in the description of knights, heroes, those in power, etc.

Lastness - the word speaks for itself. This is the beginning of a fairy tale, which captivates the listener and immerses in the story. The primitive, the same beginning made it possible to attract the attention of young persons, and only then switch to history itself. When the elder begins to tell, the younger ones hear the soot and, leaving their affairs, hurry closer to the narrator to understand that this time they will captivate this time for the story.

Types of the institute of fairy tales
Types of the institute of fairy tales


What is an ending in a fairy tale and why is it used?

After the blank in the fairy tale, there is a tie, the development of the plot and a denouement, which are the main fairy tale, and the instillation, the saying and ending in the fairy tale are auxiliary tools that help to plunge into the fairy -tale world of the characters. Tales are a tool that makes you think of the child, think how he would do in this case what is needed for this, etc.

Tales always tell part of the life of the characters, leaving their further life open and free for the imagination of listeners. But in order for the listener to understand that the story is over, a traditional example is used - the same established ending.

The ending of a fairy tale is a familiar set of phrases and sentences that bring the listener out of history, and is the conclusion of the legend.

For example:

  • The favorite Russian ending of the fairy tales “And I was there, I drank honey ...” He enjoys special polarity in fairy tales with kings, kings, princes, weddings and successful achievements of heroes;
  • In fairy tales for girls who end in the wedding, the ending most often sounds like this: “And they lived happily ever after ...”;
  • Tales about animals, funny and instructive stories most often end on “Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done”;
  • Instructive tales that teach safety, morality, compassion, etc. The ending most often sounds like this: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellow lesson."
Types of ending of fairy tales
Types of ending of fairy tales

What is a saying in a fairy tale and why is it used?

And in conclusion, we will talk about what a saying in a fairy tale is. This is a unique, special type of narrative, going before the fairy tale itself. This is understandable by the name - saying. So, the saying is a separate entertaining short story that attracts the attention of a young listener, and often carries in itself a cognitive and entertaining character. But the true goal of saying is the maximum capture of the listener's attention and preparation for a serious narrative.

So, we summarize: before the fairy tale there is a saying that begins to collect the kids around the narrator. Next, there is a statement of a fairy tale, which opens the narrative, and after the fairy tale itself there is a familiar ending so that the listener understands that the fairy tale is over, and not the narrator unreasonably ended the story.

Types of saying fairy tales
Types of saying fairy tales

What is the descent, saying and ending in a fairy tale: Recommendations from philologists

Marianne: in simple words, the saying is a story before a fairy tale, “lumber”, institute - the beginning of a story that, thanks to the usual phrases and phrases, gives a signal - there will be a fairy tale about “Tom”, and the output from history - the ending. The Russian language is unique - you look at the word, and everything is already clear.

Egor: Russians, and fairy tales of different countries of the world are very similar, because most of them have common roots. The saying is used not only in Slavic fairy tales, but also in European, especially popular at fairs and auction. By starting, you can always accurately determine the homeland of a fairy tale. And at the end - the wisdom that the legend carries.

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