I want to give birth at 40? Is it too late to give birth at 40?

I want to give birth at 40? Is it too late to give birth at 40?

A mature woman may faced the question: give birth after 40 or not. Some people will dissuade, while others are sure that the child needs to be left.

There are different situations in life, but especially unexpectedly when a woman learns about her interesting situation. People from the side of the pregnancy of the ladies of Balzakov's age consider differently. Some say that you need to give birth. Others, on the contrary, take up arms against, especially doctors.

Give birth or not after 40?

In the modern world, young ladies first deal with their work, and then think about children. Therefore, often at 40 they recall that it is too late, but I really want to become a mother. Other ladies decide to give birth in connection with a second marriage, and thirdly, such an interesting situation finds by surprise. In any case, all these women have a question: to give birth or not after 40?

Doctors say that pregnancy in adulthood can be dangerous, there are risks that an unhealthy child will be born. A woman at the age of 40 has many pathologies, and she may not endure a child for 9 months.

Important: not everything is as terrible as supporters of abortion say. There is a share of risk, but the choice is to make a future mother anyway!

Birth statistics after 40

The Ministry of Health warns: "Giving birth after 40 is dangerous!" But, if you thoroughly study the facts and look around, you can see how many women were in this position and they all became happy mothers.

Important: statistics of childbirth after 40 are different and if you are pregnant, you should not study it. In this position of excitement, excessive and they cause only harm!

Many women from show business become parents in adulthood, not listening to doctors and adherents of "children on time." They give birth to healthy babies, healing their body, because such a good stress for him positively affects the general state.

Is it dangerous to give birth at 40?

Most often, women in adulthood come to this step consciously, they understand everything and therefore monitor health, timely register in the antenatal clinic and fulfill all the recommendations of doctors. Plus, medicine does not stand still, so the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

If a woman has no health problems, she has the support of her husband and other relatives, then she is not dangerous to give birth at 40 years old. She will have a healthy baby who will give happiness!

Important: if the doctor prescribes additional examinations, do not neglect them. Perform all the recommendations of doctors, enjoy life and your interesting position!

Should I give birth at 40? The opinion of doctors: for and against

There are many different cases when the doctors were against childbirth after 40, especially with those women who had heart problems or suffered from some hereditary diseases. But they did not obey anyone and gave birth to beautiful kids. If already women with health problems coped with this situation and bear the child, then what can we say about healthy ladies.

Important: if you approach the question consciously, then the course of pregnancy and childbirth can be no more difficult than young girls.

Still asking you to give birth at 40? The opinion of doctors: for and against are divided in half. In such cases, it is the woman who herself makes the decision and goes against the doctors and even her relatives. Many doctors with a lot of work experience can confidently say that young mothers also give birth to not always healthy children.

Important: a late child is stronger and healthier, since a woman approaches pregnancy with all seriousness, and she will be more responsible to the baby after being born.

Can I give birth after 40 years?

Scientists from universities around the world conduct a thorough study of the female body. The results of these studies are conclusions that the risk that the lady does not bear the child after 40 more often than that of young girls. In such ladies, the risk of the birth of a baby with generic defects - genetic diseases or Down syndrome increases.

Scientists have been looking for the answer for a long time why this is happening, and they found it. With age, a woman falls the level of casein protein. It helps eggs prepare for the fertilization process. Its low level increases the danger that in the egg there will be an erroneous amount of chromosomes. All this is unpleasant, but scientists are already working on a new project - the creation of drugs that will allow maintaining an egg in a healthy state.

Important: you can give birth after 40 years and how pregnancy will pass only on the health of the woman and the youth of her body.

How do you usually take late pregnancy and childbirth after 40?

It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, since the body of each women is an individual with its own characteristics. Many ladies who fell into an interesting position are wondering how later later pregnancy and childbirth are taking place after 40? If you reduce existing risks, you will adhere to the recommendations of doctors, then pregnancy and childbirth will be successful.

  • Try to reduce physical activity. Give preference to walks several times a day to increase your immunity
  • Do not wear high -heeled shoes. Spare your legs to avoid such a disease as varicose veins
  • Make your food balanced. It should have fruits and vegetables, meat, fish and cereals. No fried and smoked products! This is harmful to the body, which is now experiencing an additional load
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, relax more. Night sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. Follow the weight - do not abuse bakery products
  • Communicate with close friends and your children, if any. Positive emotions will only benefit the future mother

Should I give birth at 40 years of first child?

Giving birth at 40 is not a sentence! It will be more difficult for a woman at this age to endure the baby. If there are no medical contraindications, and the future woman in labor wants it, then you should not think: "Is it worth giving birth to the first child at 40?" You need to undergo an examination and while registered with a gynecologist. Doctors will prescribe tests from which the physical condition of the body will be visible.

Is it possible to give birth to a second child at 40?

In emotional and psychological terms, a woman is ready to give birth in adulthood much more than at 20 or 30 years. She has more responsibility and has a desire to visit the doctor. She will monitor her health and lead the right lifestyle.

The first child at this age is usually an adult and he will be able to help his mother, for example, walk with the baby. Therefore, the birth of a second child at 40 is only pluses. Minor disadvantages, as mentioned above, lie in the minimum risks of the birth of a baby with generic pathologies.

Is it possible to give birth to a third child at the age of 40?

Unambiguously no one will answer such a question. You can give birth to a third child at the age of 40 if a woman is healthy. You can have an abortion and regret it. Often women reproach themselves for such a perfect stupidity until the end of days. The first and second child became adults, and the energy and time that were devoted to him remain free. All this can be devoted to a little crumb that will be born.

Important: you have already become an experienced mother and now you can take into account all the mistakes of past years in raising children.

Only bold women can leave and give birth to a third baby at 40 years old. Someone admires such ladies, and someone condemns. You should not listen to other people's opinions, because life is one and it is ours, so we must do as our heart suggests.

Should one give birth to one for yourself at 40?

This question should be attributed to the category of those questions, the answers to which for every woman will be strictly individual. No need to ask someone, is it worth giving birth to yourself at 40? If you have a desire to have a baby for yourself, then open the doors with happiness! If a woman is alone, but she has other relatives who will definitely help and support in difficult times.

Important: you need to rely only on your opinion! Good doctors, warm attitude and positive attitude will help you endure and give birth to a wonderful baby!

Women who gave birth after 40 years: tips and reviews

Childless women are more experiencing stress due to a feeling of loneliness than women who gave birth after 40 years. The advice and reviews of those ladies who later gave birth to the first, second or third child after 40 years old always contain calls with the statement that they need to give birth.

After all, they experienced the happiness of motherhood in their own excellent experience. In addition, they argue that their health has become stronger, since the body is rejuvenated during pregnancy. They are all sure that the late pregnancy benefits a woman, despite the fact that health worsens with age.

Important: according to English scientists, during pregnancy and childbirth, after forty years, hidden reserves of the body will be involved. This will help mom survive up to almost 100 years, as you need to have time to grow your baby.

Actresses, stars and celebrities who gave birth to 40 or after 40 years

If you are still in doubt or not, then actresses, stars and celebrities who gave birth to 40 or after 40 years will be an example.

For example, Holly Berry gave birth to her first daughter at 41, and her second baby was born in 46 years. At the same age, the first daughter of Salma Hayek from an American billionaire was born. The actress in her interview said: "She is glad that her daughter appeared in 41 years, since at 20 or 30 she could not give her what she was ready to give at present." Kim Basinger also gave birth to a daughter at 41, who has now become an adult. Eva Mendes gave birth to a girl at 40 and became a happy mother.

Of the Russian actresses at the age of 40, this is Marina Mogilevskaya, Svetlana Permyakova, Olga Drozdova, Tatyana Dogileva, Olga Kabo.

There will always be a lot of conversations and disputes among doctors and ordinary people about how age to give birth to women. Someone is sure that a mother needs to become up to 25 years old, while others are sure that you can give birth to a baby after 40 years, if a woman wants it. A woman should independently make a decision, even if it is not clear to others. Be happy!

Video: Pregnancy and childbirth after 40

Video: childbirth after 40. Pros and cons

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  1. In our time, nothing is too late. I gave birth to 18 for the first time, but here in the 40 I wanted to. We checked with my husband, in principle, there were no special contraindications. He had the only downstream sperm. To increase the fertility, he took a spermaplander, a very good drug with amino acids, to stimulate and properly form sperm. After the course, I became pregnant, and already gave birth. Now the young mommy.

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