The most unusual horoscopes of the world: list. Horoscope of druids on stones, trees, animals for 2023: Description. What are the signs of the flower horoscope, druids and compatibility of men and women on stones, trees, animals?

The most unusual horoscopes of the world: list. Horoscope of druids on stones, trees, animals for 2023: Description. What are the signs of the flower horoscope, druids and compatibility of men and women on stones, trees, animals?
  • Unusual horoscopes are described. The horoscope of the druids on plants and stones is presented for 2023.

Druids are a wise people that existed in 1 millennium BC. The most interesting thing is that according to historians, this population of the planet was very developed and progressive. They were in harmony with nature and carefully treated the plant and animal world. The people believed by virtue of plants and each of the people, depending on the date of birth, appointed a vegetable patron.

The most unusual horoscopes of the world: List

In addition to the usual signs of the zodiac, there are other separation of people depending on the date of their birth. The horoscopes of the peoples who lived even before our era are considered very unusual and interesting.

List of interesting and non -traditional horoscopes:

  • Druids
  • Mayan Indians
  • Oriental
  • West
  • Phoenician
  • Celtic
  • Vegetable
  • Scandinavian
  • Slavic totem
  • Runic

The most strange can be considered the runic and horoscope of the druids. In the runic horoscope, the signs originate on the day when the duration of the light and dark part of the day is the same. This is April 20 or 21.

According to the runic horoscope at this time, material people are born, for whom the runner of property is responsible. In the traditional zodiac horoscope, this is Aries. If we compare the characteristics of people born at this time in different horoscopes, then there is a lot in common.

Mayan Indians mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth, but some of their inventions are still popular. This tribe also learned to determine the fate of a person based on the date of his birth.

Initially, three numbers are determined, which correspond to the date of the month and year of the birth. Further, these numbers are summarized. It turns out one number by which the characteristic is given.

In the Celtic horoscope, 13 signs were distinguished, which corresponded to some kind of animal. Celts very closely connected a person with an animal, they appreciated the nature and all the inhabitants of the planet. The characteristic is close to the usual zodiac horoscope.

The Slavic totem horoscope also uses the appearance of insects and animals. Each period corresponds to its own symbol. In total, 12 characters are in the year, and they do not coincide with the beginning and end of the usual signs of the zodiac. This horoscope is called "animal", and all animals live in the forests of Russia.

Horoscope of Druids on Stones and Trees for 2023

Druids are servants of the gods from the Celts. This is a sacred caste that associated a man with nature, or rather with some plant. According to the Druid horoscope, the year is divided into 13 periods, each of which corresponds to some kind of tree. The breakdown is carried out according to the lunar calendar, where the month lasts 28 days.

Moreover, unlike the usual zodiac horoscope, each of the plants of the patrons has two periods of influence. This is after the spring equinox and summer solstice. In the table by date of birth, you can determine which of the trees is your patron.

Description of signs (trees) in the horoscope of the Druids

  • Rowan. People born during this period idealize what is happening, they progressively think and are not afraid of change. Sometimes they seem insufficiently restrained and very emotional.

  • Ash. The nature is very impulsive and emotional, although representatives of this sign often put on a mask of wisdom and tranquility. In fact, almost all decisions are made spontaneously. It is difficult for them to work without clear instructions and tasks. That is why bad leaders are obtained from them, since they cannot bring what they started to the end.

  • Alder. People born during this period are very restless. They tend to do something. They like to explore new horizons and are not afraid of change. But unlike many signs, alder succeeds in his career precisely because of love for the new. In the family of this symbol, not everything is so smooth due to constant internal anxiety. They tend to come up with problems and incorrectly perceive what is happening.

  • Willow. This is a strong and strong -willed sign. Among those born during this period there are many artists, artists and culture. In general, the sign is very rational and consistent. Willow are hardworking personalities who bring almost everyone to the end. Thanks to this, they achieve success in career and business.

  • Hawthorn. People born at this time are very impulsive and sensual. They can perfectly state their thoughts, respectively, good journalists and writers are obtained from them. Actively take part in sports and successfully do this.

  • Oak - The king of the forest, which is an excellent leader. Such people are distinguished by a strong and strong -willed character. They predict the situation a few steps forward. The sign has many problems due to pride. It is this quality that leads to family quarrels and misunderstanding at work.


  • Holly. People who were born during this period are very responsive. They help a lot both financially and morally. They are working and prefer to be partners than leaders in doing business. Although Padub progressively and soberly assesses the situation, and may well be a leader.

  • Hazel. This tree strives for knowledge and has an inquisitive mind. The most interesting thing is that they get good researchers and research managers. Such people are very attentive and can characterize the situation in a short period of time.

  • Grape. This sign is very open and straightforward. Often hides a romantic nature behind a mask of indifference and calm. They show themselves well in public service because of excellent organizational abilities.

  • Ivy. People of this plant are indecisive, they are constantly tormented by doubts. They have many friends, as they have a good -natured and cheerful disposition. Never offend loved ones. Despite constant doubts, they quickly decide all troubles.

  • Reeds. These are complex personalities who constantly strive for power in any field. They are trying to subjugate relatives and friends. They love changes and are not afraid to turn their life upside down.
  • Elder. Such people are ambitious and straightforward. They always strive to go forward, are not afraid of change. Often become travelers and researchers. Sincere in relations and therefore they are often offended or thrown

  • Birch - ambitious plant. People born during this period move very rapidly to their goal. They believe that thanks to their desire and hard work, they can achieve everything they want.

Druid horoscope: compatibility of men and women in trees and year of birth

Compatibility in trees is similar to the signs of the zodiac, but there are plants that are perfectly combined with any of the representatives of the flora in the horoscope of the druids.

Trees that are compatible with all plants:

  • Beech
  • Oak
  • Olive
  • Birch

People born under these signs are able to create an excellent alliance with everyone or not to create with anyone. It all depends on the worldview of the hotel individual.

Good compatibility is possible with trees that are two signs from yours, and then again in two. It turns out the multiplicity of the number 3, but the exception is the ninth symbol, it is contradictory.

The union is possible, but with huge victims from each partner. For example, ash is perfectly compatible with hawthorn and hazel.

Druid horoscope: compatibility of men and women by animals

According to the druids, each person has a patronist-living. This is a kind of totem. Such a horoscope is less common than wood or floral.

  • So, according to this horoscope, the deer gets along well with a seal and salmon
  • The crane can create a harmonious relationship with a swan and a bee
  • The seal is getting along with the otter and the goose
  • The bear will create an excellent pair with owl and cat
  • The snake will be able to create a family with salmon and deer
  • Swan and crane will be able to make friends with a bee
  • The otter will converge with the seal and goose. The cat talks with the owl and the bear
  • Salmon is compatible with a snake and a deer
  • Swan will build harmonious relations with bee and crane
  • The goose is compatible with the seal and otter, and the owl with the cat and the bear

Ancient horoscope of druids: compatibility of men and women on stones

Druids believed that each person has his own talisman who protects and brings good luck.

Stone compatibility is presented in the table.

Flower horoscope by date of birth for 2023

According to the horoscope of the druids, each person corresponds to a flower or grass. There are 36 plants in total, one at a decade in the lunar calendar.

  • In 2023, bitterness will not have many worries at work and at home
  • The thistle will come out of the comfort zone and will face not only many problems, but also many opportunities
  • Immortal will receive recognition
  • Omelu is waiting for inaccurate successes with finances and short -term problems in relations with friends
  • Beauty await victory in the professional field
  • For mimosa, this year will be with short -term difficulties in business
  • Mac will succeed on a personal front
  • Lilies are waiting for a monetary reward
  • Success in all endeavors awaits.
  • Magnolia is waiting for small troubles
  • Hydrangea is waiting for a move
  • Georgin is waiting for change
  • For Portulak, 2023 will be with a promotion
  • Landysh is awaiting success in the field of business
  • Chamomile will have everything unchanged
  • The valley will travel a lot
  • The bell will have to work hard and he will be fabulously lucky
  • Margaritka will be successful in creativity
  • The jug will encounter troubles at work
  • Tulip will become successful this year in all endeavors
  • The violet has to walk in a circle
  • For rosehips, changes are not planned
  • For sunflower, this year will be very alarming
  • Rosa this year will have new relationships
  • Dolphinium will have to implement many projects
  • Carnation will have a lot of travels
  • Astra in 2023 you need to be calmer and weigh every decision
  • For heather, the year will be successful in business
  • Camellia will pursue disappointments
  • Lilac will be stable
  • Freesia will be fine
  • The orchid 2023 will be very rich and complex
  • The peony awaits serious tests
  • Gladiolus needs to keep his mouth shut, otherwise he risks losing his partner
  • Dandelion will have many changes
  • Lotus will have everything stable in life
  • Edelweiss, more than ever, rejoice a lot

Compatibility of a man and a woman on a flower horoscope

The compatibility of men and women by color, according to the horoscope of the druids, is described in the table in the picture below.

Characterization of a sign on a flower horoscope

A person’s characteristic is carried out on the basis of the lunar phases and date of birth.

According to the horoscope of the druids, only 36 colors. Each flower is a decade in a month.

In the same way as a characteristic of signs based on a zodiac map is given, you can describe the behavior of people by taking into account the date of birth.

Flower horoscope by name and date of birth

To find out the floral horoscope by date of birth, watch the video.

Video: lily Flower horoscope of druids

Video: Compatibility by the Druid horoscope

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