What is a post -payment and prepayment: the meaning of the word, advantages, disadvantages, differences

What is a post -payment and prepayment: the meaning of the word, advantages, disadvantages, differences

What does the prepayment mean: the meaning of the word, advantages and disadvantages

It is impossible to unequivocally answer which form of payment is better. It all depends on the field of activity, and the features of doing business.

What does the prepayment mean, its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Prepayment is a kind of advance, a deposit that is made to the seller so that it provides services or goods of a certain quality.
  • The main advantage of such financial manipulation is in the seller’s confidence that he will not be left without money, if the client is refused. Accordingly, this stimulates it better to work and fulfill the terms of the contract faster.
  • However, often with an advance, a sense of duty may arise. Some customers behave inappropriately, taking out the seller, adjusting it. This often happens if the seller is not very well -known, cannot boast of a good reputation.
  • Buyers are worried about whether they will be able to get their goods and not lose money. There are several prepayment options. Most often, it is not 100% of the value of the goods, but 30% or 50%.

What does the post -payment mean: the meaning of the word, advantages and disadvantages

Post -payment - This is a calculation within a few days after receiving the goods. Most often, buyers prefer this way of payment, as this guarantees high -quality provision of services, good goods, and the opportunity not to pay if the products do not correspond to the indicated quality.

What does the post -payment mean, advantages and disadvantages:

  • That's whypost -payment- This is one of the systems of work of many large stores and networks. A person pays for the goods in fact. This can be the receipt of the order directly in the store itself, and in the post office.
  • Thus, a person understands what he should count on before paying for goods. He carefully checks its functions, quality and characteristics indicated on the package. 
  • However, financial relations are sometimes impossible in the implementation of this method of payment. For example, if these are the services for plowing furniture, or sewing clothes. In this case, it is necessary to initially make a deposit so that the seller can purchase the necessary goods, as well as materials for the manufacture of products.
Car refill
Car refill

Post -payment and prepayment: difference

Many believe that for buyerspost -payment Better, more reliable and safer. However, now huge online stores are working exclusively on prepayment. No exception is store aliexpress. Thus, there is a kind of guarantee that a person will come and take his goods, will not refuse it. 

Post -payment and prepayment, difference:

  • In case of prepayment, the funds are paid immediately, and when post -payment - after receiving goods or services.
  • Small private entrepreneurs are not so rich as to invest their money in the implementation of some projects. In this case, the prepayment is a kind of protective beacon, or an anchor that allows the seller to purchase everything you need, and make the ordered goods.
  • At the same time, the buyer is satisfied, since part of the money has already been made, and there is no way to change his mind, which often happens on the domestic market. This allows the seller not to burn out, and the buyer does not refuse at the most crucial moment from the purchase.

Post -payment and prepayment for communication services: advantages, disadvantages

Pretty of the prepayment system in cellular communications is quite popular. Almost 85% of all subscribers are on prepayment. Thanks to this, a person at the end of the month acquires a package for the next month, with a certain set of minutes,traffic, additional capabilities. As a result, he pays for a specific amount that includes a list of services for this money. Thanks to this scheme, a person can choose how much to call him, where to save, or once again chat with friends and acquaintances.

Post -payment and prepayment for communication services, advantages, disadvantages:

  • However, more and more often mobile operators promote the systempost -payment. This is nothing but billing after using a mobile network for a specific time. In fact, such a system is more profitable for users who regularly communicate, call on the network and use large volumes of mobile Internet.
  • Thanks to this, payment for the use of a mobile network is quite impressive. First of all, the modelpost -payment It is beneficial for businessmen and entrepreneurs who communicate most of the time in telephone mode.
  • For ordinary subscribers who communicate on a mobile network not so often, and rarely pronounces 100 minutes a month, packages with an advance payment will become the most profitable. A person knows that 60, 100 or another number of minutes indicated in the package will be quite enough for communication. That is why the prepayment mode is selected by subscribers,using The mobile network is exclusively for themselves, and is not used for work. 

Many users believe thatpost -payment In the mobile segment is an obvious way to lure money from customers. According to the terms of prepayment, tariffs are usually transparent and quite clear. A person clearly understands that he will pay a certain amount of money and will be able to use a mobile network for a month. ATpost -payment Very often there are unexpected moments about which the operator was silent. This can be additional financial costs for services that were not initially stipulated. This is the main complexity and lack of systempost -payment In mobile companies. 

Post -payment
Post -payment

What does 50 prepayment and 50 post -payment in the contract mean?

The most optimal payment system is mixed when a person at the beginning of work pays an advance payment of 50%, and then makespost -payment, in the amount of 50% after the provision of services. 

What does 50 prepayment and 50 postpay in the contract mean:

  • Thus, this is a guarantee for both the seller and the buyer, that everyone will be satisfied with cooperation. At the same time, the seller has an incentive, as soon as possible to do the work efficiently. The client is satisfied with the work provided, is ready to pay the rest of the money, and get their goods as soon as possible.
  • Initially, each entrepreneur independently selects a payment system that he will use. It depends on the cost of raw materials, the need to rent an office, and other expenses that fall on the shoulders of the entrepreneur.
  • For some business owners, work on the systempost -payment It is impossible, and will bring significant losses. That is why you should not be surprised if, when providing certain services, they require an advance payment. 

What does the prepayment mean when renting an apartment?

In 50% of cases, housing owners, while renting their apartment, require an advance payment. What does this mean? Often housing is rented by unscrupulous tenants who do not protect other people's property. In this case, a breakdown may happen, or failure of the equipment that is available in the apartment.

What does the prepayment mean when renting an apartment:

  • The prepayment is a guarantee that prevents the deterioration of housing. The owner of the apartment independently determines the amount. It depends on how good repairs are in the apartment, and what equipment is available. The better housing, the higher the amount of prepayment.
  • During eviction, prepayment may return. The owner of the housing can return part of the pledge to the tenant. This happens if the apartment returns to the owner in exactly the same condition as at the beginning of the hiring, that is, during the settlement.
  • If the tenant has small children or pets, then the home owner has the right to increase the size of the prepayment. This will help cover the costs if the dog or child breaks, spoils, stains, painting the wallpaper.
  • Thus it will be necessary to carry out minor repairs. Accordingly, the amount of one monthly payment may not be enough to cover all expenses. Therefore, do not be surprised if the prepayment is indicated in the announcement of the rental of the apartment. This is an absolutely normal practice and suggests that the apartment has a good repair, and everything you need for housing. The owner wants to protect himself and prevent damage to property. When fulfilling all terms of the contract, the deposit is returned. 
Rental of property
Rental of property

Advantages of prepayment:  

  • The ability to pay a debt on utility bills in the event of a quick departure of tenants. 
  • The ability to carry out repairs if tenants ruined the wallpaper, doors or furniture.
  • This is a kind of way to pay for utility bills and maintenance of the apartment if tenants quickly left housing. The owner of the apartment has the opportunity for a month or two to look for new residents, paying an advance payment that will cover the costs of utility bills.  
  • Conditions of violation of the contract. This is too early eviction without warning for the term specified in the contract.  

Of course, those who want to rent such housing are less than without prepayment. However, this indicates the reliability of the owner of the housing. As a result, get a good apartment, with decent repairs and equipment. 

Signing the contract
Signing the contract

In Europe, the prepayment is a prerequisite for renting housing. It is called an insurance premium, and is documented at the notary and in the insurance company. This is the money that the owner of the housing will receive in the event of a breakdown, or damage to his own property. If the tenant saved housing in its original form, then the insurance premium is returned to him. 

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Most often, an advance payment is made in the amount of 50%. Many businessmen are recommended to take just such an advance payment, since the preliminary deposit in the amount of 100%can cause a small number of customers. 

Video: What is the difference between the post -payment?

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