What are eye patches, how to use them correctly and how often? The best eyes for the eyes this year: reviews, photos

What are eye patches, how to use them correctly and how often? The best eyes for the eyes this year: reviews, photos

In this article, we will talk about how to use eye patches and find out which of them the best.

To date, one of the best cosmetic products that quickly and effectively take care of the skin around the eyes are patches under the eyes. They allow you to refresh the appearance, and also give the skin sufficient nutrition and moisture. Moreover, regardless of conditions, it is very convenient to use the product.

What are eye patches and why are they needed?

Eye patches are peculiar masks. They acquired a huge number of fans and for the first time they were offered by manufacturers of Korean cosmetics. Only then they began to be produced by competitors from Europe. This product is a patch-up, similar to a crescent in shape, and soaked in cosmetic compounds. The latter in effectiveness can be compared with anti -aging and moisturizing serums.

The area around the eyes is the most delicate, and therefore it is important to properly use eye patches. It is most exposed to external influences and aging. The skin in this area is very thin, only 0.5 mm, which is much smaller than in other areas. Moreover, there are practically no elastic and collagen fibers, sebaceous glands and fat layer.

The first wrinkles always appear around the eyes, and with overwork, diseases, various kinds of circles, swelling, and bags begin to appear. That is why the skin requires delicate and daily care. It consists in moisturizing and additional nutrition.

Pathes for the eyes allow you to get additional nutrition. They quickly remove traces of fatigue, and do it effectively. Moreover, they are excellent as the basis for makeup, because the skin gets care and cosmetics lays better.

The composition of funds, as a rule, has hyaluronic acid, glycerin, vitamins.

How to use eye patches: the rules of application

In fact, it is not at all difficult to use patches for the eyes, but still there are certain rules that must be taken into account.

  • Patch on clean and dry skin are applied. Only in this way the current components will penetrate deep into the skin
  • Before applying, do skin massage around the eyes. This must be done very carefully. Such manipulation will allow you to get the maximum effect of the procedure
  • After massage, you can apply patches. They are withstanding a certain amount of time. It all depends on the composition and the problem
  • You need to remove patches correctly. This is done very carefully. If the solution remains on the cheeks, then simply distribute it on the skin
  • Under tissue patches, the skin is prepared differently. Previously it must be moistened
  • If it is planned to use helium patches, then first rub them in your hands and only then remove the protective layer

How to use patches under the eyes of Korean, hydrogel: instructions, photo

Using eye patches
Using eye patches

Using the eyes for the eyes is quite simple. Each of the types of this cosmetic product has its own features of application, and therefore be sure to study the recommendations proposed by the manufacturer.

At the same time, the instructions for use for them as a whole are one:

  • First, the skin of the face is carried out. For this, all cosmetics are removed and cleansing is carried out of skin fat and pollution. If you apply patches in the morning, then just wash your face without using additional cosmetics
  • From the container, take one pillow and put it on the lower or upper eyelid. Then take the second and do the same with the second eye. Soak tissue patches a little with water so that they are fixed well
  • Withdraw the right time which the manufacturer claims and then carefully remove in the direction of the temples

Washing after using the product is not required. To get a more effective result, distribute the remnants of the product on the skin.

How often do you need to use eye patches?

Many are interested not only in how to use patches, but also how often to do it. Experienced experts claim that the skin must be careful constantly. In this case, the products are accumulative. If you want to forget what swelling and bruises are, then you need to use patches once or twice a week or do it in courses.

It is allowed to use them every other day. If you use them only from case to case, then there will be no particular effect from this. Although, in emergency cases it is possible to use funds, for example, before a responsible event or with severe fatigue. Just keep in mind that in this case the products will act less effectively.

How to use liquid patches: Instructions

Liquid eye patches
Liquid eye patches

Many people like to use patches with a liquid base, but only so far they are only gaining popularity. They are similar in texture to masks or gels. But since they are used for the skin around the eyes, they are called patches. In fact, this is a marketing trick that is called to confuse buyers.

Patches are applied to the eyelid, left there for a while, and then remove. After use, a care product is applied to the skin. Keep in mind that everything must be done correctly. A feature of liquid patches is that they are applied exactly to the desired zone, have an economical consumption and do not interfere with the review. With them you can safely go about your business and not worry that they will crawl.

The instructions for their use are as follows:

  • First, clean the skin. There should not be any pollution on it
  • The area of \u200b\u200buse of this product is quite wide. The gel is applied to the zone that requires correction. As a rule, it is 2 mm below the century and is distributed from the inner edge to the external

You can use them up to 2-3 times a week. This is largely determined by a specific composition. In terms of exposure, the funds also differ. Some withstand for 10 minutes, and some up to one hour. At the same time, keep in mind that the skin is also different for everyone. For example, if you have it very thin, then holding patches for too long on the face is not required.

Rinse the gel, as a rule, is not required. Usually it is completely absorbed. But there are situations when it remains in some areas. Then just carefully remove it with a napkin.

How to choose eye patches: tips, recommendations

It is important to know not only how to use eye patches, but also how to choose them, because there are a lot of funds in the market.

In this case, the composition of the product must be taken into account. It is he who will help to choose what really needs:

  • With edema and dark circles, it is necessary that the patch has caffeine, horse chestnut extract, wine extract. In other words, the compositions should give as much moisturizing as possible.
  • With wrinkles, see that hyaluronic acid, peptides, collagen, retinol are present in the composition. All of them restore the skin.
  • If the skin is in a state of stress, then choose masks that contain vitamins.

Good eye patches can be purchased in Aliexpress, after passing this link to the catalog.

A review of good patches can be seen in the article: The best patches under the eyes of how to do it with your own hands, how to buy Alesspress in the online store?

The best hydrogel patches for the eyes this year: Rating

It is not very difficult to use patches for the eyes, but it is worth finding out what are the best means. Let's look at them.

1 place. Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye

Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold Hydrogel Eye

In just two years, these patches have become the most popular remedies among girls. The manufacturer claims that the particles of caloidal gold are fighting with the aging of the skin and activate its restoration. Wormwood, bamboo, licorice and aloe root give enough vitamins for the skin. At the same time, manufacturers really tell the truth, especially since they give an instant effect. Swelling disappears, there is a feeling of fullness and very good moisture. It is enough to add a low price here and the perfect tool for any wallet is obtained.

2nd place. Millatte Fashion Pearls

Millatte Fashion Pearls

A small convenient packaging and a careful expense of the product is the best option for situations when you want to look good after a stormy pastime. They perfectly remove various kinds of inflammation and give vitamins. Patches are very good at the fit. When used, they become thinner and give everything useful. The natural composition is aimed at saturating the skin with moisture and reassuring it. A feature of the mask is that it gives the skin of amino acids and vitamins. Its only drawback is that it does not give a funded effect.

3rd place. Secret Rey Pink Racoony

Secret Rey Pink Racoony

The packaging design is too frivolous. It even seems that these patches are useless. But it just seems. They are of sufficient efficiency. They can be divided and applied to the usual place and on nasolabial folds. It is very convenient and the consumption is economical. They act well on dry and sensitive skin, and also eliminate unnecessary redness. Of course, they give the skin moisture. It is noteworthy that the composition contains gold that makes the skin activate metabolic processes. Thanks to the extract, the rose in the composition eliminates all imperfections and irritation is eliminated. This is especially important for those whose skin is prone to allergies.

4th place. Koelf Bulgarian Rose

Koelf Bulgarian Rose

It reminds of the aroma of tea with chamomile, but only it is patches. They perfectly soothe the skin, relieve stress and return the face to a fresh look. Thanks to the Bulgarian rose, elasticity returns the skin, circles under the eyes go away. Keep in mind that the product is not allowed to withstand for more than 20 minutes. This is especially true for sensitive skin. At the same time, after applying the product, filling is felt.

5th place. Berrisom placenta

Berrisom placenta

Another Korean remedy for women for 30. Many note that in a month of use the skin looks somehow after laser treatment. Color is excellent and becomes more beautiful than the relief. This is all possible due to the presence of the placenta extract. It contributes to the production of elastin, and also makes a more elastic collagen. In addition, thanks to it, regeneration processes are activated. At the same time, small wrinkles are absorbed, and the skin is smoothed.

Is there an effect from eye patches: photo before and after

Often, women, having learned how to use eye patches, begin to think, but is there any effect from them? In fact, it is, but it is only important to understand that it is not always fast. Of course, something manifests itself immediately, for example, freshness and removal of fatigue, because the skin gets good moisture. But wrinkles will pass only after some time.

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Is it worth using eyes for the eyes: reviews

Using patches is quite simple, but is it worth doing? How effective are they? In this case, to find out the truth, you can read the reviews of other girls who have already tried this tool and appreciated it. We suggest you familiarize yourself with several reviews of girls:

Video: Patches under the eyes. How to use it correctly? 9 gold rules

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Comments K. article

  1. patches help me well from swelling in the morning, buy gold patches mesolux, keep them in the refrigerator

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