What is a lunch? Who can I order a lunch for? How is the lunch held in the church?

What is a lunch? Who can I order a lunch for? How is the lunch held in the church?

Even church people do not all know about the nuances and features in the priesthood of the Orthodox faith. What can we say about Christians who come to church only on big holidays - there are a lot of such people, but what can you do, for them there was no time for conscious communication with God.

And therefore it is quite clear that they unknown all the subtleties of church rituals, because in order to figure it out, they will have to spend time, patience and strength. If you want to know what the lunch is, and what are the features of this service, in this case this article is for you.

Is the Divine Liturgy and Miner the same thing?

  • The lunch in expansion is the Divine Liturgy. So the Liturgy (translated from Greek - a joint business) Orthodox Russians called for the simple reason that they rule this service in the houses of the Lord before lunchtime. The parishioners come to dinner at the church in order to everyone together to bring the glory to God and take communion.

  • Jesus himself Christ himself commanded his apostles to conduct this sacrament. He so ordered before his death during the secret party - there he fed them with bread (a symbol of his body) and gave them a drink of wine symbolizing the blood of God Himself. And after his ascension to heaven, the apostles introduced ritual prayers into the liturgy and put the Bible to read.
  • At first, this ritual action was transmitted by clergymen from mouth to mouth, and for a rather long period it retained its original appearance. Already in the 4th century, the order of ritual actions of the liturgy was recorded on paper by Vasily the Great, and some time later the texts of prayers were somewhat reduced by John Chrysostom, because the parishioners were hard to exhibit services for a long time.
  • Divine Liturgy Russian Orthodox Church He considers the most important type of worship among everyone else. It includes: proskomidia, the liturgy of the announced, the liturgy of the faithful. Some temples and monasteries even hold two services, dividing the liturgy into “ordered” and “simple” lunch.

Lunch and proskomidia: What is the difference?

  • The main difference between proskomidia and lunch is in rituals and timeWhen the commemoration is pronounced. With proskomidia, a prayer is read by the priest, and at this time pieces are taken out of prosphora, while mentioning all saints.
  • And yet, slices are pinched from one prosphora behind the repose of the souls that have gone into the world of other people that were written in notes about. From other bread, particles for living people are broken off. How many requests for commemoration or health are written - so many pieces are pushed by the clergyman from the “Body of Christ”.
Partication of particles
Partication of particles
  • And when there is a lunch, the churchman reads the notes left by people, accompanied by a church choir singing "There is worthy." These rites can be vowel or secret.
  • Proskomidia can be translated as offering - This is exactly what is the translation from the Greek language. With the "offering", in fact, the divine liturgy begins. We can say that proskomidia is part of the lunch, during which churchmen are preparing for the sacrament of bread and wine, which are symbols of the flesh and blood of Christ.
  • When the lunch is already ending, the clergyman pushes them into a container with wine, as if combining the blood with the body of Christ, and pronouncing such words of prayer:
The words
The words

Who can I order a lunch for?

  • Issue can be ordered in the temple both for now live and for the dead. It is important that the people whose names you will enter into your notes are baptized Orthodox Christians, if they were killed or they died themselves.
  • Suicide, Gentiles or unbaptized People of such grace are not honored, since clergymen do not have the right to raise their prayers for them for them. Churchmen mention in their chants of the late spouse/spouse, father, mother, children or other relatives and friends.
  • If you decide to submit a note “On health” and “repose” before the lunch, then they must be submitted separately.
  • Usually a prayer is ordered about the deceased on the day of his death. But the church is also not forbidden to order a lunch about the deceased and on his birthday.

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Video: What is a lunch?

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