Is it possible to get married on Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, weekends, with menstruation, in a wedding dress, Catholic and Orthodox, on a red hill, a trinity, not baptized, secondary, after or on a wedding, without confession and participles, in the evening?

Is it possible to get married on Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, weekends, with menstruation, in a wedding dress, Catholic and Orthodox, on a red hill, a trinity, not baptized, secondary, after or on a wedding, without confession and participles, in the evening?

Wedding in the Church: What you need to know about the rite.

The wedding is one of the seven church sacraments, which is carried out according to strict rules. That is why most clergymen advise you to prepare for it correctly.

But as practice shows, in large cities, due to a large number of people who want to get married, this sacred action is carried out without a preliminary confession of the newlyweds and their participles.

In our article, we will try to understand the sacrament of the wedding in more detail, and also tell us which church rules are best not to violate.

Is it possible to get married on Saturday, Friday, Wednesday, Monday, weekends, in the evening?

The best day for the wedding is Sunday

I want to say right away that there are days when a wedding will not be held by any priest. According to church canons, this sacrament is forbidden to hold on Tuesday, Thursday and all the preceding posts and Fridays. Saturday is also banned as on this day absolutely all people should prepare for Sunday service.

That is why most priests advise the newlyweds to get married on Sunday until 16-17 hours. In the evening, even on Sunday, no one will conduct the sacrament. This is due to the generally accepted church structure, according to which the evening service begins from 17-18 hours, after which all clergymen must go to rest.

Is it possible to get married with menstruation at the bride, witnesses?

If you ask this question to the priest, then he will probably tell you that you can’t get married with menstruation. Moreover, some clergymen forbid women even to go to church these days. But if you try to find the answer to this question in the Bible, you will find out that there are no such restrictions in it.

A similar locked appeared in those days when women did not wear underwear and did not know anything about the existence of gaskets. For this reason, if they were present at the church service during menstruation, they left behind the characteristic traces. In view of this, the priests began to forbid women to enter the church during menstruation.

Is it possible to get married in red, blue, pink, wedding, someone else's wedding dress, without a veil?

A white dress is preferable for a wedding

The choice of a dress for the wedding must also be approached responsibly. Ideally, it should be white and completely close the hands and legs of the bride. Such an outfit symbolizes the chastity and virginity of the bride. In the event that a girl gets married a second time, then she can afford to wear a red or pink outfit. Wedding dresses of black, blue and purple, it is best not to put on the wedding.

This is due to the fact that most often such outfits are put on mourning ceremonies. As for the veil, it must be dressed. According to church rules, a woman cannot go to church with her head uncovered, so if your outfit does not imply a veil, then throw a shawl on the wedding.

Can Catholic and Orthodox be married, Muslim and Christian?

I immediately want to say that the wedding of a Muslim and Christian is impossible not according to Christian, not according to Muslim laws. In this case, the newlyweds will have to decide who will accept the faith of another. As for the marriage between the Catholic and the Christian, then everything is much simpler.

Since Catholicism is considered one of the branches of Christianity, in this case, a wedding is allowed without abandoning its faith. It’s just that the newlyweds will need to decide in which temple the rite will be held and be sure to get a blessing from the patriarch.

Is it possible to get married unbaptized?

Only baptized people crown

No church will agree to crown unbaptized newlyweds. You will receive a refusal if one person from a couple is not baptized. This is connected with the fact that such people do not have an intercessor before God, which means no one directs them or protects them in life.

It is believed that the guardian angel, whom a person receives at baptism is the link that connects the usual sinful woman or man and the Almighty. That is why the priests insist that the wedding is possible only if a person has passed the baptism rite.

Is it possible to get divorced if you are married?

Initially, I would like to clarify that the church does not welcome divorces and advise people to do everything to preserve the marriage. But if the family cannot be saved, divorce is allowed.

True, in this case, you will need to ask for permission to debunk the Patriarch himself. If you do not, then before God you will continue to remain a wife and husband.

Can I get married in a monastery?

In the monastery, they are crowned only by permission

Although there is no direct ban on the wedding in the monastery, as a rule, the rite is not carried out there. Sometimes an exception is made, but only if the abbot of the monastery gives permission.

Usually, the newlyweds are denied because people who have abandoned worldly joys live in such places. In view of this, the ceremony is not carried out so that the clergymen do not sadden their old lives and not refuse to serve God.

Is it possible to get married after or on a wedding day?

In the XVIII -XIX century, marriage was considered official only after the newlyweds were married in the church. That is why it was forbidden to hold wedding banquets without this rite. Nowadays, the church is not so strict and allows you to conduct a special rite on the wedding day or immediately after the official registration of marriage in the registry office.

Moreover, most priests agree to this procedure only after the couple officially registers their relationship. This is due to the fact that a modern person is obliged to live in a generally accepted legal field, which dictates certain rules for the joint residence of the two alien recently.

Can parents be present at the wedding?

Parents must attend the wedding

Parents not only can, but simply must attend the wedding of their children. If you read the Bible, you probably know that, according to her commandments, children are obliged to read the people who gave them their lives. For this reason, special prayers for the mother and father are definitely read on time, in which they are thanks to life and ask for blessings for marriage.

Is it possible to get married on a red slide, a trinity?

In ancient times, Red Hill was considered the most ideal time to create a new family. This was due to the fact that after the celebration of this holiday, people began field work, and the new member of the family helped to do everything a little faster. In addition, people believed that the wedding held on the red hill would make the newlyweds marriage strong and happy.

Modern lovers believe little in signs, but still sometimes they also decide to celebrate the wedding on this day. As for the Trinity, it is undesirable to marry on this day. Since it is one of the twentieth holidays, on the eve of which church rites do not hold, it is simply incorrect to conduct a wedding on this day.

Is it possible to get married two pairs at the same time?

To marry two pairs at the same time undesirable

Although now the priests are decided on the wedding of several pairs at the same time, according to church rules, it is forbidden to do this. During the rite, the priest must ask for blessings for the formed family, but it turns out that instead of two names, he pronounces four at once.

It is believed that in this case, couples receive happiness in half and as a result the marriage is not very strong. In view of this, it will be better if you agree with the priest so that he will conduct a wedding ceremony exclusively for you.

Is it possible to remove the rings after the wedding, sell the ring in which it was married?

In principle, if you remove the engagement ring from the hand a couple of days after the wedding, then nothing terrible will happen. Yes, it is a symbol of your love and devotion, but they do not have much influence on your marriage. If we talk about whether it is possible to sell the ring that you put on your hand in the church, then it is worth considering the ethical strip.

Since the ring was bought specifically for you, its sale can very upset the second half, and you simply quarrel. Therefore, try to protect your engagement ring and only sometimes remove it from your hand.

Is it possible to remove the wedding on the camera?

Wedding can be shot on camera

Initially, the wedding was considered a sacrament that was forbidden to shoot on camera. But since we live in the age of rapidly developing digital technologies, the clergymen began to calmly relate to the fact that the newlyweds strive to capture this solemn moment on the camera. Therefore, most temples allow you to do this, though they sometimes ask to pay an additional fee for shooting.

Is it possible to marry a second cousin?

If you try to get acquainted with generally accepted church rules, you will understand that people who are in the sixth degree of kinship can be combined in front of God. And so, as second cousins \u200b\u200bof the family, they just consider relatives to the sixth degree, the marriage between them is possible. Another question is how close people will react to this. Therefore, before deciding on this step, be sure to ask the Patriarch blessings from the Patriarch.

Is it possible to get married after the birth of a child?

You can get married after the birth of a child

You can and should be married after the birth of a child. If you do not, then you will remain strangers before God. In view of this, if you could not get married before the baby, then do it immediately after you can go to church after childbirth. Note that it will be possible to conduct a rite only after the special introduction of the woman in labor into the temple of God.

Is it possible to get married to godparents of one child?

Until recently, there was a direct ban on the wedding of the godfather of one child. The priests explained this by the fact that the spiritual parents of a small person cannot marry the way it can bring trouble to him. Modern clergymen are less superstitious, therefore, they allowe to get married, they simply require special permission from the bishop of the diocese to which a person belongs to the rite.

Is it possible to get married without confession and communion?

Before the wedding, it is necessary to confess T.
Before the wedding, you need to confess and partake

As you probably understood the wedding is a rather serious rite, which must be prepared correctly. And this means that you should come to him in a good mood, but with a pure soul. Therefore, it will be better if before the rite you confess in your sins and take communion.

After that, you will definitely need to attend the evening service and you can calmly prepare for the celebration. If you conduct a rite without special training, you will transfer all the burden of previously perfect sins to your new life.

Is it possible to get married after the betrayal of the wife?

Treason of the wife is not a ban on the wedding of the couple. True, you must remember that before you decide on this important step, you will need to forgive your loved one for a perfect misconduct. If during the rite one of the spouses is offended by the other, then the wedding will not bring much benefit.

Is it possible to get married if married to another?

Married men should not get married without prior cancellation of the previous marriage

In principle, if a man was not married in a previous marriage, then you can conduct a rite. Another thing is that a modern person should take into account the fact that now even the church asks for official confirmation of registration of marriage and only after that holds the ceremony. Therefore, it can definitely be said that a man will not be able to get married to his chosen one, the previous marriage is not yet canceled.

Can I get married with silver rings?

We are used to believe that you can exchange in the church exclusively gold rings. In fact, silver rings are also suitable for wedding and, most importantly, for the bride such a wedding decoration is even preferable.

It is believed that silver personifies the purity of the Almighty and radiates his light. Therefore, if she wear a silver ring on her hand, she will always be under his protection. As for the men's ring, it can be gold.

Is it possible to eat before the wedding?

Refrain from eating before the wedding
Refrain from eating before the wedding

You can eat before the wedding, but not very much. It is desirable that it be light food, which will not provoke the severity in the stomach. If you move, it is likely that you can’t feel normally and the solemn moment will be spoiled. In addition, keep in mind that gluttony is considered a terrible sin and how the folk wisdom of "a well -fed belly for prayer is deaf."

Is it possible to wear or sell a wedding dress after a wedding?

There are no prohibitions in church rules regarding the sale of a wedding outfit. But still, most priests advise protecting a wedding dress and in no case do not sell it. This is due to the fact that during the ceremony it is warmed up by special energy, which protects the formed family.

Our grandmothers believed that if the sick child is hidden with a wedding dress, then he would be recovering very quickly. There is also a belief that, having sold the dress, the woman gives with him part of her family happiness.

In view of all this, it will be better if you do not take risks and do not sell your wedding dress. As for whether it is possible to wear it, it is allowed to do this. Only you can dress it on the brightest holidays or on the celebration of the wedding anniversary.

Video: Wedding: Rules

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