What is Eisenhower planning matrix: the essence, the best method of arranging priorities according to criteria

What is Eisenhower planning matrix: the essence, the best method of arranging priorities according to criteria

The matrix of Eisenhower is a useful program for managers and time managers. Read more in the article.

If you are a manager, a manager or even a simple employee, you may need eisenhower matrix. This is a special table that helps to plan your day correctly. Read more below.

The matrix of time, planning of affairs and the arrangement of Eisenhower's priorities by criteria, elements: definition from Wikipedia, essence, exercise, tools

Time matrix, business planning and priority arrangement Eisenhower - A table that helps to spend time with benefit. After all, sometimes time goes nowhere to nowhere, and it is not enough for urgent matters. Such a matrix works according to criteria, elements that are important or not very. This helps a person distribute his affairs correctly in order to have time. There is no definition of such a matrix on Wikipedia, but there is an explanation of what time management is:

Time matrix, business planning and prioritization of Eisenhower priorities
Time matrix, business planning and prioritization of Eisenhower priorities

The essence of the tools of this program is that the person understands what are important things and correctly prioritized. Such exercises first seem difficult, but then a person gets used to it and it is already difficult for him to work without this matrix.

Time matrix, business planning and prioritization of Eisenhower priorities
Time matrix, business planning and prioritization of Eisenhower priorities

The matrix looks like four quadrants. There are also two axes in it:

  • Urgent axis (horizontally)
  • A axis of importance (vertically)

Each quadrant differs in terms of importance and urgency. They need to write down your affairs, distributing them in importance and urgency. This creates a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat needs to be done in the first place. What you need to do, but you can postpone. And what is better to do. All this is simple and understandable.

The matrix of Eisenhower, the best program for the leader, the main business of the day is a template, picture: an example of the distribution of important, urgent affairs, which quadrant to pay attention to?

As mentioned above, eisenhower matrix - This is the best method of the effective organization of time that helps to fulfill and achieve quick and necessary results. It consists of 4 quadrants, each of which is indicated by different tasks on a certain day. Such a program for the leader is simply indispensable. With its help, he can highlight the main work of the day and pay him more attention, without delay and not forgetting about the important. Here is an example of a picture of such a matrix:

Eisenhower Matrix, a program for the leader, the main business of the day
Eisenhower Matrix, a program for the leader, the main business of the day

It is worth knowing: The most important thing when compiling the matrix is \u200b\u200bthe distribution of urgent and important tasks.

Which quadrant is most to pay attention to? Here is the characteristic 4 squares:

Quadrant a (urgently and important)

  • Unfulfilled urgent affairs that can lead to a deterioration in health status.
  • Ignoring these cases can lead to trouble, depression and crisis.
  • If cases from this quadrant are postponed for later, then the probability of an impossible achievement of the final goals.

Quadrant in (not urgently and important)

  • In this quadrant, it is necessary to enter important cases that do not require urgent execution.
  • If things in quadrant are performed faster than in quadrant A, then this means that a person on the way to financial stability and success.
  • It is necessary to solve things every day.

Quadrant s (urgently and not important)

  • The emergence of urgent but not important matters must be predicted.
  • When compiling a quadrant, there is no need to rush with the distribution of cases.

Quadrant D (not important and not urgent)

  • It is necessary to make things that bring pleasure and comfort when performing.
  • Do not ignore the list of affairs, but to perform them as it turns.

Here is a template, an example of the distribution of important, urgent cases for the leader:

  • Business of the species a. Cases that must be done to the manager himself during the day.
  • Type c. This includes self -development and training of employees. For example, holding meetings at the beginning of the working day.
  • Cases type s. Cases are distributed between subordinates. The head controls the execution.
  • Type D. Fulfillment is not mandatory, but if the tasks from this quadrant are completed, then the leader and the team will be happy to fulfill all the remaining tasks.

Tips for the head of the preparation of matrix cases Eisenhower:

  • It is necessary to teach your team to work on this matrix.
  • Establish control over the implementation of all the tasks.
  • Do not overload subordinates with a large list of tasks. It is better to distribute them for the whole week.
  • Important things should be done in the first half of the day when activity prevails.
  • When doing cases, it is necessary to approach them with all seriously.
  • When performing tasks, it is necessary to focus on one area. Multicativity will lead to the inability to succeed.

Leaders should use the matrix at their workplace, as this is one of the best ways to achieve the desired result and success.

Eisenhower matrix as a tool for placing priorities for a student: Tasks, Excel

Eisenhower matrix as a tool for placing priorities for a student
Eisenhower matrix as a tool for placing priorities for a student

Lack of time - this situation is familiar to most students. The session, diploma - all this does not want to do it and students just drown in procrastination. But the matrix of Eisenhower as a tool for placing priorities will help control its time and not get deductions. Here are tips and tasks:

  • In the first quadrant It is necessary to add things that are simply impossible to postpone. Something is very urgent. And if this “something” cannot be done, there will be a complete failure (deduction). Examples: preparation for exams, homework.
  • In the second quadrant you can add things that are not very urgent, but must be done. Examples: diploma protection, abstract.
  • The third quadrant It is completely dedicated to not important, but urgent matters. These cases are usually imposed by relatives or friends. Examples: go for the birthday of friends, parents (distant relatives), help a friend with some insignificant work.
  • The last quadrant. It should be added to it that it is not desirable to do at all, they only take time and reduce productivity. Examples: watching a video on YouTube (this lesson can drag on all day and interferes with study), computer games (also spend the valuable time of the student very much) and a constant check of social networks.

First of all, you always need to do business from an urgent quadrant. And then, things from an important, but not an urgent quadrant. Lastly, you need to do business from an urgent, but not important quadrant. It is better not to deal with the affairs of the last quadrant at all (especially the cases from the first two quadrants have not yet been completed). It is convenient to distribute things in the Excel document, creating a regular table with four squares for recording.

Eisenhower Matrix: The application allows you to do it online

Eisenhower Matrix: Appendix
Eisenhower Matrix: Appendix

By nature, the matrix Eisenhower It is a two -dimensional type of organizer that allows to visualize the planning process as much as possible. It is based on two axes - the axis of urgency horizontally and the axis of the importance of vertically, each of which is inflicted on two divisions: urgently, not urgently and important, no matter. Thus, there is a division of cases into four categories (the matrix consists of four squares). The decrease in qualities along the axes and the direction of the vertical axis down should be noted.

For planning cases, an application with algorithms was created eisenhower matrices. It perfectly realizes the above method. Available to download this link. A detailed description of the application:

  • Square A blue - It is important and urgently. Ideal work implies the lack of records in it.
  • Square B red - It is important, not urgently. It includes the most promising areas of activity. To achieve maximum, these cases are priority.
  • Square with green color - It does not matter urgently. A variety of routine gets here, distracting from the intended target. If possible, these cases should be repaired for other employees.
  • Square D yellow color - Not urgently and does not matter. It contains things very pleasant, but not bringing a tangible result.

Download the application that allows you to plan things online is convenient and simple.

Time Management: Method "Matrix Eisenhower"

Time Management: Method
Time Management: Method "Matrix Eisenhower"

Eisenhauer matrix -Time management tool that is very popular in the modern world and which many people use. Who founded the matrix? Its creator is Dwight David Eisenhower. This person itself was business and quite busy. That is why he optimized his schedule, all his affairs. The essence of this mechanism is to correctly distribute their affairs as necessary, reduce time to completely unnecessary activities. To better understand the essence of the matrix, you need to imagine four squares. The axis of importance will be vertical, and the urgency axis is naturally horizontally.

Method "Matrix Eisenhower" It helps to distribute their affairs by importance and fulfill them urgently or, conversely, relax and distract for conversations. Here are a little more useful information about this matrix that will come in handy for time managers:

  • Concerning square a, then things must be done in the first place.
  • The square in cannot be ignored. It contains important and promising things. Usually this square occupies a special position in everyday life. It is thanks square in, People achieve success, climb the career ladder. As a rule, life with the help of this square moves for the better. But if you do business from the time square in, you can easily get into square a.
  • The main thing to remember is that it is undesirable to confuse things from a square A with a square with. Such a square usually includes negotiations, meetings, birthdays.

Square d It does not matter for a person’s life, since things do not bring any benefit, income in it.

What is the difference between the Covey quadrant and the Eisenhower matrix?

The difference between the quadrant of Covey and the matrix of Eisenhower
The difference between the quadrant of Covey and the matrix of Eisenhower

Quadrant CoveyLike eisenhower matrix - These are tables for distributing affairs and thinking about personal time. But still they have differences:

  • The quadrant of Covey looks like a table with four divisions.
  • Each division has its own name.

Here's what the quadrant tables are called:

  • "Clotte of necessity"
  • "Quadrant of quality"
  • "A Quadrant of imaginary urgency"
  • "Quadrant of time loss"

Urgent, important things are added to the first square, which in any case must be done. In the second, not important things are added that you can not do

AT eisenhower matrix A similar situation, but the appearance of the table is slightly different:

  • "Urgent affairs"
  • "Not urgent affairs"

In the matrix, the importance of departments is written from the left side of the table. The upper blocks are “important”. And the lower "not important", as well as in quadrant Kovi. In the matrix, unlike the previous program, there are no signatures of tables. Only Roman numbers.

There are no differences in these tables for structuring. Only a few, and only in external features. What Quadrant of Covili that the matrix of Eisenhower - Fulfill the same goal, the same ways. To distribute time, you can use both the matrix and quadrant - there will be no difference in use.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Eisenhower matrix: basic, briefly

Eisenhower matrix
Eisenhower matrix

People spend a lot of their time on solving other people's problems and often do not have time to solve their own. And the adoption of any decisions is inextricably linked with emotions. Matrix Eisenhower It helps not only to deal with everyday matters, but also to reduce the emotional load. Like any other personal time organization, the Eisenhower matrix has advantages and disadvantages.

Here are briefly the main advantages:

  • Simplicity in application, all cases are distributed by 4th groups, and then a decision is made on them.
  • Reducing the number of unimportant cases. In advance, you can allocate things that should not be done at all.
  • Help in planning important and difficult tasks, priorities are primarily placed.
  • Optimization of time costs. You can do everything on time.


  • Suitable only for medium -term and short -term planning, for solving current problems. For a long time you can’t build plans with it.
  • There is no need for the matrix if there are few daily tasks.
  • We need training to correctly determine what matters are important and urgent, and which ones - no, which are performed first, and which can be postponed on “tomorrow”.
  • It is easy to make mistakes with a choice without preparation.

Despite these insignificant disadvantages, which with experience will be minimal, the matrix helps to deal with business and do work perfectly.

Eisenhower matrix for housewives: List of affairs

When a housewife should clearly and correctly distribute your free time, you can also use the matrix Eisenhower. You learn to choose priority tasks and successfully deal with your own problems. After such a distribution of time, you get quality and productivity. If you still do not know how to choose the right priority and secondary tasks, then this matrix will help you:

  • Constant employment, depression, problems often confuse us.
  • We do not know which solution will be correct, so the table will quickly abstract and feel the difference between important and less important matters.
  • The matrix is \u200b\u200bideal for use with urgent and important matters.
  • Now you can correctly filter the options and do the necessary business in the house.
  • After all tasks are distributed to important and urgent, the process of distribution of working and free time is simplified.
Eisenhower matrix
Eisenhower matrix

According to the above template, distribute your business and successfully plan the time. The matrix is \u200b\u200ban ideal way to evaluate and distribute your load. Now you are not threatened with nervousness if it is necessary to make an important decision or where to start.

Franklin Pyramid: Achieving the goals, the difference from the Eisenhower matrix

Franklin pyramid
Franklin pyramid

One of the oldest, most popular and effective management techniques of their own time is considered a pyramid named after an American political figure Benjamin Franklin. Its essence is to break the main task into several small tasks, divided in turn into subtasks.

The main differences franklin pyramids from the matrix Eisenhower When achieving the goals:

  • Aimed at planning not only its time, but also employment, which will help to achieve the main goal.
  • It is used for long -term planning, not solving urgent problems. It should be followed throughout its life.

Comprises 6 stepsrepresenting a ready -made plan of action:

  1. The main life values - The most powerful step, foundation. Values \u200b\u200bdetermine plans and direct a person to a dream.
  2. Global target - The goal that a person wants to achieve in his life associated with profession, success or wealth.
  3. General plan - It is important to highlight small steps to achieving the goal, and the most significant.
  4. Long -term plans for 1, 3 and 5 years. Here it is necessary to set the exact deadlines.
  5. Short -term plan for a month, week - This is the exact schedule that you need to adhere to. Requires a deep analysis.
  6. Plan for the day - The top of the pyramid, things that need to be done in order to approach one step to the dream.

What exactly to choose for planning cases, to choose individually for each person. But in any case, such tables will help to plan a day, week or even years. Good luck!

Video: Eisenhower Matrix: Time Management for Women

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