What should a man come home? Should a man do housework, help his wife?

What should a man come home? Should a man do housework, help his wife?

Home duties of her husband.

The phrase has been going on on the Internet recently: “If you want to go into voluntary slavery, get married.” Many women who were once married, or connected by bonds at the moment, will agree with words. In this article we will tell you what a man should do after work. 

Should a man do housework?

Very often, scandals arise between men and women out of the blue. This is usually due to division of homework. After all, cooking, cleaning in the house is just engaged in a woman. The most interesting thing is that in ancient times a woman was engaged in the storage of a home, created comfort in the house. Now, due to emancipation, and equality, women work, like men, earning no less. But at the same time, homework remained on the woman’s shoulders. 

Should a man do housework:

  • Recently, the organization of feminists who promote a free lifestyle has become very popular. Accordingly, women want to be more free, and freed from homework.
  • In European countries, where the standard of living is much higher than in our country, women are already 3 or 6 months after childbirth go to work, leaving children on nannies. In our country, due to low subsistence levels, as well as high prices, not any woman can afford a nanny, even if she gets a job. Therefore, in most cases, women are forced to sit on maternity leave, or combine work and house, while sometimes engaged in labor activities at home.
  • Such women after the birth of children, in order to be constantly at home and keep children under supervision, take place of manicure courses, or find work that can be done at home. All homework also falls on the shoulders of a woman. Many of them have a logical question, but what should a man do, having come from work? 
  • A man should not say that household chores are women's work, and is obliged to help his wife.
The man does nothing
The man does nothing

Why does a man do nothing at home?

Many are familiar with the picture, which for several years in a row flashed on our screens from the series our Rush. Where a fat, groomed wife sits with a lazy man who constantly drinks beer in stretched pants. Unfortunately, this is a completely normal picture for 50% of the population of our country. Men, having come home from work, do nothing.

They do not have a hobby, so the main task after coming home is to play inTanks, watch movies, and not take any participation in the life of the family. They teach lessons, cook food, remove the house almost all the time of women. 70% of men do nothing of these responsibilities. That is why women have a question, but what should a man do, upon arrival home? 

Why the man does nothing at home:

  • Before you get married, it is worth clarifying this with a partner and watching the model of his parents' family. Often a person copies the way of the family that his mother and father had.
  • If the mother worked in three works, my father drank and sat at home, then in almost 70% of cases it will be exactly the same with her son. A man at a subconscious level will strive for such a way of family. In most cases, the reason for the wrong construction of the family is a woman.
  • She does not allow a man to do homework, saying that he does badly. That is, I poorly washed the floor, washed the dishes incorrectly, prepared a tasteless dinner. Therefore, all this work is automatically shifted to the woman’s shoulders.
  • You must be less critical, and accept any help. If you criticize any husband’s intervention in household chores, in the future you will not receive an offer of help. For a man, it will be quite normal that all household chores are performed by a woman. Initially, the man was a mining in the family, until the 18th century almost all women were considered the property of her husband, did not work anywhere.
  • Accordingly, the richer the husband was, the more we have a family and a well -groomed woman. Over time, everything changed, women began to work, received the right to vote, even occupy significant posts in government agencies.

What should a man do at home in the evening?

Now women are working along with men, but at the same time there was a lion's share of homework that needs to be done. All worries about children, home, cleaning and cooking lie on their shoulderswomen, despite the fact that 8 hours a day she works.

What should a man do at home in the evening: 

  • If a man earns a little, comes home earlier than his wife, then it is necessary to discuss or share homework equally, or by capabilities. If a man comes home much earlier than his wife, he can prepare dinner, or throw linen into washing.
  • If the wife comes earlier, she has an incomplete working day, then she fulfills almost all household duties. 
  • Now, due to the crisis, many are faced with the fact that men earn quite a bit. Earned funds are enough only to cover utility bills, and the purchase of a small amount of food. The rest of the means that a woman earns, she spends on the purchase of products, as well as on children. Thus, a woman chooses voluntary slavery. 
  • In fact, no one is obliged to do anything. Of course, many men who lived with parents are used to the Soviet way when a woman had to do everything. However, the times were different and the working day was 6-8 hours.
  • Many mothers could work half as much at an incomplete bet. Now the situation has changed, so if a woman has a good salary, she is unlikely to be at home at 17:00. Most often, a woman comes home very late, and she spends a couple of hours on her rest, and on her homework.

What should a real man do at home?

In this case, you need to talk with my husband and share household duties. In some families there is a special duty system. That is, a schedule is drawn up, which is attached to the schedule of the work of each family member. The table indicates who is on duty on a specific day. It is necessary to discuss in advance what manipulations and tasks are on duty.

What a real man should do at home:

  • That is, it is washing dishes, gender and dinner. Of course, many men are not ready to do household chores, and believe that this is women's work, and they should do men.
  • But many women have a question, but what is men's work? And most of the man cannot specifically answer this question. Usually this boils down to assembling furniture, beating the shelf, or repairing something in the house. However, furniture or plumbing in the house breaks is not so often. And you need to cook and clean the food in the house constantly. Teaching lessons with children is also necessary daily.
  • A whole bunch of homework falls on a woman, and a man once a month repairs something. Many men say that they provide a family and work a lot. In fact, this is not always the case. Of course, in most cases, if a woman is a housewife, her husband earns enough, there are no such problems.
  • That is, a woman does homework, the man provides a family. However, in most cases, a wife and husband are working in the family. Women, after a few years of such a life are very tired. They need a reboot, rest. It is because of everydays that do not have the docks and scandals that a large number of pairs decay. The man wants his wife to cook, clean, take care of the children, and he came to everything ready, enjoyed food and home comfort.
  • At the same time, incomparable payment is obtained. The woman invests a huge amount of time and time in the family, while working and earning money. The man, in turn, only goes to work. After 10 years of living together, a decent amount of couples about this breaks up. To avoid such a development of events, a man must do all the feasible work in the house.
The husband washes dishes
The husband washes dishes

What should a man do while at home?

Fortunately, now more and more women are talking about this, and express their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. That is why in Instagram and in other social networks, stereotypical thinking is spreading that all women are selfish, want money and no one wants to love the soul. It is quite natural that a woman seeks to choose a successful man who is enough to earn, and in case of departure, she will be able to provide her and children. 

What a man should do while at home:

  • This problem must be dealt with with a family psychologist. Experts say that the problem of household misunderstandings is very acute in our country. In European countries, such problems practically do not arise, because all household chores are performed by a nanny and a maid.
  • In our country, a woman, home and children on a woman’s shoulders. Therefore, she gets tired and wants elementary assistance. What to do in this situation? How to make a man help? As indicated above, in most cases, a woman is guilty of misunderstanding.
  • It is she who criticizes, does not allow the man to cook, taking everything on his shoulders. It is necessary to praise your man more often, ask him to help prepare dinner. A man, upon arrival home, should try to help his woman, and unload her time. Thus, the free hour can be spent together watching some interesting film or at a family dinner. 
Husband on maternity leave
Husband on maternity leave

What should a man do at home: tips

Experts recommend going shopping, cooking food, cleaning in the house together. Of course, modern couples can work according to different schedules, the weekend does not match them. There will be no question of a joint pastime.

What should a house at home do, tips:

  • In such cases, it is recommended that family responsibilities be shared between spouses. For example, on the weekend, his father carries a child to the tutor, he vacuums in the house. The wife cooks food and teaches lessons with children. Thus, it turns out to unload the woman, and introduce the man to homework.
  • Of course, there are representatives of the strong half of humanity who will refuse to fulfill such duties, referring to the fact that this is not male work. In no case should you scandal, you must try to agree.
  • If a woman is sewn up, and does not have time to fulfill all the duties assigned to her, while very tired, it is necessary to offer her husband an alternative. Preparation of dinner can take a decent amount of time, so you can agree once or twice a week that a man will buy food in a restaurant or in a home kitchen. This will help to unload the woman, and improve the relationship between spouses. 
Joint work
Joint work

How to make her husband help around the house?

Small quarrels destroy relationships, love goes somewhere. If spouses love each other, then you need to compromise. The main task is to preserve marriage and agree. You need to come to a consensus, which will arrange both a man and a woman. If you can’t find a common language, it may be worth living separately from each other to finally understand the relationship. 

How to make her husband help around the house:

  • If the couple is configured to restore relations, live with each other, then in the interests of agreeing, distribute household duties on the principle - who is better for, and the number of free time. 
  • Psychologists recommend doing almost all the homework together. If the couple is spent a lot of time jointly, it comes closer.
  • Relations between the spouses are restored, and the cause of the conflict disappears. It is also recommended to create a duty schedule. They include not only spouses, but also children, if they have them. This will allow you to remove a large number of duties from a woman, and leave a little free minutes for a joint rest and pastime. 

Many interesting articles about relationships can be found here:

Why a man is greedy: causes, signs. A greedy man psychology - how to behave, what to do?

Is a man attached to a woman? How to make a man emotionally attached?

Children, a child from a previous marriage and a new man - how to establish a relationship after acquaintance, how to make friends?

Many spouses believe that no one owes anything to anyone. However, marriage is primarily obligations to each other. Not all women are ready to put up with the fact that, along with the main work and care for children, it is necessary to cook food, as well as cleaning in the house. It is worth agreeing with her husband so that a woman has a day off from household chores several times a week. These days you can eat dumplings for dinner, or eat in the nearest dining room, a cafe. 

Video: Husband's responsibilities in the house

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  1. I do everything around the house, prepare and do cleaning, wash. I accustomed me to and I like it.

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