What is a lutein phase? Latein phase failure and norm. Pregnancy and lutein phase

What is a lutein phase? Latein phase failure and norm. Pregnancy and lutein phase

Luthein phase: definition and symptoms. What are the hormones in the lutein phase? Latein phase failure: causes and treatment.

In the body of a woman, there are a lot of different processes. Many of them consist of several stages or stages. For example, the menstrual cycle has four phases:

  • proliferative or follicular
  • ovulatory
  • lutein
  • descvamative

Each of the listed phases has a clear order and follows one after another.

Phases of the menstrual cycle
Phases of the menstrual cycle
  • The first phase (follicular) is the stage that begins immediately at the end of the blood discharge. It lasts from the last day of menstruation to the day of ovulation
  • The second (ovulatory) phase is directly related to the egg output process and the maturation of the follicle. Ovulation, as a rule, has a duration of up to three days
  • After the ovulatory stage, the lutein phase occurs. This phase is also called the phase of the yellow body, because during it the formation of a yellow body occurs
  • The end of the lutein phase marks the beginning of the desquamative stage, that is, directly the menstruation itself

What does the lutein phase mean?

What does the lutein phase mean?
What does the lutein phase mean?

During the lutein phase, a follicle rupture and ripening of the yellow body occurs. The yellow body, in turn, provokes the production of three main hormones of pregnancy:

  • estrogen
  • progesterone
  • androgen

Thus, the woman’s body is preparing for a possible pregnancy. In the event of pregnancy, the production of hormone data will continue until the placenta is fully maturated.

If the pregnancy does not occur, then the production of pregnancy hormones is reduced, which provokes necrosis and rejection of the uterus of its inner layer (endometrium). The dead endometrial cells come out in the form of blood discharge. Such rejection is directly menstruation.

Symptoms of the lutein phase

Symptoms of the lutein phase
Symptoms of the lutein phase

As such, the signs of the lutein phase do not exist. However, if you carefully monitor the state of your body and conduct a number of studies, then you can easily calculate the presence of a lutein phase. Here are some of its manifestations:

  1. Increased level of the hormone progesterone
  2. Improving basal temperature
  3. Increase in the volume of discharge - explained by increasing secretion for greater probability of fertilization
  4. Swelling of the nipples and unpleasant sensations in the chest are also due to preparation for a possible pregnancy

How to calculate the lutein phase?

How to calculate the lutein phase?
How to calculate the lutein phase?

There are two ways to determine the approximate beginning of the lutein phase:

  1. The first method is based on the regular measurement of the basal temperature. As soon as the temperature rises, we can assume that ovulation has occurred. That is, in a couple of days the lutein phase begins
  2. For the second method of determining the lutein phase, you can engage in simple arithmetic calculations. To do this, you need to calculate the duration of the woman’s menstrual cycle - it will be equal to the number of days from the first day of the month to the first day of the second monthly. The resulting number must be divided into two. The result (with deviations of a couple of days in one or the other) can be considered the day of ovulation, and, accordingly, the orientation day of the beginning of the lutein phase

The duration of the lutein phase

The duration of the lutein phase
The duration of the lutein phase
  • The duration of the lutein phase, as a rule, is from thirteen to sixteen days. This number will directly depend on the number of days in the menstrual cycle of a woman
  • In order to determine the duration of the phase of the yellow body, it is necessary to take away the number of days from the number of days of the monthly cycle before the start of the ovulatory stage obtained using calculations in the second way

Basal temperature in the lutein phase

Basal temperature for lutein phase
Basal temperature for lutein phase

With regular measurement of the basal temperature, you can notice that in the middle of the cycle it increases slightly. During the Luthein phase, the basal temperature, as a rule, exceeds thirty -seven degrees.

Progesterone level

Progesterone level in lutein phase
Progesterone level in lutein phase
  • During the lutein phase period, the level of the hormone progesterone increases significantly
  • The norm for the phase of the yellow body is the indicator of progesterone from six to fifty -six picomol per liter
  • Too low the level of this hormone may indicate disorders in the female body

Estradiol during this period

Estradiol with lutein phase
Estradiol with lutein phase
  • The norm of the level of the hormone estradiol in the luteal phase is from ninety -one to eight hundred and sixty -one picomol per liter
  • Deviations from norm indicators can also indicate any diseases or failures in the body of a woman

Lutein phase insufficiency, treatment

Symptoms and causes of lutein phase failure

Symptoms of insufficiency of the lutein phase
Symptoms of insufficiency of the lutein phase

As mentioned above, the duration of the lutein phase should be normal from thirteen to sixteen days. However, in some women, the yellow body phase does not even have twelve days. This phenomenon is called the failure of the lutein phase and is a disease that requires treatment. Of particular importance this disease is for women who seek to become pregnant.

The fact is that during the Luthein phase the active production of the hormone progesterone begins, the sufficient level of which plays one of the most important roles during fertilization. If the stage is reduced, the amount of the generated hormone is reduced, which makes it possible to conception at times.

The main manifestations of this disease can be called the following symptoms:

  • malfunctions in the menstrual cycle (both an increase and a decrease in the number of days in the cycle)
  • severe pain with menstruation
  • the presence of pinkish discharge on the eve of the onset of menstruation
  • unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant for a long period of time
Causes of insufficiency of the lutein phase
Causes of insufficiency of the lutein phase

Doctors call the reasons for the occurrence of lutein phase insufficiency: the following factors and conditions:

  • malfunctioning of the pituitary gland and hypotolamus
  • psycho-emotional overstrain and stress
  • transferred injuries
  • chronic or acute inflammatory processes
  • infections
  • spikes in the uterus
  • abortion and miscarriages
  • insufficient puberty
  • anomalies and pathology of the organs of the reproductive system
  • thyroid disorders
  • violations of the central nervous system
  • disrupted metabolism
  • improper nutrition
  • taking medications
  • insufficient blood flow to the yellow body
  • deviations from the norm of biochemical indicators of peritoneal fluid

Treatment of lutein phase insufficiency

Diagnosis of lutein phase insufficiency
Diagnosis of lutein phase insufficiency

In order to prescribe adequate treatment, the doctor must, first, find out the reasons for the reduction in the lutein phase. To this end, he can assign a woman a number of tests and studies that can clarify the whole picture of the disease:

  • hormonal blood test
  • biopsy
  • measurement of basal temperature
  • ovulation test
  • Ultrasound
  • analysis of the nature of the discharge
  • office of the condition of the cervix
Treatment of lutein phase insufficiency
Treatment of lutein phase insufficiency
  • After establishing the exact cause of the reduction in the number of days of the yellow body phase, the doctor prescribes treatment aimed at eliminating this reason. This may be a course of antibacterial drugs, anti -inflammatory or immunomotive drugs
  • If the whole thing is violating the production of the hormone, then a woman may be prescribed an additional dose of hormone in the form of tablets, candles or injections. Such hormone therapy in most cases is very effective for those couples who want to get pregnant
  • In addition to the traditional methods of treating a woman, such general health procedures as acupuncture, taking vitamin complexes or sanatorium-preventive procedures are shown

Is it possible to get pregnant in the luteal phase?

Is it possible to get pregnant in the luteal phase?
Is it possible to get pregnant in the luteal phase?
  • It is believed that after ovulation, a woman is absolutely sterile. Therefore, if the meeting of the spermatozoa and the egg did not occur before the lutein phase occurs, then the chances of fertilization are equal to the zero
  • In other words, sex during the lutein phase is considered absolutely safe, but the onset of pregnancy during this period is almost impossible

What does the lutein phase affect?

What does the lutein phase affect?
What does the lutein phase affect?
  • The lutein phase is extremely important for the female body and its reproductive function. After all, it is during this phase that the main preparation of all systems and organs of a woman for fertilization and the normal course of pregnancy is underway
  • If during the phase of the yellow body sufficiently hormones of pregnancy are developed, then the probability of its occurrence increases significantly
  • In other words, the lutein phase prepares the foundation for conception to a new life
  • That is why it is extremely important to monitor the duration of this phase. If signs of insufficiency are detected, the lutein phase must be consulted, and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment. This will significantly increase the chances of an early fertilization

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