What is a person’s lipolysis: concept, features, species. How much lipolysis costs: price. Is lipolysis of the face effective: photos before and after, reviews

What is a person’s lipolysis: concept, features, species. How much lipolysis costs: price. Is lipolysis of the face effective: photos before and after, reviews

In this article, we will talk, what is the lipolysis of the face and how this procedure is carried out.

Every woman wants to look beautiful. The face requires special care, because everyone sees it, because it is in sight. When there are any problem areas on it, it immediately becomes noticeable, and can also interfere with excess fat. Today there are many cosmetic procedures to eliminate skin disadvantages, including fat removal. The latter is called - lipoliz of the face. With its help, excess fat is quickly removed, and the skin is eventually tightened. Let's figure out what this procedure is and how it works.

What is a person: a concept, features

Lipolysis of the face
Lipolysis of the face

Lipolysis of the face is such a procedure that allows you to quickly get rid of excess subcutaneous fat. With the help of various exposure, fat is split into small particles, which are excreted through the blood from the body. The procedure allows you to remove quite a lot of fat at once, due to which the face becomes noticeably thinner, and the oval is gradually adjusted. In addition, the procedure acts favorably in another plan. So, metabolic processes in cells improve, and they also regenerate, that is, they are updated.

After the first procedure, excellent results are noticeable. Among the advantages of the method, a decrease in a significant decrease in fat deposits without the need for surgical intervention is highlighted, and rehabilitation does not take much time. So without problems you can lead an active life. Even with a minimum number of procedures, the result will be stable.

Injection lipolysis - Facial injections: Features

The first method of conducting lipolysis of the face is carried out through injections. So, substances such as phosphatidylcholine and deoxicholate are introduced under the skin. These substances are active on fats. Accordingly, after splitting, they leave the body through the blood naturally. These substances allow you to get rid of fat faster.

By the way, one of the main advantages of the procedure is that it does not require long -term rehabilitation and it is quite possible to lead a familiar lifestyle. No bandages to fix the skin are required, it is restored independently. At the same time, her former elasticity is returning.

After injections, of course, small skin damage remains. They heal perfectly and there are no bruises and edema. Moreover, the procedure does not require much time, and does not cause too much discomfort.

Keep in mind that the procedure will not remove a large amount of fat, so it is better to contact other methods, if required.

Radio frequency lipolysis of the face: Features

Radio frequency lipolysis
Radio frequency lipolysis

The next method that is performed by lipolysis of the face is a radio frequency effect. Short pulses are sent to the problem area and as a result, subcutaneous fat is heated. This leads to a decrease in its volumes and activates the synthesis of collagen fibers. As a result, the skin becomes very elastic and noticeably fit. At the same time, wrinkles disappear, and a different contour appears in the face. You may be surprised, but one session allows you to remove up to 2 cm of adipose tissue.

Ultrasonic lipolysis of the face: Features

This method involves the effect of ultrasound. This type of facial lipolysis is effective in cases when the face is not too large fat deposits. Using the procedure, up to 300 grams of lipid tissue is removed.

The method does not require any surgical intervention. Anesthetic drugs are not used for him, and the skin is not pierced. At the same time, the procedure does not even cause discomfort. As with other types of procedure, fat is carried by blood through the vessels and then removed from the body.

In total, the procedure includes several stages:

  • At first, the cosmetologist denotes which of the zones are problematic-this is the neck, chin and cervical-brothel.
  • Then computer diagnostics for selecting frequency and period of exposure is carried out
  • After that, the client lies. A gel is applied to problem areas, which allows ultrasound to be better influenced. The procedure is carried out for about 20-40 minutes

To get a steady result, you will need to spend several sessions. Ideally-4-8. Each procedure requires a break of 1-2 weeks. The body needs time to remove fat and still restore the skin. When the procedure has already been carried out, it is recommended to drink a lot, as well as do a regular massage or wrapping regularly.

The ultrasound procedure is the most gentle and delicate. So, one procedure allows you to remove about 2-10 cubic centimeters of fat. By the way, ultrasound allows us to strengthen collagen fibers. They are very important for elasticity and regeneration. So she will recover faster. There are no special consequences after it, and nothing complicated is required to restore. The main thing is to care for it correctly.

Laser lipolysis of the face: Features

Laser lipolysis
Laser lipolysis

Lipolysis of the face carried out with the help of a laser is characterized by types of penetration. It can be external or partially operating.

The external is similar to something to ultrasonic. Only in this case is a laser used. This is the main difference. By the way, the procedure is also not able to remove a large amount of fat. It is better to choose a different way that the load on the body is not so large.

To carry out the internal procedure, several skin punctures are made. The hole can be up to 5 mm in size. It all depends on the diameter of the cannula. As a rule, they are made on the chin or near the earlobes. This procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • As a rule, local anesthesia is used, but if the client wants, they can be immersed in drug sleep. Do not confuse it with anesthesia - this is not the same thing. With the help of drugs, skin sensitivity decreases and pain is not felt. At the same time, the patient will feel everything.
  • Then punctures are made to introduce a cannula. This is a small tube that sucks fat.
  • When everything is ready, the effect begins with a laser. At the same time, the fat is sucked by a tube. That is, he immediately leaves the body. Thus, you will get the result at once and no repeated procedures will be required.
  • After the procedure, a bandage or mask is applied to the face. This allows you to fix the skin and save the result.

Correction of the shape of the face is carried out gradually, so not everything goes immediately after the procedure. However, it gives a steady result. With partial surgical intervention, the patient needs some time to restore - swelling or bruises may appear, but they quickly pass. The circuit improves immediately - the skin becomes tightened.

Recovery after facial lipolysis: rehabilitation

Skin care after lipolysis
Skin care after lipolysis

To maintain the result, it is not enough just to conduct lipoliz of the face. To do this, you must adhere to an active lifestyle and eat right. Processed places are usually not prone to re -formation of fat, but if you create adverse conditions, obesity can manifest on other parts of the body.

Thus, in the first 2-3 weeks you need to adhere to several tips:

  • Refuse to visit baths, saunas, sun stay, and solarium. If you violate this rule, then the restoration will occur even longer, and swelling will become stronger
  • Do not wear severity and do not do your face. This can provoke a violation of symmetry. Massages are allowed to do, but only on condition that the doctor prescribed them.
  • Refuse the use of cosmetics because it reduces the healing rate, and also creates the risk of infection.

During lipolysis, the patient ultimately receives not only a weighty and younger person, but also psychological support and recommendations. With this procedure, it is much easier to preserve the youth of the face, and surgical intervention is not required.

How much does lipolysis cost: price

Lipolysis of the face, depending on the type of exposure, differs. So, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the cost of the procedure is as follows:

The price of the procedure
The price of the procedure

As for the cost of services in the regions, they are slightly lower.

Lipolysis of the face - efficiency: photo before and after

Lipolysis of the face allows you to quickly get rid of excess fat and in the neck. Of course, it would be interesting to know what effect the procedure gives. So, we suggest you look at a few photos of girls who have already tried this service:

Photo before and after 1
Photo before and after 1
Photo before and after 2
Photo before and after 2
Photo before and after 3
Photo before and after 3
Photo before and after 4
Photo before and after 4
Photo before and after 5
Photo before and after 5

Is lipolysis effective: reviews

After conducting such a procedure as lipolysis, many girls share their impressions on the Internet. Most, of course, are satisfied with the procedure, because it really gives excellent results. Although, there is a certain share of negativity. This is always found and not a single procedure is perfect. In the end, whether to try - decide for yourself.

Here's what girls write on one of the popular forums about this procedure:

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3
Review 4
Review 4
Review 5
Review 5

Video: Lopolitics. Local correction of fat deposits

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