What is folklore in literature: a brief definition. In what year did folklore appear?

What is folklore in literature: a brief definition. In what year did folklore appear?

If there were no folklore in our life, our colloquial speech, literature, and the whole Russian language would undoubtedly be impoverished.

What role does folklore play in literature, where it came from, and what kind of concept this is “folklore” - we will talk about all this in our article.

Determination of the word "folklore" in literature

  • Mentioning folklore, we are talking about a special form of art - oral work of the people. It differs from literary works in that it is attributed to collective authorship, since the first writers of all these invaluable epics, legends, tales, fairy tales, songs, sayings, proverbs and ditties that have survived to our days and entered the treasury of folklores remained unknown to us, remained unknown to us, remained unknown. lost in the depths of centuries.
  • That is why it is believed that folklore is the art of our whole people who have ever lived on our Earth. In the literature, elements of folk art are actively used, from which the works immediately become more colorful and figurative.

What is folklore in literature?

  • By folklore, we mean intangible cultural values, which since ancient times were passed down from generation to generation, and that is why these folk masterpieces were migrated in our time.
  • We must be grateful to writers who drew from this folk art and embodied in their works separate episodes of various folklore genres. If not for them, then who knows - it is quite possible that some components of folklore would be lost for us forever.

Folklore in literature: definition for children

  • Since folklore is used in Russian literature, it is quite natural that the best works that the authors captured on paper are studied in school to this day. Students of the younger age group are introduced to russian folk tales, proverbs and riddles; older ones - with byonsIn which Russian heroes appear.
  • High school students get acquainted with folklore sources from the works of classics. Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol And many other Russian authors wrote many of their literary works using folk plots and characters. Having no idea about such an alphabet of the imagery of the nation, it is impossible to understand the diverse world that has been painstakingly erected, and continues to do this now, our domestic culture.
  • Children's folklore is full of wisdom, which ancient folk pedagogy came up with as education. There are two types of texts in it: invented by the children themselves and created by adults, so that they are read by children. The genres of children's folklore include: lullabies, nursery rhymes, riddles, jam, counters, and, of course, fairy tales.
For children
For children
Genres and tasks
Genres and tasks

What is folklore in literature: a brief definition

  • Folklore is oral folk art, in modern times, writers, poets and musicians actively use it. It was under the influence of folklore that fiction arose and developed.
  • Therefore, we can safely say that folklore and literature - These are concepts inseparable from each other. They were so intertwined with each other that it is sometimes impossible to understand where the work of folklore ends, and where the author’s fiction begins.

In what year did the term "folklore" appear?

  • This term-“folklore” (“folk-lore”, translated from English-folk wisdom)-did not exist before 1846. And then, with a light hand of an Englishman William John Toms This term began to be used at the beginning of Europeans, and in the thirties of the 19th century - and Russians.
  • It was this outstanding English scientist that was the first to summarize the ideas about folk art, which included songs, legends, dances, etc., created in the distant past by unknown folk authors.
  • World science was practically not at all interested in folklore until the 18th century, although even in ancient Roman records there are fairy tales and proverbs. The middle of the XVIII century was marked by the fact that the storyteller (and part -time master of the Nevyansky factory, located in the Urals) Kirsha Danilov wrote a collection, which included examples of folk oral creativity. So, thanks to the author and owner of the plant, Prokopius Demidov, who ordered this work, appeared "Collection of Kirsha Danilov" - The first significant collection with Russian folklore.

How does literature differ from folklore?

  • In the occurrence of folklore, all the people need to be thanked, since the authorship of certain genre examples, due to the statute of limitations, is now not possible to establish. Each literary work is written by a specific author whose name is known.
  • And one more thing: folklore is mainly oral folk art, while works of literature exist only in writing.

What relates to folklore in literature?

  • The literature is used Epic, dramatic and lyrical folklore. If this oral folk art was simply rewritten on paper at one time, then from this he will not cease to be folklore.
  • But if its elements were used in his work by the author, for example, a fabulist, then this will already be considered a literary work.

What is folklore in literature?

Folklore can be called the genetic code of the people: fairy tales, traditions, proverbs and songs give a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe culture and life of the whole nation.

The literature uses such folklore genres:

  • Epic - it consists of epics, historical songs, fairy tales, legends and fairy tales.
  • Lyrical - consists of proverbs, sayings, lullabies, songs, lamentations, ditties.
  • Dramatic - consists of works of folk drama, which includes stage elements, like the "theater of parsley."

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