“Seven are not waiting for one”: the meaning of the proverb who said, examples from life and literature

“Seven are not waiting for one”: the meaning of the proverb who said, examples from life and literature

Do not know what the proverb “seven of one is not waiting” means? Read the article, it describes the meaning, and there are examples from life and literature.

Children study many proverbs at school. But many simply tolerate them and do not always try to understand the meaning, because it is very interesting.

Another article on our website describes the meaning of the proverb "The speeches are recognized by a person". What it means, as well as examples from life and literature, you will find descriptions in the text.

This article describes the meaning and meaning of the proverb "Seven are not waiting for one". Want to know whose words these are and find examples from literature? Read further.

Whose words “seven are not waiting”: who said that?

"Seven are not waiting for one"

Proverb "Seven are not waiting for one" It has long existed in the everyday life of every person. But if its meaning is more or less understandable, then questions arise regarding the origin of this quote. Whose words, who said that? So the people said. Why exactly "seven"?

  • According to legends, the expression originates from "Semiboyarshchina".
  • This control system took place in the so -called "Time of Troubles" (1612).

Boyars in the amount of seven people offered polish monarch Vladislav Enter the Russian throne, while setting him the conditions. The king did not appear on the advice, because for him it was unprofitable. However, the boyars were not confused - they solved the issue by the majority. From here the tradition was taken: the team does not wait for one person. And in global terms they solve issues precisely together, even if there is no participant.

Little of, number 7 Many peoples were synonymous with the word "many." "Seven" Often betrayed mystical meaning. As for the first printed appearance of the quote, this happened in 1853. The winged expression decorated the section "Patience - Nadezhda" V.I. Dalya.

“Seven are not waiting for one”: meaning, meaning of the proverb

The meaning of the statement "Seven are not waiting for one" It is quite simple. If in any venture there are several sides that should make a decision and one side is absent, then this does not affect the situation. Therefore, the value is that the main driving force in this case is a group of people, the team. One personality in it is only a grain of sand.

Of course, the matter concerns not only tips and meetings. Often, society has the opinion of the majority. If one person lacks a team (for some reason), then this is his problem. This proverb is used both to designate the case, which is performed without one participant, and in reproach to this very late participant.

"Seven are not waiting for one": examples from life

Let's now consolidate the material covered with examples from life. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. I wonder where Pashka goes? - said Timur with annoyance - the school concert will begin in a minute, and his phone is not available. Well, you have to play without a bass player. Seven are not waiting for one.
  2. Everyone was assembled. Only Lenka lacked. The girls looked at each other and decided to go to the classroom. In the end, will catch up. Seven are not waiting for one.
  3. The sergeant decided that seven are not waiting for oneTherefore, the company went to the location without an ordinary Ershov. Of course, everyone understood that the authorities would ask for the lack of a fighter. Nevertheless, the soldiers had to be in part by the indicated time. The search should only be sent with the permission of the command.
  4. - What are you? Already conducted a veteran? And without me! - Andryushka was indignant. “You would have gathered even longer,” Fedya muttered, “we, as agreed, waited for you for 15 minutes. Actually, seven are not waiting for one, there is such a saying. But you made a discount as a brand new. So what? You appeared after 2 hours. We could not stick out at the stop of half a day, I'm sorry.

No less interesting will be examples from literature. Read further.

"Seven are not waiting for one": examples from literature

"Seven are not waiting for one"

Many writers of past times, as well as contemporaries, have used and do it now - famous proverbs. Such statements make it clear what the author had in mind. Here are examples from literature:

  1. The door swung open. A fast, confident gait into the room entered the room. - Well, how? Everyone is here? He asked, straightening his mustache with the usual movement. “That's it, Semyon Mikhailovich,” said Gorodovikov. - One Panchenko is not. - Seven are not waiting for one, - the Budyonny (A. Listovsky, "Konarmia") firmly said.
  2. “I called you two hours ago,” the director said irritably. “I had people,” the wet one answered as calmly as possible, with patience. - They have more time - they could wait. - I had seven people, just according to the saying: "Seven are not waiting for one" (V. Popov, “steel boiled”).

As you can see, understand the meaning of the folk statement is simple. And you can not cram, but delve into the meaning and carefully read examples. Now you know the meaning of this proverb. Good luck!

Video: proverbs and sayings

Video: Seven are not waiting for one. Fairy tales of the goodness. Core series

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