What is cynicism: definition, is it good or bad to be a cynical person?

What is cynicism: definition, is it good or bad to be a cynical person?

In this article, we will analyze the concept of cynicism and its characteristic features.

Most people believe that being a cynical person is very bad. Quite often, cynics are uncorrect from others, they are disliked and condemned. But what is cynicism and is it really so bad, as well as good or bad to be a cynical person, let's analyze this material.

What is cynicism: origin

Cynicism is not a technique, but a way of life. Cynic rejects the central norms of society and moral concepts, while demonstrating frank and even causing neglect. Cynicism is a character trait.

  • Terms of cynic and cynical occur From the Latin Cynismus and the ancient Greek kυνισμός. The word cynicism initially meant the idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of the ancient cinema, their philosophical course and life position. The ancestors and the main theorists of cynicism were Antisphena and Diogenes. Their main position is the rejection of all norms and a negative attitude towards centuries -old values, education, belief, while they preferred natural needs and even arbitrariness.
  • Modern cynicism is not so active, It is more limited by thinking and personal benefit. But still, cynicism is based on radical skepticism (critical doubt) and is aimed at a ruthless decrease in the values \u200b\u200band truths of other people.
  • Cynicism is a little like a bite or a knife blade, which causes damage. It can be identified with black humor, mockery, irony, sarcasm and even a mockery. Although these words are different in meaning, they have the same roots.
  • Cynical person - This is one who is neglecting and disrespectful to moral values \u200b\u200band generally accepted norms of behavior. Such a person makes the values \u200b\u200bof other people funny, offends and ridicules them consciously. At the same time, it demonstrates this indicative.

Very often, cynicism is associated with injury and acts as a protective reaction of the person who uses it. People often react cynically when they want to distract attention from themselves or try to disguise themselves. Cynics can be considered even as a type of revenge. At the moment when cynic ridicules others (which happens with cynicism), he feels better (in the short term).


What is cynicism: good or bad to be a cynical person?

  • Of course, Cynicism is neither good nor bad. Moreover, you can be a cynic to varying degrees. Surprisingly, you will find that almost everyone has a certain amount of cynicism. Now our society, the rules and relationships between people, themselves, when love itself becomes on a bowl of suspicion, is so arranged. Or do you fully trust the political program, which, of course, is performed with all the details described?
  • If we all always trusted human kindness and sincerity, there would be no doubt about suspicious third -party interventions, encroachments on civic freedom or acute legal practices.
  • And today, cynic cannot be called someone special. We repeat that almost each of us has a share of cynicism. But this riot of a cynic against the system is just The desire to prove their significance and importance. Perhaps even this is a childhood problem when a child did not receive love from parents. By the way, we offer an article for reading “Underless children: problems in adulthood and what to do about it?»

Important: it is worth noting that the cynic is not too different from all other personalities from the "herd", but in order to rebel and not accept the established rules, it is necessary to have their presence! After all, there will be no rules - there will be no failure.

The main difference between a real cynic is the contempt of love, kindness and compassion. But behind this mask of callousness and sometimes even rudeness (do not confuse cynicism with rudeness!) Disorders and disappointment are hidden!

The words
The words

Why does cynicism arise?

We have already gently approached this question that Cynism is a kind of protection! Moreover, the protection of itself from the world around you. Psychologists identify the main causes of cynicism or strengthening its manifestation:

  • Soul pain from parting or betrayal
  • Too strict and/or rude parents, who completely dictated only their rules, did not show love
  • Low self-esteem
  • Loss of ideals
  • Depression I am in a deep phase
  • Disappointment in life or in society
  • Loss of support in life, which leads to a feeling of insecurity
  • The desire to oppose the system to prove their superiority and individualism
  • And also this may be the result of excessive narcissism and/or pride. By the way, you will be interested in reading an article "Pride and pride: what's the difference?"

Important: cynicism is self -defense, the opportunity to protect yourself from pain!

The reasons
The reasons

How to determine cynicism in yourself and in loved ones?

Everything is quite simple, test yourself on these points.

  1. Cynic thinks that all the acts of people are motivated by their personal interests and benefits.
  2. People do good only for the sake of personal glory or as a calculated investment in order to get some profit.
  3. People will lie to go ahead, exploit others when it is beneficial and can get away with it.
  4. Cynism is based on complete distrust to people!
  5. Your main speaking/textual tone is sarcastic.
  6. You begin to hate cute photos published by your friends on social networks, as well as couples in love in a public place.
  7. You are always convinced that people want something from you.
  8. You seriously question your faith in "long and happily."
  9. You are always ready for the worst.

Often cynicism is manifested in adolescence, when there is a protest against the entire system. It is also noted that cynicism in some people intensifies with age. This is affected by failures in life, betrayal, understanding of many things and broken dreams.

Which is sometimes hidden behind the mask of cynicism
Which is sometimes hidden behind the mask of cynicism

Cynism: What is its danger?

If you deeply need cynicism, you need to constantly make fun of others and this exalt yourself, then it is already dangerous. Anyone who reacts from pure love cannot and will not be cynical. A respectful attitude should never discredit another, offend with cynical remarks. Excessive cynicism is dangerous!

  • Firstly, it is harmful to your health. Cynical people are more likely to experience stress, anger, negative emotions
  • Unfavorable social, mental, physical health
  • Bad interpersonal relationships. Since many avoid cynical people
  • A higher risk of burnout, cardiovascular diseases
  • Often negative beliefs in a certain area or a person are justified. But the cynic will generalize, disseminate these beliefs to other aspects unrelated issues
  • He destroys the actual and perceived kindness through the negative
  • Gives rise to a conspiracy theory
  • Counterproductive behavior affects thoughts, feelings, actions
  • Life full of cynical moments is poisonous and unhappy

Interesting: according to statistics, cynical people move much less often on the career ladder and earn less than more optimistic and simple -minded people. And all because they do not know how to make contact, concede and trust others.

Do not fall into extremes
Do not fall into extremes

Is cynicism always bad?

The wrong assumption that the concept of "cynicism" is always negative. This is not bad, in itself, but it limits your ability to really eat life if it is not equally balanced with optimism. People who are cynical do not fully interact with others. But it shouldn't be so.

  • Cynism is necessary to evaluate any situation, but should not be the main feature of the personality. This is a negative attribute if your cynicism treats everything in life.
  • For example, cynics will be the first to find real conspiracies. They will be the first to determine potential disadvantages or potential danger. Do you think that it is especially useful to question the specific actions that you are subjected to unscrupulous people? The world abounds with such people. Nowadays, when people are ready to steal what you have, it is good to be cynical, but when it is necessary and used with caution. Being cynical is a useful tool.
  • Too strong openness can lead to problems, too much cynicism can lead to loss of friends. You just have to have a balance in this. Therefore, the time has come to return cynicism to the forces of light and truth. Forget about the weary old dichotomy of positive and negativity, optimism and pessimism. You cannot do things better if you do not see how bad they are. And only due to the fact that you do not trust, you can distinguish between reliable and unreliable. To do all this, you need a reasonable cynicism, which is not so much a common negative as a spotlight for a really positive one.

So, is there any benefits from cynicism? Answer: Yes! Temporary and moderate cynicism is desirable, even necessary to protect itself from harmful situations.

Sometimes it is necessary
Sometimes it is necessary

It is also worth noting the positive qualities of cynicism:

  • Cynic always tells the truth. Yes, right on the forehead, but not cunning
  • He looks at the world in real life, not through pink glasses. Cynic does not hide in the clouds
  • Harming the situation and its strength helps the cynic move towards its goal
  • Sometimes a kind soul is hidden behind the mask of a cynic. But a person, not wanting to cunning or deceive, so as not to offend, tears cynicism. Or he has poorly developed empathy.

Important: it is worthwhile to understand that there is a forced cynicism. For example, in the profession of a doctor, judge, forensicist. And there is insensitive cynicism, when a person is only leaded by benefit.

Everyone chooses their side
Everyone chooses their side

How to overcome cynicism or how to stop being a cynical person?

Here are some very simple things that you can do to embark on the path of positive thinking and getting rid of cynicism habits:

  • First of all, stop calling yourself a bad person
  • Try to honestly understand from what vanity or fear your cynicism comes
  • Recognize the problem and every cynical thought
  • Learn to empathize with other people, develop empathy
  • Try to pacify your pride
  • Learn to help other people without self -interest
  • Start looking for things that inspire you. It will be difficult, because now you are cynical. But over time, you will learn to see the beautiful
  • Make the final choice to be positive. Remember that a lot depends on our desire. We also offer an article for your inspiration "How to learn to enjoy life?"
  • Find a way to love, not judge
  • Do not argue with people, listen to their views

If your loved one is a cynic:

  • Surround him with care, compassion and understanding
  • Do not be offended by sometimes sparing words, but try to find out the reason for his such aggression
  • Give love just like that
  • Help in the arrangement of spiritual values \u200b\u200band priorities
  • Stell yourself
  • Try to avoid sarcasm or the manifestation of cynicism, especially if the situation concerns children

It is important to admit that we ourselves create the world in which we live! When you develop compassion, and not become cynical, you feel better. You feel closer to the people you take care of. Being open and understanding, you free yourself from your destructive attitudes and extract the best of what surrounds you. And remember that happiness does not come from cynical thinking - it comes from help, love, participation, unification.

Video: What is cynicism?

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