What is sarcasm in simple words: definition, examples from literature. How to answer sarcasm?

What is sarcasm in simple words: definition, examples from literature. How to answer sarcasm?

In this article, we will explain the value of sarcasm in an accessible language.

We often use intentionally or by accident, hear from others or even feel other people's sarcasm on ourselves. This is already a common word, which has become a daily form of use. But few know its meaning and proper interpretation, and some do not always manage to catch these sarcastic notes. Therefore, we invite you to make out this topic so that the next time you are not at a loss - whether it was sarcasm or it just seems.

What is sarcasm: concept, definition in simple words

  • Sarcasm - One of the most powerful tools used by a person to ridicule other people and phenomena. This is a kind of verbal weapon capable of “breaking the flesh” - this is how the translation of this word from Greek sounds. But despite such an ominous definition, the ability to use sarcasm has always been considered a sign of an acute mind.
  • In the literature, this term first applied and gave it a definition The English poet Edmund Spencer is back in the 15th century. Since then, it has been used throughout the world, sarcastic expressions find their place in literary work, in political disputes, in the discussion of acute social issues.
  • In literature This is usually a mockery of any character, power, bureaucratic system. In everyday life - This is an expression of negative emotions: anger, hostility, irritation. In politics - This is a weapon that makes fun of the actions of opponents.
  • Sarcasm with irony should not be confused, between them the fundamental difference is that ironic statements sound kindly, without aggression. Sarcasm is distinguished by anger, causticity, an attempt to humiliate the opponent, without resorting to direct insults.

Famous examples of sarcasm: excerpts from literature, quotes

Sarcasm is not ridiculous and kind. Its use involves a veiled mockery, rigid and merciless criticism of the one to whom it is directed. Although without direct insults and offensive words, but at the same time, understandable to everyone around. As examples, you can cite such phrases said to someone's address with frankly mocking intonation:

  • Without you in these matters, of course, we will not figure out - It implies the lack of competence of the one to whom this phrase is addressed.
  • What people! And without protection - It implies a low significance and position in the society of the people to which this applies.
  • How are you dear to me - The opposite attitude is implied.
  • Madame, you are irresistible -It is understood that in the appearance of a woman something is wrong.
  • You came, as always, on time - The opposite statement is implied.

In literature and in politics, sarcasm looks more tough, he is characterized by a sharp rejection of everything that contradicts the author’s ideas about the true values \u200b\u200bof life.

For example, we see sarcasm in Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”:

Where, indicate to us, the Fatherland fathers,
Which we must recognize for samples?
Are these not these, robbery are rich ...

It is worth noting that sarcastic abilities make a person strong and persistent! It is such people who are real “strong nuts”. Perhaps they have weaknesses. But they react to any blows of fate and ridicule of others not only calmly, but even at all this look down. They are distinguished by the acuteness of the mind and speed of thinking, as well as high extraordinary!

Another literary example:

Lermontov, Duma.
Lermontov, Duma.

As well as the passage of Nekrasov:


Where without the famous sarcastic phrases of the Ranevskaya are?


Why do people use sarcasm?

  • It is believed that sarcasm is a veiled form of aggression, to which in ordinary life they resort to the desire to humiliate, avenge, destroy, while retaining the face. Sometimes a person does this purposefully, for no obvious reason, guided exclusively by his emotions and a negative attitude to the opponent. And sometimes in response to some of his misconduct, because he cannot directly express his complaints to him or say about his miscalculations. Often, a person in this way is “discharged” at the expense of another, Acting as a verbal “vampire”.
  • In some cases, the sarcastic style is hidden The insecurity and vulnerability of a person.And he turns on it as a protective mechanism in moments of danger, when he fears his opponent and does not find a better way to “hit” the first, thereby warning a blow to his side.
  • Some use this technique, believing that he gives a special charm and creates an original image of a strong, strong -willed and independent person, which is allowed more than others. The heroes of some films are especially vivid confirmation. But do not forget that this is only a stage image.
  • In certain areas of human activity, sarcasm is considered a normal style of communication. For example, in politics, journalism, journalism. And even in some large companies, such Playing in a verbal ping-pong, Which you either support or find yourself "overboard."
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How to answer sarcasm: examples

You should never succumb to emotions, drawing yourself into resentment - this is an inevitable loss. The most effective protection against sarcasm is humor - He helps to discharge the intensity of emotions and level offense. A good joke in response to evil sarcasm works absolutely and repel the offender to continue in such a spirit.

The scheme often helps - Do not react! That is, let sarcastic statements pass by.

But in general Read more and expand your vocabulary, See humorous transmissions in order to trite to remember some interesting phrases. And do not be afraid to seem funny!

An equally effective way to resist sarcasm is agree with what they are trying to make fun of you:

  • You rightly consider me incompetent in this matter, this is not my field of activity.
  • I myself know that I need to pull English. Now I’ll finish with the dissertation and will do it closely.

This usually disarms the offender, and he loses interest in you. Also, do not be offended or prove something, usually it gives the opposite effect.

Video: What is sarcasm and irony?

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