What is the role of gravity? Is there and what is the gravity on other planets of the solar system? What planet is the smallest and largest gravity?

What is the role of gravity? Is there and what is the gravity on other planets of the solar system? What planet is the smallest and largest gravity?

In this article we will consider if the gravity on other planets of our solar system. We also find out what its minimum and maximum indicators are.

The answers to some questions related to strength are interesting to know not only physicists and astronomers. Even a significant part of ordinary people would like to get answers to questions about the existence and features of gravity on different planets.

But first, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts for this physical phenomenon. Therefore, let's consider precisely the strength of gravity and its role for nature not only on our Earth, but also on other planets of the solar system.

What is gravity?

Gravity is a rather amazing fundamental force. It is a natural effect in which all things with mass are attracted to each other. Be it asteroids, planets, stars, galaxies, etc.

  • The greater the mass of the object, the more power it will exert on the objects around it. The strength of the object also depends on the distance - that is, the influence that it has on another object decreases with an increase in the distance between them.
  • The strength of gravity is called attractive, because it always tries to combine the masses and never repels them. In fact, each object of living and inanimate nature reaches for all other objects in the universe.
  • The gravity is also one of the four main forces that regulate all interactions in nature. It is located along with weak and strong nuclear power, as well as electromagnetism.
  • Of these forces, gravity is the weakest. It is weaker than 1038 times strong nuclear power and 1036 times weaker than electromagnetic force. It is also weaker and weak nuclear power 1029 times.
  • The best means of describing the behavior of gravity remains the general theory of relativity of Einstein. According to theory, the strength of gravity is not a force. This is a consequence of the curvature of space and time, which is caused by an uneven distribution of mass or energy.
  • Intections in nature are consistent with this theory. Energy and mass are equivalent, which means that all forms of energy also cause gravity and are under its influence.
  • However, most of the ways of applying this force is best explained by the law of the Newton's worldwide gravity. It says that gravity exists as an attraction of two bodies. The force of this attraction can be calculated mathematically, where the strength of gravity is directly proportional to the work of their masses. It is also inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the bodies.
  • The strength of gravity is calculated by the generally accepted formula:

F \u003d G * M

Naturally, M is a mass of any necessary body, but G is an acceleration of a free fall.

At each point of the planet, severity is valid
At each point of the planet, the force of gravity acts, which is on other planets

What is the role of gravity in nature?

If there were no gravity, then we all sailed into space. Without it, all our ground species slowly faded and died. At the same time, our muscles were degenerated, the bones of people and animals became fragile and weak, and the organs ceased to function properly.

  • Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that the power of gravity is not only the fact of life on Earth, but also a prerequisite for this. However, sometimes people intend to get out of the sphere of influence of this force.
  • The gravity of gravity has a slight effect on matter in the smallest of the scale, that is, on subatomic units. However, it is of great importance for the development of objects at the macro level.
  • Since at the macroscopic level, that is, at the level of planets, stars and galaxies, it is a dominant force that affects the interaction of matter. It causes the formation and affects the trajectory of astronomical bodies, controlling astronomical behavior. The power of gravity played an important role in the evolution of the early universe.
  • It was the force of gravity that was responsible for the copulation of matter in order to form clouds of gas, which were subjected to gravitational collapse. The clouds formed the first stars, which then formed the first galaxies. By the way, without it, for example, stars turn into black holes.
  • Within individual star systems, this made dust and gas merge. As a result, planets formed. The gravity controls the movements of the orbits of the planets around the stars, the rotation of the stars around the center of their galaxy and the merger of the galaxies.
  • But it is impossible to underestimate all its importance - it is the force of gravity and creates the atmosphere necessary for life. It is on it that atmospheric or hydrostatic pressure depends. And also she lays the foundation of our skeleton and vestibular apparatus.
Without the power of severity, we would all fly into space
Without the power of severity, we would all fly into space

Is there a gravity on other planets of the solar system?

That on Earth there is the strength of gravity, all the inhabitants of our planet know. You can verify this from your own experience. But now, is this power on Jupiter, Mars, Venus and other planets, it is quite problematic to check. Perhaps not everyone is trying to find the answer to this question. But for the development of a common horizons and satisfying your curiosity, we still suggest that this information find out.

Important: in principle, gravity depends on the mass where all things are attracted to each other. But do not forget that the size, mass and density of the object also affect gravitational force.

Therefore, the calculations of free fall for each planet should be carried out separately for the following formula:

g \u003d GM/R2, where M is the mass of the planet, and R2 is its radius.

But with a gravitational constant value (G), some difficulties can arise, or rather, another additional calculations. Since 2014, its formula looks as follows:

G \u003d 6.67408 (31) · 10–11 m3 · c -2 · kg - 1

Now you can proceed to calculations of gravity on other planets. By the way, do not forget that this is only a mathematical and physical theory.

Jupiter is much heavier than the earth, so the gravity on it is greater
Jupiter is much heavier than the earth, so the gravity on it is greater
  • Mercury is the smallest and least massive planet, What opens our system. The planet stands out, by the way, with unstable temperature changes. After all, in the afternoon it reaches +350 ° C, and at night it even exceeds -150 ° C.
    • The gravity of such a contrasting planet among other planets of the Earth group and, of course, gas giants have the smallest indicators - 3.7 m/s².
  • Venus is a little similar to the Earth, so it is often called the "twin of the earth". True, only in dimensions. Therefore, it is not surprising that the power of the gravitational force on Venus is very close to its power on Earth - 8.88 m/s².
    • By the way, the radius of Venus from earthly is only 0.85%less. But here you can’t take a walk on such a planet, because you can be blown away by the wind with a force of 300 m/s, or you will simply burn out of its minimum temperature of 475 ° C. But this is not all, sulfur rain will still go from above, which will be mixed with chlorine iron.
  • For comparison, we give the average indicators of our land 9, 81 m/s². By the way, do not forget that at the pole it will be much higher than at the equator. But on our companion, for reference information, The moon has a gravitational force of only 1.62 m/s². And everyone knows how astronauts can run along its surface.
  • Mars is more similar to Earth in many key aspects. True, the minus temperature does not allow life to appear there a little. And when it comes to size, mass and density, it turns out to be relatively small. Because of this, Mars is 0.38 times less than the gravitational force than the ground. And compiles with rounding 3.86 m/s².
    • And here is a clear example, when the density played a role - after all, Mars is much larger in size for Mercury, but the strength of gravity is not too different.
On Mars, our mass will decrease by 62%
On Mars, our mass will decrease by 62%
  • Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system. By the way, this is also a windy planet, which is characterized by constant storms and thunderstorms. And being a gas giant, Jupiter, of course, is less dense than the Earth and other earth planets.
    • Moreover, its density and the main composition of helium and hydrogen provided that Jupiter does not have a true shell. If someone stood on him, he would just drown until he reached a solid core. As a result, the superficial force of Jupiter's gravity is determined as the force on the tops of its clouds. And it is 24.79 m/s².
  • Like Jupiter, Saturn is a huge giant of gaswhich is much larger and more massive than the Earth, but less dense. As a result, its superficial gravity is slightly larger than that of the earth.
    • For comparison: the planet with the famous belt of rings has a diameter of 57350 km, but the Earth is almost 5 times less - 12742 km. But here is the gravity on Saturn of everything 10.44 m/s². That is, for such dimensions, this is very few.
  • And the uranium area is about four times larger than the land area. However, like a gas giant, its density is even lower than earthly gravity. And it is 8.86 m/s². It will be possible to walk along the planet without difficulty, but an incredible cold will not let you take a step. After all, the temperature does not rise above -220 ℃.
  • Neptune is the fourth largest planet of the solar system. It is 3.86 times more than the Earth. By the way, no one can compare with this planet in the power of storms - 2100 km/s². But, being a gas giant, it has a low density and a relatively small strength of severity in 11,09 m/s².
  • It is also worth considering as additional information the strength of gravity on Pluto. Since 2006, the cosmic body has lost the official status of the planet, but even for the dwarf planet, gravity is very small - in total 0.61 m/s².
Here we weight depend on gravity
This is how our weight depends on the strength of gravity

Understanding the effect of gravity on the human body will help significantly for the implementation of space travel, especially where questions were asked about long output missions to orbit and the international space station. And, of course, knowledge of how strong the strength of gravity on other planets is is important for manned missions. Thanks to this knowledge, even the settlements of earthlings are possible on other planets.

Important: we can conclude that gravity is present on all planets of the solar system, but it can not be measured on the surface of the planet everywhere. On Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, gravity is measured at the tops of the clouds. There are serious differences on different planets in the power of this force.

What planet is the smallest gravity?

  • If we take into account all astronomical bodies in the solar system, where the gravitational force is present, then the smallest gravity is not on the surface of the planet of our system. This is an astronomical body - a dwarf planet Tsetzer with force in total in 0.27 m/s².
  • If we compare gravity only on the surface of the planets, then the smallest power on the planet Pluto, which covers only 0.61 m/s². But since he was deprived of the title of planet, this position again crosses Mercury. Recall that for Mercury It is 3.7 m/s². This fact is not surprising, because Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system.
The sun has the greatest, just incredible gravity, and Jupiter is among the planets among the planets
The sun has the greatest, just incredible gravity, and Jupiter is among the planets among the planets

Planet with the greatest gravity

  • If we study the strength of gravitation at all astronomical objects, then the greatest value of this force can be detected on the surface of the star. The name of this star - Sun. The gravity on the star is huge - 274 m/s². This is almost thirty times more than on the surface of the earth.
  • As for the planets, the largest gravity on the largest of the planets. This is a giant - Jupiter. It will repeat that he has incredible strength - 24.79 m/s². This is almost 2.53 times more than what we experience on planet Earth. A item that weighs 100 grams on Earth would weigh 236.4 grams on Jupiter.

Now we know that in Mercury and other planets with low strength, we would fly into space. But, for example, on Jupiter we would press us into the ground. In this case, to the gas. By the way, in the first case, you and I would be tall and thin, and in the second variation - low and stocky. And, of course, weight would have felt differently. With low strength, all objects would be impossible to light, but with large indicators, even the feather would be the weight of the truck.

Video: Is there a gravity on other planets of the solar system?

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