What does the word “mutual” mean: how to answer, examples of use, quotes

What does the word “mutual” mean: how to answer, examples of use, quotes

What does the word "mutual" mean? You will find the meaning of this word form and examples of use in the article.

Reciprocity - A valuable concept. In fact, this is a situation when 2 people experience approximately equal feelings in relation to each other. The latter can be not only romantic, but also friendly, fraternal-sister, etc. Reciprocity is needed everywhere and in everything. If the applicant does not like the employer, then he will not take him to work. And if the applicant does not like the enterprise, he simply will not give his resume to the vacancy.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to answer the words" Good morning "," Good afternoon "?". You will find interesting options, cool, original answers.

This article describes what the word “mutual” means and how it can be replaced in the text, conversation. You will also learn how to answer such a word and what it means, if a guy or a girl says so. Read further.

“Mutual”, “not mutual”: what do words mean?

"Mutual", "not mutually"

Many things in the world are done precisely "by mutual agreement." Even if it comes to business, in parallel with the “profitability” of the transaction, the reliability of partners is also considered. And the choice always stops at those to whom there is trust and personal sympathy. What does the word mean "mutually" and "not mutual"?

  • The main sphere of concepts "reciprocity" and "Non -position", nevertheless, love. Here the presence of a mutual feeling is most important. After all, if someone alone feels love or just interest, and the second, in turn, believes that he does not need it, then this love will not lead to anything.
  • In turn, the lack of reciprocity is a situation when one person has feelings, but the other does not. Of course, no one is obliged to love to be forced. But the refusal can be unceremonious and rude, and it can be polite and tactful. In the latter case, the object of sympathy will be clean from a moral point of view.

Aware of the lack of reciprocity is always painful. While its presence can make a person tremble with happiness.

How can you replace the word "mutually"?

If you write a text or an essay about reciprocity, then you will need synonyms or words close in meaning. How can you replace the word "mutually"?

As an alternative, such words, expressions and formulations are often used:

  • "Similarly"
  • "I am you too"
  • "And I"
  • "Your feelings are mutual"
  • "I share your feelings"
  • "I also treat you well"
  • "I like you too"
  • "You and I think the same"
  • "I agree", etc.

Often many lovers are offended by the word "mutually". Since they consider it a too restrained and short answer. Indeed, the answer "Mutually" On the phrase "I love you" It sounds as if the partner is not yet sure of the fullness of his feelings, is shy, or does not want to say the word "I love" etc.

What does it mean if the guy says "mutually"?


Some representatives of the fair sex are lost when they hear a word from a man "mutually". Why is this happening? What does it mean if "mutually" Says the guy?

  • On the one hand, it says that the girl is interested in him.
  • But on the other hand, a short answer also implies apathy, a complete lack of zeal.
  • Accordingly, telling the girl "mutually", the guy will not run to her “on the wings of love”, will not write poetry or tear flowers from the nearest flowerbed. Most likely, in a second he will forget about this girl and play his favorite computer game.

It turns out that the male answer "mutually" - This is hidden "No". That is, a person does not share feelings, but does not want to offend the interlocutor. Thus, the guy wants the girl to hear what she wants to hear, and finally left him alone. In fact, feelings, in this case, may not be.

However, it is worth remembering that guys are generally laconic creatures. Therefore, he can speak "mutually" And if he really loves. Options: too shy and afraid that the word “love” will impose any obligations on it, is currently busy (therefore writes briefly), etc.

Often, guys do not betray the word "mutually" Negative shade. Therefore, they do not understand at all why girls are offended by this answer. Suppose if the guy tells the guy "You are my friend! - Mutually ", none of them will think that someone is stingy for the manifestation of reciprocity, that someone is offended, that someone is cunning and lies, etc.

Some guys are enough for a simple manifestation of love and friendship in style: "You are my friend? - Yes, of course! "," Do you love me? - yeah ".

While girls endow words with more multifaceted meanings. In their understanding, he wrote only "mutually" - So, does not like. But if I wrote completely "I love you"and at the same time add "More life", "I'm going crazy with love for you" And other "epithets" - then the reciprocity was fully obtained.

Male stinginess is absorbed by many guys with mother’s milk. It is believed that a man should not speak, but only do. That's why "mutually" For some - a completely normal answer. If you can answer the compliment of a colleague on a football team or to praise another (equal) participant in the team, then why can't a girl say so?

Remember: In the case of romantic relations of one "mutually" Always not enough. From both the male and the female side. A similar answer to "I love you" It means coldness and detachment - and this is rather bad than good.

What does it mean if the girl says “mutually”?

Girls are verbose creatures. Unlike guys, they express their reciprocity more vividly and emotionally. The words of love in their vocabulary are also much more. That is why many guys are sure: "If the one who used to chill about her feelings incessantly, now answers the man monosyllables, then you should be wary". What does it mean if the girl says “mutually”?

  • At a minimum, this suggests that the girl was offended. And he wants the guy to understand this. After all, he will notice that her endless stream of speech was replaced by phrases and 1-2 words. And he will feel something wrong.
  • Thus, a fair sex can expect actions from a guy. He must realize his guilt and make amends. More precisely, I must try to do it. And to decide whether he is forgiven or not, the girl will be herself.
  • Many men should take note of the monosyllability of female answers as a sign of resentment. After all, many of them are confused from several hours to several days, before they understand that “something is wrong” that the girl behaves “somehow strange”.

But there is a second version of a short female "mutually". It means that the girl treats you well - but she is not tuned for more. Ideally, the one to whom she answered should disappear from the field of her vision. In other words, this is a lack of interest, detachment.


  • You know, Katya, you are my most-most best friend! I love you so much! - Mutual! Now do not bother, I need to fill out the shape to order a new handbag at a discount! After 30 seconds, the goods will no longer cost half less!

As you can see, you can interpret the cause of this word differently. But it is also important to be able to answer. How to do it correctly, read on.

How to answer the word "mutual"?


Often a word "mutually" It has a negative shade. It means the end of the conversation. To “pull out” the situation and smooth out an unpleasant display, many use such answers:

  • "Same to you"
  • "Come again"
  • "So we talked"
  • "Ours to you with a brush"
  • "So that you are healthy", etc.

One way or another, hear a short "mutually" very unpleasant. On the one hand, this is not a categorical refusal. But the indicator that a person is not at all interested in the subject of the conversation.

Examples of using the word "mutual"

Sometimes it happens that the word "mutually" Used as a response to wishes. For example, - "I wish a long and happy life" - "mutually". Where else is this word form used? Here are examples:

  • Hello Seryozha! I sincerely congratulate you on a programmer's day! I wish you everything to do and you have nothing for it! - Thank you, colleague! Mutually!
  • Happy holidays! Hello mom! - Thank you, mutually!
  • You know, I really like you ... - Everything is mutually (by the way, “everything is mutually” in this case, a more encouraging option. Especially if it is said by a playful and optimistic tone).
  • So that you are empty! Again they flooded my apartment - thanks, Galina Dmitrievna! Mutually!
  • It used to be "good", but now - "mutually."
  • Vova, how do you enroll me! - Do not worry, buddy, it's mutually!
  • I loved you for a long time, but did not know that it was mutual.
  • It is important that everything is mutual. And age, height, weight, race and skin color for love do not matter.
  • You look, everything is mutual! - Well, as you see!
  • Hello from Tigran! He wishes happiness in his personal life! - Tell him that this is mutual!
  • I don’t know directly what to tell you “I love you” or “mutually”. - What is there to think, honey? Say: "Marry me."

Try to make proposals yourself. Thanks to this, you better understand the material and can understand the whole essence of this word. Below are even more examples. Read further.

Quotes with the word "mutual"

Quotes help literally state the statements of great people. They are needed to give persuasiveness to the facts when writing an essay, story or other text. But do not use too many such references in the text, otherwise it will look dry. Your thoughts also need to be expressed. Here are quotes with the word "mutually":

Quotes with the word
Quotes with the word "mutual"
Quotes with the word
Quotes with the word "mutual"
Quotes with the word
Quotes with the word "mutual"

Now you know what the word means "mutually" And how it is better to answer him. Remember a few phrases to shine with the mind when talking or when writing a text or essay. Good luck!

Video: Reciprocity - what is it? Meaning and description

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