What does the proverb “recognize a person” by speeches mean?

What does the proverb “recognize a person” by speeches mean?

It is impossible to imagine our speech without the "highlight" that folklore gives it. Every day we use folk experience and wisdom in a conversation, accumulated for centuries, and often we ourselves do not even notice this.

In short, but well -aimed phrases, there is a deep semantic meaning - it is they who are called proverbs and sayings. In this article, will we tell the meaning of the proverb “recognize a person by speeches”?

The meaning of the proverb "recognize a person by speeches"

  • It is impossible to more accurately and briefly express his own attitude to what person is near - kind and well -mannered, or evil and ignorant. After all, this is how it is - by speeches they will recognize a person in the first place.
  • Communicating with a person, listening to his speech, intonation and even some understatement of his thoughts, which can, as it were, “read between the lines”, soon begin to understand what he “breathes”.
  • The brain immediately gives an impulse: this person is positive, it is worth communicating with it further, and this one is like it is endowed with black, evil energy, and it must be stayed away from it. Another folk wisdom says: "Eyes - a mirror of the soul" -in this case, human speech is his portrait in general.
Which person?
Which person?
  • Only after listening to the interlocutor can one judge his inner world, character, determination, education and all kinds of preferences.
  • There are people who do not imagine their lives without communication with children, nature, animals - They are able to talk about them for a long time and even with rapture. They a priori cannot be bad, since their soul is filled love, romance, mercy.
  • And if a person, in addition to everything, is endowed with a sense of humor and is able to laugh primarily at himself, then it is very easy to communicate with him - such light and positive people usually attract others.
  • If a person is replete with a variety of literary turns, his vocabulary is expanded and a flowering, and thoughts are clothed in understandable and rounded phrases, then we immediately understand that we have a very person in front of us Extraordinary, smart and well -read.
Famous about speech
Famous about speech
  • And, on the contrary, if you constantly hear about fashionable things, gadgets, cars and resorts, then it seems that he does not even suspect the existence of other life issues. In this case, inevitably, the idea comes that this person is "Dummier", a sort of Krylovskaya “Dragonfly”, which is only capable of singing and dancing.
  • But when it comes to listen to rudeness, “warped” words and incorrectly constructed phrases, you immediately understand, in front of you ignorant and ill -mannered personFrom which you want to quickly and move away.
We can also say about speech and man
We can also say about speech and man

With your eyes, you can only see in a person only his appearance. But by speeches they recognize a person, only in this way you will feel his soul.

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