What you need to tell about yourself when meeting: examples, a brief story about yourself. What needs to be said when you talk about yourself in order to interest the interlocutor?

What you need to tell about yourself when meeting: examples, a brief story about yourself. What needs to be said when you talk about yourself in order to interest the interlocutor?

Many people at the first acquaintance experience a feeling of awkwardness or stiffness. And it doesn’t matter if this acquaintance takes place at a friendly party or if you came to an interview, getting up to work.

They also get acquainted on social networks, on the street, an occasion may even be an erroneously dialed telephone number. And in all such cases, not to mention the option when you have a first date, it will be necessary to answer the request to tell about yourself. How is it better to do to not only make a pleasant impression, but also interest the interlocutor?

What is the best way to tell about yourself?

At the first communication, people pay attention not only to the words spoken, but also to gestures, behavior, the ability to hold. Such moments are very important, because they also talk a lot about the individual. Therefore, talking about yourself, you should make an effect that will cause the interlocutor the desire to continue communication with you.

Speak restrained and concise
Speak restrained and concise

This is necessary:

  1. Speak if possible briefly, avoiding blurry, long ornate phrases. The answers should be capacious, but at the same time compressed.
  2. You should say with simplicity and sincerity, the way you do this when communicating with friends and friends.
  3. Calm and self -confidence during the conversation favorably emphasize your ability to stay with a stranger.
  4. Do not reveal the soul completely and bring down a lot of experiences to the interlocutor. There should always be a certain lack of failure and mystery.
  5. Having inserted several piquant moments into your story or successfully joking, you thereby deprive your story of possible freshness and boring.
  6. Do not do self -flagellation At the first acquaintance, reveal your positive qualities.
  7. Be sure to involve your counterpart in the conversation, ask his opinion, ask questions - then it will become a dialogue, not your monologue.
  8. It is better to prepare for a conversation in advance, having thought out possible topics - so you do not have to be painfully silent or, worse, mumble.

What needs to be told about yourself with your personal acquaintance?

You have already introduced yourself to each other and now, of course, each of the interlocutors is interested in not only the name, but also the personality of your new acquaintance. What points should be affected to tell about yourself?

  1. What do you do. We can talk about work, study - in a word, about what is now your main employment. This is always important and interesting for a new person who wants to get to know you better. Especially if your activity is unusual, is of interest.
  2. Some suitable for this case stories from life. Perhaps you are in a cafe-you can remember how you celebrated some kind of holiday here. Or your meeting takes place in the park - tell us how you were hiding here, escaping from the lesson. The main thing is that your story is appropriate and interesting.
  3. Planned events or desires. This does not mean that you should state the new acquaintance of the prospects for the next decade. But to talk about the trip planned in the coming days, that you dream of mastering parachute jumping or by the end of the week you want to read the book in order to move on to the next, no less interesting, is quite appropriate.

What do you need to tell about yourself when meeting a guy, a girl?

In the event that you liked the guy (or girl), you can always tell about yourself by starting a conversation on the following topic:

  1. Hobby. In the event that you find the coincidence of interests in your hobbies, sympathy will increase to you right away. Yes, and just fond of, interested in something seriously, causes respect.
  2. The places you like to visit. It may turn out that you are both active theater-goers, film or music lovers, fans of a healthy lifestyle, going to the stadium or to the gym every evening. Then finding a common language will not be difficult.
  3. Impression. If you have been traveling recently, tell us about the trip to the interlocutor. Here it will be quite appropriate to ask the attitude of his interlocutor to travel, which will contribute to maintaining the dialogue.

What do you need to tell about yourself when meeting on social networks?

  • Getting to know any of the social networks, it is better to start communication with the question about the mood of the interlocutor, his plans, ask how things are going. And already starting from the answer, to continue communication, telling about his attitude to what the interlocutor writes, about his experience in one or another direction.
  • If you have not posted a photo on your page, you can describe yourself by indicating the age, eye color, hair, growth, etc. It is possible that your new acquaintance will ask you to send your photo to him, your description will be so interested in. It is appropriate to indicate the family of your studies - perhaps you are colleagues?
  • At the first communication on the dating site, it will be appropriate to tell you briefly, describing the main qualities, social status, and the occupation. If you are interested in the interlocutor, he himself will ask you all the necessary questions. And, of course, do not forget to compliment the person you like. The main thing is to do this correctly, without hints, greasy jokes or outright vulgarities.

Example:Hello! I noticed that in your outfit a turquoise shade prevails in the photo. I also really like this color, he talks about extraordinary.

With such a short message, you immediately kill several birds with one stone: make a compliment, and at the same time report your attention to the details, the coincidence of your tastes and, of course, about your own uniqueness.

What you need to tell about yourself at the interview: Example

  • Before you start a story about yourself, having come to an interview, check once again if you have forgotten the basic rules, the observance of which is necessary so that you make a pleasant impression. Among them, by the way, is the pose in which you sit: comfortable, but not imposing.
  • As for the presentation of information about yourself, your speech should be if possible brief, intelligible, without complex structures with a large number of participles and participleswho, in oral speech, create a pile of words.
  • Forget about slang words, say culturally and competent. And a couple of tips: you do not need to exaggerate your virtues, but some information disadvantageous for you can not be voiced. So, for example, you should never pronounce the confessions that you like to change the work, you have received little before, often getting sick, do not consider it possible to work overtime, etc.
Communicate and behave right
Communicate and behave right

Example 1:My name is Andrey, I am 28 years old. I have a wife and a two -year -old daughter. Education is the highest technical, graduated from the Transport Institute. I opted for this specialty, because I saw in it the prospects of professional growth, and now the vacancy that I claim to me also represents interest to me precisely the possibility of further improvement. I dare to hope that my baggage of knowledge and skills will be in demand. In addition, the teamwork style is close to me, sociability and determination are inherent in me. I belong to quickly trained people, go in for sports, I like to travel, read a lot. Always ready for business trips. This is all the same. Ready to answer all your questions.

Example 2:You have already read my resume, which sets out information regarding education, age, previous places of work. Therefore, I will briefly dwell on the factors that prompted me to act as a vacancy in your company. I like my profession, but here I can work in my specialty, which will give me the opportunity to develop skills and enrich new knowledge. These advantages for my professional growth, I think, will positively affect my work in the company. My previous place of work gave an impetus for a career, here I will grow.

What needs to be said when you talk about yourself in order to interest the interlocutor?

  • In order for a person to want to continue communication with you, you need to not only beautifully tell about yourself, but also interest him. For example, a girl can be charming a beautiful story about a recent rest at sea. But not just call cityeven the most prestigious resort, and to saturate your story with sound and visual images: a cry of gulls, a splash of waves, a reflection of the sun in the sea, sensations from hot sand, seduced wind, gathering the face. Then the interlocutor will see that you can feel the beauty of nature, understand it.
  • Telling about travel, do not talk about prices at the hotel or in stores. Better tell us about the features of the national cuisine of the area in which you have visited, about the traditions adopted in this country. It will be appropriate to tell a funny story that happened to you in a foreign land. And even about the city in which you live, there is always a corner that is not known to anyone - tell us about it.

Example:A couple of years ago, I was traveling on vacation in Yalta. Something could not sleep for me, so I decided to go out at the bus stop, take a little walk. And he walked like a carriage, but was distracted and missed the moment of departure of the train. And as the conductor did not understand that a single walking passenger did not go into the car-I still do not understand. Night, darkness, and in the building of the station - a cashier, a watchman and a policeman. It’s good that the documents and money were in his pocket, and did not leave for Yalta. In a word, he explained everything to the policeman, he called to be removed from the train. I had to take another ticket, for the next train. I already did not come out of it at stops, since I can get to the third train to rest, maybe funny, but very tiring.

What to tell a girl about yourself to interest a guy?

  • If a girl is interested in a guy and she seeks to become interesting for him, it is best to tell about her preferences, but not only listing them, but presenting information with a certain share of humor, self -irony, while remaining honest.
  • The information should be truthful, because as you further get acquainted, the truth about you will still manifest. Eg, “I like to wander through the forest. Sometimes such walks make up a brutal appetite, and then, having come home, I pounce on my favorite dish - Caesar salad, which I often cook ”. In this short phrase, the girl emphasizes her own romance, the ability to cook, exquisite culinary preferences.
  • Another variant: “I do not like politics, but I like to argue about it. And by the way, in such disputes I always prove to the interlocutor the rightness of my own position. ". So the girl unobtrusively makes it clear that she is quite erudite, knows how to find arguments.
  • Another example: "I can’t imagine my life without coffee, and I really like to drink it in a good pleasant company". After such a self -presentation, a rare guy will not invite a girl to a cup of coffee to continue communication.
Build a conversation with a guy according to certain rules
Build a conversation with a guy according to certain rules

What to tell a guy about yourself to interest a girl?

Getting acquainted with the young girl, a guy can, telling about himself, at the same time intrigue her. How to do it? Very simple: again, speaking sincerely and carefully observe the reaction. For example, we can say that you do not like grumbling, but prefer positively tuned people. So you will introduce your optimist’s essence to the girl, and if she thinks, it’s just right to think: maybe she is just trying to understand whether she was grunting herself.

  • “I like to walk slowly in the evenings,” you say, and the girl immediately sees in you a reasonable and thoughtful person.
  • “I am playing sports, I am in the gym twice a week. Therefore, my love for delicious home food does not affect my figure. ” Thus, the guy appears in front of the girl athletes who cares about how he looks. And then - a hint that he appreciates in women the ability to cook deliciously.
  • “I love communication with interesting interlocutors,” intellectual abilities and the desire to develop them are emphasized in such a phrase. And which girl is uninteresting to communicate with a smart man?

How interesting to tell about yourself: Top 98 topics

Below is an approximate list of those that can be touched by telling a stranger about yourself.

If you want to present yourself in a profitable light and be interesting for the interlocutor, you can reveal the following points:

  1. Favorite classTo whom you devote all your free time and without which you cannot imagine your life.
  2. A funny incident that happened to you in childhood.
  3. The most attractive feature, character trait inherent in you.
  4. The "rake" that you are constantly stepping on.
  5. Darling film, book, performance.
  6. The greatest stress experienced by you.
  7. What cities and countries have you been to.
  8. Adventures that happened during travel.
  9. Yours musical talents: The ability to sing, play musical instruments.
  10. What amazing stories have happened to you.
  11. Favorite entertainment.
  12. Do you have a tattoo, piercing, scars.
  13. Food preferences.
  14. How do you like to cheer up.
  15. Children's dreams on the topic "Who I will be when I grow up."
  16. Why did you choose this particular profession.
  17. Which life errors I had a chance to commit.
  18. What phrase do you like to quote.
  19. What do you think of the latest events that have occurred in the world or your country.
  20. Favorite sport that you regularly do or are a fan.
  21. Favorite animals, the presence of pets.
  22. How close you are with your relatives.
  23. Favorite lesson on the weekend.
  24. The presence of hidden talents.
  25. The circle of closest friends.
  26. What do your name mean, surname.
  27. What abilities or talents distinguish you from others.
  28. What do you think about destination, fatalism.
  29. The opinion of others about you.
  30. Where do you plan to go the next time.
  31. Favorite literary or movie hero.
  32. The most embarrassment situation that happened to you.
  33. What you attract other people.
  34. How is yours morning or evening.
  35. The conflict situations you got into.
  36. Which of the life lessons was the most severe for you.
  37. What would you like to master in the near future.
  38. How can you surprise other people.
  39. What was a favorite toy of your childhood.
  40. Which enthusiasm gives you happiness.
  41. In what era and in which country you would like to live.
  42. Who do you thank most in life.
  43. What the greatest fear have you experienced in life.
  44. Do you have enemies.
  45. Which items You liked it while studying at school, university.
  46. Act, for which you are still experiencing a feeling of shame.
  47. What helped your personality form.
  48. What drinks do you prefer.
  49. How can you tempt.
  50. What work do you dream about.
  51. The most impulsive act committed by you.
  52. The subject of your fantasies and dreams.
  53. What is the most interesting read or learned lately.
  54. Yours children's nickname And the story of his birth.
  55. What do you like to think about how to fall asleep.
  56. What are you worried about or worried about.
  57. The most difficult day in life.
  58. Favorite actors, performers, writers, etc.
  59. Which of the famous people you are familiar with.
  60. Who is the subject of your admiration.
  61. What compliment you would like to hear and what you like to do.
  62. How do you feel about religion.
  63. Your attitude to mysticism, aliens.
  64. What you do not like in people.
  65. What are you most regretted in life.
  66. What would you like to remember.
  67. What plans do you make for the next vacation.
  68. What features you like in others.
  69. Yours understanding love.
  70. How balanced the passions and emotions in life are.
  71. What is a cause for you for a disorder.
  72. Do you have superstitions and prejudices.
  73. What made you start life from the White Leaf.
  74. How do you support yourself in shape.
  75. What computer or board game you are fond of.
  76. Would you like to change something in yourself, and what you are doing for this.
  77. What could you spend on million dollars.
  78. How do you feel about family relationships and children.
  79. What act are you ready to achieve the goal.
  80. Your culinary addictions.
  81. What do you think to family problems, to divorces.
  82. What would use the last minutes of life allotted to you.
  83. What are your habits, both good and harmful.
  84. Plans for the next few years.
  85. Have you changed your views, and how it was caused.
  86. Your judgments about friendship between man and woman.
  87. The most useful advice you received.
  88. What do you consider the most fun and most boring in life.
  89. Do you have a funny fantasy.
  90. In what style do you prefer to dress.
  91. Do you control your emotions.
  92. Three words that can describe you.
  93. Can you teach others something.
  94. What periods of your life were the most bad and good.
  95. What life taught you.
  96. Which relations you consider ideal.
  97. What is the perfect life in your view.
  98. That you do not like to discuss.
Be diverse and educated, then all topics will be subject to you, and conversations are interesting
Be diverse and educated, then all topics will be subject to you, and conversations are interesting

What is not necessary to talk about when meeting?

There is a topic that at the first meeting you need to talk very carefully or not to affect at all.

These include:

  1. Intra -family ranges. The story of problems in relations within a family is hardly interesting for a new acquaintance who does not know any of your family members. In addition, such a “incorporation of a hut of hut” is considered a bad form.
  2. Lack of money. A person can perceive this as nagging or a hidden request for financial support.
  3. Gossip. If the conversation is not connected by this topic, it is not necessary to discuss an outsider, sharing some facts from his life.
  4. Your former hobbies and relationships. Moreover, neither in good nor in a bad tone, so as not to appear either nostalgic for the past or ungrateful on it.
  5. Achievements, victories, successes. You can be mistaken for a bracket if you yourself begin to talk about such things. Better wait for the interlocutor to ask about it.
  6. Intimate life and preferences. If you meet a person in the hope of a long relationship, it is better to postpone this topic until you become close enough friends.

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