How to tell the guy, husband, lover that we part: recommendations, tips. How to part with a guy who you love?

How to tell the guy, husband, lover that we part: recommendations, tips. How to part with a guy who you love?

From this article you will learn how to part with a guy, husband or lover.

It is always difficult to complete the relationship. In psychotherapy, even such a term as “gestalt” is used, when the relationship is not fully completed and fate returns to them. Perhaps with other people, but the situation is the same. So you must always part completely. In fact, there is no magical way, how to do it correctly. However, it is still possible to smooth out the situation. That's just let's talk about it and talk about how to part at least not with a scandal, but calmly.

How to tell a partner that we part?

How to say about parting?
How to say about parting?

As we said, in the question of how to part correctly, there is no specific solution. We offer you to get acquainted with several tips that will help you effectively solve the current situation and get out of it with the least losses emotionally.

  • Complete completion. So it will be right. You must remove all the ways of return for yourself. The main thing is to let a person out of your thoughts. Ideally, just thank you mentally and briefly.
  • Clearly indicate the reasons. It can be difficult to explain why you decide to leave. However, you must try to do this clearly and explain why you do not see any other way out. Argument everything clearly and understandable without double meaning.
  • Without accusations. They should not be. You loved this person and he does not deserve humiliation. Do not make him guilty, take everything to yourself.
  • Rehearse. You will still speak differently, but a rehearsal is needed. This will allow you to be more confident in your words, and more decisive. Moreover, at the most crucial moment you will not become isolated and you will remember what you rehearsed.
  • No memories. Do not remember all the romance and pleasantness. Silent about the past and interrupt the statements of the partner if he himself begins to talk about it.
  • Neutral place. The conversation should not take place in your favorite place, but in some new one, where you have never went once. Keep in mind that then the place should not meet you constantly.
  • Do not offer to be friends. You run the risk of entering this relationship again. Yes, and do not look at the heroes of the films. The screenwriter came up with everything there, but there is already a life situation.
  • Do not Cry. In this way, it will not work to part normally. You will definitely regret such an act later and want to apologize. Well, then you already understand yourself ...

All these tips will help you smooth out the situation a little, but keep in mind that a lot still depends on the character of the partner. If it is explosive, then the conflict can begin.

How to part with a guy who you love?

How to part with your beloved?
How to part with your beloved?

It also happens that you have to solve the issue of how to part with the guy you love. Relations can be destructive, and love to bring oppression. Or maybe you are just at a dead end.

First of all, understand yourself. Are you sure of your decision? Is everything really so bad that there is simply no other way out? If you are determined, then put a point. First you must accept it internally and get used to this thought.

When the time of conversation comes, your task is to show determination and firmness. Otherwise, the partner will not take the words about the parting and can play pity - to appeal to everything good. So be tuned to go to the end and remain calm. If you speak uncertainly and quietly, then no conversation will work. If you confidently say everything and not give a reason for pity, then the partner will only have to make your decision.

If the dispute begins, then this suggests that he wants to tie his partner and not allow decisions regarding his life. Accordingly, the right to choose is lost. Moreover, it is better to talk about your desire to leave in a direct conversation. It is inappropriate to use a phone or SMS for this.

How to part with your husband correctly: recommendations, tips

How to part with your husband?
How to part with your husband?

Women, when a husband lives on its territory, can solve the question of how to part correctly is difficult. If you have exactly made a decision, then collect the spouse’s suitcase and send him to relatives. Then change the locks and leave for a couple of days to avoid unnecessary scandals.

  • If the spouse is still unknown about parting, then inform him of this. Talk to him. If he values \u200b\u200byou, he will stop.
  • If the situation is difficult and it is impossible to make peace, then just tell your husband that get away from him. Get ready, and go on. Just running away is not a way out. If only in the most extreme case.
  • During an important conversation, in no case scandal. A man may be to blame for something, but deserves intelligible calm explanations. In any case, do not forget about respect.
  • The spouse probably does not want to let you go. He may not see the problems that you saw. If insults and screams go on his part, then do not do it yourself. Keep your face. It will only be a plus for you, because it acts better.
  • If the parting was calm, then thank your spouse for the time. In any case, once you were happy.

Most women are ready to endure everything so as not to explain to everyone what happened or not to remain alone. This is the wrong approach, which ultimately breaks life. Of course, you will have to get used to freedom and answer questions too, as well as listen to a lot of all things. But just do not succumb to this, live as you want yourself. If the husband is not suitable for life, then why torment himself and cry in a pillow? Love yourself and everything will work out for you.

How to part with a married lover?

To part with a married lover
To part with a married lover

It happens that girls are associated with married and then do not know how to part correctly. Sooner or later, every woman thinks about it. Psychologists immediately say that the partner will not want to lose a bonus in the form of an additional woman, and therefore will try to stop in every possible way.

You can part with a married man in several ways:

  • Pull off your behavior. Men get used to that the mistress does not look like a wife. She is always affectionate and friendly. So now is the time to show a character - to shout, to call, to be offended. Ask for gifts, attention. It works especially well with choleric, because they quickly abandon those who are objectionable to them.
  • Take a distance yourself. This method is suitable for phlegmatics. They float with the flow and do not fight for relationships. Just cool to it, write off everything for employment, try to see less often. An uninitiated man will accept any of your choice, and therefore you should not be afraid.
  • Be frank. Talk directly about parting if a man is a sanguine. Usually this is a rational person and makes adequately logical decisions. Say right in the eyes that you are tired of such a relationship. If you are afraid to speak personally, then write a letter. Just keep in mind that everything should be done confidently and decisively.
  • Play guilt. This method is ideal for calm girls who are afraid to break peace of mind. Each time, show how you are suppressed, upset. Say that it’s hard for you to be a mistress and how you want to become a wife. For melancholic, this method is simply perfect because it is sensitive to other people's emotions.
  • Regardless of how you part, be sure of yourself. If a man see at least a little doubt, then he will keep in every possible way and use the moment.

Of course, surviving parting is not as simple as it seems, but in any case, you should not focus on it. Yes, it will hurt you, but you will survive this moment. Be sure to speak out to someone, take care of your favorite things and walk more. Try to be distracted from bad thoughts and over time it will all pass.

How to part with a man's despot: tips, recommendations

Parting with a despot
Parting with a despot

The main goal of a man’s man is the desire to make his wife afraid and always feel guilty. The home tyrant, which tries to strengthen power, usually uses the same techniques. So, he constantly criticizes, controls in terms of finances, exerts psychological pressure and even use physical violence.

When a woman begins to understand the complexity of the situation, she begins to look for a way to part correctly with such a man. However, it is easy to make a decision, but it is much more difficult to fulfill. It will be difficult for a woman because she doubts and is afraid.

The most important thing is to ensure that this does not lead to poor consequences. A gender man will not let a woman just like that. He is used to being the main thing. Moreover, the object for bullying will leave it.

  • Before parting directly, think about why you need such a man. Understand that you will not change it, but you can. Of course, it is sometimes beneficial to the victim, because others will help out of pity. That's just this approach is irresponsible. When you understand this, you begin to get rid of fears. To do this, tell everyone how you are doing in a relationship. The despot should know that it will be punished.
  • The most important thing in the process of getting rid of a tyrant male is to change your views. There are many ways, for example, read books, take up a religion or even go to a therapist. Moreover, do not close from others and communicate more.
  • When you have changed yourself, start changing relationships with your spouse. Enough to be a victim. Do not respond to its provocations and do not live up to expectations.
  • Perhaps you are holding financial dependence near a man. In this case, you need to think about personal well -being. Remember that for decent earnings it is not necessary to leave home. Find something on the Internet or realize yourself through your hobby.
  • When you have already become a different person, it's time to think about parting. Here you have to act slyly. It is important that the man thinks that he made the decision. For example, often tell him that he is not worthy of him. If this does not help, then go to another city. In this case, a man will begin another life, and is unlikely to look for his wife. This is one of its features.

The most important thing when parting with a despot is a restriction of communication. It should be as few as possible. The separation process will be very difficult, but you must go through it. This is the only way to your happiness.

How to part with an abuser: tips, recommendations

To part with the abuser
To part with the abuser

Another interesting question is how to part with the abuser? It is usually not possible to part easily, as a result, everything goes with a scandal and war. Such a person clings to his victim with all hands and legs, and therefore you will have to try a lot to gain freedom.

Changing such a person is useless. Here it remains only to change your behavior and stop being a victim for him. Remember that there will clearly be no negotiations with him, because the situation suits him. The hidden rapist is able to depict reconciliation and wait until his victim calms down and then everything will be again.

To get out of such a relationship, you must have the right mood and radically change your fate. The girls living with the abucrays always fall self -esteem and the perception of reality is distorted - they have to leave their favorite work, stop communicating with friends and relatives. There is even a threat to the use of physical strength.

Of course, you must show the abuser that his manipulations do not affect you. Just keep in mind that he can begin to use physical violence. In this case, immediately leave him.

Such a man spoils the life of not only his wife, but also for children. If you have such a union, then you need to either instantly stop all the contacts with it, or try to gradually get the child out of the relationship. If there is a threat of physical reprisals or it is even applied, then first attract the police. In addition, limit your child to communicate with such a father until he himself can fight back.

It is advisable to prepare for care - to accumulate funds for the first time, and then think about where exactly you want to go. It will not be superfluous to get the contacts of reliable friends and police.

Then collect a bag with the necessary things and gradually send them to the right place.

In anger, the abuse often spoil documents and personal items, and therefore they must be sent first. Copy all important documents and leave copies in the house.

If possible, buy a new phone and save all the contacts in it. It will not be superfluous and replace all passwords from accounts on the Internet.

Abueza cycle
Abueza cycle

When you already leave, you will take some time to recover. This will take 6-12 months. Try to limit dangerous contacts to a minimum with your ex -husband. It is enough to communicate through an intermediary or email. Ignore all the request for a meeting.

To improve the condition, start to devote time to yourself-normalize the daily routine, sign up for fitness, start taking something soothing. It is advisable to walk and communicate more.

Remember that after parting, the abuse changes and shows how good it is. This is his tactics and you should not lead to it. As soon as you come back, it all starts again. Often morally crippled women return to her husband and come up with an excuse for him, and also believe that everything will work out. If you also doubt the correctness of your act, then go to the therapist. His help will now come in handy. Moreover, stop talking with the former until you become sensibly assessing the situation.

How to part with a guy on SMS?

If you think about how to part correctly according to SMS, then it is important to choose the right words. The text of the message is made so that everything is briefly and understandable. Tell us that the point is not in it, but the relationship does not work out. He is good, but you got loving him or just do not want to continue his relationship. It is not recommended to use sharp words and try to hurt it. Better part on a good note.

First, write the words of gratitude for everything spent together, and then mention that you wish him happiness and, on the other hand, he will have a good union. Be sure to tell me why you part so that the young man understands your actions - you are lifted up, you want to try your luck with another, or you have other reasons.

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