Husband cheats on a friend: keep silent or say?

Husband cheats on a friend: keep silent or say?

Very often there are situations when you learn about someone's betrayal. But is it worth telling a girlfriend that the traitor is her husband.

It is very difficult to have information on which the fate of other people depend. You and your close girlfriend can become a hostage to such a situation. Imagine that you know that your husband is cheating on a friend. She constantly draws you the perfect picture of her family, and you understand that this is a deep error. The topic is very delicate and before making some decision, it is necessary to correctly analyze the current situation.

The husband cheats on a girlfriend: does your girlfriend need a bitter truth?

Each situation is individual. If one woman is revealed to the benefit of such a secret, then another, on the contrary, is better to be in ignorance. Interviewing into someone else's family, you automatically become a participant in further events. On the one hand, to remain silent - to mean to betray friendship, on the other hand, to tell and destroy family relationships. What to do - keep silent or tell? How to properly present unpleasant news and preserve understanding with a friend? Let's try to consider various options for the development of events.

  • Your girlfriend does not get tired of praising her husband, and he is far from perfect? She blindly and endlessly trusts him, but does he treacherously cheat on her? You will accidentally learn about the adventures of an exemplary family man and the flour of conscience take your peace from you. Your further actions are quite predictable.
  • You are trying to put yourself in its place. Such thoughts will not lead you to the right decision. All people are different. What is good for you does not mean good for others. Supporting friendships, you can probably find the opportunity to find out the exact attitude of a girlfriend to male treason.
  • At the next meeting, tell the situation about the third unfamiliar person in a similar situation. Tell us about male betrayal as a plot from the film. Take an interest in your girlfriend's point of view. She would like to know about her husband's betrayal. Perhaps she prefers to be ignorant and thereby keep her family. Your story should be convincing and thoughtful. Otherwise, you risk being exposed. Do not leave your friend the opportunity to suspect something was wrong.

Hearing the opinion of a girlfriend, you will clearly understand the further development of events after voicing the unpleasant news. If, as a result of the disclosure of secrets, children are injured, then the remorse replaces you to come to you experiences for children's fates. Are you ready for the destruction of the family of a person who is not indifferent to you?

Husband cheats on a friend: in what cases is it better to keep silent?

If you are not fully confident in your rightness or have only superficial information that the husband is cheating on his friend, do not rush to voice your suspicions. Phrases like “It seems to me”, “someone said”, “rumors go” are absolutely inappropriate in this situation. Before sowing distrust between spouses, try to make sure that information is true.

The unconvincing of your words will immediately question female friendship. Moreover, the spouse can help that your communication with a girlfriend comes to a minimum. If there is nothing to confirm your words, then a man can easily expose you to a liar.

Girlfriend's husband
Girlfriend's husband
  • Some women prefer to pretend that everything is fine and not to notice obvious things. Already the whole environment is known about the adventures of a man, and a girlfriend still idealizes him.
  • Focusing attention only on the positive qualities of her husband, she is sure that nothing threatens their family. You are not able to observe how deeply a person is mistaken for you and the person and decide to bring her spouse to “clean” water? Are you sure that in this way you will do a great favor to your girlfriend?
  • But the reaction of a loving woman is unpredictable. Be prepared for the fact that a friend will turn away from you. If it is vital for her in order to save her family, then she will most likely forgive her husband. And you will become for her an extra reminder of men's treason.

If you notice that the girlfriend’s husband is not very careful in his adventures “to the left”, then do not rush to ahead of the events. Let your girlfriend notice obvious things myself.

What should push you to talk about what your husband is cheating on a friend?

Communicating with a girlfriend for a long time, you should already know her life principles. If you are sure that she will never come to terms with betrayal and lies, then be sure that no one will appreciate your silence. In this case, in order to maintain friendship, you need to be honest with both yourself and before you are not indifferent to you.

  • If your girlfriend’s spouse does not just walk “left”, and for a long time has a constant relationship with another woman, then this is a serious reason for a frank conversation. Especially if your girlfriend makes radical decisions regarding family life.
  • For the sake of such a man, you cannot sacrifice children, career, health. If you wish your friend good, you should warn her against her husband’s treacherous attitude. In this state of affairs, there is no confidence in the future.
  • According to psychologists "choose less from two evils." Analyze in which case the life of your girlfriend will turn out in a better way, then you will definitely understand or remain silent about the betrayal of your husband. Prepare yourself for various options for the development of events. A girlfriend’s reaction should not take you by surprise.
  • One of the possible reactions if The husband is cheating on his friend - This is the denial of what he heard. A girlfriend will try in every possible way to justify her husband in front of you. She will say "you confused," and that "my husband loves me madly." In this case, your attitude towards you will dramatically change with mercy for anger. Ultimately, you will be a gossip or a deceiver. A girlfriend will even flash the thought that you are claiming her ideal spouse.
To tell?
To tell?
  • In another case, a girlfriend will listen to you and immediately begin to sort things out with her spouse. In the future, the divorce and loneliness will most likely follow. Your task is not to push a loved one to take certain steps. You can only tell about the betrayal of your husband, she should make all other decisions herself. In this situation, be prepared for the fact that after a while you will be accused of all misfortunes. A desperate friend will say that it was you who destroyed her happiness.
  • In rare cases, a friend will adequately perceive you news and will try to establish family relationships with all means. Perhaps she will be able to find understanding with her husband and save her family.
  • In this case, it will be very difficult for you to communicate with this couple in the future. For your husband, you will definitely go into the ranks of the enemies. A girlfriend most likely will also pull away from you over time. Remaining to live with the traitor, she takes her husband a paramount place in her life.
  • Another scenario can be sincere gratitude from your girlfriend. She can understand how hard it was for you to decide on this act. Thanks to your support, she will have the strength to start living again and change circumstances for the better.

Psychologists say that in most families in which male betrayals happen, women prefer to forgive than to divorce. With this development of events, there is a high probability of stopping strong female friendship. Therefore, if it is vital for you to maintain friendship, then between options to remain silent or say that the husband is cheating on his friend, Give preference to the first.

Video: Should a friend tell about her husband's betrayal?

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