What to write to the guy so that he understands what I like: phrases, examples

What to write to the guy so that he understands what I like: phrases, examples

Do not know what to write to the guy to understand what you like? The article has many examples of different phrases.

The flirting of a girl in love with a guy is thin and not as simple as it seems at first glance. A man is a hunter, so he must hunt and achieve. But it happens that the girl is madly like the guy and how to show his sympathy for him, she does not know. In the modern world, social networks play a huge role and take a certain amount of time. Often, young people get acquainted there.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to support a person in difficult times morally, words, verses?". You will learn what to say, write in support of a loved one, a friend in difficult times: words of support.

But how to interest the guy in communication, especially if you liked him? It should be remembered that the guys have different characters, so assertiveness and perseverance can harm and push away. A girl claiming a relationship and wants to get them should adhere to some rules. In this article, we will tell you what you can write to the guy that you liked. Read further.

Should I write a guy in VK, other social networks, messengers, if you like him?

If the guy likes, then he will write on the social network
If the guy likes, then he will write on the social network

The initiative should be shown by a man! Such a rule always acted before the appearance of social networks and instant messengers. There are many signs in order to understand whether the girl likes the girl or does he communicate by virtue of his upbringing. So, if young people exchanged numbers and the first acquaintance took place, with sympathy for the girl, the guy will certainly show the initiative and write first. But it must be borne in mind that the guys became quite spoiled, or vice versa, sometimes not confident in their abilities. Should I write a guy in VK, other social networks, messengers, if you like him?

  • In the modern world, it is not surprising when a girl writes to a guy in VK, or other social networks or instant messengers.
  • With great sympathy, which is long and not satisfied, the girl can communicate with the guy you like.
  • You should start with neutral topics, because probably a lady who is interested in them, knows about his place of residence, hobbies, hobbies and interests.
  • Of course, it is necessary to write without grammatical and spelling errors.
  • You can start communication using emoticons to reflect your mood and create relaxed communication.

Important: Do not write very long messages, it is better to answer even shorter than the guy answers.

In order to interest the guy, one should not answer him immediately, even if the girl wrote him the first. The man should be interested and he must wait for an answer longer than the girl. Modern time dictates its conditions with the creation of social networks and instant messengers to declare their sympathy and for lack of the opportunity to do this personally, the girl does not need to be afraid to write first to start communication or creating something in common.

What can you write to the guy the first in the correspondence pleasant in your own words in order to interest him in order to start a conversation if he does not write first?

Before communicating with a young man, one should study his interests on social networks, from the photographs on his page or for common acquaintances, if any. This is important for maintaining conversation and communication, because it is stupid to declare your sympathy immediately. The time of writing the message should be taken into account, do not write a message at night. Also, spelling and literacy is an important condition, because, the guy will definitely pay attention to this by receiving such a message from an unfamiliar girl.

So, what can you write to the guy the first in correspondence pleasant in your own words to interest him in order to start a conversation if he does not write first? If the acquaintance took place, and the young man does not write first, then of course, the initiative should be shown, because most men are shy and do not like to correspond, it is easier for them to call.

It is worth knowing: If the acquaintance has passed mutually pleasant for both, then you should wait some time to start messages so as not to seem annoying, because no one will definitely appreciate this.

Phrases for writing a message after acquaintance for starting communication should be approximately the following:

  • "How was your day?"
  • "I'm happy to get to know you"
  • "Hi, how are you?"

With mutual sympathy, the guy will definitely answer the girl. You can also write a compliment to the guy, because young people also love them, which increases their self -esteem. You can write an offer about his hobbies or the desire to visit, for example, a match in football. The phrase can be like this:

  • “I want to go to a football match, and no one but you will help me understand the rules of the game.”

Do not be upset if the man is laconic, this is his manner of conversation. Communication with your favorite guy can also start with the phrase:

  • "Good morning, I wish you a good day"

If the guy writes a response, then the beginning of communication is laid. Throughout the day you can safely talk about how the girl’s day passes, be sure to ask the guy:

  • "And how are you?"

It is very simple to understand the presence of a desire to communicate: the guy will ask questions without giving short answers to questions to him. If there is an interest, then it will necessarily manifest. Should you use stickers? It is over, but in a small amount.

When sending a message to the guy first, be sure to call him by name, because it has communication. The girl needs to show interest, as well as to show inner charisma - not to be simple and not to be very difficult. On social networks, you can also write the following phrases:

  • "What can please such a pretty young man?"
  • "I do not write first, but you are handsome"
  • "Good night! You don't mind that I wish you sweet dreams? "

If the guy answers, then the girl has nothing to worry about, if she is silent, then the girl is probably not in his taste or he is very spoiled by female attention. Also, you should not draw swift conclusions, the guy can simply be busy. However, if the guy read SMS and does not answer, while on the network, humiliate and update the page every 10 Seconds It definitely does not follow. A man is a hunter, a woman is a trophy. It is necessary to remember this.

How to make the guy write the first right now: what words to write so that he answers immediately after reading?

So that he answers immediately after reading, you need to do everything right
So that he answers immediately after reading, you need to do everything right

Women's cunning is unknown to men. And in order to bring the guy to the conversation or to the answer of the tricks is full. Correspondence in our modern world is a significant thing. And if it passes at the beginning of the communication of the two sexes, then it is very necessary. Of course, it takes into account the fact that the young man does not show any initiative, it is pointless to expect messages from him. When there is interest, the girl will always understand. Sometimes she should take the initiative into her own hands and begin communication with the young man he liked. How to make the guy write the first right now?

  • Before starting actions, you should study the page of your favorite guy, his hobbies and have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat girls he likes.
  • One of the main initial actions is this is attracting attention from like photographs to its appearance and sense of humor.
  • So that he will notice you in real life, the image should be changed as often as possible to come across a guy's eye.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to give a reason for the young man to write first.

The girl must show herself:

  • Photos on the social network should be bright and beautiful, and the status is interesting.

To begin with, you can also note photos of the young man you like, it is allowed to write an interesting and witty commentary on his note or photo. Not a single guy, if the girl is pretty to him, will ignore good words addressed to him. This is a great start for communication.

Great for SMS communication, messages from emoticons that will surprise the young man and interest him are suitable. What words to write so that he answers immediately after reading? The excellent tactics of the beginning of dialogue and communication are sending the messages “allegedly not to that addressee” will not work on 100so on 90 percent. For example:

  • “Stas (any male name is suitable that does not coincide with the name of the guy, what you like), hello. I was very glad when Real Madrid became the winner of the club world championship last year. By the way, I have 2 tickets for a football match, which will happen this weekend. I am looking for a companion.

He will definitely pay attention to such a message and answer. You need to write right away that you were mistaken, but do not refuse to communicate and dating.

What awakens genuine interest in them. For example, you can write:

  • I read the “Lord of the Rings” - in wild delight. When to return your book?
  • Meet me in the shelter for dogs "Friend" - I will volunteer there from this Saturday.
  • Finally, the third part of the “running in the maze” came out. I want to go to the premiere, but none of the girlfriends does not agree. It is bad to be a girl who loves science fiction.

Compliments - men on them are down. They also contribute to the development of "movement". If the guy writes and answers quickly, or asks a lot of questions, then he is interested. It is nice to share on your page the information of groups or communities of his hobbies. It is important to be interesting, not boring. At the beginning of communication, the girl does not need to constantly be in touch, the guy needs to intrigue and make the bored.

What to write to a guy with whom she has not communicated for a long time, so that he was hurt and was pleasant: how to start?

The girl writes to a guy whom she has not talked for a long time
The girl writes to a guy whom she has not talked for a long time

Life is complex, and it happens that again there is a desire to communicate with people who, for one reason or another, ceased it. There are several proven methods to start communication with a guy after a long pause. Be sure to consider why you stopped communication, whether it was a quarrel, rude words or just communication has come to naught. It is also necessary to pay attention to the purpose of the beginning of communication. What to write to a guy with whom she has not communicated for a long time, so that he was touched and pleasant, how to start?

Such phrases will make the guy answer the message:

  • "I was in the cinema, watched the film and remembered that this is your favorite genre"
  • "I accidentally dreamed about tonight, and I just have to ask how you are doing"

Phrases like "Hello, how are you?", "What is new in your life?" etc., are generally accepted and you can safely write to a young man, not awkward. Phrases that will pay attention to the girl and if the guy wants communication, he will definitely answer:

  • "I thought that we already cut off communication very sharply, are you not against starting it again?"
  • "Hello, that new, I see that your heart is free"

If a young man plays sports or has a specific hobby, you can safely write:

  • "You have become even more beautiful and embossed"
  • "I accidentally saw your work, I am delighted"
  • "Hi, what time are you running at the stadium, I would like to make you a company"

These words will not leave the man indifferent and communication will be tied again on a pleasant note.

What dear to write to the guy so that he understands what I like: examples of correspondence

Modern society allows recognition in sympathy for the guy from the girl without condemnation. After all, the guys are different, often modesty or self -doubt, prevent them from doing this first. If the communication of the girl and the guy has already begun, it is much easier to do it. What dear to write to the guy so that he understands what I like?

Examples of correspondence with the statement of sympathy can be as follows:

  • In fact, I want to tell you that you are a very nice guy and interesting in communication.
  • Thank you for appearing in my life, because it has become much brighter.
  • Let's go somewhere, for example in a movie, I would like to spend time with you.
  • I catch myself thinking that I miss you.
  • It seems to me that I have known you for a very long time, although we communicate only a few days.
  • I look forward to the morning, because I want to wish you a good day.

Such messages will make it clear to the guy that he is pretty to the girl. You should not immediately report your sympathy at the beginning of communication, you need to wait at least a couple of days. The most difficult thing is to write about sympathy for a stranger, it is not known how he will react, it is best to start with compliments:

  • You have a great figure and beautiful eyes.
  • Hello. You are a very interesting and charismatic guy, you could not say this.
  • Great shape, beautiful muscles, keep it up!
  • Hello, the owner of a charming smile, how are you, how is the mood?
  • A person, such a beautiful outwardly, probably has the same delightful soul.

It’s good to use emoticons for a variety of messages. Sincere messages without playfulness are well perceived.

What to write to your beloved man, a guy, pleasant, so that he thinks only of me: examples

The girl writes to her beloved guy
The girl writes to her beloved guy

Of course, every girl wants the object of her sympathy to think about her throughout the day. In fact, men also love warmth and tenderness. Therefore, if the girl surrounds him with care and attention, the guy will not remain indifferent. A girl is an intrigue, a mystery, and a lot depends on her communication. What to write to your beloved man, a guy, pleasant, so that he thinks only of me? If a young man is currently at work, study, a girl can warm up his interest with SMS. Here are examples:

  • I remember your lips.
  • I really look forward to the evening, I prepared a surprise to you.
  • Are you not a wizard by chance? After all, the time has come for miracles.
  • I have goosebumps from the memory of you, I missed.
  • Let's make each of us as desired, and will perform it in the next evening.
  • I bought amazing underwear, I want you to help me take it off.
  • You have strong shoulders, very interesting, could I sleep on them?
  • I can't forget our night, what did we stop at?
  • I think about you all day, forgetting about work.
  • You are incredibly attractive when you smile.

There are a huge number options for messages to maintain interest. In each specific situation, given the character of a person and the level of relations between a guy and a girl, you can write an SMS so that the guy glances at the watch, waiting for the meeting. Properly selected words will make him think about you, to fight more often his heart and fly on the wings of love for a date or home.

I don’t know what you can write to the guy and what should not be?

It is absolutely clear that not everything needs to be written to a young man. Correspondence in messages is good, but there are exceptions. Often girls do not know what you can write to a guy and what should not.

  • In order not to spoil communication, you should be honest and sincere, but at the same time control your messages.
  • The proposals should bear the character of flirting, include the construction of meetings and plans, the interchange of interesting information.
  • The wish for good morning and a great day is allowed, you can ask the question: "How is your day going?", "Tired?" and etc.

If the young man does not answer for a long time, then the idea of \u200b\u200bignore appears, you should not immediately express your suspicions, just ask:

  • "How did your day go, what did you do?"

Also, in the messages, you should not write curses, rude words, mats. All this repels the young man and the desire to communicate will disappear. It is strictly not recommended to write questions about the cost of his things, cars and his wages in messages. Also, there is no need to write about the fact that the girl is bored or nothing to do, an interesting person always has a lesson. Do not aggress if suddenly the answer from the guy comes not the one that was expected, a person may have trouble or he is just tired.

In no case should you be annoying, and if the guy did not answer, then there are reasons. Such questions should not be asked, it repels:

  • "Why didn't you answer me?"
  • "Are you too busy?"

You should not with the help of dialogue in social networks to sort things out, ask questions such as:

  • "What is between us?"
  • "What is our status in our relationship?"

It looks funny and such issues should be discussed personally at the meeting. In no case should you allow zealous moments, asking questions:

  • "And who is this with you in the photo?"
  • "And who is this for your friends?"

There should be lightness in communication, the girl should be interesting, and the guy should not tremble from the signal of the received message.

What can I say to the guy to want to meet: how right, beautiful?

So that he wants to meet, you can call him a walk
So that he wants to meet, you can call him a walk

There are plenty of opportunities to intrigue the guy. The main goal of communication, messaging is a challenge of emotions, feelings and love. And if there is no doubt, and this one, then you should switch to a new level of relations. What to tell the guy to want to meet? How right, beautiful?

If the guy shows signs of attention, then of course he liked the girl. Examples of messages:

  • I'm going to the cinema, there is an extra ticket.
  • If you want to go to the cafe, drink delicious coffee and eat an awesome cake.
  • I really want to take a walk around the autumn park, but as luck would have it, all the friends are busy.
  • I would like to go somewhere, relax from the bustle of the city. How are you?
  • We have an exhibition of paintings nearby. Interested in?
  • That year was on the banks of the river, there is a gorgeous view. I would like again, but with no one. Invite you?

Options are veiled to invite the guy to a date a great many. After all, it is easy to show ingenuity, initiative and do it beautifully. In a relationship - this is the main thing to start.

What to write to the former guy: what words?

A breakdown of relations is always unpleasant, painful and insulting. For some, parting was an absurd quarrel, for someone betrayal. Often the reason for the termination of relations is simply a great resentment of words. After parting, it is necessary to wait for the period of “silence”, it is best to avoid all contacts and meetings. And only after time can you make yourself felt. What to write to the former guy? What words are suitable?

If a girl wants to resume relationships with a former person, then you can write:

  • Despite our misunderstandings, I was good with you and I miss you.
  • Hello how are you? I have not heard anything about you for a long time. Are you not against talking with me?
  • I don’t know how to lie, I would like to say that I am happy, but this is not so.
  • Is there another place for me in your heart?
  • I would like to apologize for the pain that I caused and the insult that I inflicted.
  • I think about you all the time, you are dear to me, it’s a pity that I understood this late.
  • I would like to return our relationship, because what we have is given not to everyone.

A message to the guy with whom the girl previously consisted in a relationship is the first step to return them. It should be considered this action, because because of something they ended. If this is a stupid quarrel and both concluded, then you can act. If the reason was the betrayal, then this is not worth doing. The decision on the reporting of the former guy should be made with a cold head, excluding emotions.

The nasty things, as it would not be insulting, definitely not to write, so as not to provoke the conflict and worsen the situation even more.

How to write "good morning" to a guy?

The girl writes to the guy
The girl writes to the guy "Good morning"


What could be sweeter than the wishes to the young man good morning and a great day, charging him with positive energy for the whole day. It seems that this is such a trifle, but as they say, the person who wishes good morning and good night. Such messages will please the man and will not leave indifferent. You can write the guy as follows:

  • Good morning, my love! Have a nice day.
  • Good morning! Did the most handsome man already woke up?
  • I got out of bed with a huge feeling of tenderness and love for you. Good morning, beloved.
  • I'm going to work and think about you. Good morning, my dear.
  • I wish you to be fierful morning and a wonderful day to the best man in the world!
  • Let the sun warm you all day, wherever you are. Good morning, my dream.
  • Good morning, handsome! I wish you a calm day and wait for you in the evening.

Giving positive in the morning is wonderful, because the wish for good morning improves mood for the whole day. If a girl wants to write pleasant words to an unfamiliar or unfamiliar guy, then of course you should do it easier.

What to write to a guy during the day?

If the girl missed and wants to cheer up her young man, then you can write the day of the following options:

  • How are you, my dear? How are your success today?
  • I wish you easy and at the same time productive afternoon, my dear.
  • You are my cosmos, and your galaxy is very waiting for you in the evening.
  • I love you from the top of your smart head to the heels on your strong legs.
  • Would you like to have something special for dinner? For example, me.
  • All day without you is a lot. Wait and miss you.
  • From your voice I am warm, but I want to live from your messages.
  • I really look forward to our meeting, my butterflies in my stomach will soon take me away.

Light and slightly intriguing messages, with an element of flirting, will delight the guy, brighten up the working day and cheer up.

When writing messages, you need to take into account the family of classes of the young man and his ability to answer. In no case should it be required to demand a brown response with a statement after offenses. It happens that a person does not have the opportunity to communicate in the social network. If the girl knows that the guy is not busy, then it is better to call him later, maybe he simply did not hear and did not see the message.  

How to write to the guy "Good night"?

The girl writes to the guy
The girl writes to the guy "Good night"

Pleasant words for the night that the girl will tell her boyfriend will not be superfluous. Such SMS are especially useful, if a man was busy or he passed a hard working day, then it is advisable to leave everything unpleasant, restoring communication in the right line. How to write to a guy "Good night"?

Such messages will please the young man:

  • Good night to you, my love. I hope that tomorrow will be the best day than the previous one.
  • I wish you the most vivid dreams and the most magical dreams, I will dance to me, please and hug me in a dream.
  • Calm good night, my loved one, your girl wishes you sweet dreams and waits tomorrow.
  • My beloved, the most unrealistic dreams and bright dreams, let the moon take care of your peace.
  • The goodest night, my tenderness, close the most beautiful eyes in the world and fall asleep. And I am you.

It’s easy to come up with a wish for the night, the main thing is to show imagination and choose the right words. This romantic act will remind the young man about the girl once again, and will show that he is not indifferent to her.

What to write to a guy in the army: examples

When writing messages to the guy in the army, his condition should be taken into account, including psychological, because a person is in a closed territory, far from his beautiful half. The guy, of course, needs moral support and a message to the soldier from his girlfriend will be a special message. Examples:

  • It is not true when they think that girls are easy, and the guys are difficult in the army. I count weeks, days, minutes and seconds before your return home.
  • You are my beloved soldier, you are my pride, I remember and think about you every minute, you are with me everywhere and everywhere I am and whatever I do.
  • My defender, the defender of our Motherland, is waiting for the happiest day in my life - the day of your return.
  • I am near, my love, I look through our photos every evening and love you even stronger.
  • And let, that between us are kilometers, I am waiting for you and I will definitely wait for you.
  • Why are women not to take the army? I so want to be next to you, my dear and dear person.
  • Every day your service is less, and our meeting is getting closer. My happiness is looking forward to.

A message written with love and sincerity, taking into account some individual points, will give a soldier joy and bring pleasure. After all, this is very important - to be expected! If possible, the girl should write warm words more often and the year will fly unnoticed.

How to write to a guy that you want him: phrases

The girl writes to the guy that he wants him
The girl writes to the guy that he wants him

Of course, young people who have relationships, allow communication and an intimate nature in messages, including. With a long relationship, the messages become more sexual and freer. They will not leave the guy in a calm state, but why not a girl play with her beloved man. How to write to a guy what you want him? Here are words and phrases:

  • Would you like to see the best? I am ready to show you everything without exception.
  • Bed, washing machine, table, chair - what are you choosing?
  • Will you go tomorrow? What linen to wait for you?
  • I have openwork stockings on me, and I want to get rid of other clothes faster. Can't you help?
  • There is so much desire to you in me, every millimeter of your body will be bloomed by me.
  • My love, I'm waiting for you, every hour, while you are not, I take off one thing from myself. There was one bra on me.
  • You do not mind if I walk naked at home, but preferably join me.

A girl who can surprise and intrigue will always be desirable. And those girls who manage to get their man with the help of love SMS, and at the same time look worthy - are fatal.

Secrets of proper development of dialogue on SMS, in social networks and live

Every day in the world, millions of dating are made using the Internet. Some of them do not end with anything, and some grow into something more. With the help of correspondence, a girl can show herself from the best side, demonstrating her positive qualities, arouse respect and trust. If the beginning of communication has become interesting for both, then of course it will be continued. The girl should behave correctly, prevent rudeness and rudeness, and also be versatile. Below are the secrets of the proper development of dialogue on SMS, in social networks and live.

  • No one will like it if the interlocutor writes with grammatical errors, so literacy in messages is extremely important. If some word is in doubt, then it is better to check its correctness.
  • Smiles and stickers should be used in moderation, otherwise it will turn out to be SMS too “dry”, or vice versa frivolous.
  • Do not write too long messages, as is too short.
  • It is not customary to put an end to the messengers at the end of the sentence, as well as answer a person’s question in the word: "OK".

The guy will be interested in the correctly compiled letter, competent phrases and the absence of mats. Carefully should be taken to the avatar and photographs posted on a personal page. Do not write SMS at night, or early time of the day. It should also be remembered that if the guy sent SMS, then you should not call back, the answer is also implied in the form of a message. The messages should not have any clarification of the relationship.

More useful tips:

  • The girl should not immediately tell about herself even everything that she considers necessary. The main goal of SMS is to interest, make contact, and you can tell about yourself in a personal meeting.
  • During the start of communication, the girl should not answer the guy’s messages with lightning speed, it is necessary to wait at least a couple of minutes.
  • Do not constantly be on a social network or in a chat, waiting for an answer. It is important to interest, let the guy understand that the girl is strong and busy.
  • Not bad for men there is a trick when the girl’s message is shorter than the message of the young man. This makes interest and he wants to know more information.
  • There is a rule if the guy answered the girl in 20 minutes, then she must answer him in 40 minutes.
  • It is necessary to establish a temporary interval, for example, show your employment from 20 p.m.. The guy must understand that the girl is busy.
  • In communication, you should be positive, successful and interesting. You should not constantly write complaints about everyone and about everything - it repels.
  • Do not write often and do not be intrusive. Topics for communication should be chosen carefully, avoiding its wages and the amount of money on the card.

During the start of communication in reality, it is nice to maintain the rules of communication that were on the network, because if the correct communication took place, the guy began to get used to it, like the girl. It is good at first to adhere to neutral topics, you can go to a cafe, a cinema, to a rink. As soon as the beginning of the dates is laid and the relationship is fixed, another, new level will come.

Conspiracy so that the guy writes right away: love spell

Love spell to write a guy right away
Love spell to write a guy right away

Magic is a thing not completely clear and not studied, it is definitely not worth using it for pampering. The magical properties of words, some actions should be used in exceptional cases, and not with ordinary sympathy or empty quarrel. All rituals should be carried out in a good mood, with optimism and faith in their actions, without anger and aggression. If the person on whom the rite is performed has a too weak energy field, then his feelings will block his mind and common sense.

There is a conspiracy or a love spell so that the guy writes right away. So, if everything is decided, then you need to stand in the evening by the window, bite the tongue strongly, but leaving the opportunity to bring the words:

  • « I bite myself, (the name of the guy), I tie it to myself. So that the slave (the name of the guy) misses, yearned for (the name of the girl) and a bright day and a dark night. Everything to think about me and think. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is another way - it is necessary to mentally imagine a young man in front of you. Think about him from the good side, positively, and say words affectionately. In your hands take his thing or note written by him. If this is a note, then during reading it must be burned in fire. The rite is held in the evening. The following words should be pronounced:

  • FROM my obvious craft, the servant of God (name), welcome, beloved and long -awaited! Let the road go straight only leads you to me, and the voice of the great Lord will call me to write. Remember and write about me more often (do not forget to write (this proposal to repeat 3 times). Yes, you will not leave me for a minute, for my words are strong and sincere! Amen.

There is also a conspiracy that is carried out with a photograph of a young man. The photo card should be recent. The picture should be carefully examined and remembered on it all the little things. As soon as the girl is ready, she should close her eyes, mentally reproduce the image in the photo in memory and say the following words:

  • My dear, the servant of God (the name of the chosen one). Why don't you write to me, the servant of God (your name), why don't you talk? I’m kind, wonderful, everyone around loves me and Lyuba I, I want to be next to you, I want news, I want a message from you. Take the phone and write me soon. I will wait, and you want to see me. Let the said come true. Amen.

You should not get involved in magic, as well as use it often. It must be remembered that pure feelings are the basis of long -term relationships that can end with a wedding and a family.

At the end, it should be noted that the girl always needs to remain a real lady: natural, mysterious and feminine. You need to be yourself, be able to worthy of showing your good qualities, and this is the main thing. Good luck!

Video: 5 phrases from which not a single guy can resist!

Video: What to write to the guy to fall in love?

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