What to write to a friend when they quarreled, how to make peace with a friend: words of forgiveness in prose and poems

What to write to a friend when they quarreled, how to make peace with a friend: words of forgiveness in prose and poems

Each of us at least once in our life has quarreled with a loved one. Sometimes these quarrels are insignificant, but there are times when a serious disagreement occurs between friends.

And it doesn’t matter what the reason became its really controversial situation in which each side considered itself the right, or a trifling misunderstanding. It is important that you feel uncomfortable and with all your heart would like to make peace. This is really important, and if you are to blame for this conflict, you just need to explain your position and, of course, apologize. How is it better to do?

Why do friends quarrel and how to prevent a quarrel?

The reasons for quarrels between friends can be the following factors:

  1. Jealousy - One of the most common reasons. Moreover, the girl can be jealous both about the guy (a classic love triangle), and if you have a new acquaintance, to whom you pay part of your attention. The way out of this situation will be a continuation of communication of all three sides. Perhaps, in the process of such communication, the girl will understand that there is no reason for jealousy, and you can be perfectly friends with the three of them.
  2. The arrogance of one of the friends. Such behavior always causes irritation, and before a quarrel there is one step. Here, the continuation of communication depends only on whether the girl can overcome her arrogant behavior. If not, it is hardly worth worrying about the cessation of such friendship, and even more so - there is nothing to apologize for.
  3. The mismatch of the points of vision on various life aspects. In principle, this is an absolutely normal situation when people have their own opinion that is different from a stranger. Both sides should simply be tactful in relation to each other, if contradictions arise, and not proceed to insults so that the conversation does not end in conflict. And even better - to avoid discussion of those in which your positions obviously vary. It is better to talk about such friends about what their points of view are similar and to deal with business, which are to the taste of each of them.
  4. Resulting one of the friends as a character trait. If you know that your friend is very sharply perceiving objections, closes in himself and completely stops any conversation at the first manifestations of disagreement with her position, just make sure that your words do not contain criticism or sharp words in her address.
  5. Envy may arise against the backdrop of the achievements of a friend, her success in her personal life, quick promotion on the career ladder, etc. Here you can advise only one thing - a more successful girl does not show frankly her successes, and even more so, do not brag about them. And the envious, instead of poison and bile, about other people's achievements, think about how to achieve no less success, applying all willpower, perseverance for this, and setting specific goals.
There can be many reasons for quarrels with a friend
There can be many reasons for quarrels with a friend

How to make peace with a friend when they quarreled?

  • How to make peace with a friend when they quarreled? Usually, the process of apology to one of the parties to the other, and subsequent reconciliation, occurs either during the dialogue, or through the written letter, message, etc., i.e. Either orally or in writing. In the first case, it is immediately visible reaction, the second is more suitable for those who are at a considerable distance, when personal communication is impossible.
  • It is also easier to express her position in writing a shy girl who simply does not dare to offer to meet or is afraid to say something “wrong”. In any of the options you have chosen, the main should be sincere desire to make peace with a friend if you quarrel and find out all misunderstandings. Well, in the event that you feel your guilt in front of a girlfriend, your words of regret and an apology should be no less sincere.
  • To build a conversation correctly, best at once find out what was the cause of the quarrel: The words said by a friend or your resentment against them, for example, was offensive delay or disrespect shown. After that, it will be easier for you to find a compromise and make concessions to each other.
  • In order for reconciliation to take place, it is necessary, first of all, the ability to listen - This will be needed in any case, no matter which side is to blame for the conflict. In order to stop a quarrel that happened through your fault, you must honestly admit that you were wrong. And even if you think that you will infringe on your pride, you can’t succumb to this feeling - this is a false pride, rather like pride. Another important rule is not to mention past mistakes. Let them stay in the past.
  • It is necessary to convince your friend that your friendship is not an empty phrase, and relationships that mean a lot, in any case, for you personally. And the best way to do this is to show respect for it, even being in a state of quarrel, not to mention the fact that respectful attitude at the time of explanation is simply necessary. It, among other things, lies in listening if a friend turns to you with a request to stop any communication for some time-both written and oral. Perhaps she needs a certain period to comprehend what happened between you - in this case, one should respect the personal boundaries of another person and not be imposed.
  • Another way make peace with a friend after a quarrel There will be a surprise presented to her, just like that, for no reason. Take advantage of the delivery services and send it flowers, sweets, soft toy - in a word, that which will surely give her joy.
  • If a girlfriend decisively tells you that she does not want to maintain a relationship anymore - her decision will be on her conscience, you need to make this decision without grievances and reproaches, clarifying relationships and pushing the reasons.

When should not be forgiven for forgiveness if you quarreled with a friend?

There are several points when you should not ask for forgiveness if you quarreled with a friend:

  1. If a girlfriend is not the first time offends you, and in your relationship you got the role of the victim, and she was a tyrant. In such cases, apologies can be brought only on her part. If she considers it optional, you should think whether there is really friendship between you. Perhaps she simply uses you?
  2. If a friend has committed it meanness in relation to you: I took the guy, set you up in front of another person. And even if the words of an apology are said to her, you will need to think carefully if you need to continue the relationship. It is possible that betrayal may be repeated.
  3. If friendship simply has outlived itself - Your views and preferences have become too different and you are no longer interested together. Usually in such cases, people simply diverge. Someone continues to maintain friendly relations, others part forever. In any case, there is no reason to ask for forgiveness.
But there are situations when reconciliation is not necessary
But there are situations when reconciliation is not necessary

How to make peace with a friend if you are to blame in a quarrel?

This situation is more simple, because in this case the main role is assigned to you, and you yourself determine how to story a conversation. The easiest way is not to invent the bicycle, but, going up to a friend, talk to her yourself and explain that you did not want to offend her, but later make every effort so that the same situation does not happen again. How to make peace with a friend if you are to blame in a quarrel?

For words of reconciliation with a friend, if quarreled, the following phrases are suitable:

  • Sorry, I sincerely regret what happened.
  • I am very embarrassed in front of you, and I really want to admit my guilt and make amends.
  • Sorry, I myself can’t understand what prompted me to this behavior, but I promise you that this will not happen again.

The main thing is to convey to your friend repentance and sincerity of an apology. The earlier you apologize, the easier it will be to smooth out the awkwardness of the situation, because over time, a feeling of resentment is also superimposed and sensation of discomfort from stretched relationships (or completely their gap) and bewilderment associated with your silence.

Be sure to listen to all the comments of your girlfriend if she talks about your mistakes. So you will show her that you appreciate her opinion, and, moreover, perhaps, it is really worth listening to the words of a friend.

How to make peace with a friend if she is to blame in a quarrel?

  • If you quarreled with a girlfriend because of a trifle, then you can show wisdom and behave as if nothing had happened. Sometimes this is the best way out of the situation, since it is no less stupid to focus on nonsense than to swear because of her. In addition, without communicating for 2-3 days, you both can understand how insignificant the reason was, and make sure that it is not worth the loss of friendship.
  • Yes, and a friend during this time will be able to realize that she became the cause of the conflict from scratch, and asks for forgiveness for what was said or done, and you can only smile in response and say: “nonsense, have traveled!”.
  • You can make this step easier for her, having posted on social networks your common photo, signing it with words about friendship, which will let her know that you are not so angry.
  • If a friend does not understand hints and tips, but you feel a lack of communication with her, then you yourself get a conversation by inviting her to explain why she behaved like that. Perhaps she did not expect that you would perceive her words or act as a resentment and sincerely perplexed why this situation annoyed you. Then, in the process of conversation, you are not talking about the words or actions themselves, but about her attitude to them, and thus it will become clear whether she perceives what happened in a completely different way or really believes that she can treat you with a similar way that offends you. And already finding out all the details, you can decide for yourself, put up with you or stop communication.
  • If you quarreled with your girlfriend seriously enough, then to make peace, you can’t do without a serious conversation. You can initiate it yourself and in a friendly calm tone to invite her to discuss the situation. Be prepared to offer your girlfriend several ways to get out of the situation. If she, in turn, will express her vision, accept her options and discuss all the proposed points together. The main thing is to find a compromise solution.
  • And one more thing: if your quarrels have become more frequent, and they take place through the fault of a girlfriend, do not take the first step. This will give her a reason to think that her behavior is excusable, and your self -esteem will be constantly decreasing.

How to make peace with a friend after a quarrel if she does not want to talk?

  • You waited for some time during which he behaved naturally and at ease, making it clear to her friend that he is not averse to resuming relationships, but for some reason she does not meet you and does not use your tips. How to make peace with a friend after a quarrel if she does not want to talk? The first rule that needs to be strictly followed is not to involve your common friends and acquaintances in solving the problem. Even if such a step works, it is possible that subsequently someone’s hint or reminder of the past will again undermine the restored friendship and make awkwardness.
  • To make peace with a friend, if quarreled, you can try to send her message with some neutral issue. If she responds, in the next message she can be offered to meet, and already in a personal conversation to discuss all the moments.
  • If the answer does not follow, try call her. Again, in a telephone conversation you do not need to talk about the problem, it is important to organize a personal meeting. In the event that a friend does not answer your calls, only remains personal visit To her.
  • Before you go home to her, analyze the possible motives of her silence. If you suspect that she herself is worried about a quarrel, but simply stubborn, then go without hesitation, taking a bottle of wine and sweets with fruits. If this is not in her character, then perhaps she just has not yet figured out herself, and she just needs to be alone for some time. Then leave her alone - soon the girlfriend herself will remind of herself.
  • If you met and discussed the situation, and after that a girlfriend is alienated, then the best behavior will be simply do not impose on her your society. Do not categorically tear the relationship-still congratulate her on the holidays and do not avoid her society if you accidentally collide on the street.
  • Greet, smile, ask how you are - In a word, behave naturally. Day after day, your relationship will become warmer, and sooner or later you can place all the accents and find out what your girlfriend was so strained.

How to make peace with a correspondence girlfriend if you quarreled?

  • There are no options here: just write again. All that you would say in a personal meeting (your vision of the cause of your quarrel, your feelings, ways to resolve the conflict), set forth in the letter. Write a separate item why your friendship is important to you, what it gives you. After that, send a letter and wait for the answer.
  • If a girlfriend does not answer, but you would not want to interrupt your correspondence, try to send her a funny congratulation on some funny significant day: blonde's day, chocolate day, friends Day-there are many similar reasons in the calendar. Continue to celebrate her photos and posts on social networks, at the same time you can illustrate your texts with cute pictures.
Write touching words about friendship
Write touching words about friendship
  • You can also send a girlfriend not electronic, but a real paper letter or postcard. In the letter, you can thoroughly state all your thoughts on your quarrel and ask for forgiveness. And in the postcard, one written word "sorry" will say a lot.

What should not be done if you quarreled with a friend?

Of course, for each case of a quarrel, you cannot give a universal recipe for reconciliation. But you can determine the steps that do not need to be taken if you quarreled with a friend, in any case:

  1. Without understanding the reason for the quarrel, charges (It doesn't matter to yourself or a friend). And even if the reconciliation happened by itself, still talk about what offended each of you - this will help you avoid repeating such conflicts in the future.
  2. Persistent deny your own guilt, if you are really to blame for the quarrel. The ability to plead guilty causes respect in people and suggests that you have realized and analyzed your actions.
  3. Insist on reconciliation, if your fault is not in the quarrel. This is humiliating for both sides and only creates excessive tension in already stretched relationships.

What to write to a friend when they quarreled: TOP-20 SMS with an apology

SMS to a girlfriend, if quarreled, maybe playful or serious, in verses or prose - as you, and most importantly, your girlfriend, will be preferable.

  1. Enough to sulk at me and be offended. I'm tired of this.
  2. There are no ideal people, and I am no exception. Sorry if I offended you.
  3. We are all sometimes harsh and cruel. But the main thing is to realize your mistake. So, I realized her.
  4. It’s hard for me to ask for forgiveness, but in my heart from our disagreement it is even harder.
  5. Sometimes you can not offend from evil. That's how it was in our case.
  6. Sorry for not thinking, offended you. I love you and promise not to repeat the mistakes.
  7. Let's forgive each other all the insults that we caused.
  8. You and I have been together for so many years that I know: you miss the same way as I am. Forgive me and don't be angry.
  9. Sorry for everything and let a temporary misunderstanding will not cause our parting.
  10. Your opinion is important to me. I hope, like mine for you. Let's exchange them again.
  11. I thought over everything and decided: we are not good to be not together. I promise not to let you down anymore.
  12. Do not be angry with me and do not frown, from this wrinkles appear on the forehead.
  13. Forgive my stupid language, he sometimes does not understand what he carries.
  14. Friend, do not listen to my words, but look only in the eyes - they have love and friendship in them.
  15. Well, she said it from fatigue. But this does not mean that I wanted to offend you.
  16. Friends need to forgive resentment. Forgive me, because we are friends.
  17. Let's forget our discord and never remember him.
  18. Our quarrel was stupid and ridiculous, and it is time to stop it. In the evening I will look at the coffee.
  19. Somehow gray became in my life without your presence. Paint her, please, again with bright colors.
  20. You don't want me to cry? Then forgive me and come to visit.
If friendship is valuable, you need to put up
If friendship is valuable, you need to put up

What to write to a friend when they quarreled: the top 10 SMS with an apology in verses

Do not be angry, I will always help

To forget this insult to you.

And let's run in a hurry, on the run,

We will not put up for sight.


I need you to forgive me

And to achieve the result,

We will take tequila in the evening with you

And we will analyze the return options.


Once friendship connected us with you,

When we were much younger.

Today we are in a quarrel, but I know

That friendship is more expensive with age.


Why did we quarrel? Stupid,

Funny, but for some reason happened.

My suggestion, girlfriend.

And if we made up?


We are in the quarrel to be guilty

After all, you and I are not without sin

Let's go as before, on the way,

And we’ll cross together.


Everything did not work out on purpose

And for "accidentally" sorry,

And reconciliation is commendable

Here is my "sorry" and accept.


Forgive me this time

And I want to add:

I feel bad without you now

And so I want to fix everything!


Dear with our friendship, girlfriend,

I want to bring an apology.

But we feel bad away from each other

I need your forgiveness so!


It’s hard to forgive me, I know

But it is much more difficult for me:

Having caused a grudge, I was painful

Consciousness of guilt is more painful.


Let's not remember resentment,

Let's not blame each other

We plan new views:

We are friends again!

You can make peace even in a poetic form
You can make peace even in a poetic form

Words of forgiveness to a friend, if quarreled

  1. Forgive me, I bought it. Do not hold evil on your heart, forgive my mistake and do not be offended. After all, your resentment is flour for both of us.
  2. I offended you by stupidity and now I am not my own. I want to remove the load from my soul and assure you that I still appreciate you and will always value you. Sorry and believe me that I will not offend you anymore.
  3. My dear friend, our quarrel came out stupid. You don't think I really wanted to offend you? Let's make peace and we will not miss each other anymore.
  4. Forgive me for flashing and saying too much. I want to make amends for you and invite you to forget about what happened. I miss you, I hope for your forgiveness and look forward to it.
  5. It is difficult for me to find words to express my repentance in my act. I will only say: I did not want this. Forgive me, please, and let's still share joys and griefs with each other.
  6. I ask you to forgive me for inflicting an insult. Believe me, she was unintentional. I will be very glad to your call - he will let me know that my apologies are accepted. You can not say anything, just call!
  7. Between us, the abyss of misunderstanding has grown, and all because of some random ridiculous word! Let's forget about him and still remain friends.
  8. I don’t like to quarrel, but I had to. It hurts sad. Let's get back to a state of friendship and a complete understanding, which is natural for us. I'm sorry!
  9. You are kind and understanding! You can't be angry for a long time! I know you as myself, so I’m sure that you are just as bad now as me. Let's meet today and talk about everything in the world, forgetting about resentment and misunderstandings.
  10. My soul is so cold and empty from the fact that you and I quarreled. But this void helped me understand how you are dear to me. Forgive me, dear, and do not hold evil.
  11. I know that it is to blame for our quarrel, and therefore I ask you to forgive me. Offensive words hurt, but least of all I wanted to hurt you. I feel uneasy from what happened, and I would very much like you to believe that I will never allow offensive words in your address.
  12. You are silent and do not look in my direction. And I understand that it is to blame for this. But you are inherent in the ability to forgive, so give me your forgiveness, especially since I sincerely repent.
  13. Female friendship is incomprehensible concept. She is endless and withstands all the tests. I hope our friendship with you will also pass this test with a temporary misunderstanding and will become even stronger from this.
  14. I think that we are both to blame for our quarrel, and for my part I want to ask you for forgiveness. I forgave you for a long time. If you agree with me, tomorrow I am waiting for you in our cafe.
  15. You and I remind you of small children - we had a fight and parted in the corners to sulk at each other. But you and I are not children, but smart adults. So let's behave appropriately. Just think - they quarreled. Only you and I decide whether to put up or not, and when to put up. I decided that it was time. And you?
  16. If you want, you can tell me everything that is in your soul, you can scold me, but do not be silent. Forgive me and come.
  17. Our quarrel resembled the theater of military operations: screaming, waving hands, emotions ... Today I am coming to you with a white flag and I propose to declare a truce.
  18. I don’t know what words to approach you, so I decided to write. I think that our friendship should be higher than small quarrels, and you should not give them such a meaning.
  19. Our friendship is so long that its fortress can stand in front of an excessive word accidentally said. I believe in it and I'm sure - you too. Do you want to meet and discuss everything?
  20. I want to invite you to forget about all the misunderstandings and start everything from scratch. Quarrels and squabbles should remain in the past, and you and I should remain friends in the future.
  21. Everyone makes mistakes, so I happened. I sincerely repent of my words and ask me to forgive me for them. Believe me, your silence is the greatest punishment for me, and I have already suffered it.
  22. Forgive my temper, but you know my character. I promise to try to control myself!
  23. You still remain my beloved and only friend, no matter what happens. It’s hard for me that our communication has stopped with you, that we do not gossip and do not share secrets. If you can, forgive me, and let's continue our many years of friendship.
  24. You are my friend, a close and dear person to me, and it’s hard for me to wear all those words of remorse and regret that have accumulated in my soul during the time that you and I are in a disagreement. It is very difficult for me without communication with you, without your presence in my life. And I believe that your generosity will help us go through this difficult stage. I'm sorry.
  25. Of course, your right to decide whether to continue to communicate with us or not, after everything that happened. I ask you about one thing: before you come to the final decision, remember all the bright and joyful minutes, which there were many during our friendship. And only then decide. And know, I will make your decision, whatever it may be, since my respect for you remains unchanged.
  26. If I could turn the time back, I would never have done what I did now. But everything happened as it happened, and now you decide whether I am worthy of your forgiveness or not. I believe that you understand that there was no evil intent or the desire to offend you in my actions. I understand that you need time and I am ready to wait.
  27. You mean so much for me that these days spent without communicating with you filled my heart with emptiness. It is unbearably difficult to understand that I caused you suffering, and I do not know what words to express regret about it. I believe that you are shocked, you will forgive me, and our friendship will again become strong and long.
  28. It’s good that I have you! Even having quarreled, I continue to mentally consult with you and contact you. Now, after time, I understand how much my friendship is needed. And if you have already forgiven me for the words spoken, I will always be glad to see you.
  29. The words due to which our quarrel occurred were thoughtlessly said. But now I am turning to you with sincere and suffered words: Forgive me. The doors of my house, like my heart, are always open to you.
  30. My dear friend, I'm sorry if I offended you unless. Understand that I did not want this. And believe me that I will never allow myself to be like. Let's not chop the splash, but we will meet and talk about everything.
  31. Let's consider this annoying incident by checking our friendship for strength. And for my part, I will do everything so that we will go through this test. Forgive me and help me return our friendship, because I can’t do it alone.
  32. I understand that now you do not want to meet with me and talk, and respect your position. But let me hope that when you calm down, we will talk about everything and I will be able to personally ask you for forgiveness and convince you that I offended you, not wanting it myself.
  33. Only a few hours passed after our quarrel, and I already realized that I was inadmissible. I smoke myself for everything, and I understand that you are thinking about me now. Forgive me, please, and let's make peace.
  34. I only now understood how much space you take in my heart. Because the emptiness that has formed in it can fill only your forgiveness and the resumption of our former friendship. Do you agree with me?
  35. I hurt you, and I understand this very well. Now the only thing I can do is to ask for your forgiveness. And if I get it, I will try to make amends also by actions. Forgive me, dear friend!

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