What to write to a guy who likes to interest: examples of phrases for correspondence, tips

What to write to a guy who likes to interest: examples of phrases for correspondence, tips

You like the guy, but for some reason, communication between you has not yet succeeded. Either he does not pay attention to you at all, or you simply are not familiar, or he just looks at you as a good familiar - nothing more.

Or maybe you were attracted by the questionnaire on the dating site, and you want to attract the attention of this particular young man? In any case, your task is to interest the guy. How is it better to do?

How to start a correspondence with a guy who likes it to be interesting and effective: tips to interest a guy

  • Council 1. If you want to interest a guy on a dating siteFirst of all, make sure that your own questionnaire, and photography in it, represent you in the most profitable light, emphasizing your advantages and, if possible, hiding the shortcomings. Then carefully study all the information that is in his questionnaire - this will help you find the most interesting topic to get acquainted with the guy.
  • Tip 2. Install a clear the purpose of acquaintance with a guythat you liked. Either you just want to have a good time in the company of this handsome man, or are aimed at a serious relationship, or he seemed to you a person with whom it would be pleasant to communicate with an interesting interlocutor. Based on the task, you can start correspondence with the right phrases.
  • Tip 3. Do not be afraid to write first. The rule “The initiative should be for a man” - nothing more than a well -established stereotype. The girl who takes the first step has a number of undoubted advantages. Firstly, this is unusual and in itself attracts attention, and, secondly, in this case, the choice is for a girl who gets acquainted with the guy who attracted her attention, and does not choose among those who became interested in her .
  • Tip 4. Do not forget about compliments. Of course, moderate and lungs, and not bordering on flattery. All men are tired of praise for their male advantages, so you can write that you first see such embossed biceps. Or ask if it is true that beautiful guys are wonderful interlocutors.
  • Tip 5. Any unifying factor works very well to get acquainted. For example, in the photo the guy is shot with a dog. This is an excellent cause to tie a relaxed conversation. Just write that you want to start a dog of the same breed, and ask his opinion about how complicated is the care of it. Or pushed away from the photos taken in some of the sights, and, having written that you are going to go there in the near future, ask him to share his impressions.
  • Tip 6. Do not write empty, not carrying the semantic load of messages, but fill them with the content. In this case, it is important not how beautifully you write, but what exactly. Therefore, it is important for you prove oneself as an interesting interlocutorcapable of supporting the topic of conversation.
  • Tip 7. Be correct and do not start clarifying its family and financial position, place of work or the presence of chronic diseases from the very first minutes of the correspondence. If your communication becomes closer, you will still have the right moment to find out all this.
  • Tip 8. Do not behave like you are his girlfriend. You don’t need to write to the guy that you miss him, that you are very missing and other similar phrases. After all, the relationship has not yet been built, and you are already showing him your incomplete self -sufficiency.
  • Council 9. Leave a place for incredited. Write less about yourself, just answering his questions briefly. Men love a mystery to a woman, they will be interested to find out what is hiding behind conciseness.
What are the questions to interest a guy
What are the questions to interest a guy

How to write the guy who likes it: tips to interest a guy

A few more recommendations that will help you write messages to the guy you want to interest:

  • If you are an amateur smiley “You will have to learn not to abuse them.” Smiles are good in order to give their message a certain ease, but one or two are enough for this. If the emoticons are found too often, you can create an impression of yourself as a frivolous frivolous person.
  • It is unnecessary to say that messages should be written competently. Syntactic and punctuation errors are hardly pleasant, especially if the guy himself writes without errors.
  • Do not answer the message at the same moment as you received. If you write the answer instantly, the guy will immediately feel your interest in it and may lose interest in you, as in easy prey.
  • Messages should not be too longIt is better to send them in parts. For example, in the first - say hello, in the second - imagine a mysterious fan, in the third - make an appointment. A rare guy can stand before such an intrigue. And one more rule: the size of the messages should be a little smaller than his messages.
  • If he gives you advice, listen to them, if only in order to then discuss something. In addition, this will be pleased to the guy, and this is another plus in his attitude to you.
  • If you are personally familiar with the guy, but until you decide to openly offer him to meet, invite him to some party, just as a friend and a common friend, adding that there will be many of his friends. A common holiday is a good reason: it seems not to be a personal invitation, and it will be possible to meet with it. In general, for such cases there is a common cliche: "We are so rarely gone together ...", a drop of coquetry to which a wining emoticon will add.

Use his hobbies and addictions as a topic for communication, and an association can serve as an occasion. For example, write to him that you have been in training of fencers today and remembered that he is also fond of this sport. Or invite him to talk about the new series, whose main character, in your opinion, looks like this guy.

  • Many guys Ready to become knights and help the girl. Ask him about the service - at the same time, check if he treats you seriously and whether he is ready to substitute his shoulder.
  • If he is cut in his messages, make it clear that you appreciated his humor.

How to start a correspondence with a guy to interest him?

  • Having written the first to the guy, you can already interest him with your self -confidence. In addition, it is possible that he himself would have written to you, but he still could not dare, and with your act you will facilitate his response step. At the same time, do not start the first conversation all the time, give the guy the opportunity to also show the initiative for your part.
  • If you have happened to do something together, use this occasion to start correspondence, only the wording of your message should be in the form of a question so that it answers for sure. For example, ask him where he learned how to play the guitar so cool if your common acquaintance at yesterday’s party, etc. Further, the questions may concern his hobby, but again, in an unobtrusive light, sometimes joking form.
Good topic for communication - hobby
Good topic for communication - hobby
  • The question may be a little funny and seemingly random. For example, ask for allowing your dispute with a girlfriend about whether the hot dog is a sandwich, or, say, the role of which hero of the popular series he could play.
  • The above has already been said that men are tackled for compliments. In the case of the first letter, the compliment should be slightly playful, but in no case straight. For example, "you performed quite well yesterday at the school evening." And you can also play on the vanity of the guy by inviting him to prove his advantage, for example, in culinary art or in a hundred -meter.
  • If the guy is familiar with you personally, you can make a light tearing in a joking uniform, for example, in your message "I hope that this time you will be able to score a goal". The main thing is that your tearing does not concern serious things: family, life position, appearance, etc.

If you know that you have similar hobbies, you can mention that you like a specific artist, film, book, etc. This will show the guy a community of your interests and, in turn, will immediately make you a like -minded person in his eyes.

  • If the guy does not respond to your first message for a long time, do not be upset and do not write the next one at once, so as not to seem an obsessive person who needs a relationship. There may be many reasons why he does not answer, perhaps he is busy with an important matter or is simply inconvenient for him to write at the moment.
  • If the guy answered your message, you can suddenly complete the conversation with another question. For example, "I have to say goodbye now, but I would like to know your opinion about the last series of the new series". So you will show the guy that your circle of interests is not limited to him and at the same time let him know that you are interested in his thoughts. In addition, in this way you do not interrupt communication, but simply pause in it.
  • So, we summarize how to interest the young man at the very beginning of the correspondence. The text of the first message depends on whether you are familiar with this guy, in good relationships, are there any hint of sympathy between you. If with a familiar guy everything is more or less clear (common interests, common acquaintances, the opportunity to ask for help), then a stranger can send an SMS imprisonment for a date.
  • In the event that he asks who writes to him, you can say that you just accidentally dialed an erroneous number, but at the same time unobtrusively ask any question to continue communication. Also, an unfamiliar guy can be sent a smiley on a social network - his answer will talk about his readiness to continue his acquaintance.
  • You can refer to a girlfriend who recommended you as a guy who wants to chat. At the same time, try to immediately translate the conversation to another topic in order to avoid questioning about who this girlfriend is. And finally, you can always just write “Hello!”, Ask how you are.

What to write to a guy who does not like you to interest?

  • Here you need to especially carefully consider the topic for writing and delicately select words. For example, to say that you have a second ticket (for the match of his favorite team, for the sensational film, the exhibition, etc.), since the girlfriend with whom you were going to go suddenly changed plans.
  • All the same trouble -free reception is a request for help. The guy is a strong mathematician? Ask him to help you solve the problem that does not go out. Is he in computer games? To interest the guy, send him a message with a cry for help: “Tell me how to get this level!”
  • If you know exactly what he doesn’t like in you, try to make yourself a little different in correspondence. For example, the guy believes that you are rude to a girl - then write him a soft, delicate message. If, on the contrary, you are too fresh for him - use jokes, humor, a note of light playfulness will not hurt.

What to write to a guy if he does not write to interest?

  • In this case, your behavior should be based on how close you are with a guy. If the acquaintance only took place, then maybe he just lost your phone? Then do not worry - if you interested him, he will find the opportunity to meet. If he does not appear where he could certainly cross with you, most likely something in you did not suit him. In this case, you should not write at all, in extreme cases, you can limit yourself to the banal phrase "How are you?", But nothing more.
  • If it seemed to you that the guy showed interest to you, then perhaps he simply does not like to write messages, but prefers personal communication. Then you can write to him that his letter or call will give you joy.
  • A familiar guy It may be silent in case of some resentment against you. It is also possible that he has a new girlfriend or just at the moment he is in a strip of troubles and he is not up to correspondence. In the first case, you must apologize to him by sending a message by phone or on a social network. In two other cases, it is better to leave him alone - it is possible that he himself will soon appear in the field of your vision.
  • If you want to write to a guy with whom they had not talked for a long time, then you can again ask how he cares, why he does not write for so long, what he is doing. Even if your plans include a meeting with him, it is better not to offer it directly. Write, for example, that you are going to the gym, and does he want to join you. Even if the guy refuses, you will not feel awkward.

Well, if the guy is not just your friend, but much more, then interest him with these phrases:

  • "I decided who I have a date with today."
  • “I have a new screensaver on the phone - also that handsome! Do you want to look? "
  • “Today they told me about you things that start me.”
  • "I'm sure you will appreciate my proposal."

Beloved, who for some reason disappeared for a while, can be intrigued with photographs of beautiful underwear, kisses, the main thing is without nudity!

What to write to a guy to interest if you quarreled?

  • It is best to interest the guy and start communicating again, choose for writing holiday and send him a congratulation, Having added an offer to him to meet in some place you favorite in order to "fasten your reconciliation." As practice shows, most often the guys willingly respond to such a step from the girl.
  • If the holiday is still far away, and you are tired of being in a quarrel, then use the classic of the genre. Drop the sarcasm, hints, irony and just write: "Hi! I miss you and offer to make peace. ” Here the guy has no space for maneuvers, he can only answer “yes” or “no”, and most often in such cases the girl hears “yes”.
  • In addition, men are straightforward, it is best to talk directly with them, without hints, and the high -floor syllable in such a situation is completely inappropriate.
Even if you quarreled, you can still establish the situation
Even if you quarreled, you can still establish the situation

What to write to a guy to interest if he has a girlfriend?

To begin with, think about whether you really like the guy so that you are ready to destroy the existing relationship. After all, this time, nerves, emotions, tension, and the result is not guaranteed at all.

  • If you are determined to interest and conquer the “guy of your dreams”, then pretend that you have no idea that he is not free, and start talking in an acceptable phrase in any situation: “Hello! How are you? ”, Smileyl is also suitable.
  • If the answer is received, it will be quite natural to ask about it hobbies. In the event that your communication continues, you can start asking if he has a girlfriend. And even then, depending on how and what the guy will answer, build further steps.

If the young man will write to you that he is completely free or to get away from the answer, then think again, perhaps he is in principle unstable, and then you will be in the same position as his current girlfriend, whose back he is not averse to twisting Romance with another. The same thing is also likely if he begins to get away from the answer, to talk about his concepts of “free and not limited framework” of the relationship that he professes.

  • If the guy honestly says that it is not free, you can only respect him and maintain friendly correspondence. Perhaps they will soon part, and then you can start an attack with a clear conscience.

What can not be written to a guy who likes?

Among the general rules regarding that the guy should not write in order to interest, the following:

  1. No need impose his communication, if he does not very willingly support him.
  2. Do not express yourself in rude, and even more so - in an obscene form.
  3. Do not speak offensive words And do not call him.
  4. Refrain from critics Your common friends, because you cannot know for sure what kind of relationship is a guy with one of them. In addition, slander behind the back is always a bad form.
  5. Threats or blackmail - Not the best way to communicate with the guy you like.
  6. If your correspondence has acquired a constant character, you can do short pauses in it, but you should not include prolonged ignore.
  7. Not recommended constantly to complain For something-men do not like this.
  8. In letters, it is hardly worth explaining in your feelings, just like announcing the termination of relations.
  9. Do not show signs of jealousy In his letters.
  10. If the guy is pretty to you, this should not be denied, only do this not with direct explanations of love, but praise or compliment.
  11. The phrases that you miss him are not enough for you, questions about why he disappeared or whether he misses, and all other similar statements that emphasize your addiction also do not need to be used in correspondence.
  12. No need to touch on intimate topics, and even more so send a guy a photo from this category - this can turn against you.

What to write to a guy who likes to interest him by correspondence: Examples

Messages that work exactly
Messages that work exactly

A few examples of the phrases with which you can start a letter to the guy whom you want to interest:

  • My profession is a journalist, and now I am working on a survey about the relationships of the sexes. I would like to ask you a couple of questions. For example, about your attitude towards girls showing initiative in acquaintances.
  • Hello! I just read that for a smile a person involves more muscles than for crying. You have such a serious face! Pump your muscles and smile. By the way, let's get acquainted.
  • You will not help advice on how to change candles in a car?
  • You look so stylish! Does this affect the innate taste or do you follow the fashion?
  • I need to buy dad a gift. I want to give him a tie. You could not help me, because, judging by your appearance, you are very stylish.
  • Today I realized what is called an electric discharge. This is what happens when I look at your photo.
  • I am also delighted with horses. I would like to know what is still similar between us.
  • You reminded me of the young man who I dreamed today. True, he was on a white horse. Is it not you by chance?
  • I wonder why such a spectacular guy to look for a girl on social networks? I am convinced that in reality they curl around you.
  • I want to tell you that you inflicted a heart wound to me. Now you are simply obliged to urgently provide me first aid.
  • You can’t tell you what I was pressing on the keyboard, that the screen went out?
  • Do you think the Internet is the place where you can build a real relationship?
  • Interestingly, beauty and ability to communicate interestingly combined in one guy?
  • You call in me associations with a predator - you are the same daring, fearless, smart. And perhaps I would have managed to tame you.
  • I see that you looked at my questionnaire, but did not dare to write. You don't mind if I help you?
  • I wonder what will happen while pressing gas and brake pedals at the same time?
  • You have such expressive cheekbones! I've never seen such!
  • I assured my dog \u200b\u200bthat the most handsome guy on the site will meet me today.
  • Could you answer me the following question: what can a girl write about a young man who is pretty to her?
  • I propose to move on to direct acquaintance by lowering official points.
  • You look so thoughtfully in the photo. Why are you sad?
  • You impress a well -read guy. Can you tell me what good book to read?
  • I was invited to the birthday of a cousin. Could you advise what you can choose as a gift?
  • The windows of the house are opposite and cars on the roadway. And what picture opens from your window?
  • In my plans for the evening - watching a good film. In my opinion, you understand this well. Advise what to see.
  • I would like to know what category of guys you belong to: those who fold or scatter socks?
  • Your photo is like the most common, but there are so many emotions in it!
  • Hi, I was looking for you everywhere, and you seem to wait for me here.
  • I don’t know if I have to regret my initiative, but I propose to get acquainted.
  • For the first time I see a guy who has such a deep look. It is impressive.
  • You make the impression of a reliable shelter, where it is cozy and safe.
  • You won’t share a secret why, having finished refueling the car, the guy usually shakes the gun in the tank?
  • Can I ask you to call me? I just can't find where my mobile phone is.
  • Some secrets lie in your eyes. Share a couple with me.
  • In your opinion, love still exists or did it remain a relic of the past?
  • I read recently about Alfa Samsov. But here I saw you and realized that they really exist.
  • Your gaze seems to be enveloping with warmth.
  • Do girls often offer you a trip to the registry office?
  • In my opinion, I saw you in some film. I'm right?
  • You can’t tell you which girls prefer pretty guys: smart or beautiful?
  • What do you think about the fall of the ruble?
  • Do you believe in the existence of love at first sight or do you still prefer to better recognize the girl?
  • Do you like initiative girls?
  • Why are you listening to: to heart or mind?
  • Do you believe in intuition and that, thanks to it, you can make the right decision?
  • What is your favorite movie. I would look at him today.
  • Your gaze seems to pierce an X -ray. It seems that nothing to hide from you.
  • You probably have already heard from the girls more than once that you make an amazing impression on them?
  • Do you agree with the assertion that female logic can break the male psyche?
  • I am sure you heard about your beauty a thousand times. Therefore, the first one will only add pleasant emotions to you.
  • What features in girls are most attracted to you?
  • Can't you help me with the choice of headphones? I am sure you are well saved in matters of technology.
  • Imagine you have become a woman. What would you do in the first place?
  • In what era would you take the time of time?
  • I love to burst the pimples on the packages. And you?
  • Do you really expect to find a girl on this site for a serious relationship?
  • You are so serious in appearance. Have you ever committed rash acts?
  • Well, why are you here?
  • Would you like me to raise your mood?
  • And you are not the guy who settled in my dreams?
  • Tell me, how do men attract fools?
  • Have you been working as a kidnapper for girlish hearts for a long time?
  • Imagine that tomorrow the end of the world will come. What will you do today?
  • From your smile, I simply lose my mind.
  • I love to stroke thoroughbred cats, and you are so similar to them.
  • Sorry, young man, tell me, do you accidentally like me?
  • Something happened to my eyes. They simply do not come off your photo.
  • I need an independent male opinion in one question. Will you help?
  • I see you visited Cairo. What did you like the most there?
  • Enough to look through the profiles, let's get acquainted!
  • She rackled her head for a long time, how to start acquaintance, and in the end she decided that we can meet without a bunch of beautiful words.
  • Let's talk without connecting ourselves by obligations?
  • In my opinion, you could get me out of the maze called "Loneliness".
  • Your advantages are visible to the naked eye. And what about the shortcomings?
  • Could you spend me in the cinema tonight?
  • I know your name, but I always want to know more.
  • You can’t say anything, a beautiful facade. And what about him?
  • You have a bewitching look. And now, according to the rules of communication, you also have to tell me a compliment.
  • Will you explain to me an incomprehensible rule of road?
  • Hello! I am the same guest from the future. They sent me to make you happy.
  • Your opinion is interesting about male polygamy.
  • Looking at you, you begin to perceive the rest of the guys with a faceless gray mass.
  • It seems to me that with you I could survive even on a uninhabited island.
  • In a dream I saw Freud. What do you think this could mean?
  • What is the difference between a drill and a screwdriver?
  • Sensations tell me that you are not like others. I would like to understand what exactly the difference is?
  • Do you think happiness can be bought?

Psychologists recommend that you get acquainted on social networks not postpone the moment of personal acquaintance for a long time. Otherwise, it will be hard for you to give live communication. In addition, you will recognize the guy as he is, and you will not come up with an image, often idealizing him.

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