How to write a personal message to VKontakte from a computer, from a phone: a friend, all friends, not a friend, to a group, to yourself, anonymous if the messages are closed

How to write a personal message to VKontakte from a computer, from a phone: a friend, all friends, not a friend, to a group, to yourself, anonymous if the messages are closed

Don't know how to write a personal message to VKontakte? Read the article, it contains useful information.

If you just registered VKontakte, then you will immediately want to write a message to some of your friends. Many people have some difficulties with this. From this article you will learn how to write a personal message on this social network.

How to write a personal message to a friend from a computer?

Go to your VK page, open the
Go to your VK page, open the "Messages" section

So, you want to write a message to the user who is in your friends list. Follow the following stages:

  • Go to your VK page.
  • Open the section "Messages".
  • In the search line of this section, write the name of your friend.
  • Choose a friend from the list.
  • Write the message and click on the departure, on the icon in the form of an arrow. You can press a PC or laptop on the keyboard "Enter" - This will be the same as sending.

Interesting to know: You can also send a voice to a friend by pressing and holding the microphone badge. You can change the text of the message within a day from the date of sending. In addition, VK can add messages from messages, and then write whole sentences using one click.

You can write a message from a direct link to the user page. If you know a short iD address User, then insert the link into the browser line. For example: The page opens, and under the user's photo there will be a button "Send a message". Click on it, write the text and click "Send".

Send a message by clicking on the corresponding button
Send a message by clicking on the corresponding button

Now you can send a message to any person from your friends VK.

How to write a personal message to VKontakte to all friends?

There are cases when you need to write one message, but to many or all friends. In this case, you can create a conversation so as not to duplicate the letter many times. Full the following stages:

Go to the
Go to the "My Posts" section, click on the "+" sign
  • Go to the section "My Messages".
  • Click on the sign «+» - On the right, on top of the page.
  • Add the right friends from the list, and then click "Create a conversation" - at the bottom of the page.

Write a message in a conversation and send. All the friends you added to it will see him. Now you can add friends to a conversation or delete them.

How to write a personal message to VKontakte not to a friend?

Click on the
Click on the "Write message" button

If you want to write a letter to a user who is not in your friends, then do the following:

  • In the search line of the site, enter the name and name of the user.
  • Go into his profile.
  • Below the photo there is a button "To write a message" - Click on her.
  • Now write a letter and send it by clicking on the departure button.
You can click on this step on
You can click on this step on "Go to the dialogue with ...."

You can click on this step on "Go to the dialogue with ...." the window that appears at the top, and your page will open "Dialogs". It is more convenient to correspond through such a page if you plan to correspond with many messages and the expectation of answers.

How to write a personal message to VKontakte in a group?

Under the group’s picture you will see the “Write message” button
Under the group’s picture you will see the “Write message” button

Writing messages to the group is as simple as personal messages to friends. Here's the instruction:

  • Go to the desired group or community.
  • Under the group’s picture you will see a button "To write a message" - Click on her.
  • Then write a letter and send.

When writing a message to the community, you can go to the dialogue, as in drugs.

How to write a personal message to VKontakte to yourself?

Message to yourself
Message to yourself

Many users do not even know that in VK there is a feature that allows you to write a message to yourself. Although those who are familiar with this bug are sure that the creators of the site specially made such a function that you can keep notes and reminders for themselves. Here is the instruction, how to do it:

  • Go to the block "Messages".
  • In the search, dial your last name.
  • Your photo and surname will appear. Click on your avatar.

You can drop various notes, links to other resources and perform different other actions in messages.

How to write a personal anonymous message to VKontakte?

Anonymous messages
Anonymous messages

If you want to attract the attention of some user, but do not want to give yourself out that you wrote a message. Or maybe you want to tell a friend something important, but he does not have to know who told him this news, then send an anonymous message. VKontakte is also such a function - convenient and interesting.

You can also send an anonymous gift if you want to make a pleasant friend or girlfriend. How to do it, read this article.

Here are several ways to achieve the desired result and send an anonymous message:

  1. You can create another VK account, if you have a spare phone number, since it is impossible to tie 2 VK pages to one number. When creating such a profile, put any surname and name. From this account you can write messages and the recipient will not guess who writes it to him.
  2. There are exchanges on the network that offer to buy someone else's account. The cost of such a profile is not more than 10 rubles. So, for a meager price you will receive a page with which you can perform different actions on social networks.
  3. Anonymous community notification. Create a group and send messages from its profile. The user will not see the sender, but only the name of the group.

In general, VKontakte does not provide for the departure of anonymous messages, but advanced Internet users come out of any situation, especially if they really need it. By the way, you can make fun of someone and send an empty message. How to do it, read the article on this link.

How to write a personal message to VKontakte if the messages are closed?

Click on the button under the photo
Click on the button under the photo "Add friends"

Using settings in the block "Privacy" The user can make a restriction on receiving messages. In the same section, you can also block the sending of messages. On the page of such a person will not have a button "To write a message".

If the user to whom you want to write put a restriction, then let's figure out what a way out of this situation is to write to this person. Here are the tips:

Send a message with the application for friends

  • To do this, click on the button under the photo "Add as Friend".
  • You will be invited to write a message - use the moment to start a dialogue with this person. If it doesn’t work, read on.
  • After that, a record will appear under the photo "The application was sent". Click on this button, a window will appear in which you can write a letter.
  • Everything is now with this application, a person will receive your message.

Sending a letter through notifications

  • You will need your own group (if not, you will have to create) and the user ID.
  • Now open the page of your community, create a new entry.
  • In this entry, write first the user ID, and then the spacing itself and the message itself.
  • Click "Send".

Now a person will see your message.

How to write a personal message to VKontakte from the phone?

The VKontakte application is very convenient for use. Through it, just send your friend to your friend. To do this, do the following:

Click on the
Click on the "Dialogs" icon
  • Go to the application.
  • Click on the icon below "Dialogs". All your dialogs will open.
  • Click on the avatar of the right user. A dialogue page with this friend will open.
  • Write a message in the line at the bottom of the screen and click "Send".
Enter your message
Enter your message

At the same moment, the user will receive a letter from you and will be able to answer it. Please note that you can add an interesting smile, file or send a voice message to the message by clicking on the icon "Microphone".

As you can see, there are no hopeless situations. The main thing, do not despair, look for a convenient way to contact the right person, and the next step is to do with him: he will want to answer, but not, it means that your efforts were in vain. Good luck!

Video: How to write a message to VKontakte, if a face is closed?

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