Why are messages not sent to VK: Reasons. I can't write a message to VKontakte - what to do?

Why are messages not sent to VK: Reasons. I can't write a message to VKontakte - what to do?

At the next attempt to write a message to a friend or a new acquaintance VKontakte, it suddenly turns out that it cannot be sent. What is the reason? Why do not VKontakte messages go? Let's figure out our article.

Sometimes VKontakte users have to face the fact that messages suddenly stop going and different errors are displayed. Let's figure out what kind of mistakes are and why at all, the message may not be sent.

I can't send a message to VKontakte - what to do: errors

When the message of VKontakte cannot be sent, then this may be due to various problems. Let's figure out what mistakes may be when sending messages and how to eliminate them.

  • The message cannot be sent

If you can’t write to anyone, then you need to find out the reason. One of these is the restriction on sending messages. The fact is that if you write during the day users who are not on the list of your friends, then you will get only 20 messages. This does not apply directly to the correspondence, but only the first message.

Messages Limit in VK
Messages Limit in VK

That is, you never talked with a person and suddenly decided to write to him, then another and so on. So, when 20 messages are typed, you will be displayed by a mistake that reports that you have already sent a lot of messages.

If you make such a newsletter through the application on the phone, then the limits can be cut, including the messages sent. If you can’t send a message, then try to do it through the computer.

Another such error may be displayed if you write a message to a friend after correspondence with a stranger. In this case, you need to wait a little and you can try again.

Add to friends
Add to friends

Why is this restriction made at all? Just so that evil spamers do not torture users of this social network. Just try to understand this.

The restriction is not applied forever, but only for a day. If you want to talk with someone, but you have a limit, then add it to your friends and the restriction will be shot. Just do not forget about the limits for applications for friends.

  • This user forbade sending messages to those who are not in his friends
Message not sent
Message not sent

Such an option may also be found when the user in the privacy settings prohibits a certain circle of people to write messages to him. As a rule, to communicate with such a person, you need to add him to friends and wait for confirmation.

If in a mobile application or from a computer it is displayed that the message is not sent, then this is due to the excess of the limits that we spoke about earlier. What to do in this case?

  • First you should rest a little. The next day, the restriction will be removed and it will be possible to make a newsletter again. Or call the right person, if possible.
  • Add the interlocutor as a friend. If he confirms the application, it will be possible to communicate without any restrictions.
  • If you are doing advertising, invitations or the same messages, it is better to just stop doing it. Otherwise, the page will be blocked.

For example, when sending spam, VKontakte blocks it, but shows you that sending messages is prohibited, or the page will be blocked completely:

The page is blocked
The page is blocked
  • You cannot send a message to this user

This situation may happen if a person specially established a restriction on those who can send him messages. It happens that the ban can stand on you. Maybe you had a fight? Or maybe a friend just accidentally pressed the wrong place? In any case, it will not be possible to write a message. In extreme cases, try to call.

  • No button "Send a message"

When the user limits the circle of persons who can write to him, then not friends are chosen first of all. That is, if you first need to add him to friends to communicate with the user, then there will be no buttons for sending a message. Instead, VKontakte will offer to send a gift.

As an option, you were added to "Black list". Here is the same as in the previous case. Either you had a fight, or it was done by chance.

You are on the black list
You are on the black list
  • The message is not sent - an error, a red circle appears

As a rule, this phenomenon indicates the Internet problems. If there is no Internet or it suddenly accidentally turned off, then a red circle with an exclamation mark inside will burn. When the connection stabilizes, just click on the message and select "Repeat the sending".

The social network in this case has nothing to do. You just need to solve the problems with the connection.

It is worth noting that problems with sending messages may occur if the recipient is blocked. In this case, at the entrance to the message page will be written "User is deleted".

As a rule, messages are not sent for banal reasons - there are no friends, blocking, and so on. If you think that not one of the reasons is connected with you and you have a problem in the computer, then try to clean the browser cache, restart the computer or use another browser. This usually helps to solve the problem.

Video: Why don't messenger go to VKontakte?

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