What can be cut from paper on Halloween: figures, things that can be printed, jewelry, crafts

What can be cut from paper on Halloween: figures, things that can be printed, jewelry, crafts

What to cut out of paper on Halloween to decorate the interior or suit? Look for options in the article.

Halloween - This is a holiday that helps to have a great time and not only on October 31, but during preparation for it. It is important to think over everything to the smallest detail - outfits, treats for guests and even decoration of the room. Do the decor with your own hands - this is exciting not only for kids, but also for their parents.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What is Halloween, what kind of holiday, what date does it begin?". You will learn about traditions for Halloween, and you will also find horror stories, competitive games for different ages.

This article has many templates of different figures that will perfectly decorate any house or other room. Look how funny they are. Cut and make a unique decor. Read further.

Ghosts: Cutting Templates for Halloween

Bringing this holiday is the most fun hero. Adults and kids love him. Not a single Halloween will pass without him. Cut off according to the templates presented below and attach the images to cabinets, walls and even the ceiling. It will look original, creating a unique atmosphere of the holiday. You can also decorate with these terrifying crafts and curtains.

Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template
Ghost template

Figures for Halloween from Paper: Templates for Cutting

There are still interesting heroes of the holiday Halloween - this is Spider and Bat. They look at you frighteningly, but at the same time so funny. Here are templates for cutting the figures of a spider and a bat from paper:

Spider figure cutter
Template for a spider
Spider figure cutter
Template for a spider
Template for cutting the figure of a spider and bat
Template of the figure of a spider and a bat
Cutting template for cutting a bat drawing
Bat Figure Template
Cutting template for cutting a bat drawing
Bat Figure Template
Cutting template for cutting a bat drawing
Bat Figure Template
Cutting template for cutting a bat drawing
Bat Figure Template

Things that can be printed and cut out of paper on Halloween

Do you want to print some more interesting things on A4 and cut to decorate at Halloween at home? Try to make a cat and a house. Just copy the image, transfer to the file in the computer, print on the printer and cut it out - everything is simple and fast. Even any modern child can do this. Here are the templates of these and other things:

Kota Template for cutting
Katota template
Kota Template for cutting
Katota template
Kota Template for cutting
Katota template
Kota Template for cutting
Katota template
Kota Template for cutting
Katota template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting template
Cutting templates

Do -it -yourself Halloween jewelry for Halloween: Templates

Often children at school are asked to make jewelry for Halloween From a paper sheet with your own hands. You can use the published templates above. Just print, cut it out of paper, paint in the theme of the holiday - the decor is ready. Here are a few more funny images that are suitable for decorating any interior on Halloween:

Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper
Jewelry for Halloween from Paper

Crafts from paper on Halloween: Schemes

Crafts from paper on Halloween
Crafts from paper on Halloween

Probably, there is nothing better for any parent - to create with his child. Halloween - A great holiday for this. During preparation for it, you can make different original paper crafts. Let the baby help you in everything - cut, glue, decorate, even if he does it well. All the same, he will be interested in and such a pastime and he will remember the holiday itself for a long time. Here are the schemes of crafts:

  • Flashlights-tuks
Flashlights are a craft
Flashlights are a craft

Many adults remember how they made crafts for the New Year in the form of flashlights. Now, according to such a technique, you can perform different figures, including in the form of pumpkins on Halloween. Your baby will be happy to cut, glue and decorate this craft. She will need orange paper, scissors, adhesive base and felt -tip pens for coloring. The strips can make any width and in different quantities. It all depends on the age of the crumbs. It is important that it is not too difficult for him.

Here is a scheme how to make and cut a flashlight:

Scheme to perform a flashlight
Scheme to perform a flashlight
  • Voluminous flashlight in the form of pumpkin
Voluminous flashlight in the form of pumpkin
Voluminous flashlight in the form of pumpkin

Another flashlight, but it turns out more realistic, since voluminous. Making it is also simple. Glue is not needed, only a stapler, strips of orange paper and black - for decor, or you can draw your eyes, mouth and nose with a black felt -tip pen. Thin strips of green paper will come in handy for the "tails" of the pumpkin.

Here is a scheme - if there are many stripes, then you can put crumpled paper or wrappers from sweets inside, if there are few, then this can not be done:

Voluminous flashlight in the form of pumpkin - folding pattern
Voluminous flashlight in the form of pumpkin - folding pattern
  • Thematic garland
Thematic garland
Thematic garland

Making a garland is simple. Cut into the patterns published above, different funny things that are associated with the holiday. Then put them on a dense thread - the garland is ready.

Cut first figures for garlands first
Cut first figures for garlands first
  • Horns to a demonic costume for Halloween
Horns to a demonic costume for Halloween
Horns to a demonic costume for Halloween

What is the holiday without a thematic party? If you have a suit, but there is no hair accessory, then make such horns. To do this, you will need a rim, two plastic glasses, a cardboard and a corrugated roster for decor. Here is a scheme how to make them:

This is how horns should be done
This is how horns should be done
  • Bat mouse Origami
Bat mouse Origami
Bat mouse Origami

Such a mouse can be hung on a thread as a decor in the interior of a house, school or kindergarten. Making it is simple. You will need only one sheet of black paper size A4 and plastic eyes for decor. Here is a scheme how to turn the paper to turn a bat: a bat:

Folding diagram of bats of Origami
Folding diagram of bats of Origami
  • Battens

A very simple version of the craft, which is needed only a clothespin and a little black cardboard. Cut the wings from the cardboard and glue it to the clothespin. Ready.

You will need a clothespin and a wing of paper for crafts
You will need a clothespin and a wing of paper for crafts
  • Witch's hat
Witch's hat
Witch's hat

A beautiful hat, and no one will guess that you made it yourself. This item can be performed according to this scheme:

Witch's hat diagram
Witch's hat diagram
  • A web on Halloween
A web on Halloween
A web on Halloween

Can you cut New Year's snowflakes? Such a web is made using the same technology. Fold a sheet of black paper and cut it off as shown in the diagram above. You can glue a small spider on the web itself, just cut out of paper according to templates above or voluminous - there are options below in the text.

Ideas for Halloween crafts with hands from paper and cardboard

DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween

If you have not yet decided what to do for the holiday, then below you will find several ideas of crafts on Halloween with your own hands from paper and cardboard and not only. You will see how interesting crafts can be performed from improvised means and surrounding us.

Bat on Halloween from black medical gloves
Bat on Halloween from black medical gloves
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween craft
Craft on Halloween
DIY Halloween crafts from bushings from bushings
Halloween crafts from bushings from toilet paper
Craft from bushings from toilet paper
Craft from bushings from toilet paper
Craft from real pumpkin and plasticine
Craft from real pumpkin and plasticine

Video: DIY Halloween Crafts

Video: Ghost from gauze and starch - craft for Halloween

Video: Halloween decor with your own hands | Halloween

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