DIY pumpkin crafts - birds, basket, snail, cartoon heroes, nesting dolls, vase, candlestick, emoticon, little men, micks on Halloween, multi -colored and brilliant pumpkin at home for children and adults: instructions, description

DIY pumpkin crafts - birds, basket, snail, cartoon heroes, nesting dolls, vase, candlestick, emoticon, little men, micks on Halloween, multi -colored and brilliant pumpkin at home for children and adults: instructions, description

What can be done from pumpkin? You will learn from the article about beautiful crafts.

Pumpkin is considered a fairly healthy, delicious edible plant. The pumpkin can be stored for a long time, therefore, it is often used in order to arrange the yard landscape. People of any age make crafts, even children in kindergartens and schools.

Why should you use pumpkin for crafts, how to choose it, prepare?

You can worry such a question - why is the pumpkin take for crafts? There are several reasons for this:

  • The pumpkin is stored for a very long time. This means that the craft for a long time can maintain a decent appearance.
  • The walls of the pumpkin are hard enough. Therefore, they can be applied to them with a brush of various ornaments, interesting drawings.
  • The shape of this plant looks like a sphere. This is optimal to make a large number of crafts.
  • The pumpkin has a bright, cheerful color.
  • In nature, you can find a pumpkin of various sizes. Therefore, you will never have difficulties with the choice of the most ideal material.

Have you decided to make a beautiful craft with your child? Then you will have to choose the right workpiece.

To do this, adhere to these rules:

  • Choose only a healthy fruit. Make sure that there are no dark spots, well -expressed irregularities, rotten areas on the skin.
  • Excellent material is a pumpkin with an elongated leg, at least 8 cm. As a result, the fetus will be stored longer.
  • The pumpkin should be fresh. Therefore, cut it in the garden yourself.
  • Do not unscrew the fetus. During cutting, use a sharp knife or large sharp scissors.
Choose the pumpkin correctly
Choose the pumpkin correctly

Before you do craft, carefully prepare the pumpkin. Perform the following manipulations:

  • Wash the pumpkin thoroughly so that the peel does not injure.
  • Cut the top of the fetus with a sharp knife.
  • Remove the pulp so that the wall thickness as a result is not more than 1 cm 5 mm.
  • Treat the fetus inside using any alcohol solution.
  • Take the pumpkin on the street for a while, put on thick paper, also place the paper inside. You will have to change the paper as soon as it is saturated with moisture.

Having completed such simple processes, you can get an excellent blank for autumn crafts.

Owl craft

For this work, you will have to stock up:

  • Cupcakes baking paper molds.
  • Colored paper.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Glue.

The process of manufacturing owls from pumpkin:

  • When you collect all the necessary elements, proceed to creativity. You will not have to cut the pumpkin, therefore, wash the fetus before the work, dry it.
  • Take molds. Cut the poultry wings from them, cutting into 2 parts. 2 halves glue symmetrically to the fetus.
  • Make advantage of your eyes. Take another mold. Cut in half. One half will become Owl cilia. Glue mugs cut out of colored paper onto the muzzle of the bird.
  • Glue the molds on top of each circle. For pupils, use small slices of dark paper.
  • Using seeds, decorate the bird as you wish.


From the very beginning, see if there is a pumpkin on the surface of some wounds or damage. For a basket, take a middle fruit that has a uniform color.


The process of manufacturing pumpkin basket:

  • Wash the pumpkin. Dry.
  • Draw the handle contour on the fruit. Pierce the resulting template on the tags. If you do this for the first time, then do not make a very complicated template.
  • Using a spoon, take the pulp carefully from pumpkin. Do this carefully so that the fetus is not damaged. Cut the basket handle using a very sharp knife.
  • Dry the workpiece using ordinary paper. Place it inside the vegetable tightly. Check that the fetus inside is well dried.
  • When the basket is completely ready, fill it with spruce branches, berries and other natural elements.

Tykla snail craft

To perform a snail from pumpkin, you will have to stock up:

  • Pumpkin oblong - 1 pc.
  • Pumpkin round - 1 pc.
  • Fishing line
  • Colored paper
  • Glue
  • Buttons

Production process:

  • Take a round fruit. Cut about a quarter from pumpkin. The side on which the slice will be located will put the craft.
  • Cut the same pumpkin on the right side so that the snail acquires a natural look.
  • Take an oblong pumpkin. Cut the narrow part from the fetus. Attach to the first pumpkin on the right. So you should get the main basis. Now start reviving the snail.
  • Using a knife, make an incision on the sink in the form of a spiral. The snail has a twisted sink. Therefore, also do on a pumpkin.
  • Then attach colored paper to the resulting sink.
  • Twist the snail horns from the fishing line. Pour beads on the fishing line. Insert the horns in the head of the animal.
  • Make your eyes from buttons. Also make a mouth and nose.

Craft "Kopatych" from pumpkin

You probably watched a cartoon with Smeshariki with a child. In this cartoon, Kopatych is one of the main characters. You will make it very quickly from pumpkin.

Stock up for work:

  • Pumpkin
  • Plasticine
  • Varnish

The process of manufacturing digging from pumpkin:

  • Wash thoroughly the pumpkin itself. Then dry. If you want, cover the fruit in advance so that the craft has a more presentable appearance.
  • Make the hands and legs of the hero from plasticine. You can also replace plasticine with other material. Glue the limbs to the pumpkin so that they are symmetrically each other.
  • Make the nose from potatoes or plasticine. If you like potatoes more, then choose the average tuber. Attach potatoes to the fetus using a toothpick.
  • Make the character's eyes from light paper, drawing a black pupil in the center.
  • At the very end, draw a mimic of a bear with a black marker. Do not draw very rough strips, because they should look natural.

How to make a nesting doll out of pumpkin?

This craft is considered very light. For the manufacture of crafts, stock up on the necessary materials:

  • Pumpkin
  • Paint

The process of manufacturing pumpkin nesting dolls:

  • Wash the pumpkin, dry. The color of the fetus does not play an important role, since you will paint the nesting doll.
  • Cut the tail in the fetus.
  • Draw on the workpiece "Faces". At the top of the pumpkin in the most narrowed place, draw facial features.
  • Draw a smile of a nesting doll, eyes and a nose.
  • Then continue to decorate the product as your soul wants.

Pumpkin penguin craft

For work, purchase:

  • Oblong pumpkin - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Cardboard that will serve as the basis of your penguin
  • Beads
You can make a penguin out of pumpkin

Pumpkin penguin manufacturing process:

  • Wash the pumpkin, dry. Then cut the “sidewalls” on the fruit. Do the job carefully. So you get wings.
  • Cut the front part of the pumpkin so that the penguin gets an abdomen.
  • Cut the small tuber of potatoes into 2 parts. Attach to a penguin instead of legs using ordinary toothpicks.
  • From beads, make the eyes to the animal. The main thing is that they are dark.
  • Install a penguin on the cardboard.

Pumpkin for Halloween Day - faces: photo, instructions, stencils

This craft is considered the most common on Halloween Day. You can take the pumpkin the most different, any color and size. But the craft will look more interesting if you take a round fruit for work.

So, stock up:

  • Pumpkin
  • Flamasters
  • Paints
Halloween faces
Halloween faces

Production process:

  • Cut the bottom in a round fruit. If you decide to make a craft from an elongated pumpkin, then cut the crown from the fetus. With the help of a spoon, remove the pulp.
  • Take the felt -tip pen. On the surface of the pumpkin, depict any face. It is desirable that the picture is the simplest. So it will be easier for you to cut.
  • With the help of a knife, cut the face. If the craft is bad to work out, use a small knife. If you do not know how to draw, print the muzzle on the printer.
  • Attach the workpiece to the fetus, make the necessary marks.
  • When you cut the grimace, put the candle inside.

Below you can download the templates for cutting.


On this fruit you do not have to cut something. You can make an unusual craft, using multi -colored sparkles and paints during operation.

You will have to stock up:

  • Pumpkin light
  • Glue
  • Sparkles
Shiny pumpkin
Shiny pumpkin

The manufacturing process of shiny pumpkin crafts:

  • Using a brush, treat the fetus with glue. Just cover the places selectively.
  • You can apply glue in the form of some kind of pattern. Here you need to turn on your own imagination. Experiment with ornaments so that you can get a variety of strips, figures.
  • As soon as you apply glue to the zones, smeared with glue, pour sparkles.
  • If you do not want a brilliant craft, then paint the fetus with paints.

Craft vase for flowers from pumpkin

Stock up with these materials:

  • Pumpkin
  • Fresh flowers
Bright vase
Bright vase

The process of manufacturing a vase from pumpkin:

  • Cut the upper part from the fetus, remove the pulp. Cut the crown so that its value is slightly larger than an ordinary glass.
  • If possible, cut a small recess where you put glass dishes.
  • Place a plastic or glass cup in the finished fruit, filling it with water.
  • The glass should stand very tightly. Place a bouquet with flowers in it.

Pumpkin candlestick

The process from you will demand to stock up on such materials:

  • Pumpkin
  • Tolstoy candle
  • Glue
  • Flamasters
  • Autumn leaves
  • Twigs with berries
  • Small cones

The process of manufacturing a candlestick from pumpkin:

  • Remove the tail of the fetus. Put a candle on the top of the pumpkin, circle it. On this contour you will have to cut a hole.
  • Remove the crown of the fetus. At the same time, the candle should be tight enough inside. If you want, remove the pulp.
  • Using the glue, attach a candle. So that she peeps out of the pumpkin, she must be high.
  • Next, using glue and decorating elements, decorate the product as you wish.

Unusual man from pumpkin

You will have to stock up:

  • Pumpkin of various sizes
  • Felt
  • Glue
  • A variety of accessories for decoration
  • Artificial flowers and other jewelry
Man from pumpkin
Man from pumpkin

The process of manufacturing pumpkin men:

  • Take the fabric. Make bows, antennae and other elements from it with which you decorate the men.
  • Glue jewelry on the fruits.
  • You can use glasses that you have not used for a long time or make them from fabric for a long time.
  • Glue on the pumpkin also.
  • Attach the hat, flowers and other accessories to the top of the fruits.

Crafts Bird from pumpkin

What do you need to take for such a craft? The most affordable materials. You will have to stock up:

  • Pumpkin
  • Felt
  • Glue

The process of manufacturing poultry from pumpkin:

  • From the fabric, cut the necessary elements of the bird.
  • Attach all the blanks carefully using glue. To begin with, glue the “feathers”, making them from different pieces of material. Initially, glue the 1st row in the bottom of the pumpkin. Then continue to glue the following rows until the necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe fetus closes.
  • Do not glue the bird completely, only the front is enough.
  • On top of the feathers, glue the eyes of birds, ears and wings. Do not forget to glue the beak.

Multi -colored pumpkin

For this craft, stock up:

  • Light pumpkin
  • Wax crayons - 16 pcs.
  • Glue

You will also need to work with a hairdryer.

You can create different colors
You can create different colors

The process of manufacturing colored pumpkin:

  • Remove the crayons from the packaging. Cut each chalk into 2 parts.
  • Using the glue, attach the crayons to the vegetable.
  • After the glue dries, use the glue so that the crayons can completely melt. Make sure that the crayons spread evenly along the pumpkin, forming multi -colored strips.

Pumpkin smiley

Do you like funny crafts made of natural materials? Then you will definitely like the emoticon made of pumpkin.

Stock up for crafts:

  • Small pumpkin
  • Acrylic paints
  • Pencil
  • Dark marker

The process of manufacturing pumpkin smiles:

  • Remove the top of each fruit with a knife. Cut the insides also.
  • Draw circles on the surface of vegetables - so you get the future head of the emoticon. The circle can be generally imperfect.
  • In the inside of the circles, draw any face in the form of a cheerful emoticon.
  • Think about which parts you will have to cut. For example, cut your eyes in one emoticon, the other has a mouth. You can simultaneously cut both your mouth and eyes.
  • When you cut, paint the mugs with yellow paint. Next, paint the muzzles at your discretion.

Crafts of pumpkin peacock

Stock up:

  • Cardboard or dense felt
  • Elements for decoration
  • Autumn leaves
  • Plasticine

Pumpkin peacock manufacturing process:

  • From cardboard, cut the head of the bird. Paint her. Stick your eyes on your head, beak.
  • Attach your head to the pumpkin. Just make an incision in it by inserting a finished head there.
  • Make your paws from plasticine. Attach them at the bottom of the fetus.
  • At the back, attach the leaves using glue.

So that your craft is preserved longer, cover the surface of the fetus with varnish.

Video: Crafts from pumpkin for kindergarten and school

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