When is Halloween, what date? How to paint a face to Halloween: makeup, makeup at home

When is Halloween, what date? How to paint a face to Halloween: makeup, makeup at home

Makeup plays a huge role for a person at the time of the celebration of Halloween. It is he who brings anyone closer to something unearthly and mystical. The options for a spectacular and “terrible” make-up are presented in this article.

When is Halloween, what date?

Haloween - Ancient holiday that is accepted To celebrate on the last day of October. People triumphs the end of the crop. Exactly 31 numbers They arrange festivities on this occasion. Since ancient times The soil was considered a deitybecause she fed a person. That is why people considered important "pay tribute to" land and bless it for the next harvest season.

But, besides, how to thank the soil, people believed that it was on this day that she had power, because they were afraid of it. No wonder Halloween is called the holiday "all the dead." It was believed that the land endowed with force, to resurrect the dead and buried ancestors in it.

So that the resurrected dead people could not bring the living devastation and chaos to the world, it was decided to scare them away in every possible way. For this l judy dressed up in terrible costumes and masksSimilar to the images of ghosts and evil spirits. The resurrected did not recognize people and considered them their own way, and therefore went away to the ground the next morning.

The traditions of the celebration of Halloween have survived In our modern world. Not every country and the family honors this holiday. But, nevertheless, everyone knows about him and he is interesting to everyone. Halloween parties Many public organizations, student companies, teams and even schoolchildren are organized. This holiday has deep religious roots and therefore has the right to exist.

It is customary to celebrate Halloween listen and fun. Each family must decorate their home, respectively, the theme of the holiday. In addition, guests can suddenly come to each house. They must be accepted by treating something tasty. That is why it is customary to arrange special "Food Zone" ("Food zones", from the word "food"-"food"). Sweets, snacks and drinks can be in these areas.

Decoration "Food Zone" on Halloween

Easy simple makeup for Halloween

In addition to everyone should have your own certain costume On Halloween, he should definitely adhere to his style. Think about the image in advance. Depending on who you would like to be, you should also come up with makeup.

Make-up can easily replace your maskwhich is sometimes inconvenient to wear constantly. If you are not a fan of dense makeup, you will be useful to several ideas to create a “light” and unobtrusive, but awesome makeup. You can use a simple female decorative cosmetics when applying for such a “make -up”.

By the way, women on this day may not “be shy” to apply a huge amount of makeup on the face. Halloine allows you to bet not only sexuality, but also on "terrible beauty."

Several ideas of simple makeup on Halloween:

Simple vampire makeup for Halloween
Simple makeup on Halloween
Female makeup on Halloween
Light makeup for Halloween

Male makeup and makeup for Halloween for guys

As practice shows, make a woman’s makeup much easier than a man. The fault of this is the lack of a man in cosmetics and the inability to handle them. Nonetheless, there are several simple ideas "Make" that every guy can repeat.

The necessary cosmetics for imposing “terrible” makeup:

  • Black contour pencil. This is a universal remedy that will help easily and simply draw patterns on the face, "like on paper." To do this, you should ask in a cosmetics store in a black eye pencil. Ask you to be provided with a soft pencil. Such a tool to lie down on the skin is very tender and leaves a rich color. With a pencil, you can draw scars sewn up with thread, look around, extend the mouth line, draw a spider and much more.
  • Red lipstick. You need matte red lipstick without any mother-of-pearl color. Here you can not bother with the quality of the product, because lipstick is always good to go to the skin. It is necessary for you in order to draw imaginary bloody sinks and abrasions.
  • Shadows. The shadow palette is sold in every cosmetic store. You need to find or ask the seller to offer you precisely matte shades of shadows without mother -of -pearl and sparkles. Such shadows can be applied to any part of the face and give it the desired color. For example, green for Frankenstein, blue for a witcher, purple for a zombie, and white for a ghost.

Professional makeup is much more expensive. However, this tool allows you to draw on the face the most realistic bloody smudges, bruises and abrasions. It is not difficult to use makeup in principle, but it is best to ask a professional help.

Several ideas of simple makeup on Halloween for guys:

Makeup option for guys for Halloween
Makeup for Halloween
Not complicated makeup for guys on Halloween
Terrible makeup for guys on Halloween

Makeup and makeup for girls on Halloween

As already mentioned, makeup on Halloween - a special part of the female image. Only on this day, a woman may not be afraid to do too vulgar or spectacular makeup. The fact is that according to the unofficial rules of the holiday, every girl should be On this day the maximum sexual. Thus, she expresses her nature and natural beauty.

You can make makeup with the help familiarcosmetics, or you can use the makeup to give your face maximum expressiveness. Well, if you can afford eyelash and nails - This will give your image of perfection.

Ideas of Mkiyazha and makeup for girls on Halloween:

Makeup ideas for girls on Halloween
The idea of \u200b\u200beye makeup on Halloween
Spectacular "scary" Mexican makeup for girls on Halloween
Simple makeup for Halloween for girls
Makeup "Cat" for girls on Halloween

How to make a witch's makeup?

Witch - one of the most popular images for women. It is believed that the witch has strong power and the ability to attract any man. Girls often put on a mantle and make the appropriate makeup for Halloween.

Application of makeup maker:

  • First of all, you need make one's face as light as possible, since a witch is a mystical creature (it does not have a “healthy blush”). Use white powder for these purposes, apply it with fluff and rub thoroughly, as well as in order not to leave unpleasant lumps and do not create a "mask effect."
  • Use dark brown powder to give your face the texture. The blush will make a blush, but you do not need it. Dark brown powder will highlight cheekbones and chin. Apply the dark powder also on the wings of the nose, To visually make it more elongated.
  • Close your eyes with a black contour pencil, To give them expressiveness. You can also use black or purple shadows. If possible, stick eyelashes. This will simultaneously decorate your eyes and give them femininity.
  • Lips are best painted with light lipstick. To do this, you need to choose white, purple, lilac lipsticks without mother -of -pearl. Such lipstick will give the lips of lifelessness.
  • Using a contour black pencil draw on the cheek at the request of a spider or a Putin grid. This will give your image of style and originality. You can even draw a mole on a noma - this is also a symbol of the witch.

Makeup options "Witch" for Halloween:

Witch's makeup option for Halloween
Makeup "Witch" for Halloween for girls
The image and makeup of the witch for Halloween

Makeup dolls on Halloween, how to draw?

The doll is the same a very popular image Among young women. He allows the girl to reveal all her sexuality and attract men. To create an image, of course, you will come in handy with pension clothes and decorative elements.

Best dresses up in a magnificent polka dot dress. Such a dress should have oxen or “flashlights” on the sleeves and abundance of frills on all parts. You can make them yourself with the help of the tape by pacing it on an ordinary dress. Do not forget Decorate your hair. You can wear a cap, or you can tie a couple bows On tails (or pigtails).

The hair should be wrapped in curls, since the doll necessarily has a magnificent and curly hairstyle.

Creating makeup:

  • Comers the complexion of the face With the help of foundation or powder, removing all the imperfections of the skin. The face of the doll is a perfectly flat surface on which bright colors should be located.
  • Apply the shadows to the eyes. There should be many of them. You should choose a spectacular color that will correspond to your robe. Apply shadows to the upper and lower eyelids. Feel free to paint the eyelid and the region under the eyebrow.
  • Apply to the eyelid on the eyelid. It should be a lifting line of the bend of medium widths raised into corners. It is needed in order to give visual splendor to the eyelashes.
  • If you have an ability - stick your eyelashes. This is one of the most important elements of the whole image. Each doll must have beautiful, curled up long cilia.
  • Lips should be painted with bright pink or bright red color. Give the volume and expressiveness to the lips with a contour pencil.
  • The cheekbones should be applied a soft layer of blush A pleasant pink shade.

Makeup options "Doll" for Halloween for girls:

Makeup dolls for Halloween
Spectacular makeup dolls for girls on Halloween
Simple makeup dolls for girls
Bright makeup dolls for Halloween

The vampire makeup on Halloween, how to do it?

Vampire makeup can be done for both women and men. It requires universal tools and techniques, as well as the presence of an insert plastic jaw with fangs. You can buy such an element in a souvenir store.

Creation of vampire makeup:

  • Apply to the face light foundation or powder. This is necessary in order to give the face a painful and "not living" look. Put the makeup evenly, without lumps, but do not be afraid to create a “mask effect. In this case, he is not terrible.
  • Under the eyes follows make small dark circles. To do this, you can use the matte shadows of blue, purple or black. This is done in order to give a face even more lifelessness.
  • Pull your eyes densely with a black contour pencil. Girls should to paint eyelashes in mascara, if you wish, stick eyelashes.
  • The lips should be shown With the help of white shades of matte color or with a very bright lipstick. Women can bring their lips bright red to the tone of blood.
  • From the lips in the corner of the mouth, draw a thin stream of flowing blood With the help of red contour pencil and bright red lipstick. This expresses the method of nutrition of the vampire - human blood.
  • With the help of dark powder silt of dark shadows of gray and black flowers Draw the cheekbones with a brush for blush. Highlight the chin so that it is sharp.

Vampire makeup options for girls and guys:

Vampire makeup for girls on Halloween
Simple makeup of the vampire for Halloween for girls
Makeup vampire for guys on Halloween

Makeup zombies on Halloween, how to draw?

Zombies - the image of an inanimate person. Speaking literally - this is a "living" dead. That is why makeup should approach the appearance of the "dead man" as much as possible.

Creating makeup:

  • Blind your face Using a tonal base of light color or light powder. Try to apply makeup as smooth as possible, without lumps and the “mask effect”.
  • Under the eyes of the shadows, make bags and bruises. The same should be done on the upper eyelid. The shadows can make dark spots all over the face, which will represent wilting and rotting skin.
  • Black contour pencil pull your eyes densely. Girls can make eyelashes, but if they do not do this, this will give their image more expressiveness.
  • On the face several bloody subteces should be made In places of dark circles. You can also draw blood streams flowing from the mouth. This can be done with lipstick and red contour pencil.

Makeup options "Zombies" for Halloween:

Spectacular makeup "zombie" on Halloween
Makeup "zombie" for Halloween
Makeup "zombie" for guys on Halloween

The worst makeup on Halloween

Some professional makeup masters are able to make such a realistic image that fear and fright of others cannot be avoided.

Terrible makeup options:

Spectacular makeup on Halloween
Terrifying makeup on Halloween
Unusual makeup on Halloween
Makeup for Halloween
A terrible makeup
A terrible version of makeup for Halloween

Children's makeup on Halloween, what is it?

Children's makeup on Halloween It differs in its lightness. It is unlikely that anyone will want to deliberately disfigure their child, because this can create a conflict with peers and attract ridicule.

Several ideas for children's makeup on Halloween:

Zombie makeup for children
Bright makeup for a child for Halloween
Simple makeup for children for Halloween
Makeup for girls on Halloween
Complex children's makeup for children for Halloween
Simple options for "light" makeup for children for Halloween
Vampire makeup for boys "Count Dracula"
Interesting options for colorful makeup for children to celebrate Halloween

Video: "Makeup for Halloween, top 5 of the worst makeup"

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Comments K. article

  1. You need to prepare well for the holiday. And many images are now available, they are easy to create at home.

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