Who can you be on Halloween? Terrible Halloween masks, pumpkin, carnival costumes, decoration of the room, at home

Who can you be on Halloween? Terrible Halloween masks, pumpkin, carnival costumes, decoration of the room, at home

Halloween costumes and ideas for decorating a house are presented in this article.

Halloween: Where, what date and how are they noted?

Story the occurrence of such a holiday as Halloween is associated with paganism and faith in God. There is an opinion that the holiday itself arose during the Celtic Festival. It was then that people triumphed end of harvesting And they made their blanks for the winter.

The ending of the crop was a symbol pumpkin, Since this fruit was collected last. At that time, the holiday bore a slightly different name - "Samain". But, nevertheless, he had the same meaning. People believed that the time for the end of the yield of the soil had holy meaning and strength. Earth, according to the Gentiles, I was able to revive the dead ancestors.

In addition to the fact that the ancestors "resurrected", came to life and "Unclean spirits", as well as dead evil people. People were afraid that the abundance of evil spirits could bring their natural world to devastation and chaos. It was decided to show the ghosts in all ways that they did not arrive to the world of the living and scare away them This.

For this people dressed in terrible costumes And dressed on the faces of the mask. They tried to give themselves a disgusting look in every way: they imitated blood on clothes and bodies, wore animal skins, dressed in rags.

By tradition, the celebration of Samain, i.e. Halloween (more modern name) accounted for the last day of October - 31. The holiday took place, starting with the onset of darkness and before the dawn of the first of November. According to some reports, it was also thought Samain - the name of the main demonwho was also worth appealing, dressing in costumes like him.

Modern holiday Halloween retained some traditions Celebrations. Until now, people are trying to wear costumes and masks, arrange noisy parties and sing songs. Children are trying in every way in every way scare adults And therefore, small groups go from home to home and demand sweets, threatening death.

Of course, this is a more “commercial method” that is designed to master a large number of delicacies. But if someone refuses to meet the "little monsters", children have the right throw the house of the owner with eggs or tomatoes, arrange a "pile" And steal something from the yard.

Halloween's modern celebration according to old ancient traditions

Halloween pumpkin: how to do it with your own hands?

As already mentioned, pumpkin is a symbol of ending. That is why the pumpkin is invariably present at every celebration of Halloween. She performs not only symbolic, but also decorative role. The shape of the pumpkin with its round shape resembles a human head and therefore people decided cut the frightening figures from it.

Most often, the pumpkin serves as the basis for creating the image of Jack. Jack is a ghostIn which instead of a head on his shoulders there was just such a pumpkin. The fetus had three symbolic holes: eyes and mouth.

Ghost "Jack" with the head of pumpkin

It is not difficult to cut a pumpkin and make a frightening figure out of it, but this is quite painstaking work:

  • First of all, you should choose the most round fruitTo have a beautiful and correct shape.
  • Try choose an orange pumpkinwithout green overflows. Such a pumpkin will be very bright and beautiful after cutting.
  • Put the pumpkin with the base down. The ponytail of the pumpkin must be at the top, since it will be on the "hat" of the fetus.

You will need a number of important tools to work with pumpkin:

  • Big knifeWith which you will cut, as well as cut large parts.
  • Little knife For carving (artistic cutting).
  • Metal spoon (hard, not from soft metal) to remove the pumpkin pulp.

Cutting out:

  • Maximum The "hat" should be cut off evenly Pumpkin where the tail is located. Measure from the edge of the pumpkin the distance that will go to half your palm and make an incision.
  • Put the “hat” aside. Now with the help of a knife and a spoon should be gradually take the pulp of pumpkin. This should be done as accurately as possible so that the walls of the pumpkin remains intact. Pumpkin pulp can be used For the preparation of cereals and pies, the seed part - throw it out.
  • When the pumpkin inside becomes empty, you can proceed to carving. To do this, you will need to visually present its appearance visually or find the corresponding picture on the Internet. Draw a marker On the surface of the pumpkin openings for the eyes and mouth and only then proceed to cut them.
  • When the pumpkin is ready, you should find a small swimming candle (It is called because it is intended for lowering into water). Lower the candle To the bottom of the pumpkinLight it carefully and close the “cover” of the pumpkin.
  • Your decorative pumpkin is ready for installation in the yard or indoor
Jewelry with carving from pumpkin on Halloween
Simple pumpkin cutting
Creative cutting from pumpkin on Halloween
Original cutting from pumpkin on Halloween

What to make blood on Halloween?

Thinking about which suit you would like to put on Halloween, everyone begins to think about what you can "Make" blood. Depending on where you want to “leave bloody sinks”, there are several winning ways to draw red streams.

Blood on Halloween can be made from:

  • Lipsticks, if you draw bloody smudges on your face. You should choose a bright red color. Lipstick is easily washed off your face after the holiday, you will quickly apply it to the necessary area. You can also use red lip pencilBut he is not so red.
  • Red varnish For nails, it is useful when you need to leave bloody smudges on plastic: a mask or costume elements. Make the "bloody" smudges in advance so that they manage to dry for the holiday.
  • Ketchup - A simple and most popular way to “stain blood” everything around. To do this, you do not need to bother much: just buy a ketchup and pour it anywhere.
  • Paints - Another popular and affordable option. You should choose a bright color of paint. Any on a liquid basis are suitable: acrylic, gouache, or liquid watercolor.
  • Sugar syrup - An interesting and not simple way. It is complicated by the fact that you should find red food dye in advance and cook sugar syrup. Such blood will be thick. She can resemble natural blood.
  • Beetroot juice It will come in handy for "staining" clothes with blood or hands.
  • Real makeup of red color. Getting it is not easy, but it looks very good on the body.
Blood to supplement the image for Halloween
Blood on the face to supplement the image of the costume by Halloween

Terrible Halloween masks

One of the important attributes of the image on Halloween is mask. Choose a mask should be focused on your costume. The worse your mask, the better and more emotionally you will be perceived on this day.

The mask for Halloween can be purchased at a specialized store of masquerade costumes, order via the Internet or do it yourself. If you make a mask with your own hands, a dense cardboard will serve you the basis. On the cardboard should be applied your drawing And other decorative elements: feathers, rags, spikes and much more.

Another option to make a mask yourself is to buy the most simple children's mask in the store: face, dog, cat, etc. With the most harmless mask, you can make any “freak” and any personality.

Halloween options for terrible masks:

Terrible Monster Monster Halloween
Frightening mask for Halloween
Witch Mask for Halloween

Halloween suit for a girl with your own hands

Halloween costume is not only an attribute of the holiday, but also expression of the personality of man. As a rule, girls, choosing a suit, make a bet on originality and sexuality. They must be "Scary sexy" literally.

It is not difficult to make a suit yourself. To do this, you need to have the basis of ordinary clothes. The standard costume is transformed to its liking and decorative elements are added to it.

You can simplify your task by ordering a suit from specialized sites. As a rule, there are such resources a huge selection of models and sizes.

The most popular costumes for girls for Halloween:

  • Catwoman. Such a suit can be made of black leggings and turtlenecks. As a rule, you should find a hoop with ears on your head or make ears, attaching them to a regular hoop. A decorative tail is attached to the lower back, and the corresponding makeup is applied to the face.
  • Mummy. To create such a suit, a large number of bandages are useful that the whole body should be wrapped in. Be careful and do not overdo it with wrapping your body, if you make a too “dense” suit, you simply cannot move.
  • Cowboy. To do this, you should have not only a characteristic large hat, but also wide trousers, as well as high boots with spurs. The image goes to both women and men.
  • Marilyn Monroe. A bright image, an already dead personality. To do this, you need to have a white dress, a wig with short blond hair and the corresponding makeup.

Several ideas for Halloween costumes for girls:

Mummy costume and other Halloween costumes
Kovboy woman, Halloween suit
Merlin Monroe's costume on Halouin

Witch's suit for Halloween

Witch - One of the main images of Halloween. This mystical personality is associated with death, darkness and mysticism. Making a witch's costume is not difficult. This requires several elements:

  • High hat With wide fields and sharp tip. The hat should be dark.
  • Cloak or cloak, preferably long and with broad shoulders.
  • Broom, Which everywhere to wear behind (witches fly on brooms).
  • A small bag on the arm.His witch carries with him. In the bag, she stores potions and magical means. You can use a bag like a handbag.
  • Makeup On the face should have greenish or purple shades. You can draw an ugly mole on the nose.
Witch's suit for Halloween

Which suit is better to put on Halloween: a suit matryoshka

Matryoshka is one of the most original costumes on Halloween. He is not only patriotic. In a sense, he is awesome, like any the image of the doll. A doll is not a living person and therefore a suit of nesting dolls can become winning.

Such a suit is required not only special clothes, But the help of the seamstress. It is best to purchase a ready -made option in a specialized store. The makeup for such a suit needs bright and spectacular: with a thick painted eyes and red cheeks.

Matryoshka costume for Halloween

Zombie costume for Halloween

Zombie. As a rule, such a costume "requires" torn clothes, an abundance bloody Subtec on the body and clothes, as well as the corresponding "Corporative" makeup In bluish, greenish and purple shades.

The method of moving the zombie deserves special attention, because it is he who is able to distinguish it, from the rest of the witch, ordinary “corpses” and monsters.

Zombie costume for Halloween


Nurse. You can make a suit from a real hospital robe, Completing it with bright makeup and decorative elements: with caps, gloves, high boots, stockings and stethoscope. I can give intimidation bloody sinks On the body and face of the nurse.

To completely scare the audience, the nurse may have not real tools for surgical intervention: knives, scalpel, scissors.


Halloween skeleton costume

The skeleton costume is also very popular, because it is necessarily scares and at the same time fascinates man with his beauty. Such a suit can be done yourself, but for this you will need to work.

As a basis The costume should be taken black clothes: tight pants and turtleneck. Check out in advance with the bone structure of a person and cut from white bone fabricthat you sew on top of the fabric on black clothes. This can be done both in front and behind.

The face should be decorated with appropriate makeup in the form of a skull.

Halloween skeleton costume

Demon's costume for Halloween

Hallowein’s demon costume is most often chosen, confident men. You can order a beautiful and realistic costume on the site or purchase in a specialized store. As a rule, such a suit has several mandatory elements:

  • Horns (you can buy shining in the souvenir department)
  • Tail with a sharp tip
  • Cloak red or black
  • Pitchfork in hand
  • Awesome makeup With dark circles under the eyes and jaw with fangs
Demon Mask for Halloween
Demon's costume for Halloween


Halloween's monument costume is not only relevant, but also very popular, since the holiday it has deep religious roots. You can make a nun's costume with a long black hoodie that will close your body and head. A white collar should be put on your neck, and hang on your chest big Cross. In your hands you can carry rosary.

Some costumes of “nuns” for Halloween are very sexy. They are distinguished by a short dress and high boots, as well as open breasts.


Halloween death costume

The “death” costume is very popular and simple. For this, a person, man or woman, should have two most important things:

  • Balachonthat will completely close the body and hide the head with a hood
  • Braidthat does not have to be real (for security purposes)

The makeup of death should be white, with black circles instead of eyes. You can wear a mask that became very popular after the movie "Scream".

Halloween death costume
Mask for the costume of "Death" for Halloween

Pirate costume for Halloween

The pirate costume became very popular after the world saw the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" with Johnny Depp in the title role. Exactly the image of Jack Vorobya attracts modern women and men.

Costless attributes of the costume should be:

  • Hat With wide fields
  • Hair -braid
  • Classical pistol (not real)
  • Short pants
  • Wide belt
  • High boots
  • Vest and white shirtand under it
Pirate costume for Halloween


Such a suit looks like a zombie costume. It can be made very easily.


Halloween costume: the corpse of the bride

A dead bride. it one of the most popular images. A white dress and a veil are necessarily used for him. The costume must be mandatory soiled and torn, since the image symbolizes the bride from the "world." The makeup should be gloomy.

The suit "Bride's corpse" for Halloween
Makeup of the dead bride on Halloween

Devil's costume for Halloween

The costume of the devil is also very popular among women. From male, he differs in his minimalism and requires a smaller amount of clothing. Devillers can choose red dressto which the tail with a sharp tip will be attached.

Under the dress you can put on high boots, preferably red or stockings. In the hands there should be an unchanged peak or pitchfork. On the head it is necessary to wear red horns.

Devil's costume for Halloween

Children's costumes for Halloween

Children's costumes for Halloween are distinguished by their beauty and simplicity. You can buy a children's suit in a store, but you can do it yourself. To do this, be sure to consult your child what exactly is to his taste.

Most often, children choose costumes:

  • Favorite animated heroes
  • Favorite heroes of comics
  • Princesses, queens, kings
  • Costumes of outstanding personalities
Children's costumes for Halloween
Halloween costumes for children
Witch's suit for girls on Halloween
Colorful costumes for children for Halloween

Room decoration, Halloween at home

You can decorate the house for Halloween for a party or just to create a mood using non -complex elements. To do this, prepare paints and cardboard, threads, glue, gauze in advance. In souvenir stores, you can find many diverse figures of spiders, beetles, snakes and all that causes fear.

In the corners of the house, you can hang gauze in the form of a web. There are also placed artificial spiders. Candles and pumpkin should be placed all over the house. In the area for treats, you can place "terrible desserts" and goodies.

A few winning ideas decorate the Halloween house:

Decoration of the veranda for Halloween
Ghost gauze jewelry
Decoration for treats
Decoration of the zone for treats and sweets
Colorful banks for decorating a house
Window decoration with spiders

Video: "Decor for Halloween"

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