What can you tell about yourself at the interview: examples, a short story about yourself. How can you tell you briefly and beautiful about yourself?

What can you tell about yourself at the interview: examples, a short story about yourself. How can you tell you briefly and beautiful about yourself?

You have found a suitable vacancy that is simply created for you. The resume is sent, and now all your thoughts are occupied by the upcoming interview, to which you have already received an invitation.

And then a new, no less difficult task comes to the fore - to be able to make a positive impression on a potential employer, to convince him that you are not only a qualified specialist, but a comprehensively developed educated person capable of working in a team. Therefore, the applicant is almost always offered to tell about themselves, because the information set forth in the resume is, so to speak, the “official part”, and they accept a specific person, with his characteristics, positive and negative qualities, which helps to reveal the interview.

How to prepare for an interview?

Of course, it is impossible to build a conversation scheme in advance, but at the same time there are always present in it systematic elements. In any case, the applicant will need to tell the position at an interview about himself, about his advantages over other candidates, and you can do this, having previously thought out your speech. Today, the practice of attracting HR specialists has appeared, who, knowing the system for building an interview, can help the applicant in many aspects.

But the applicant himself must first find out the following points:

  1. The main information regarding the activities of the company, in which he wants to get a job: how many years it works, the story of success, whether there were failures, whether changes are taking place in the structure of the company, etc. It does not hurt to find out if there are competitors - this is all the more relevant if you are not enough about the work of this industry. You can try to alleviate a psychological state for yourself a little, for which to look for the pages of people who will talk with you on social networks - so they will be recognizable for you due to the “acquaintance of a friend”.
  2. A detailed study of the vacancy And the definition of the competencies that you are most consistent with. They must be emphasized, confirming with specific examples and numbers. Therefore, you need to carefully consider and recall all the indicators that you managed to achieve at the same place of work in order to voice them at the right time.
  3. Be prepared for what will be offered to tell you about yourself, and prepare the answer in advance. Do not set out the biography, but formulate several sentences (usually 5-6)in which reveal yourself precisely as a successful specialist in this field. After all, this is exactly what the potential employer wants to hear: the ability to structure information, clearly and capacious to introduce his experience.
  4. Think about motivation And clearly formulate why this company attracts you. There is no place for general phrases about the prestige or stability of the company. In this case, it is better to build proposals based on your interests: the use of experience, the possibility of career growth, the conformity of the profile of the company of this opportunity, etc. It will be appropriate here, inter alia, to ask a question, to clarify some point-so you will demonstrate your interest. To ask questions to the employer is absolutely normal, and the list of such possible questions also needs to be considered in advance.
  5. Analyze the list of questions that are usually asked at the interview. You will definitely hear most of them, so prepare clear answers in advance that will reveal you from the best side. In addition to the request to tell about yourself, you may be asked about the reasons for the change of work, vision of career prospects, which determines the interest in this vacancy, etc. The list of such polls can be found on the Internet and carefully, without common phrases, with specific examples (it is very likely that the applicant will be asked to bring them), prepare answers to them.
  6. Do not forget that you need to look neat and tidy. The style of clothing should be business, for women an unacceptable deep neckline, bright makeup and other elements that fall from the dress code accepted in this company.

How to prepare a story about yourself at an interview?

A few tips that will come in handy so that your story about itself at the interview sounds confident, is clear and consistent.

  1. Firstly, read the story out loud Which you have prepared, you can do this several times. This is necessary in order for you to understand whether it sounds easy, whether intonational and semantic pauses are designed, whether it is convenient for you to take your breath. Read, paying attention to diction.
  2. Secondly, write down the story on the recorder and listen to itAs they say, from the side - so possible unsuccessful moments will be heard better.
  3. Thirdly, do not memorize the sentencesOtherwise, you will look like an automotive robot. Just make the structure of the narrative and adhere to it. Ask relatives or friends to listen to your speech - perhaps they will also give good advice on gestures, facial expressions, the sound volume of your voice and other external components.
Important rule
Important rule

What can you tell about yourself at an interview for a student?

  • First of all, speaking about yourself at an interview, you need to try to imagine yourself as a person. We should talk about what qualities can benefit the company if you take this position. About, what advantages do you have over other applicants (And, by the way, youth is also one of the advantages!).
  • Determination, activity, willingness to learn and grow - If each of the named qualities will be reinforced with a specific example, the employer will appreciate this. Persistence and attentiveness favorably differ from others who marks in the place of the chief accountant, sociability and friendliness that you have shown during the conversation will testify in your favor if you want to take a vacancy associated with the PR sphere.
  • Yes, most likely a student is unlikely to boast of work experience. But do not be embarrassed with such a matter, since everyone has experience, including young children. Your experience can be participated in scientific projects - this indicates the ability to clearly see and structure the task. Participation in the public life of the university will emphasize your ability to work in a team.
  • If you, for example, were the head of the group or stream, a member, or even more so as the chairman of the student council, then a competent HR manager will noted yours for himself leadership inclinationsWhat will add glasses to you compared to competitors. It is appropriate to mention knowledge of languages, possible internships that are held as part of students' exchange, etc.
  • And if you are undergoing an interview, getting a job related to children, upbringing, education, will become appropriate mention of the work of the counselors of the detachment of a children's camp during the summer holidays.
  • Your part -time job as a promoter, etc. will tell about a certain communicative experience.
  • It is for the student that it is more appropriate to mention about the possibilities of training and development that he sees, settling in this position. For example, the future lawyer will play a phrase in the hand that even an internship (not to mention constant work) in such a company will allow him to gain the necessary experience and skills, replenish the baggage of theoretical knowledge.
  • And tomorrow's translator will grow in the eyes of the employer, emphasizing that he appreciates the possibility of communication with native speakers that the company provides. If your upcoming work is connected with your future specialty, it will be appropriate to talk with the recruiter about your exchange rate or thesis.
The main thing is - be sure of yourself
The main thing is to be sure of yourself

A story about yourself at an interview without work experience

  • In this case, the situation is similar to the previous one. The applicant cannot present evidence of his successes in the professional field, since he still did not have the opportunity to achieve them. But tell about yourself at the interview He still has something! The main thing is to correctly present your best skills and quality.
  • If you studied well at a school or institute, this should be said about this. This will first of all demonstrate that you have a certain baggage of knowledge that can be useful in practical activities. In addition, good performance suggests that you are in principle trained and easily absorb new knowledge. If you were additionally engaged in any scientific work, participated in conferences-this should also be said.
  • If you had a training internships, especially if you managed to organize them with your own efforts, and not use the direction, emphasize this moment. It will be appropriate to demonstrate a positive characteristic of the leader.
  • If, preparing for an interview, you learned that the company is welcome to playing sports, and you are just belonging to the category of people who lead a healthy lifestyle, be sure to mention this. If you have any sports success, awards - List them. Among other “advantages” that will reveal your best qualities, we can say that you are interested in specialized literature, improve in foreign languages \u200b\u200b(this is very appreciated), possess the necessary knowledge for working with computer programs. You can also mention a hobby or, for example, about participation in charitable projects, but to mention, and not devote the whole story about yourself to this.

How can you tell about yourself at the interview briefly and beautifully?

  • In order for your story to be logical and folding, it is easily perceived by ear, you should avoid the use of various revolutions, since they make oral speech to the heavy. Speech should be literarywithout using slang, jargon.
  • Try to, preparing for an interview, choose for self -presentation only those facts that emphasize your virtues, and in no case exaggerate your achievements and merits.
  • Experts advise building their story so that it is not verbose, and there should not be awkward pauses when you select words or think about what else can be said about yourself at the interview. That is why preparation for the interview and thorough thought out of your words is so important.
  • HR managers recommend minimizing, or even discard the details that do not directly concern the profession and business qualities: less biography and more interest in work, motivation, personal advantages.

How to tell about yourself at an interview: Example

So, a story about yourself at an interview is the concentration of its strengths and prospects that the applicant sees in the desired work.

The following brief self -presentations can be given as a positive example:

  1. “I like my specialty and work. I clearly fulfill the tasks, but I want to grow both in terms of professionalism and responsibility. It was these prospects that I saw in this vacancy. ”
  2. “I am married, I have two children. After graduating from the Polytechnic University, I have an engineer diploma. I think that I am appropriate for this position, since I like to work in the team, to receive new knowledge. The vacancy attracted me with the opportunity to increase professionalism, multiply professional skills. ”
  3. “I have been working in this area for 12 years. On duty, as a sales manager, I constantly communicate with customers. The sales sphere attracts me with this opportunity, since each client is a person who needs a special approach to. I am proud of that, then I manage to find such approaches, as evidenced by an increase in sales and, accordingly, the arrival of the entire company in which I worked. I liked my previous place of work, but I saw the maximum possibilities for using my skills and professional growth in this vacancy. ”
  4. “I have been working in the field of editing for 5 years. Prior to this, she was engaged in copywriting, rewriting, then worked on the freelance exchange, where she had to prepare materials in a wide variety of genres and directions. Last place of work - editor of news releases of a large company. I like to work in a stressful rhythm, managing to track events and making news collections from them. In addition, I manage to find a common language with people, I quickly pour into the team. I went through web design courses. I am sure that work in your company will help me in professional growth, and my knowledge and skills will benefit the company. ”
Tell us about your plans and goals
Tell us about your plans and goals

What questions are often asked at the interview?

After listening to your story about yourself at an interview, the employer will definitely ask you a few more questions. Perhaps you did not mention this moment, or he decided to clarify something.

In any case, you should be prepared for what you will be asked about the following:

  1. Why are you interested in the vacancy of our company?
  2. What do you know about our company?
  3. How long are you looking for work?
  4. Reasons for your departure from your previous place?
  5. What do you expect from this vacancy?
  6. How do you imagine further growth?
  7. Do you see certain difficulties in this work?
  8. Tell us about your positive and negative qualities.
  9. How long do you plan to work in our company?
  10. Do you have work proposals from other companies?
  11. When are you ready to start working?
  12. Do you read professional literature? What do you prefer to read? What are you reading at the moment?

This approximate list of questions that sound during the interview will help not only be prepared to answer them, but also to a large extent will come in handy during the compilation of the story about yourself.

What questions can be asked to the employer at the interview?

  • At the interview, you can open up not only speaking of yourself, but also asking questions to the employer. This will show both your interest in this vacancy and the company as a whole, will create an impression on you as a thoughtful and serious employee taking into account many points.
  • Questions asked during the interview may concern, first of all, the company itself. Of course, you must first make certificates, find out as much as possible, including employees' reviews. But, perhaps, some points will remain unknown-they should be asked about them. It will be appropriate to ask why this vacancy appeared: this is a new or vacant workplace.
  • Find out how many stages of the interview are providedWho makes the final decision, as the company imagines the ideal employee in this position. What period the search for a suitable employee lasts, how urgently it is necessary is also quite logical questions.
  • Check the details: Who will be your direct boss, how many employees are in the department, what work schedule, whether processing is allowed, ask about the presence of a social package, official employment, and the rules of the trial period, if any. And, of course, ask the salary - if you do not ask this question, you will look strange in the eyes of the employer. The main thing is not to fall asleep the interviewer with questions so that you do not give the impression that, except for salaries, you are not interested in anything else. Just ask two or three questions on this topic, without many clarifications and additions.
  • At the end of the conversation, it will be appropriate to ask about what period and how (in writing, in telephone mode, etc.) you can get information about the results of the interview.

What mistakes do they make in the interview, telling about themselves?

  • There are a number of common mistakes that can immediately depreciate your candidate in the eyes of the employer at an interview even before you start talking about yourself.
Do not repeat the errors
Do not repeat the errors
  • These include lying to the meeting (especially if you still do not warn and do not apologize), an unpresentable appearance, constantly calling a mobile phone, is too sharp or, conversely, a sweet perfume, stale breath etc. You will also not be perceived as a serious person if you imposingly fall apart in a chair. In addition, you can not refuse if you are offered to fill out a questionnaire or perform one or another test that demonstrates your competence in the specialty in which you get to work.
  • In addition to such mistakes, applicants often admit rude bloopers during communication. For example, they do not want to answer the question asked or answer irritably. This is unacceptable, even if you don’t like the question or you consider it too personal. This simply needs to be tactfully and politely tell the employer, explaining the reason for the unwillingness to respond.
  • When you are asked to tell about yourself, the most inappropriate answer will be the oncoming question: "What would you like to hear?" The employer might think that you are simply not interested in vacancies, and will make an appropriate conclusion.
  • Do not abuse jokes and jokes-firstly, it is not always appropriate, and, secondly, you do not know what a sense of humor your interlocutor possesses (and possesses at all).
  • It is not worth talking about the reasons for dismissal from the previous place of work, it is bad to respond to the company, the boss, the team. You can evasively say that you see in a new job there are much more prospects for professional and career growth, and this is limited.

What should you talk about, presenting yourself to the employer? Here is a list of approximate phrases that should not sound at the interview:

  • I am a father (mother) of a small child who is often sick;
  • I have family problems now;
  • My health leaves much to be desired;
  • My former boss was simply inadequate;
  • My salary ceased to arrange me;
  • I failed to work with the team (chief);
  • It’s hard for me to work in one place for a long time;
  • Our company began to experience problems, so I did not wait for its collapse, and left in advance;
  • I like to change the work;
  • It is unacceptable for me to stay at work if the working day is over.

Now, knowing how to prepare for a conversation with the employer, what to tell about yourself, and what is better to keep silent about, you will be ready to avoid mistakes and successfully pass the interview.

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Video: On self -presentation at the interview

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