How to politely refuse the employer to hire: situations and how to solve them, examples of phrases

How to politely refuse the employer to hire: situations and how to solve them, examples of phrases

It may well happen that you have already passed the interview and were going to work soon, but some force majeure prevented you from doing this. And, perhaps, they made you a more profitable offer in another company, and you decided to work with them, or after some thoughts you suddenly realized that it was scary to take up a new business for you, and you decided to take a timeout for yourself.

It doesn’t matter what exactly influenced your choice, but simply ignore the invitation of the leadership to take a free position in their company. There is a business ethics according to which you must let your failed employer know that you changed your mind to work in their company. But it is not as easy to do as it might seem. Intelligently refuse after this position was asked for this position, these etiquette virtuoso can. But since among us there are few such virtuosos, it means that art will be beautifully refused to study together. You never know how everything will turn out in life - what if you again have to contact the work of the employer again.

Situations for refusal to the employer

Situations can be two different levels of complexity. You may have to ever be in one of them. Consider both options how to get out of an uncomfortable position with the greatest advantage.

Option one:

  • The simplest, and, by and large, does not binding anyone - this is when canceling preliminary agreements in no way can harm the employer. This is when you have already agreed with him about the date and time of the interview, but you still have no idea about the place of work that you may be offered to take in the future.
  • Of course, one could just forget about this agreementBut on your part it will be incorrect. Although you have already changed your mind to get a job, you are obliged to show your respect for your failed business partner. Better, of course, personally come to an interview at the appointed time and announce that your plans have changed. But if you are deprived of such an opportunity, then all this can be reported by phone.

Option Second:

  • It will be more problematic to get out of the situation of increased complexity, into which you have driven yourself. You have already been offered to take a certain vacancy. At that time, everything suited you, and therefore you gave your consent to go to work on a specific day. But now you changed your mind, and the employer, counting on you, will not consider other candidates for this vacant place. Therefore, time does not tolerate, you need to notify him as soon as possible that you decided to abandon the place you offer. Although it is not easy to decide on it, it is necessary to do this, since no one canceled business ethics.
  • Now, probably, you have no doubt that the employer must find out about your refusal, and as soon as possible, And not at the very last moment. How to politely refuse the employer to get a job so as not to harm himself in the future? Do not aggravate the situation with your wrong actions, because your name may well be entered on the “black” list, and then the road to this company will be closed forever for you. Let's look at the correct behavior and words for refusal.
The main situations for refusal may be 2
The main situations for refusal may be 2

How to politely refuse the employer to get a job: examples

You will not need any invented excuses, but balanced and reasoned explanations, of course, will be needed. And also assurances in your sincere respect for the employer will not be superfluous. It is such behavior that is called tact and intelligence, when the employer has pleasant memories of communication with you, and at the same time you have retained your dignity.

Examples of getting out of an uncomfortable situation:

Use our detailed step -by -step instructions on how to politely refuse the employer to get a job.

  • Step one. Greet your employer and be sure to imagine - thus, you politely and unobtrusively remind yourself.
  • Sample phrases:Good afternoon, NN, I am Peter Petrov. You probably remember me, I was recently at your interview, and you offered me a job as a position (name the position that was offered to you).
  • Step two. Say that his attention to you is very valuable for you. With such an unobtrusive step, you can tactfully force the employer with favor to listen to your words about the refusal.
  • Sample phrases: I am grateful to you for your attention to me. I know how much you are busy, so I apologize for the fact that I had to tear you off from work.
  • Step third. Make a compliment to the employer and do not forget to praise the company. This must be done carefully, without excessive praises and thanks. As you know, “time is money”, so do not force the employer to listen to you for a long time. Everything you have said should be competent, concise and easily perceived.

Examples of compliments:

  • Your company has a great reputation. Everyone knows that you have a close -knit team, the joint efforts of which lead to solving the most difficult financial problems.
  • I know that business is not easy to move forward. To do this, a person must have remarkable abilities and business grip, and all this cannot be taken away from you, dear NN! Your head of the leader immediately becomes noticeable when communicating with you. I am sorry that our communication turned out to be so short -lived, because you can learn a lot.
  • Step fourth. You need to certainly say (and, most likely, in this you will not particularly breathe against the truth), how hard it was for you to decide not to enter this position. These words should go from the heart, it is unacceptable that fake notes slip through in them. Otherwise, you will be perceived as a deceiver, with whom you will never want to deal with.
  • Sample phrases: All this time I thought about how I could overcome the difficulties that prevent you from working in your company. But I could not find a way out of this dead end, so I have to abandon this prestigious position. Believe me, this step was very difficult for me.
  • Step fifth. Next, you should inform your interlocutor why exactly you refuse the place.
Prepare a speech for the right refusal
Prepare a speech for the right refusal

Sample phrases:

  • Your office has a very good location, but, unfortunately, I live in a different area. I would have to get here within two hours. And if you add to them and return home, it turns out that I will be forced to lose in vain for four hours a day, but I am not ready for this.
  • According to mature thoughts, I came to the conclusion that I could not arrange the size of the salary provided for an employee holding this position.
  • I received a more profitable offer for me from another company.
  • I would certainly agree to your flattering offer for me to work for you if not for ... (indicate an honest reason that it is not that you do not suit you).
  • I realized that it was still not so experienced to become an equivalent employee of your company. I am afraid that, by my inexperience, I can not cope with my duties than I will bring you, but I really would not want this.
  • The sixth step. As the best final chord of your mission, words with the wishes of the further prosperity of the company will sound.
  • Sample phrases: I am sure that you will quickly find an experienced employee in such a good place. Take my sincere wishes for all kinds of success, and your company is further development.

How to politely refuse the employer to get a job immediately after the interview?

If you consider that the conditions of new work are unacceptable for you during the interview, then your refusal should be made somewhat differently.

  • You need to limit yourself to a brief compliment to the company (one offer, focus on the main one). For example, we can say this: "Your campaign in our city is one of the most successful, so everyone is honored with everyone."
  • Thank you for the time given to you.
  • Briefly and politely refuse the employer, voicing the reasons for your refusal. For example: “I am very sorry, but I cannot take this position because of ...” (indicate the reasons).
  • In parting, express a wish to quickly choose a suitable candidate for this position.
If you didn't like something during the interview, refuse immediately
If you didn't like something during the interview, refuse immediately

Forms of refusal to employer to get a job

There are three ways that can be used in order to politely refuse the employer to get a job - in a personal meeting, in writing or making a phone call. Which of them to prefer? To correctly decide on this, you need to remember the specifics of your refusal.

In person

  • Undoubtedly, to clarify the reasons for your refusal of the work suggested to you, it is preferable personal meeting with the employer. It is desirable to act immediately after the proposal you received, which did not suit you with something. Or if you have already accepted the proposal, but decided to abandon it after some thoughts.
  • But in the event that the cause of the advantageous proposal was a greater remoteness of the office from your place of residence, then in this case it is quite acceptable to use one of the other two remaining ways.
  • If you managed to find a common language with your failed employer during an interview, then a personal refusal will be perceived by them more favorably. And you also need to consider how serious the vacancy you have proposed is.
  • If you planned to take a position significant for the company, and then changed your mind, then in this case a personal refusal will be most appropriate.

In a written form

Send the employer a written message about the refusal is preferable if:

  • the position offered to you is not a decisive for the company;
  • you are afraid that you cannot pronounce the words of refusal, looking directly into the eyes of your interviewer, since his reaction can be unpredictable to you.

Before sending a letter, re -read it to make sure that the text is composed competently and politely. So that business ethics are not violated by you, check that your letter must come to the employer.

During a telephone conversation

  • Many people prefer to abandon the post through the phone. This, of course, is convenient for you, but think: will your phone call create inconvenience for the employer himself?
  • It is highly likely to assume that this is a very busy person, if he occupies one of the dominant roles in the company, because not everyone will be entrusted to select staff.
  • Therefore, you can use the phone to notify the failure only in the most extreme case.
An extreme case of refusal
An extreme case of refusal

Reasons for the refusal to the employer that can be voiced

A truthful presentation of the reasons for your refusal is always preferable. Of course, the truth can be somewhat veiled or embellished, but the basis of refusal should be true information. An exception to this rule is your unpleasant opinion about the employer or employees of the company.

Your refusal can be justified by the following reasons:

  • You have already had an agreement with another employer, while you were thinking about whether your candidacy will suit them. There is no one to add anything else - and so everything is extremely clear. The employer will have to leave his possible discontent to himself, as he himself is to blame for that he missed such a valuable employee like you.
  • You have no confidence in your sufficient experience to fulfill some non -standard functional duties in this position. You learned about such subtleties already during the interview, and they do not completely suit you.
  • You counted on a higher salary. In this case, you can make a more profitable offer for you. If this suits you, it is likely that you change your mind to refuse your post.
  • You got acquainted with the working conditions, and they do not suit you.
  • You are inclined to another position where there are more comfortable conditions.

If you realize that the company is not as good as you thought at the beginning, or you are trying to hire you to work with illegal conditions, then in such cases any reason you have invented.

How can not be denied the employer to get a job?

  • Under no circumstances can the employer deny his thoughts that he is a poor manager either unscrupulous employees work for him, or the company's appearance does not correspond to a pompous sign.
  • You should also not mention a low salary and say that you do not understand people who are forced to “hunch” for this company for mere pennies.

In no case should you transfer your verbal refusal through other people. The employer must receive this information directly from you - in this case, he will not be a negative opinion about you.

  • You do not need to express your negative opinion about the company or even mock the appearance of the head of the company, its sluggish employees, meager wages, a non -casual office, etc. In the circle of acquaintances and friends. Some of them can be a good acquaintance or even a relative of the employer you ridiculed.
  • With your rash words, you can make yourself the glory of the squabble and a talkative liar, and the entrance to many companies will be closed to you. Always remember that many businessmen are familiar with each other, and the professional sphere is quite close.

If you have already got a job under the employment contract you signed and worked in the company for only some couple of days, then you will be able to quit only on the conditions that are registered in it. Therefore, before the signature of the document, focus on the text all your attention, and do not forget to study the information prescribed by the smallest print.

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