What can you eat home snails than feed snails at home in winter and summer?

What can you eat home snails than feed snails at home in winter and summer?

In our country, more and more lovers of exotic animals appear every day, they start themselves with all kinds of snakes, lizards, spiders and frogs, and now many are carried away by snails! They are not only grown on farms with the aim of selling to restaurants, where the chef will subsequently prepare a delicious dish for gourmets of them. Some types of snails, for example, Achatins, became pets.

Snails have an unusually bright beautiful color, grow to decent sizes (it is not for nothing that they are also called giant African), and over time they even get used to and recognize their master. And besides - no wool, like from cats and dogs, which is an important factor for allergy sufferers. But some lovers of the brothers of our smaller snails brought, but not all of them know how to feed them correctly. Well, it is for them that we will conduct this "educational program".

How to feed snails at home?

Important information
Important information
  • Achatins in the wild eat only vegetable food, eating fruits and the upper part of young plants.
  • Snails at home can be given pieces of pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage. They also need a variety of fruits, perhaps, unless they should put citrus fruits in their feeder - they have too many acids harmful to the body. And although some snailmen deny this, it is better to play it safe and not at all feed them citrus fruits. But the trouble is small, a huge number of all kinds of vegetables and fruits grow in our lane, which include minerals and vitamins useful for snails. Achatins are not very picky in food - what they give them, then they will eat. But if they get used to you only to one type of vegetables or fruits, then in this case they can abandon another food. This should not be. If you want your mollusks not to be short of vitamins, they should receive a variety of food.
Permissible products
Permissible products
  • And don't forget about greenery! Be sure to feed snails dill, parsley, dandelions, nettles, alfalfa, clover, plantain, salad leaves, oak and birch leaves.
  • Without a sufficient amount of calcium in the body, Achatins can get sick, and their sinks can deform: to be sprinkled, covered with cracks, and slowly grow. Therefore, if you have not yet begun to feed your snails with mineral top dressing, do it immediately! Children of Achatins (usually up to a year of life), adults, this mineral will no longer be required in quantities such as babies as babies.
  • Of course, there are a lot of calcium in greenery and vegetables, but this is not enough for snails. In order for the snail sink to strengthen, you should use the such sources of calcium for feeding mollusk: shell -length, sipia, chalk chalk, egg shell (it must be raw, washed, dried and interpreted).
  • It is also necessary to feed snails, especially small, calcium in its pure form. It should be constant in the access in some kind of flesh, it can also be mixed in mashed potatoes of vegetables. The diet of snails must also be replenished with animal proteins - then they begin to grow better. It can be meat products, feed for aquarium fish crushed almost to a state of mashed potatoes (but all this should not be salty), milk, cottage cheese. Specialists advise feeding snails with animal proteins several times a week.
You can also prepare a protein mixture
You can also prepare a protein mixture

How to feed snails in winter at home?

  • In winter, you need to feed snails high calcium porridge, All kinds of top dressing, frozen vegetables and fruits.
  • As well as such vegetables and fruits that are on the shelves of stores year -round in fresh form: cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, apples.
  • It is very useful to enrich their diet of oatmeal flakes, cottage cheese, herbs. Snarov breeders in winter grow different greens on the balcony or window sill, which Achatins are happy to absorb.
  • And some of them went even further - they sow right in the terrarome soil seeds of plants. Eating their shoots, snails receive the necessary vitamins and trace elements in winter.

How can you not feed the snails of Achatins?

  • There are products with which feeding snails is contraindicated. First of all, remember: any salty food for the body of mollusks is a real poison! Therefore, make sure that nothing salted will never fall into their feeding trough.
  • There is also no place in their “dining room”: macarones, eggs (you can neither be fried, nor boiled, nor raw), any spices, fried, smoked, spicy, sweet, acidic food.
Forbidden for consumption
Forbidden for consumption

How to cook food to Achatins?

  • Achatins should not be given at once from the refrigerator, it must only be room temperature. If you decide to feed snails with soft vegetables or fruits, then they should be finely chop.
  • With solid products you will have to tinker. They need to be rubbed on a small grater or turned into mashed potatoes. It is better not to put soft products into a cage with small achatins, since they can suffocate in them if they fit inward.
  • Newborn Achatins should immediately receive finely chopped greens Thinly chopped carrots, and after a few days they can already be “pampering” with lettuce and apple leaves.
  • Sometimes it happens that Achatins ignore some varieties of apples or pears, while others eat with appetite. In this case, try their different types, and give them those that the snails will choose for themselves. And a very important point, teach Mollusks immediately to the food that you can feed them year -round.

How to feed Ahatin snails?

  • Adult snails are fed once a day, preferably in the evening. Young snails grow intensively, which means that their food should be constantly. As a feeder, you can use flat dishes Or replace it, for example, with leaves of salad or grapes.
  • The terrarium is a closed territory, so the food there quickly becomes unusable. Do not forget to throw it out in time so that it does not decompose and does not mix with the soil.
  • Decide on the sizes of portions yourself, because each snail has its own appetite. Notice how much food she eats per day, so much and give her the next feeding.
Summary table that is useful to save
Summary table that is useful to save

If you have become the happy owner of a giant African snail, remember that it is undemanding and omnivorous, and it does not require any too intricate care for it. But this pet will become a constant source of positive emotions and good mood for you.

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Video: Snail feeding - Rules and Tips

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